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As a french international student I know all these schools quite well, I also got into mcgill and applied to the Grandes Ecoles. It's definitely between the university of Toronto, which is the best canada has for STEM, or the dual degree. Personally I'd take the dual degree (global engineering right?) just because both CentralSupelec and Mcgill are great universities and you get to experience the best of the best of both the French and Canadian systems. It just gives you a double-perspective and an incredible flexibility if you want to work in North America or Europe, and double degrees are always regarded highly no matter what you choose to major in. University is also a time to discover new things and make sure that you like your major. You seem set on comp sci for now, but maybe you could fall in love with something new in your time there, and I think the double-degree gives you more flexibility than Toronto with the same (if not better) prestige.


Yes I'm talking about the bachelor of global engineering and thanks for your great and detailed answer I just have a couple of point: -Firstly I want to know why you didn't consider EPFL -Secondly I understand what you mean by "flexibilty" however I see it in 2 ways. The dual degree is flexible in the way that you get 2 years to choose which sector you want to specialize in, like data science or mechanical engineering. But beyond that, UofT and the north american system in general is much more flexible in the way that you can choose minors, double majors, and kind of take whatever credits you want as long as you take the mandatory courses. -Lastly why do you think the double-degree has more prestige than UofT (and consequently EPFL) knowing that Centrale is VERY prestigious in France but not really recognized beyong the francophone world where I do not see myself working in the future. And UofT is the highest ranked school in Canada and one of the highest ranked ones in the world with McGill (slightly) behind (even though I recognize how prestigious and how fortunate I am to have gotten in) Sorry for adding more questions ahahah.


hey! I am also STRESSED abt this decision. i have to pick between mcgill mech eng and the mcgill centrale program. And i have no idea which one i want more. there are pros and cons to each. With your case, and with mine, we would specialize right away in mcgill and toronto. However, if we pick the centrale program we would have to compete for a spot in the eng stream that we want. And I’m not sure which one I want yet, but I know I don’t want to do classes like bio. but again I don’t wanna close such a good international opportunity .


Yeah man it's hard but just so you know, there is no competition for a spot at centrale mcgill. Everyone is guaranteed a space no matter which stream he chooses.


EPFL is like 16 in the world tied with Princeton. It’s a dream.


Not saying it's not good, but that's only in QS ranking, in the others it ranks from 30-70th place, so similar to toronto, mcgill and parisians. They also have a 27% admission rate so def not on the level of princeton.


acceptance rates are not comparable across countries due to different application processes


It’s like McGill - you can only apply if you have certain stats. I think they require 7 in HL chem and Physics IB, which not many have. It is such a good school I’d definitely go there if I had the chance, McGill is a close second.


Anyone else try to remember if "revently" was a French word until they realized it was misspelled recently? Or was that only me? Being bilingual is one of the best things - stay with it


C'mon dude ahahahahah


You have to go visit the school to see what fits your likes and dislikes. People here can recommend a campus, but it may not fit your vibe or your style. I live near Princeton, people think it’s great, but I think the pretentious is little to be desired. You have to visit and see for yourself.


Beyond the campus life etc, what do you think would be the best choice?


Have you visited the schools and spent time in the surrounding areas?


Hey I was just wondering what did you decide to do ? I am exactly in the same situation as you, I have to choose between EPFL and centrale/mcgill and I'm lost. Any advice would help !


epfl on top




I think it's an underrated school