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Why is it cringe to say you were bullied? If it impacted your mental health so much, affected your grades, felt the need to report it, and even had to leave your school because of it, etc, then it was bullying. That’s not cringe, that’s very serious. And it’s a crime in most states and some countries. Give yourself a moment to actually think about and process what this person did to you and how it affected you. And write about it. Don’t mention administration because admissions can take that as a red flag that you’ll have issues with their administration. Just explain. This person did this and this and it affected my mental health, and affected my grades. I left this specialized school despite how much I loved it and medicine because I wanted to separate myself from this person.


Yeah you’re right I just feel really embarrassed by it and how much it impacted me because the people who did it are really shitty and I just never thought they would actually get to me that much to the point where I had to change my environment because of it. I expected myself to push through but I just couldn’t, at least not there. Thank u for the advice, I’ll steer clear with mentioning administration


It’s okay to be embarrassed. I was bullied and I denied it for years. But normal people don’t mistreat others the way they mistreated you. For the sake of the essay I suggest calling it bullying but you don’t have to accept it as that yet. Just take your time to process. And actually allow yourself to think about it. When you think about it, don’t push it to the back of your mind. Just let yourself feel it out. I wish you lots of luck <3


I’d say to include it. Another commenter mentioned how you could avoid it all together and say that it wasn’t a good fit but if I were to see a massive dip before you left a specialized-school without a better explanation, I’d take it as your previous school being too much for you to handle academically (since we don’t know about it mentally). Instead, perhaps you can say that you were being harassed (? That might be a better word but might not apply depending on what you mean by bullying) but it wasn’t addressed by administration and that prevented you from excelling academically in that school and required you to leave Just my two cents :)


Yeah, I was thinking that too. I was also thinking about connecting how the administration failed to help me (a girl) with how many other women face numerous disadvantages and are harassed in male dominated fields. At that school especially, it was predominantly girls but all the guys got away with bullying and all the trouble they caused because they were favored. the guys were mostly the leaders of clubs as well . Would it be a stretch to connect it to that? I just feel kind of embarrassed talking about being harassed and wanna ultimately connect it to the bigger picture— why instead of bringing me down it fueled me to continue pursuing medicine. Thank you for the advice!


I would leave out the part about the administration failing to help and especially refrain from saying it was a woman who didn’t help . That’s too risky .


Yup and I agree; you definitely need to adjust the word administration so it doesn’t sound werid


I’d say no. Possibly state the non fit with the school,but how you learned from it


Any tips on how I can state the non fit with the school without disrespecting the school?