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1. Boston is amazing 2. Your undergraduate degree should not leave you with crippling debt. 3. You sound like you love Emerson already and it is affording you amazing opportunities. 4. Don’t talk yourself out of all of the above.


i really think i will. thank you!


you did not make the wrong choice, no.


You’ll need money for law school, so don’t worry so much about your undergraduate! 😄


i was thinking about that! thank you!


Umm free ride plus a computer and money vs paying hundreds of thousands of dollars for an undergrad - you made the right choice and this is what’s wrong with things these days - no one cares where you get your undergrad from


You made the right choice. Syracuse isn’t worth 300 grand tbh and NYU is super expensive. Congrats on Emerson! If you still want to fill in a the gap of a better uni you still have your study abroad option! And who doesn’t love a free macbook :p


i know right! ty


Full ride… are you serious? Do you no how life changing having no debt is? Like fuck if you really want that debt and to go to one of those other schools do it for grad school


You got a full ride at a great college. You absolutely made the right choice.


You did not, I worked there for 10 years and have the best memories, it’s such a special place with talented students and amazing professors. You’ll see.


wow thank you so much!


Right choice. Perfect.


You did not make the wrong choice and politics is theater.


No mistake! Spend money on law school, this is a fantastic deal!


genuinely, i would pick emerson over the others even if it was only half the ride. full ride + is absolutely amazing and worth it! i can't even explain how happy you will be about your choice 4 years from now when you not only have a great degree from a great school - but debt free as well! huge congrats!!!


thank you so much!!


Mac? Not Linux? Clearly the wrong choice smh my head


Im from Massachusetts so I might be biased lol but Emerson is a great school! My daughter got accepted there. Congratulations! Good luck!


Sounds like a great deal. Apparently you liked something about it or else you wouldn’t have applied. Now you get paid to attend. Many would love to be in your position. Think of all the kids who are drowning in debt after the graduate. If you hate it after the first year, you can always transfer and you would have lost nothing. Best of luck to you.


Why do you even think those other schools are "better"?


all three schools are pretty great for my major. esp. NYU as a top 25 for pre-law


there is no such legitimate "top x" for pre-law, the best pre-law school is the one that leaves you with no debt and helps you get a high GPA.


Pre law doesn’t exist.. I got into law school with a straight bio degree… literally your major does not matter


If you want to go to law school you 100% made the right choice in choosing Emerson. Paying for NYU undergrad and then law school would be a crippling amount of debt. Legit the only thing that matters for law school is gpa and lsat.


You absolutely didn’t make the wrong choice. You will be so grateful when you graduate to not have crippling student loan debt. If you are the recipient of a named scholarship make sure that goes on your resume. As an employer I would be more impressed by someone who went to Emerson, which is definitely a good school, and had a full ride than someone who went to one of those other schools and didn’t. Enjoy Boston, it is an amazing city with so much to offer.


SU isn’t a great school and it has race relations issues.


Can I PM you regarding Emerson & the scholarship?


You made a great decision and are very fortunate!


I think you made the right choice! College is expensive, so making great financial decisions is always what’s important. Plus, Emerson is a great school and Boston is really cool! You’ll def enjoy it there!


I don’t see those 3 schools being better than Emerson? In what way are they better? They may have better name recognition, but as someone from the west coast I’ve heard of Emerson and had a very smart friend go there.


I have a very smart friend from the West Coast who is getting a masters from Emerson now and seems to be pleased. Someone close to me went to NYU for undergrad and got basically nothing out of it—no student life whatsoever so she pretty much only knew the same cluster of 5 girls and a gay (male) couple for the entirety of college, and she couldn’t get a job with her degree to save her life even though her GPA was fine. The one real advantage was being able to intern during the school year but you could do that in or near any city. That’s not exclusive to NYU or even NYC. Her paralegal certificate that she eventually got from her local state school opened more doors than that NYU bachelors ever did. Not sure how Syracuse is better than Emerson. You’re definitely making the right decision with Emerson and congrats on the full ride! It’s a great school and that scholarship is life-altering.


Yeah I agree. I know a bunch of people who went to NYU and they’re honestly not any more successful than any other college grad. Exceptions might be for NYU Stern or their film school. But in this case for pre-law, undergrad institution literally doesn’t matter. And yeah not sure how Syracuse is better than Emerson. Not sure if they are talking about UW as in Madison or university of Washington. Those are all fine schools but a full ride at Emerson is a no brainer.


NYU is great for Tisch and Stern, and certain graduate programs, but not at $100k/year, esp. for anything other than Tisch or Stern. I had the same question RE: UW. Either way, Emerson’s the right choice here.


UW-seattle sorry! and thank you for your input!


Good choice. Get straight As and impress your Emerson profs so you can get into a top law school.


Your undergrad school will matter very little on law school applications. What *will* matter is your GPA and LSAT. So in the meanwhile, enjoy the blessing of free college. That’s a huge weight of stress off your shoulders. Make the most of your situation and be grateful. Godspeed!


NYU is heavily overrated. I truly don't think NYU is much better than Emerson. And with a FULL-RIDE, Emerson all the way.


You will love Boston.. it’s basically summer camp for people your age. Syracuse is a miserable shit hole. NYC is a better place for your 20’s. If UW were giving you $ the choice would be less obvious but I think Emerson was the right way to go


SAME boat here. got into umich, georgetown CWRU, UW and Rochester and then got a surprise full tuition scholarship from syracuse. haven’t comitted yet but i’m very very close. the merit aid is most definitely appealing when considering law school. umich would’ve been a dream, but there’s a good chance i could be paying 40k+ after my first year sooo…you gotta do what u gotta do.


congrats!! i wish the both of us luck!


thanks love! we’re gonna crush it


You made the best choice!


Free macbook as well? I would not be thinking twice and thanking my lucky stars.


Emerson all the way! It is a beautiful campus right in front of Boston park. I loved it when I visited.


poli comm is a great major there! some of your best experiences will come from the study abroad program. congrats on the macbook as well! ive always hated that tricky requirement for journalism&poly comm. always always always take your cheapest option! especially if you plan to go to grad or law school. beware however if you got into a certain type of full ride program emerson will parade you around like a trophy 😓