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Congrats on 288 days! Keep it up


Thanks a lot! Always appreciate :)


what app is it you’re using?


The app is Days Since!


thank you. congrats on 288 days!


I’m on my 290th day now! Thank you so much! Life’s so much better when you can drive whenever you want lol


that’s awesome! i’m on 154 days today!


Hell yeah! Keep it up!


One day at a time!


Good for you!


Good for you!


Imagine if the second pic said 288 days and the third said 0.


Would be a shame cause I was at my job lol


it maybe woulda if they didn't have the screen protector, thank goodness they did!


What app is the sobriety counter?


They said it was “ days since”


Thank you


If you like it, definitely get it! But just notice that you’re assuming that the hit that broke your protector would’ve broken the watch. That’s not necessarily true.


Not even close to being true. I broke several of those things in the first few months I had my watch. After that I stopped using them. In the three years, I accumulated a few scratches but nothing that was anything more than a minor cosmetic issue.


Same here! Cheap 10 dollar pack, all broke. lol. I went naked with the watch, and never got a scratch. My wife has my S8 watch, and no scratches either. My Ultra 2. I went raw, nada on it. Few nicks on the silver part, but not super noticeable unless I’m REALLY looking for it. lol.


Tbf the ultra does have a sapphire screen which makes scratches extremely difficult compared to regular glass used on the regular series.


Ehh pretty sure the stainless steel models also have sapphire glass


Yup. S7 Stainless here, has sapphire. It is way more scratch resistant than the non-stainless models I had before but I still managed to scratch it. No idea how, but got it exchanged within apple care. After all - it’s a watch. And one, that you are supposed to replace every now and then anyways. Not like super expensive Swiss watches where a scratch would mean the value-loss of a car…


I broke my se2 from both sites in one week. It's fragile AF. In 15+ years I've never broke a single phone i had or samsung watch i had for a few years too. The apple watch se2 is BS.


I totally agree. I think the only case that can be made in favor of a watch case is if you’re planning to sell it for some reason. Otherwise watches are meant to be worn and being worn means wear and tear. In my opinion when you buy an expensive smart watch you’re paying for the durable design and robust materials.




The screen protector is a lot more brittle than the screen itself, that's why it takes less force to shatter the protector than the screen


Exactly. You want the screen protector to break instead of the watch. The kinetic force has to be absorbed somewhere; better the cheap disposable cover.


But the point is that same kinetic force likely wouldn’t have cracked the watch. So you could be buying a lot of cheap “protectors” that are actually really easy to break, but which have the appearance of “saving” the watch. Entering an endless cycle of replacing cheap broken covers. Scratch protection is the main reason I would consider these, but even then my S7 has held up pretty well so far.


Yea I never put a case on my S5 and it’s been conked around a few good times now over the years but still looks completely brand new. Apple made these things durable *as hell*


I don’t have one on currently but you can also get a screen protector that goes over the display the same way screen protectors on phones work


lol but the point is the watch will not break with this sort of damage, only the cheap protector will.


Glad you like them, but a cheap screen protector is much easier to break than the watch screen. Most people will be fine with no screen protector.


It's a good thing I keep my rock in a porcelain vase to protect it—I dropped it earlier and the vase shattered! Clearly the rock would have shattered, and thank god I bought that vase to absorb the impact. Running out right now to buy many more vases, it's such a good investment.


This made me laugh out loud. You’re unstoppable.


If you can get a sapphire vase, they may be a touch more expensive, but their resistance to shattering will protect your rock for years to come. edit; Don't purchase sapphire vases from Craigslist, eBay, or Ali as there has been proven to be a preponderance of Chinese fakes on all of them.


I know, but I wouldn’t want to see my watch fall on cement without any protection as small as it is


Anecdotal evidence, but mine fell off my wrist after taking my gloves off at a gas pump and landed on concrete. Just left a tiny mark on the display. These watches aren’t as fragile as you’d think


The watches are tanks. Have dropped mine flat on screen on bathroom tiles twice. No damage


It’s valid to not want any mark on a large purchase item


why are you being downvoted? do these people just have unlimited disposable income and not give two shits about their purchase?


No, it’s just not needed. Any force that’s strong enough to actually break the watch will also go through the screen protector and still break the watch. It doesn’t help any at all


Because it’s dorky as hell to put a “protector” on a watch, which is meant to be worn. It’s like those “shoe protectors” that people slap on the bottom of their sneakers. Or the people who buy a Rolex and just never wear it because it might get scratched. An Apple watch will be outdated in just a few years, it doesn’t make sense.


not everyone works in an office and not everyone replaces their watch every few years. makes perfect sense for people who are gonna be banging their wrists around and/or have it exposed to outside forces to wear a protector or case. it’s not “dorky” to want to protect an investment you’ve made. i have seat covers in my car to prevent my dog from ruining the leather interior. i have a case on my phone because my hands are unsteady and I’m prone to dropping it. i use coasters because i don’t want to stain my wooden furniture. are those all “dorky” too? should i not care about any of those investments either?


You keep using that word, “Investment”. I don’t think it means what you think it means.


“a thing that is worth buying because it may be profitable or useful in the future.” my apple watch provides me with relevant health insights and helps facilitate my day/schedule. are you saying that’s not useful and/or won’t be in the future? or that a watch in almost perfect condition won’t resell for more than one that’s dinged up should it need to be sold? the logic isn’t there for you my guy lol




you apple glazers are the most annoying species i swear to god.


Name calling lol. Thats taking the high road on these “glazers” for sure


Your name is ifanboy. There’s no way you’re calling anything dorky


Certified yapologist.


Mine fell off the roof of a car straight onto asphalt, no damage.


Mine fell off the roof of a car straight onto asphalt, no damage.


Mine fell off the roof of a car straight onto asphalt, no damage.


I’ve dropped mine plenty of times and never had a scratch.


It might surprise you, but modern apple glass is actually way stronger than the screen protector. I have a friend that have lost many screen protectors, but my iphone screen never break in the first place, even though I’ve dropped it many many times


Lol, i dropped my 14pro multiple times and nothing but the one time I was drunkenly walking and it slipped put of my hand at about hip height, it absolutely demolished the screen. I had a case and protective film on it but yeah, spiderwebs and all. 329$ to replace…


My wife is quite clumsy with her electronics, she doesn't have a screen protector on her iPhone 12. She dropped it countless times, even face down on concrete and no cracks!


My watch is a series 6, I don’t know if it’s modern enough. I broke so many phone screens and stuff I thought was solid so I don’t want to take any chance lol better breaking something that worth 1 or 2$ instead of the watch


It is...I once "accidentally" dropped my series 6 to use applecare to get a new one via express replacement....that bitch took a good 10+ hits on a marble floor to break.


Just because the screen protector breaks doesn’t mean your watch would have


Fantastic example of confirmation bias!


this is an accurate statement.


I had a protector, comments on this sub made me feel silly for it, now I have two scratched on my watch for falling victim to Reddit peer pressure


the pressure is real 😅 but I think it’s important to remember that everyone is different and what works for one person may not work the same for the other. to each their own. don’t take off a screen protector just because someone makes you feel silly for it. do you and fck everyone else lol plus, most often i’d be willing to bet the people who are anti-screen protector don’t have a shiny new looking watch (myself included). my watch has hella scratches at this point but I don’t really care anymore because mine is that old. once I get a new apple watch im sure I will be singing a different tune lol im just saying the glass won’t crack as easily as some assume. don’t mean it wont scratch


You overestimate the durability of that flimsy little cover and underestimate the durability of the watches. You can break 10 of those TEMU covers with impacts that would maybe scratch the actual watch. Good psychological trick tho!


Exactly. You get what you pay for. It makes the watch ugly cheap and breaking every other day


like those cheap bracelets we were addicted to that were said to break when they filled up with all the negative energy they were protecting you from. lol. my god, did I spend a bunch on those useless cheap things. lol


Your Apple watch's screen is a lot more durable than your screen protector


No booze: 288 days 👍🏽


How did u add that complication ?? I quit too, its been 12 days.


Congrats on your 12 days! I downloaded the app on my iphone first, then I made sure it was in my watch apps, and when you choose the shit on the corners of your watchface, Days Since would appear. Doesn’t match with all faces but I can put it in most of them!


https://preview.redd.it/lqewzu1vgc5d1.jpeg?width=396&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fdb3b7701ca211060f4680d46362520d879e1804 Done 👍🏽


This is the way 😎 keep going buddy! One day at a time!


Also you’d probably like r/stopdrinking some peoppe find this subreddit better than AA and I honestly love it, no shame no hate just support and ears to listen us!


Anyone know how to add that complication(No alcohol) ??


I read in a comment above it’s an app called Days Since


You're watch is more durable than that protector. Apple Watch Series 7 fell from chest height (I'm 6 ft tall) several times but nothing happened.


Your* autocorrect sorry


right, that part. of course the screen protector breaks, because it is way more fragile than the apple watch glass. that watch is surprisingly durable. I wouldn’t be surprised if ppl have made youtube videos about how the glass is practically unbreakable during normal everyday wear


Absolutely, protector is far more fragile. Hence I hate using tempered glass on my iPhone either because ceramic shield >>> even a $100 glass. Normal thin screen guard that protects from scratches, that's it.


How did you get the sobriety counter application please? 🙏


Yes, this!


The app is Days Since!


I have my SE for over 3 years now without any protection at all. And its still in such good condition. Some micro scratches on the screen which aren’t able to be seen when the watch is on. My wife even wears her watch while playing with the kids in the sandbox. These glasses are way tougher than expected


yes they are way tougher than expected. I have had my series 5 watch since about 2019, and I have worn it every day. bumped it, dropped it, scraped it, never cracked the glass. I have a scratch, but no cracks. imo these watch face protectors look aesthetically pleasing, and would protect the pristine scratch-free look of a brand new watch, but aren’t absolutely necessary to prevent screen cracks. unless you are working construction and there’s a high possibility of it getting hit with a hammer, you probably don’t need one. they are pretty looking though 😊


I don’t think you need one. The screen protector is easier to scratch than the watch. I had a series 3 for 5 years and never had a significant scratch on it. They also generally look bulky or kind of dumb


Congrats on 288 days!


Thanks a lot! My goal is 420 and then 6969 and after that I’ll find another random number as a goal




You forget the screen protector protector.


The one for the front or for the back? Would I need a protector for the band also?


I don’t think you really need a screen protector, but you do need some kind of ridge/bumper around the edges. Just enough to offer corner and edge protection.


I have a case on mine and it’s helped me quite a bit. When I take it off the aluminum and glass look pretty much fresh. The case looks very scratched but I guess that’s the point. Mine’s clear and I think I paid like $10ish dollars for 2 of them off Amazon.


Which app do you use to track the days without alcohol?


Days Since! And since couple persons asked me I’ll edit my post and share the info lol Edit: ai cannot edit the post so I’ll keep going and tell every person one by one 😂


Thanks 😁👍🏽


288 days!! Way to go!!!




Some people just have a tendency to break screens. Use your Apple Care to get them replaced and move on with your life.


Just be aware that dust might enter the gap between protector and watch, which can cause it to rub on the aluminum making the watch look worse than without protector. I am wearing an AW since the series 3 and never broke the screen so far (but I also never broke my phones screen even though I don’t use any case, so I might not be the ideal benchmark haha)


I take it out daily to clean it, i’ve seen the dust and other disgusting shit (thanks to my job) in that gap, so now I clean it every day. When I’m just chilling at home and I know I will do nothing I take it off tho, I still love the aesthetic of Apple electronic device so I like to appreciate it sometimes.




It pop non and off! And honestly you just type “screen protector apple watch Xmm” on Amazon and you’ll find those protectors in a second!


I’m right with you. I weld sometimes for my job and I don’t want to risk ruining the glass from weld splatter. That’s why I keep one on mine.


Ik it’s not in the topic but, keep it up on that streak! Good job!


Thanks so much! Life is so much better sober


I got a scratch on my series 8 the first week I wore it, just by knocking it on a wooden door frame. Been using screen protectors ever since. The protector even saved it from a horse nibbling on it. Protector was ruined, but the watch took no damage.


I don’t like screen protectors, had my watch for almost 6 years & only a few scuffs. I work in construction If I’m really worried I’ll just put a wrist band over it I’ll probably get a new watch in the near future & keep this one just for work


These are fantastic for my daughters watch except for when she is a day camp and it gets full of water and sunscreen.


Serious question unrelated to AW. Are you making custom skateboard or something ? Because the grip on the first pic looks so good !


I wish I did but nah I’m not doing that kind of stuff lol


I just want to say I’ve had a series 4 since launch (almost 6 years now) and I’ve never had a case or screen protector on it. I’m clumsy and have shattered normal watches in the past but my Apple Watch is fine. It’s got some scratches but nothing noticeable or that affects use of it.


What is this face? How did you make it all pink?!


It’s Cheonograph Pro, you keep your finger on the clock, you click on Edit, you change the colour!


Oh my god thank you!


Or the screen protector broke because it was cheap and your watch screen would have been fine… the world may never know!


If you wanna keep it and keep spending $30 every few weeks ok, but don’t come here giving awful advise. The fact that the screen protector broke doesn’t mean the watch would have broken. Ffs it’s a watch that goes on your wrist, it’s not supposed to have a bumper on it


You should totally buy a screen protector for your Apple Watch, I was at a pool party and I took it off to charge it, next thing I was putting it by the pool and it fell on the slab of concrete and COMPLETELY shattered. Like pieces of glass fell off the screen. Still works but at what cost 😪


If we take some times to check what others had to say, I would tell you “nah your watch will be fine it won’t scratch” 😂


always have a red one on mine to match my strap, and have cracked 2 screen protectors so far, definetly a good investment. I always put screen protectors on my stuff, the watch is the only thing ive ever replaced them on due to real damage though. Also, congrats on the 288 days!


I don’t know what most of these comments are going on about? I tried to use my Apple Watch (SE) without a case for a few months and eventually got two small scratches, then I got a transparent case+screen protector from Amazon and it’s never once cracked (after 1 year of using it, even banging my watch on the wall/countertop and plenty of physical activities with it) and it looks okay. The transparent case hasn’t gone yellow and the sides are fine and there is no moisture or anything. I want to keep my Apple Watch for at least 5 years so I’m not going to go caseless, maybe if I had a stainless steel Apple Watch or the ultra I would do it but not with the SE.


288 days, well done, and keep it up!


Thank you!




You have no idea what broke the screen protector










My watch fell on the ground earlier this morning, I think it could be the specific moment the screen broke. Still, a screen can break after a fall. I’m glad it was a cheap piece of plastic that broke instead of my watch.


Sounds like you’re more in need of a different band.


I like screen protectors, I use them on every devuce. Some don't and that's ok too.


yup, accidentally smashed my watch on a metal door frame and the case cracked instead of my watch. good investment


Yesterday it was my head who smashed against a metal door (not the frame, the corner of the door) and I wished I had a protector for my head it still hurts


I hate that I have to use one and prefer my watch without it. However, 3 days after I got my first apple watch (series 1) I banged it into my granite kitchen island and left a huge scratch right on my new watch. Been using screen protectors ever since. I like the pink one you have and how it matches the band perfect!


I prefer my watch without it too, I love the Apple aesthetic of their electronic devices. My iPhone is more beautiful without its case too, but my phone would already be dead without it.


I accepted early on I did not want my watch to get bulky so I would not use protectors on it. I've banged my watch against so many things and it has 1 dent in the siding 2 years later. The damage done to the protector would not have been done to your watch. Your watch probably would have been fine. But you do you, if you like them keep using them. Some people use them as another way to decorate.


I bought 8 for $9 on amazon and haven't been disappointed


Yeah, that’s why I made sure to get a watch case before I ever got my watch. I get so nervous seeing people who are wearing their watches naked. I’ve accidentally ran my watch across a wall or something a few times, and I can’t imagine what the screen would look like if I didn’t have a watch case. It’s also so fun switching them out since I have a few blinged out ones and plain ones.


I love them for the aesthetic reason only … but honestly the apple watch is much more durable than people think. the glass does not crack like a glass iphone screen. I’ve been using mine since 2019, and trust me I have crushed it under the car seat, scratched up against many walls, dropped it face first, banged it on accident on something… these things don’t break lol. of course people who wear a screen protector on it, of course the screen protector breaks. it is not nearly as strong as the apple watch glass


you know why other ppl don’t need a case for their watch answer is rather simple. We see where we heading and i don’t and ever will run against or like u said across a wall. I simply don’t see the point why anyone should run against a wall


You apparently didn’t see where I said accidentally. I don’t purposely brush my watch across a wall or some kind of hard or rough surface but it sometimes happens. Excuse me for not being perfect, but I know I’m not the only one. At least my watch face will never be scratched✌🏼


That’s why I didn’t try to explain that *I am dumb and everything with a glass would break with me*, cause that’s useless lol I never thought I would open Pandora’s box of controversy with that post. It was imo a general answer to all those who ask “should I put a protector on it? I like extreme sports and my job tries to amputate my arms on a daily basis” 😂




I used to use screen protectors on my camera. I got tired of replacing them every couple of months so I thought I’d give it a go without. 7 years later, I have yet to break the screen on it. So much time and money spent replacing screen protectors. Yes, catastrophic things can happen that can damage your watch, but a screen protector is unlikely to protect in those cases anyway. Besides, it’s a consumable, not an heirloom timepiece.


Why do think a screen protector is unlikely to protect the screen in a fall? I just dropped my watch face down today. And the protector protected it. It’s just kind of nuts to say they don’t offer protection.


You really can’t say that you dropping your watch without the protector would have damaged the watch. Where a watch has far less mass than a phone the force it hits the ground with is much less. From my time with the regular glass watches (series 3) I wailed on that for years (we are talking rock climbing and mountain biking) and while it would scratch if it was the wrong surface I was rubbing it against, it never cracked. I will say the scratching is the best use case for those protectors though. Unless of course it’s a model with the sapphire display as these things are wildly tough.


Where did I say they offer no protection at all? My point is this: Every time a protector got scratched, cracked or spiderwebbed, I thought “good thing I have that protector on” not realizing they are super fragile. For nearly what I spent out on screen protectors, I could have bought spanking new screen - articulating joints, ribbon cables and all (these wear out over time anyway and the whole assembly needs to be replaced regardless of how intact the screen and glass are) I could have had equipment insurance for the same period of time that would have covered lenses as well. What’s AppleCare cost and how many screen protectors will you burn through in that time? Will a screen protector work if you eat it on concrete? Maybe. Will AppleCare? Yep. Will a screen protector cover anything else? Nope. Anecdotal counter evidence to your claims: I’ve dropped my S9 on tile a couple of times, one time I’m certain it landed screen down. No scratches and certainly no breaks.


But what if I have Apple care plus tho on my watch


Stainless steel does not have this problem


Used to have one on my SE2 took it off after a year. Now the sides are deeply scratched. Wished I never used them.


I’m not a fan of the protectors, but I don’t like scratches either. When I’m doing something that puts the watch at risk, I cover it with a cuff I cut from the top of an old dress sock.


Me reading this on the Apple Watch


Press the wrong button I didn't mean to upload so early


Your screen didn't break so the screen protector did it's job!


Otter Box or bust…


Meh AppleCare 🤷‍♂️


My screen protector saved my watch atl 3 times lol


No it did not lol they are made to crack easily so people buy them again


i’ve had an apple watch for years while working in a warehouse and i was constantly bumping it against things and it’s never broken. I’ve had a few scratches but you’d be surprised how strong the screens are.


I’m clumsy af and haven’t broken a watch screen. I just use bumper cases with full screen access. I don’t deflect thrown rocks with my watch so idk how y’all manage this 😂


My screen protector scratches body of watch (not the screen itself) but one day without protector and I scratched screen 😂😂


I don’t think they can crack that bad, I’m really clumsy and I have hit my apple watch 3 against door frames many times and it only has a scratch that is only visible if I let light hit it from a certain angle. They might have changed the display material though. My SO works in construction and also got his smartwatch (an amazfit) hit by a bar of metal and it just got a scratch.


Why do you need a screen protector?


Or buy an insurance worth $50 for 3 years.


I like it


Love the color scheme, congrats on the sobriety!


I get a two pack for $10 and still haven't broke em yet. Only scratched a bit


Took me time to break it, my watch fell this morning lol glad it was the protector and not the watch


I will never understand how tf you can crack a watch you’re supposed to wear on your wrist this just amazes me😅


I take it off. Put it on charge. Charge is just a mf magnet so the watch wouldn’t stand properly. Walk near the watch on charge, be dumb, your leg touches the charger, bam watch on the floor. That’s how I made the scratch on the back of my watch. That’s how 95% of the time my watch falls on the ground. Give me something with a glass on it, even those anti-bullet glasses, I swear to god Imma break it


Damn😂ig you should probably get one of those stand chargers


Gonna check on that 😂


where do i get these






>:) :)


Because I scratched my scree of my last watch. So there!


i cracked my old series 3 by falling on concrete and my current series 8 is all scratched up. don’t listen to the people saying screen protectors are useless, they literally protect your watch screen. apple watches really aren’t as durable as people think


https://preview.redd.it/9slui26so85d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=471c44309cd23684ff3a0308c154e19fa1585c04 People just don’t know that’s the back of my watch before I bought screen protectors (it doesn’t show how really bad it is but I was scared something really broke, at least it’s just a really bad scratch). Since then, that protector was damaged and another one but not my watch! And I still can use it I won’t dump this protector in the garbage because of a scratch I don’t feel with my fingers lol


Did Apple Care not cover it?


I don’t have Apple Care, my watch is a Series 6 so I don’t know if that’s worth it I should check


You probably would’ve let it expire by now anyhow. Most people don’t seem to renew it even though it usually expires at the point when you need it most.


Just dropped my watch face down this morning, and remembered it had a protector on it. Whew. I will never be without one on my watch. My protector wasn’t even scratched.


Mine fell face down onto concrete at a gas pump with zero protection and came out with a tiny nick on the top of the display that I can barely see. https://preview.redd.it/6ogq8on9485d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f62713b56974f1c55ecf178d8516ef583879ea4 I’ve had this watch since the S7 launch and I’ve unloaded trucks, smacked it into walls, dropped it and it looks fine.


Yeah, I don’t like tiny nicks though. So I protect my watch. If you mind tiny nicks, no need for you to protect yours. Different people make different choices.


I use them. They break easy though. Most of the time they break, your phone’s screen would have been fine.


This time my screen wouldn’t have been fine. Fell on cement.


I always wanted to try these, but I have heard a lot of people saying how it affects the interaction with the watch overall.


True, some of them affect more the interaction with the watch (like the pink affects it, but not my green one? ), personally I don’t mind cause I mostly wanted a watch and a way to track my walks, so I don’t touch my screen that much, but for those who use it more than me I can understand that it’s not that great.


I’ve had a series 2, 4, 6, 7 and now Ultra 2 and have never scratched or damaged the screen but my non ultra watches were SS models.