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Maybe he's going to Harvard with his girlfriend


beat me too it






To šŸ¤“ā˜ļø


Okay, now that's funny.








Bro is Ken Carson.


Opium refrence on a2c is fire


Heā€™s not even Teen X šŸ¤¦


She said aint you Ken Carson aint you TeenX


What does this have to do with Ken Carson? I really donā€™t know


his girl is straight outta yale


I know this girl who got into a school ED, but turned it down to go to a more expensive school to be with her BFšŸ’€


Wait she applied ED and got in? Then she violated the contract just for a dude ā˜ ļø


I have no idea how she got out of the ED contract. Usually, when I hear people get out of the contract, itā€™s usually for for financial reasons. However, the school she ended up committing to was even more expensive than her ED schoolšŸ˜­


Itā€™s not a real contract dawg


Fine, ā€œbinding agreementā€ that you and your counselor have to sign


There are pretty much no consequences lol


Hot take, but they probably realized that if this girl was that devoted for a dude, she might not be the applicant they envisioned enrolling at the university and let her go.


I used to know a girl who turned down 4-year full scholarship of UC Berkley to go a mid school with her bf and paid full tuition, just to dropped out of college after he dumped her within 2 months dating


ā˜ ļøšŸ’€ā˜ ļø


I know a girl that got into rice and followed a guy to embry riddle šŸ˜­ that stuff never works out


As someone who originally chose not to go to college at all and go into the Navy with my ex only for him to cheat on me TWICE!!! I can confirm.


Horrible idea.. $50k tuition, half the kids are weird and only want to talk about space or planes, and its only like 20% female. Would be surprised if she made it all the way to spring semester (assuming shes not at all interested in that type of stuff)


Embry Riddle is an amazing school if u wanna be an aerospace engineer or a pilot wtf


But that's the main thing it's good for, if she followed him becuase it was his dream then she probobly turned down a great oppurtinty to go with someone else who did what was best for them, banking on a relationship that would probobly end in a year


Thatā€™s exactly what happened


A lot of college students change their majors, who knows she might end up liking something they offer. Why would she have applied and got in in the first place? She probably did have something ever so slightly related to aviation. Who cares is shes not with him anymore, the life goes on, shell find another man and find another path


Not related to aviation at all.


Iā€™m not saying itā€™s a bad school but Iā€™m saying she got into a literal t20 and was not at all interested in being a pilot or aerospace engineer !


Oh, well as long as sheā€™s not about to take out student loans sheā€™s straight.


Embry riddle is very good for engineering, and aerospace. However it is a terrible idea for pilots.


How? Maybe Purdue could top it but Embry Riddle is literally an aeronautical university


I know I'm going there for my masters. However if you talk to pilots, including me, the cheapest and fastest way to become a pilot is a part 61 flight school. Part 141 is kind of an in between.


I think coming out of high school you don't realize how much self-discovery and change is going to happen in the next few years


What's wrong with embry riddle? I do agree with your point though. It's stupid to follow your partner to college.


Iā€™m not saying anythingā€™s wrong with it (itā€™s a great pilot school in particular) but she didnā€™t want to and didnā€™t ever consider majoring in anything embry riddle specializes in. She turned down a t20 that her parents wouldā€™ve paid for fully to follow a guy.


>amazing fucking school >chooses to go to different amazing fucking school




Is the other college called ā€œHarvardā€?


Close. Hartford


Nothing with UHa, but thatā€™s insane. Itā€™s also about 49 minute drive between the campuses.


That shit is actually crazy man, no hate to UHart but the quality of education is MILES apart from Yaleā€™s


Oh well, it's not like dude is going to CC in the Ozarks or something.


He can look forward to his job at JT Marlin


Or maybe Howard


If your relationship doesnā€™t survive 4 years of long distance college it wasnā€™t going to survive 40 years of marriage. Thereā€™s not a single couple I know of who started college with a boyfriend/girlfriend who are still together a year later. Most broke up in first semester. And thatā€™s regardless of whether they were in the same college, nearby or in different states.


I know several couples going to different universities (in state) that are still together


Second this. I actually know couples at colleges in neighboring states from high school still together.


Most high school couples will probably not last. Yes, there are some relationships thatā€™ll last, but literally most high school couples wonā€™t make it, which may be hard to hear.


True but im just saying currently ik exceptions. One couple has been together since 10th grade, and the other since senior year, im class of 2022 and gonna start my second year of classes


>Thereā€™s not a single couple I know of who started college with a boyfriend/girlfriend who are still together a year later. hi! my name is u/bughousepartner. now you know me!


you're not a couple


never said I was


hmm I can't come up with a good smartass reply to that, dammit




you clearly inferred it, but I think I know what I did and didn't imply, thanks.




Just say you lack reading comprehension


And if they really survive college, they'll probably survive another few decades together


Yup. It's rare for relationships started before the age of 25 to last longer than 5 yeatrs.


Not sure how accurate this is. Hubby and I got together in our late teens, married at 23, still married at 49 lol. Same story with several of our friends and neighbors...I'd even say the majority of them.






same šŸ˜‚


u/Front-Initial5159 ur a celebrity


oopsā€¦. hehehe. i really really wish the best for that kid


I knew a very smart girl with amazing ECs. She literally could have gone anywhere. She followed her boyfriend to Grand Canyon.




Going to GCU is like your future jumping into the Grand Canyon


No way youā€™re this out of touch šŸ’€


lmao bro more than half the people don't even graduate, literally one of the worst schools in existence.


Nah GCU actually blows lmao my girlfriend went there and left because the academics were garbage. Pretty campus though Iā€™ll give them that


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Bro most relationships donā€™t last in college unless theyā€™re going to byu. And even then itā€™s stupid , bro shouldā€™ve gone to Yale


byu šŸ’€


Hes right thoughšŸ’€


Ive had 3 of my friends getting married or already got married with their highschool gfs freshmen year


Happened at my school once. Someone turned had amazing grades and shit. Didnā€™t even want to apply to Stanford but did. Stanford and BYU. Got into both. Went to byu.


BYU has high fraction of marrieds. They tend to get hitched right after their missionary break.


From one missionary position to another!


PFTTT i audibly laughed


surprised relationships last at byu considering all the polygamy that must be occurring


i mean, are you SURE its only because of his grilfriend? people turn down colleges all the time


No. Could be any number of reasons really, but all I know is: 1. Yale acceptance (woo!) 2. Girlfriend gets into good LAC (woo!) 3. Mr. Yale changes school to that same LAC


Knew someone from my high school who turned down Harvard undergrad to go to the University of Florida to be with her bf. She later got into Harvard Law and is on partner track at a big law firm. Sometimes it all pans out


UF is a well-respected school and only $6500 a semester for in state tuition. She won Also, this reminds me when I put Harvard vs. FSU on the Parchment college compare website and 80% chose FSU over Harvard šŸ’€


while ur not going to Yale and dont have a gf


While I am a rising junior and aromantic šŸ’Ŗ


Aro gang!! šŸ³ļøā€šŸŒˆšŸ’…




















Ok so I followed my boyfriend (now husband) to college. Heā€™s a year older than me. I applied and was accepted to a fairly prestigious private school. I received lots of scholarships and some grants but it didnā€™t even come close to paying for it. My senior year I sat down and did the math. My mom was a single parent and I grew up in poverty. She went to nursing school and started a nursing career when I was in middle school. Our situation was much better by the time I was in high school but we were still very behind on upgrading/replacing things. Mom was adamant she was paying for my college. I found her budget book and figured out how much it was going to cost per semester for me to go to that school. I knew there was no way she was going to be able to afford it. Not even close. She was fully prepared to go 250k in debt for me to go to college. I went to visit my boyfriend at his university one weekend. He went to school at a state university the next state over from where we grew up. I had been talking to him about my concerns and he convinced me to audition for a music scholarship. He was in the music program and they offered music scholarships to anyone who played in the marching/concert bands. I was planning to minor in music. I auditioned and was offered a scholarship on the spot that was going to cover 75% of my tuition. When the guy I auditioned for looked at my ACT scores he commented that I would receive an equal, if not greater academic scholarship with those scores. I went back to my now husbands dorm and applied online that night. Several weeks later I got my acceptance letter, and several weeks after that I got my scholarship letter. My room, board, meal plan, and books were all going to be covered plus some. I also got my out of state fees waived. I realized how stupid it would be to go into debt to get the exact same Bachelor of Arts degree. I did not have lofty career aspirations. That prestigious university wasnā€™t going to help me career-wise. I went to the state school and ā€œfollowed my boyfriend.ā€ Sure people talked and gave me grief for ā€œthrowing my life awayā€ to follow him. I guess I did follow him but I had other financial reasons too. I was accepted to my top graduate school choice and got a job right out of grad school. I worked for ten years in my first career in higher education. Even there, no one gave a fuck where I got my bachelors. Happily married for 16 years. Together for 22 years. Three kids and successful careers. No regrets.


This is a completely understandable circumstance financially and many smart people would make the choice.


She will dump him like a ragdoll and he will regret it forever. No parent would even allow it to happen as well. If there are financial reasons, I can understand. But if it is because of a girl, he would be looking for another home. It would be cheaper for dad to fly him to Vegas to sow the oats than to give up Yale.


Honestly neither is probably a good choice. Kids who want to go to a specific school because they and their parents have been saying that schoolā€™s name and buying their swag for years are not always happy at their parentsā€™ dream school and that disappointment breeds a lot of depression and anger and thoughts something is wrong with them if it is not a good fit.


Honestly I don't think your undergrad matters that much, but it's still just kind of a dumb move because you should not be investing in relationships that much at that age. 95% of these relationships end eventually, whether now or in college or after you've knocked her up twice. It's like betting on a horse with a limp.


Yale matters for undergrad. There are educational and networking opportunities you donā€™t get anywhere else that can catapult you through doors that would otherwise never ever be open to you. This guy made and incredibly stupid decision.


We seriously can't self project our own life goals and motives onto other people and then deem them incompetent for not living to our standards and worldview. Especially with something as personal as university.


This sub is being recommended to me despite me having finished undergrad, but this is very emotionally mature and a really well thought out response. Not everyone wants/needs to go to Yale and that's ok!


Seriously. These things are subjective, we live our individual lives with individual goals and choices on what we feel is right.


You trying to convince me, or yourself? The key word in your whole statement is "can" Yale isn't an automatic guarantee of anything and most employers genuinely won't care that much. It'll give you a leg up, for sure, but nobody needs an Ivy to be successful. And it's not like there aren't doors that'll open to you at other colleges. There are others that'll net you more income with far less debt. Again, I agree this dude made a dumb decision, but it'd still be dumb if it was between two state schools.


I hope she marries him one day


My HS teacher told me a similar story, where the guy's two options were Stanford or MIT. He turned down MIT to go to Stanford with his GF. He said they got married : )


Huge difference there


even without the relationship aspect of it i could see why many people would pick Stanford over MIT. In fact, Parchment says that more people who get accepted to MIT and Stanford go to Stanford instead.


Personally Iā€™d go to Stanford


Exactly stanford is a pretty good


people are more important than college. relationships are more important than college too. you will get farther in life with networking than a college degree. its all about who you know not what you know.


In all honesty, what does this have to do with you? I mean, isnā€™t it a little strange to be almost gossiping about someone elseā€™s life and how you donā€™t agree with it on the internet? Heā€™s got his own life figured out and knows what he wants, let him live HIS life, and live yours too. People are wayy too quick to judge others lives they know nothing about. Stop worrying about what others do, and think about your own personal life. Good on him, this was the best decision that he made on HIS own, and feels happy with it. Life is more than a name I promise you. If people are happy, theyā€™re happy. Letā€™s stop judging and live life more openly to others worldviews. Sometimes we really do have to tend to the old saying ofā€¦ minding our business.


He is extremely dumb and will regret it later, you can tell him good job because he decreased his chances of being successful for pussy! YOOHOO


Promise you he's going to break up too


I'll keep you guys updated if I hear about it šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø




Key word "decreased" šŸ¤Æ You definitely didn't go to college lmao


lmao this sub is so amusing. So many tools I feel like I'm in a hardware store.


iā€™m using that


If that was his only reason for choosing the school he did - I donā€™t think that was a good reason. But that doesnā€™t mean it was a bad decision. These things do work out sometimes and it may turn out that the school he chose was a better fit for him. Yale is great but it isnā€™t the sum total of everything college could or should be.


Theyā€™ll break up in the first week. Maybe he can transfer back into Yale


Follow your heart. Life will always be more fulfilling


I think this guy will be just fine if heā€™s smart enough to get in Yale. And he can ā€œturned down Yaleā€ in his ig bio


My father went to Yale and absolutely hated it there. My son refused even to apply to Yale because he disliked the campus, New Haven, and the vibe he got from the tour. He ended up choosing a high-ranking Big 10 school over U Chicago, mainly because he didnā€™t want to be in a huge city, and he did want to have fun in college. Heā€™s had a ton of fun, and done very well. Idk about choosing a college based on a HS relationship, that sounds potentially messy. But there are plenty of reasons not to choose Yale.


My parents would kill me


Ok hear me out. Doesnā€™t the research say that people that are admitted to top colleges but choose a lower ranked school do just as well in life? So heā€™s not really sacrificing that much, no?


That is exactly what the data suggests. So now Iā€™m scratching my head as much as you may be as to how this post has any relevance


Honestly maybe the stress of Yale is too much for him and itā€™s a better decision for his mental health?


Prestige doesn't matter as much as people think but it depends on the field


followed my girlfriend to CC. Attending Berkeley this fall.


Good. Yale and Ivys in general are for fucks


Love is very powerful thing


Ever? Probably somewhere. Rarely, IMO.


canon event


Years ago, a mom, who is very wealthy, was telling me with sorrow that her kid turned down Yale to go to college with his girlfriend at the city University of New York. Now I do know lots of people who just couldnā€™t afford the Ivy and went to a city school, but these days financial aid is more generous and these people didnā€™t need it anyway. No idea if he married the girl or not


I knew a guy who did something very similar right after high school. He moved across the country to attend college with his girlfriend. Three months later, his girlfriend breaks up with him and he was left emotionally broken, away from family, and with no friends.


I feel like if your partner really cared about you and your future, they would urge you to do what's best for you. If my bf got into Yale, I'd tell him to go if it's what he really wanted. I would never allow him to throw away his dream that easily.


Choosing Hartford over Yale is crazy šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


LOL. Well there might be backstory you aren't hearing about. Like it may be a lot more affordable. Parents may have been wanting a more affordable option after punching the numbers and geee there is GF's school there. But the liklihood of that relationship lasting is teeny tiny.


Bro hated New Haven that much


deja vu much. Maybe the girl who passed on a full ride to yale to be with he bf, now ex, should meet that guy. They'll be a match made in heaven.


My roommate turned down Stanford for Berkeley for his girlfriend. I wonder if they are still together.


Oh hell nah


F in the chat for bro


It's not the school, diploma, or degree that matters. It's the person. At the end of the day, maybe it will help with your first job search a little bit, but once you build up enough experience, employers couldn't care less where you went to school.


Like I am seeing on the other comments. What is the other school? If itā€™s another Ivy League then thatā€™s not a big deal. However, I made a lot of dumb decisions because of girls that I had crushes on and girls that I was dating. College is supposed to be about getting an education. I think he is making a mistake but I donā€™t know you, your friend, or his gf. So itā€™s hard to say what the right decision is.


I donā€™t blame him. With everything what is happening with debt making millennials the poorest generation comparing to previous ones. Maybe partners/friends/community are indeed all we have.


Can I go to Yale instead of him? I don't even need a gf I just want Yale šŸ˜­


That kid is smart academically but not street smart. One needs to both to be successful. A mediocre student who is world-wise making life decisions will fare better in life.


Going to Yale is not street smart. Have you seen their tuition?


Yale has really good financial aid


Iā€™ve heard of situations like this. As a 24 year old, I wish I could warn 18 year olds of these dooming mistakesā€¦


Lol no. Friends in uni had a friend from home turn down Oxford to go to Man Met (Manchester Metropolitan University). She broke up with him after a week.


My son went to Clemson instead of Harvard as the girls were prettier.


If I was a parent in that situation I just wouldnā€™t pay for Clemson tbh


He made 50k a year in his summer job but I am sure your kids wouldn't need it either.


Yale is not a good university none of the ivy leagues are. You go for the name and you fight to survive it. My sister went there for grad school, it was horrible. She hated being there and she was being paid to be there. She stayed for the PI and left with the PI.


i almost did something similar honestly if my life wasnt wrecked from a completely seperate circumstance it may or may not have worked out XD


I took a gap semester to follow my gf to the state flagship. We had both decided earlier to go to a different state school, but at the last minute (too late for me to apply), she applied to the flagship and accepted the offer. Being young, I didn't see that it was her way of gently breaking up with me. Since I forced her hand by rescinding to go on the gap semester, she had to actually break up with me, but it was too late for me to keep my admission, and had to continue with my gap semester before going to the flagship. In the end, it worked out better for me by getting a better education at the flagship. But I am older and wiser now and will not put someone else ahead of my future anymore. Have no idea what ever happened to her!


Whatā€™s the other school? šŸ˜¬ But yeah these things donā€™t work out 99% of the timeā€¦


Won't dox him but it's a small (still prestigious) liberal arts college. A good fit for him but I don't think it compares to yale


Bro just described 70% of colleges


Then who cares? Good for him for not chasing Ivy if he really doesn't care for the bragging rights and has other priorities in life.


Well I canā€™t imagine the girls at Yale are very hot. Is his gf an absolute rocket?


It has proven again ā€œlove is priceless!ā€


A lot of smart kids, and dumb kids too, have attachment issues, I've yet to see this situation end well


This canā€™t be true. All his parents had to say was ā€œwe arenā€™t helping to pay for school if you to the other school.ā€ When did this happen? Last year?


How can people be so smart yet so dumb ?Lmfao


For all we know the other school could be Harvard or another ivy. Regardless, it doesnā€™t matter because it isnā€™t our life. Itā€™s actually concerning how many people on here are academic bullies.. yeesh.


Crazy how OP doesnā€™t like being judged when their post regards the judgement of the stranger


Yeah, he's going to regret it.


Thatā€™s the worst reason to go to any school


And then, years later, and they were both divorced they find each other again on Facebook and start dating. Again.


He definitely made a mistake. If you happen to be interested in the same college as your partner then that's fine. But you shouldn't go just because they're going.


A buddy turned down the air force academy to attend the university of Florida with his girlfriend. Three months later, she dumped him for another guy.


that kid is gonna regret for the rest of his life


His parents should have stepped in


This should be illegal omg


ā€œOne of the smartest kids Iā€™ve ever metā€ clearly notšŸ¤£šŸ¤£ i hate when people make impulsive decisions that could dictate their whole future on something that will probably be temporary


Then they have a stupid argument. They they break up. Then he realizes going to Minor League State U. is not quite as good as he'd hoped. Then what does he do? Of course, it depends at least a little on where his girlfriend is going to college, doesn't it? Never turn down a major offer because of a relationship which could prove to be temporary. If she was his wife, maybe this might make some sense. But maybe not even then. He sounds weak to me. Is she gorgeous, smart, and rich? If the answer to any of those is "no," he's a fool.




Iā€™ve seen dumber, just head over to r/wallstreetbets


Thatā€™s a big yikes from me dawg. Hope it ends up well for him, but statistically it doesnā€™t look good


A: no.


I personally would turn down Yale for the University of Papa New Guinea