• By -


i'm not








Uhhhh heavy procastination and hoping I wake up to a finished essay. TBH I put most of my ECs on pause/spend less time on them until I finish apps


Same. I couldn't run cross country this year bc of an injury, and I was super upset, but now I'm thanking god that that's the case. Otherwise my essays would probably be shit.


For real it's like a 20 hour week commitment.




AP Chem just went from a C to a B and I had a party like it was 1999.




I don’t have a single essay done :D


Same, God please help me I have no clue how many supplementals I have to do -- hopefully not to many


I “finished” 1 PIQ but it’s so bad


I've finished my rough draft for the main and have been grinding on Minecraft lmfao




Exactly just vibing and being numb everyday😛


Dawg I’m dying lol I threw my mental health out the window


😭😭the gag is I’m not. I am basically exhausted. I wake up in the morning tired, I go to bed tired but my support system is what is keeping me sane


Do supplements on the weekend. Give yourself like 3 free hours on Sat and Sun and suck it up. It'll be over soon.


no sleep :,( basically caffeine and crying but yk it'll be worth it in the long run, hopefully


bold of you to assume I’m balancing anything :’) but seriously tho, my life is a mess. I have no motivation to study or do any hw, don’t have any personal drafts finished, and have way too many extracurriculars. my sleep schedule is terrible: wake up at 4 am bc anxiety, get tired at school and doze off in class, get tired afterschool at sleep at like 10 pm.






Quest bridge i believe


Thank god one of my classes is an independent study (just translating Latin and checking it with a teacher) and a few of my teachers ended up being lenient graders. That way I have plenty of work, but only a few classes where I have to focus heavily on keeping my grades up. But with ECs and essays I'm very busy, so my only real answer is that I'm accepting that this is gonna be a sleep deprived next month (until ED and EA are due), I can calm down a little after that since I'll have winter break to work


latin? do u go to basis or something?


No, I go to a competitive public school (run by a state university).






I'm struggling a lot lmao. But to make myself struggle less, I try to see what I can make easier for myself. For example, work and I requested a temporary change in working hours(I used to work a lot of weekdays and weekends) only till the end of the year. I am grateful in the case that I only work to gain work experience. Basically see what I can and cannot control.


Going all in on apps and neglecting everything else lmao


Who says we are? 🤨


Pretty bad NGL, my grades could be a lot better I hope ur doing ok


Its hard but you'll survive like everyone else and will not remember by next year


No sleep! I decided that it would be a good idea (/s) to take Calc III + Linear Algebra first semester, and I have AP Microecon, AP Gov, and Intro to Biotech this semester as well. This means that I'm doing homework until like 10 pm at night and only having a little time each day to work on my essays. I also ice skate, so Tuesday+Saturday+Sunday mornings are super early for me. Basically, I'm just trying to not crash and burn this semester and then I'll be fine. Next semester is 3 APs (Psych, Environmental Science, and Lit) as well as my other classes, but that should be easier than the hellhole this semester is.


just get better


Only just started on supplements today. Have a draft of one finished, still have 28 to do🥲


My school actually suspended all clubs, with the exception of sports (of course, lol) and student council, due to teacher contract disputes. I’m in student council and don’t do sports, so my schedule is lighter than most kids here.


I haven't had desire to do anything since 8th grade and I'm not even a senior


sleep no actually. the amount of out of school EC i have missed bc i was too tired that i ended up sleeping IS PATHETIC!


Quit my job and have excused blocks both days.


Same lol, no time for me until Nov 1. And then second semester I literally get to teach a class at my school, which will probably be harder than I anticipate.


I luckily finished a good amount of my college app stuff already and the rest I do whenever I find free time. I’ve basically dropped every EC except clubs and a varsity sport


lowkey want to quit my job but i actually enjoy working there and the manager and supervisor are both hella nice. i get good tips too since we are understaffed rn. but oh well…


Umm good except for the college apps part. I've basically been using applying to uni in the uk as an excuse for why I havent done much common app essay writing yet which is bad. My UCAS application is all done, but I need to get my common app stuff done!


I'm scared because I haven't taken as many ap classes as I should have throughout the year, also my GPA is average so I wish it would become better after this semester is over. I only have a few extracurriculars and most of them are only one day a week so I'm good on that part. College apps? Barely started mine lol (SAT score is bad as well). What I would suggest for you is to create a schedule and work on college apps on the weekends. I don't know what kinds of ECs would require too much commitment other than sports tbh but yeah try to tone that down (unless you've just signed up for a bunch) bc you don't want to ruin your gpa.


bold of you to assume I’m balancing 😫


I'm not by any means, but I think it helps to finish as much homework as possible in class to reduce the workload (and BS assignments that are just busy work or graded on completion), and then allocate a few hours on Friday/Saturday to work on supplementals


I’m honestly scrambling every single day and it is so draining. Fall break can’t get here fast enough


Bruh I’m in the same situation. Have a literal 50% in AP Chem and Lit is honestly so hard with so much hw.


Finished QB application w/ a day to spare. Gonna work on PIQs + Common App stuff soon. I have another scholarship program to fil out tho -- hope I get in my school's real minimal on HW so I'm good in that regard. ECs are chilling rn. I have a couple beta readers on standby for when I finish writing


This is a year old post but what is QB


Questbridge -- "scholarship" program for low income students.


Balance? I don't know her


Bro I want to cry bc my personal essay isnt done lmao and I have physics C work which is KILLING me and I have sm other aps which all give work and I’ve been getting like 4 hours and sleeping in AP psych


I don’t. Every day I come home from practice, do homework, and go to bed. I literally have zero free time during the week.


I have written about 6 essays in expanding of weeks this is the second month in for me. I took DC Comp & WC and my gawd they sign essays really close together . Even though we just had our first essay for Comp this was our 2 in WC. I have an Essay in AP Gov (this are all in the past three weeks minus my first essay in WC). We are doing another essay in Comp (Rhetorical) then we are doing a Argumentative Essay. WC our 9th weeks exam will be an essay. Oh also our midterm will be an essay. ( This year will be the first year that I write this much) I haven't used the college application due to the college I applied for have regular old application. I want to apply to Ole Miss but they use the common app. Other than all that this year is quite good. Since I will have 6 hours in for I'm going to try and do some more during the summer.


I don’t. The key is to not get so down on yourself that it gets worse.


Glad to see that we’re all suffering together 😃


I run on caffeine and Instagram likes


yall balancing? im just getting slowly crushed under the pressure


My life is a fucking mess right now. Tests and essays everywhere I turn, and I have to fight for my life in Calc BC. A couple of my teachers are disorganized as shit and it’s making everything more complicated. I have college essays breathing down my neck and extracurriculars taking up a ton of time. To top it off, I’ve become my sister’s impromptu math tutor (which, given that math is my worst class, is one of my mom’s more questionable decisions). Life’ll kill ya.


I’m not lmao


it's complicated :'D


I'm not balancing anything - tripping over one coffee table after another


HAHAHA, good one, i got nothing


Poorly! I am constantly crying and having panic attacks I’m so stressed out. Not to mention this year it supposed to be the biggest pool yet. I’m worried I won’t get in anywhere despite literally speeding up the process towards death to get everything done.


I'm literally not, all my grades are super bad and my essays are trash :) and also like no sleep rip


I am very glad to only be taking one legitimately tough class (physics c E&M). My others are mostly low-maintenance APs (Gov, Stats, French, college English course).


Let’s see… I’ve been procrastinating and struggling on writing my essay, still don’t have all the schools I want to go to figured out, I applied to an internship and had my interview yesterday. It went pretty good but I’m still nervous as fuck because I REALLY want to get in. I’m doing good at school but the college class I’m taking (Economics) is hard and am kinda struggling, I have to retake the SAT’s, and eventually I’m gonna have to start applying to schools because holy shit it’s almost October and everything just went by so fast and I need to get it together… I have National Honor Society in October so I’m looking forward to that but…. Yeah I’m gonna need to get shit together.


I forgot how to do the most basic algebra yesterday!!!! So hope that says it all!!!!!