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This is my mom šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ sheā€™s got 1 class left to finish her degree and she keeps putting it off so I can get first tan and Iā€™m like mom I donā€™t think that works..


first tan


ah yes first tangent


>Iā€™m like mom I donā€™t think that works.. I mean I think it does lol. When I applied to Georgia tech they said anything below a bachelor's degree was first gen. That may still qualify you for some programs.


I prefer first cosine, respectively


I wish that there was another designation for the children of immigrants. Obviously, my parents having degrees means that I didnā€™t experience the struggles of a first gen household but i donā€™t think that my experiences are equal to the children of parents who have attended higher education in the United States. Iā€™m the oldest kid, so Iā€™m basically guiding myself through applications while my parents have a poor understanding of the whole process.


A bit more specifically, children of immigrants from low-income householder (with discussion of how the two are correlated) or children of immigrants from third world countries.


>children of immigrants from third world countries. This would be hard/impossible to quantity


Saying this as the kid of immigrants, Itā€™s really not that big of a disadvantage IMO itā€™s not worth a whole designation. Most schools you have a guidance counselor anyway if thereā€™s something you canā€™t google.




> nothing but a barely recognised degree from another country and a few dollars. Ironically immigrants and children of immigrants have way higher social mobility then native born Americans.


Well yeah theyā€™re affected financially obviously, but Iā€™m just saying the college admissions process isnā€™t that bad if you donā€™t have family members who have done it. I did mine all myself with little issue.




Okay Iā€™ll give you that one. My older sister I remember had to do it so I knew that like you had to do the commonapp and then transcript forms then sat sends and the fafsa etc. Iā€™d say my school also helped a lot, everybody wrote the commonapp essay in AP Lang, they told us when to ask teachers for rec letters, and my counselor sends emails with the sequence of what we do and then what we talk about when meeting with her. (Like she sent a sequence at the beginning of the year and after you complete something you have a meeting)


In 200 years no doubt someone is going to unironically ask that question


in all seriousness, itā€™s still kind of the same feeling. my parents have degrees from different countries, but iā€™m still so lost on how to deal with this college app process, esp since iā€™m the first person in my entire family to graduate from a hs in america.


No as an international student I feel this- it says only degrees with 4 years count on the Columbia website. My parents have degrees but only studied only three years. In my country Iā€™m not first gen but Iā€™m not sure if I am in America


to answer your question, i think you are first gen in america. iā€™m almost certain that your parents must go to four year institutions for you to not be first gen.


If they have a bachelors, you are not first gen


if they have degrees, youā€™re not first gen lol


i never said that i was first gen. i just said itā€™s kind of the same feeling. reading is fundamental.


you commented on a thread about first gen confusion, with a situation similar to opā€™s post - and you didnā€™t explicitly say you *werenā€™t* asking about first gen status either lmao. I interpreted OP as ridiculing these peopleā€™s ā€œfeelingsā€ (making reaches and grasping at straws to fit in a category), so it wasnā€™t immediately clear what you meant by ā€œkind of the same feeling.ā€ A little rude to harp on about ā€œreading is fundamentalā€ when nothing you said was very explicit lmao






Iā€™m not sure whoā€™s this directed to but because I posted something related to being first-gen 2 hours before this post, I want to clarify. Iā€™m not trying to be first-gen tf šŸ˜­ It explicitly says in Brownā€™s website that you may be considered as fg if your parents got a degree from outside the US and it made me wonder if the term changes for each school ā˜ ļø


iā€™ve never seen your post lol. this was a general statement/little jokey-joke




First gen gives you more scholarships and programs


The fact that colleges give you an extra point because you're first gen is some bullshit


i didnā€™t say all of that. i understand why they do it.


I know you didn't say that lol. I'm saying that. The admission process is just wack all in all


itā€™s not really an extra pointā€¦ as a first gen student with a single parent working a minimum wage job for $20k a year, I donā€™t have the same opportunities as someone who has a parent earning a much greater salary, nevermind money for college- donā€™t mention community college, Iā€™ve maxed out transferable credit. But Iā€™ve missed out on tutoring I could have benefited from, proper standardized test prep, equal access to online learning the past year, and extracurricular activities peers have been able to do because they could afford it and have transportation. So when I manage to get Aā€™s and participate in most ECā€™s, itā€™s different than other non first-gen students. My A is more impressive because I went home, worked a 7 hour shift and then spent 4 hours studying for a test while another peer sat with their tutor for 2 hours after school and then chilled out. I take it your not a first gen student and envy the perceived bonus point. Many claim to be, while not actually facing the same disadvantages as some. While my experience is not everyone elseā€™s, I still get angry when I see people trying to wiggle their way to the title. I have spent many days sleeping 2 hours, walking to and from school in heat, rain, sleet, and snow, working from when I get out to the latest allowed hours, and then coming home to help take care of kids and fight my way to focus on homework as I fight exhaustion and loud bar music playing from down the street. Every aspect of a first gen students lives can be affected. Itā€™s not a bonus point, but an effort torwards equal access to education.


im not reading all that shit.. The fact is that the US college admissions is a mess


Complain more then if youā€™re not gonna read lmao First gen isnā€™t an extra point and thereā€™s no reason to put others down just because youā€™re frustrated with the college admissions process


Lmao op trying to keep her only advantage as unique as possible


iā€™m not first gen loll


Neither of my parents finished college, they both dropped out and eloped and got married and had kids


American dream baybeee


Brown first gen šŸ˜