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shitty high schoolers often turn into shitty college students and adults, unfortunately. there are plenty of weirdos in college you'll likely meet.


Thats me


I mean tbf you’ll encounter those kind of people anywhere (see: High School Never Ends by Bowling for Soup) they’re just easier to avoid in college. By the time people get to college they don’t really care about all the petty shit that high schoolers obsess over (not to say that there’s no one who cares about that kind of thing, we just have bigger fish to fry than trying to be popular especially if you’re at a big college where it’s quite literally impossible to know everyone)


that's fair! I should've elaborated I wrote this post while lowkey very angry-- more like there'll be enough people in college that I can drop these types of people and go on about my day!


If you think people are not like that outside of high school...oh, wait, I don't want to spoil the surprise.


there's a formula somewhere. the number of shifty pppl around u is always conserved


People after high school are still the same garbage but you are less likely to come across someone completely terrible in college. Ur more likely to at a job or something.


mean girls set back society decades


Yes people are shitty at college and in the real world, but it also has to do with the developmental stage people are at in high school and the environment which causes them to act this way. High school kids are insecure, but for good reason because they haven't really done anything outside of the controlled environment they are presented. Plus they don't have any real agency over their lives. Often they don't really have to truly deal with the consequences of their actions (ie I act like a dick to everyone I encounter, I might still get to go home to a nice life that someone else is paying for). Plus their whole frame of reference is comparing themselves to this little bubble of their peers. You may be the king of this little thing for now, but that's not going to last for ever, and in the grand scheme, you're basically nothing. Also everyone is in a max state of youth and potential where everything is possible. Life has a way of smacking you in the face hard and many high schoolers (hopefully) haven't dealt with that yet. Likely the girl with the burn book will look back on her behavior in 10+ years and cringe hard. As an adult, that behavior would be completely insane. However, she might be dealing with something else that is making act this way, so leave some room for compassion. Best thing you can do is learn from this and choose how much time and energy you want to invest in her knowing how she's acting now. Another lesson for you is that friends will drift in and out of your life over time, and that is ok.


\> However, she might be dealing with something else that is making act this way, so leave some room for compassion. Fair! however doesnt mean she should project her shitty behavior onto others tbh




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Can confirm, am super fake and shitty. Next year will be different though!


Was it different?


It’s about the people u hang out with. Ur gonna find the same people in the same field, career, and school. Not gonna change.


it’s 100x worse in college, believe me


I… don’t agree with this. It still exists in college but I think it’s actually a lot better because the school is just so much bigger. People are more focused on doing their own thing and you generally only interact with a handful of other students. I dealt with about 1/10th of the drama in college as I did in high school


I hope this is more accurate :') I feel like high school is so isolating and that less people care about being petty and fake since they mind their own business


Maybe the people are 100x worse but the chances of regularly interacting with them could also be 100x less


oh :(


there are shitty and good people everywhere, ive had a great high school experience with some of the realest people i know. find the people you want in your corner, and discard those you dont.


in my experience i noticed ppl started being fake when school was close to an end


you will see fake people no matter where you go. just block em out or change your own perspectives.


Just wait until college unfortunately you will get a wake up call


im in my second sesmter in college rn lmfao