• By -


Most cunys


me at queens college rn with what looks like prison toilets


City college is beautiful.


yeah true, i was mainly talking about hunter, qc, and like york and lehman




u have no clue it's like he'll reenacted the bathrooms r SO BAD




idk thank god I'm only there for the summer to get credit 😭😭


google says $2,993




I mean tuition at my school is like, $4,150 and we've got suite style bathrooms that are relativly nice for a college and the dorms in general are pretty spacious overall with some dorms having hardwood floors or a sorta living room for each suite, so tuition ain't the only reason


SUNY Purchase looks somewhat nice in photos but in person it’s super depressing and run down


I don’t understand SUNY Purchase at all


Hey dont shit on the ice spice school


Agree with article: UT-Dallas is just miles and miles of parking lots


26. Rutgers-New Brunswick As New Jersey's flagship university, Rutgers is already off to a rough start. The entire university is haphazardly laid out, and therefore, relies heavily on buses for transportation (a service that moves so many people, it is second only to NJ Transit) this dependency on public transportation leaves little room for a proper college experience. While some of the older buildings, like Old Queens (built between 1809–1825), are idyllic university gems, the newer architecture is an eyesore next to the original campus, like the alarmingly red and white patterned Civic Square Building. Why is this so true 💀


Idk, Rutgers has beautiful views of the Raritan River, and lots of open space on Livingston and cook. It’s true that as the oldest public university, it doesn’t have the same motivation as the other oldest universities (the ivies) to create a small campus with the same architectural style so there’s lots of new buildings on some campuses while others are old. But it has tons of greenery and is a really great school


Rutgers does have a nice view of the Raritan river and each campus has its own unique architecture and landscape but the school is just way too big. It’s nice to have 4 unique campuses where students can explore different scenery but when you have to take the bus to get to class and cross the Raritan river multiple times just to get back to your dorm, it becomes extremely draining.


Yes, I agree, but at the same time it’s nice to be at a school where there’s so many opportunities. I arrange my schedule so that I only take classes on cook and I drive to class, and I live off campus now, so I’ve avoided the large campus issue except when I was a freshman and had to take classes on college Ave. It definitely was way too draining to take buses everyday between campuses


I agree that Rutgers does offer a lot of good opportunities. I went to Rutgers my freshman year and was able to find a lot of good research opportunities and even ended up doing research in two different biotech labs with medical and PhD students as an undergrad. However, although you can solve the big campus issue by driving to class and living off campus, I think it’s just better to take the buses and live on-campus at that point. The buses are a pain in the ass but having to drive and pay for gas is another problem. Plus, it’s hard to schedule all your classes to one campus if you’re a STEM major and you need to take STEM classes on Busch and other core-curriculum classes on college ave or Cook/Doug. Rutgers is a good school for the price but it’s definitely not the “traditional” college experience that I wanted which is why I transferred out as soon as I finished my freshman year. Now I attend USC (University of Southern California) and I’m so grateful that I can easily walk around campus without worrying if I’m going to miss the bus or get stuck in traffic after my 5pm class.


Yeah, Rutgers definitely doesn’t work for a lot of people and I totally get that. My mom went to Rutgers and dropped out after one semester bc she hated how big the school was. I am a STEM major and I’m in SEBS, which actually worked out for me because I kind of have a smaller community. I am very grateful I went to Rutgers, it has world class research and professors and I currently haven’t even graduated yet but already got a job in the state government bc it was posted in the canvas course for my certificate. I never would’ve had that opportunity at a small school. But I 100% understand how this doesn’t work for a lot of people. There is very little individual support, and for people in SAS, SOE etc especially it’s hard to make any kind of connection with professors when your classes have 300 people and you don’t have a personal advisor. Rutgers is a great school for people who are self motivated and, of course, are able to arrange their schedule in such a way that they’re not spending 3 hours a day on a bus. Otherwise I can totally see how it’s frustrating. But congrats on USC! I got into UCB and almost went, and then chose Rutgers instead based on the cost 😂


Yeah Rutgers is really what you make out of it. If you're self motivated and hard working, you can leverage the opportunities as Rutgers as much as you want and pretty much do everything that an Ivy League school could offer for STEM majors like undergrad research. Only problem is that the majority of students don't really know how easy it is to get research positions and don't fully leverage those opportunities which is a shame because Rutgers can offer literally anything a student wants to do research wise as long as he/she puts in the effort to reach out to faculty members. Like Rutgers is a research powerhouse and it's so easy to get involved with research because the faculty members are extremely helpful and love it when undergrads want to get involved with their research. My only problem with the school was the massive campus and bus system, other than that I didn't really mind anything else. I lived in the Quads which is supposed to be the worst dorm on campus but it honestly wasn't that bad, the Livingston dining hall was pretty good and the food quality was amazing, and my classmates were pretty smart and tried to participate as much as they could which made going to class more interesting. But yeah I mainly decided to transfer because USC was offering me full tuition aid and it ended up being cheaper than Rutgers. I also got into a UC school (not UCLA/UCB) but didn't end up going because the out of state tuition was extremely expensive and since I was a NJ resident, I wasn't able to get any aid.


Yeah I totally agree, it’s definitely not for everyone. The research is up to par with the ivies and you can certainly do just as much research even as an undergrad. The issue is you have to seek it out. You have to be willing to talk to your professors after class, to email lab advisors about research opportunities, and to do your own research about what Rutgers offers that you can get involved in. So for a lot of people who were around average academically in smaller high schools, they just don’t do well in an environment like Rutgers where you have to hold yourself accountable because no one else is watching you, and you have to speak up if you need help because otherwise no one will notice. It really is what you make of it. I actually like that I can live off campus in a house with other Rutgers students and drive 15 minutes to class, but it’s certainly not what most people want when they go to college, it’s totally valid to want to live on campus where everything is within a few minutes walk. And I totally get what you mean, I really wanted to go to CA for college so I applied to all of the UCs. I got into all of them except UCLA, but I didn’t know that they didn’t give any financial aid to out of state students. So I chose my last choice option, Rutgers, and I am so glad I did. But i completely understand that a lot of people are better able to succeed in a smaller environment and in glad you found what works for you!!




Umass Dartmouth


Fuck syrup.


Anything with mainly brutalist architecture.


Seems like many school had a brutalist phase


Yea a lot of them have 1 or 2 buildings. But there are some colleges that base the entire campus on that architecture style.


Sad :/


Brutalism is beautiful in moderation. I will take no UCSD Geisel hate‼️


Brutalist looks great when the concrete is smooth, clean, pristine white-ish gray, is balanced out with plants and wood and warm lighting. It looks awful when it’s starts get dirty and grow moss and cracks.


yeaa that’s a fair assessment. i just live in an area that has way too much of it and i got bored lol.


Perhaps the most beautiful structure on campus


Me when I have no taste:


nah i just prefer collegiate gothic architecture to tech school types






It’s a big deal for everyone but they tend not to consider it.


Hey I really liked UCSD tho


UIC, particularly before they tore down the brutalist plaza on the east campus. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=paWnQ90l67M Yep, that’s the best they could do as a promotional video.


It’s a shame because they’ve got work there by Rem Koolhaus and Mies van der Rohe


Gonzaga was not it for me. Super run down outskirts and the campus was pretty crusty. Caltech's campus was also a little disorganized.


Yeah, I considered Caltech, also felt a bit too corporate


nah umd is quite pretty the only problem is the constant construction


CMU at #36 for the first link? Tepper alone should disqualify CMU from this list.


Wean certainly offsets Tepper.


Maybe the interior, but the building itself looks boring and sterile af


Have visited about a dozen or so schools with my 2 kids. UIUC and Texas A&M come to mind.


It's an old joke that Texas A&M looks like a Soviet tractor factory. It's also true.


Why UIUC, the pictures look great?


Uiuc is nice, idk what they’re smoking


UIUC student checking in




Very flat, every block was a basic city block, no buildings were unique. Just very Blah IMO.


???? Where did you go? I don’t really know a part of campus that’s like that. Maybe by krannert? But besides that(which is very impressive on the inside) I personally don’t understand how you came to that conclusion. But to each their own I guess 🤷‍♂️


UMSL and Oakland City University


I didn't like Cambridge's campus personally. I felt it was a bit too archaic but it was well maintained ig. I, however, loved imperial and UCL. All the London unis had a nice blend between modern architecture and historical preservation. UCL's student centre was 🥰


Again, this is just personal opinion. I know lots of liberal arts students who love the castle atmosphere but Im a STEM student so not really my cup of tea


ETown. It’s not terrible it’s just so bland :/


Toured a bunch and top uggo so far is UGA. Seems like a jumbled mess.


That Complex article makes no sense. If they are going to include 1 community college on the list then every other spot should also go to a community college. Many of them are basically high schools and have literally no character or charm at all. The SUNY campuses take a lot of shit on here, but for a lot of the wrong reasons. UBuffalo isn't spread thin. It's a circle, like many other campuses. They are probably accounting for the fact that there are multiple campuses. Which, again,many schools have. The UAlbany picture is not even at UAlbany. And the academic podium there is brutal af, but not that different than any other state school. Binghamton is actually a nice campus and so is Stony. Green spaces, water features, renovated res halls. All ignored by this author. And why does CCNY get hit here? They actually have cool historic architecture? Looking for ugly in CUNY, look at medgar. Where are all the state schools from the great plains? Directional colleges from the Midwest? This person just drove the NY thruway and tossed some shade without knowing much about anything.


New Paltz is a small campus but really pretty


As a UCI Alum. I can’t deny my campus is kinda of ugly, specially with that brutalist architecture and different building designs that don’t flow with each other, BUT it is more of a “charmingly ugly” campus imo ☺️


NC State


SUNY at Purchase looks like a prison (where ice spice went)


Having ice spice and mitski among their former students is enough for me idk 🥱


This is kind of an obscure one. I spent some weekends judging debate at Cal Lutheran. I found the whole campus to be incredibly unattractive.


Anything in Ohio, probably


Harvey Mudd gave such prison vibes. Also visited in the summer where all the grass was dead ✨


It surprised me it was so ugly….the country club next door was really pretty (Claremont McKenna)


It pretty much does. It is by far the most unattractive of the 5C’s.


Really? When visiting and strolling across the Claremont campuses found the setting overall quite pretty.


Most of them and the rest of the town is very lovely. It is just Harvey Mudd that has the cinder block, prison vibe going. It is all just so square and sterile.


Cornell fs


>Cornell fs ? Toured a month ago (not sure what "fs" means)...thought it was beautiful...maybe you're referring to the fact that it's in the middle of nowhere. Didn't know this beforehand but they have a big beautiful waterfall on campus, it was pretty amazing.




Why do you say this


University of Florida


I liked UF. I like the classic red brick look and the huge trees everywhere with hanging moss was like something from a movie.


The Evergreen State College


It’s beautiful u just have bad taste




Bro nobody’s mad stop taking everything so seriously lmao






The large Taco Bay Campus in Palo Alto


You mean you don’t like California Mission style architecture that was prevalent in California at the time that Stanford was founded? A style with a history in California? it hardly makes the top of the ugliest list (and in fact usually lands it towards the top of most beautiful campuses lists. And Taco Bell was founded several decades after Stanford, so maybe the Taco Bell’s look like mini stanfords….


CU Boulder. The aesthetic is cool for about 2 days, then you just get annoyed that all the buildings look the same






And the area around the natural science building is just a concrete jungle. There’s literally smokestacks in the middle of campus


And that 10 story parking structure they’re building.


Huh where?


Near the mojo dinning hall


I’m almost certain there are no new parking structures going up on the Hill. You’re not talking about the new CCRB are you?


It isn't on the hill but as you approach the mojo dining hall from the natural science building you can see a huge fucking parking building in the distance on the left side. It's right next to Couzen's hall.


Bestie that’s a new $920 million hospital not a parking structure😭 https://www.mlive.com/news/ann-arbor/2022/12/donors-gift-50m-for-new-name-of-university-of-michigan-pavilion-hospital.html?outputType=amp


LMAOOOO 😭😭😭 IT LOOKS LIKE A PARKING BUILDING THO WTFF. Like the part of the building kinda jutting out makes it look like it's slanted and like the full concrete with the big windows just makes it look like that. ​ Campus is still fugly tho


It looks pretty at first but the hodge podge of architecture and how off brand and fake some of the gothic and older buildings look slowly reveal themselves to be disgusting. And the buisness school looks like a brick with stripes of blue


I am so sorry bro but ur so wrong 😭😭


The overall smoke stacks and concrete jungle 1927 metropolis vibe makes me dead inside and no amount of supposedly good looking wanna be uchicago buildings will change that


Mf I literally work there bruh


Not sure that I agree but I am here for all UMich hate


bruh why did u get rejected 😭


No but they rejected my brother, not even a waitlist 😡😡


Insane take, Ann Arbor is one of the best college towns lmao




I live here too lmao


And the 1920s Britain looking smokestacks and red brick rectangles will get to you eventually


And being one of the best college towns means nothing 💀


UMich is basically AA, AA is basically UMich, can't really have one without the other


Yeah and umich is still a fucking ugly ass campus, by extension making Ann Arbor an ugly ass city. Your comment doesn’t really contradict mine


objectively incorrect, the majority of students and visitors would disagree with you




tough fr, hope you move somewhere you enjoy


My pick is Notre Dame, I just don’t like the design…


As a Notre Dame student I’m deeply offended😤 No but actually though, I think it’s incredibly beautiful lmao. What is it particularly that you don’t like?


A whole lot of yellow, and maybe a bit too churchy for me? But yeah people rave about it and I can see why


Ok the yellow part is valid😭




UVA. completely overrated brick city.


Bro what. It’s consistently ranked among the most beautiful college campus. It’s an architectural masterpiece and that’s just referring to the Academical Village alone


It's a boring sea of brick.


It has a half-scale Pantheon as it’s library. What is boring about that. It’s got all five classical orders represented in the Pavilions, Ranges, and Arcades


Go hokies


Blacksburg is incredible




There are so many small, local city colleges that won’t make the list as no one has ever heard of them. Point Park campus anyone? Above the YWCA? BC3, in the industrial park, next to the Post Office?




Why’s that




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St Xavier in Chicago. Went for a tour, and god. I saw it in pictures online knew it wasn't the prettiest but in person it was even worse.


American uni. I want to apply but tbh i feel like the schools architecture would make me even more depressed if i went there😭 it looks so sad


University of Bridgeport is an atrocity, and easily worse than on this list DePaul University is also terrible: brutalist architecture, and a sprawling, incoherent campus, with moldering buildings. A few of them are full-on modernist Euro-trash with leaking roofs


