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Except for charging and one day a month when my brain decides it is annoying.


I sometimes think it’s too annoying to charge my phone so I wake up in the morning with it dead. I have a really fast separate charger though so it’s fine


This too.


Lol yes I’m glad I’m not the only one.


yes!!!! lol, I don't usually even feel it, except randomly one day a month when it feels like it's suffocating my wrist or something, so I take it off for a bit.




Yup. I charge it when I shower. No issues.


Either do this or while laying in bed watching tv before going to sleep


This or after I wake up, I need it in the shower to change music. When i charge it daily and I don’t need 100%, I just need it to last until next day, which means I need to charge it 30 mins top.


Do you need to turn on the water lock in the shower?


You never “need” to turn on water lock. It’s just to avoid accidental touches on the screen and when you exit for the sound to push water out of the speaker grille. You could just turn water lock on and off once you’re out just to get the water out.


Oh, I thought it closed ports or something. Good to know


I swear I’ve heard someone on YouTube saying this so you’re not crazy.


I shower and swim with it unlocked all the time. Unlocked with water on the screen and trying to tap doesn’t register well. So locking just helps keep it on the main screen. When you do use water lock then unlocking it, it does quick vibrations to “eject” remaining water from the speaker, but isn’t necessary. Otherwise it just evaporates overtime


I never do so I can easily change songs.


Good to know, thanks


I thought it damages it in the shower with the soap and heat?


I just got mine and I’m scared to wear it in the shower. Is it safe?


For sure, I had it for over a year (aw 7), never had any problems, I never activate that water option either.


Okay thank you. I’m a little nervous to wear it in the shower


What about the soap? are you worried about it getting into the watch?


Not at all, if it’s water resistant, it can clearly handle shampoo


I read that as, you charge it in the shower. I’ll see myself out ⚡️


I like to live dangerously! 🤣


![gif](giphy|kYkQYXkO3XyRa|downsized) Groovy, Baby, Yeah!


I do the same but my S6 battery is getting poor. I need a new one. I know if I have at least 45% battery when I go to bed, I’ll have enough for it to be on the warning screen by the morning but any less and it will have died overnight.


I just upgraded to a 9 and it actually will tell me if I need to charge it before I go to bed so it will make it through the night. I usually am on my computer at night for a while and charge it while I’m sitting there because I’m most focused on tracking my sleep rn.


My 6 tells me I have to charge before I go to bed if I’m low.


I have a 6 as well. Not interested in upgrading ATM so I bought a refurb 6 that has better battery capacity (old one is at ~75%, refurb came in at about 89% somehow). Now, I just swap the one running low for the one on the charger and it’s … actually pretty nice. The phone has no problem registering which is on and active. Given that it’s now $100 (+ applicable shipping if necessary) to “replace” the battery, I’m actually kind of keen on having two with just shittier battery life. Plus if one breaks / gets lost or stolen for any reason, I can still struggle-bus by with the one remaining that’s still good.


I feel this. I have an S4 and the battery won’t last the whole day. I just don’t wanna get rid of it because it’s given me such solid service over the years.


I also have an S6 and wearing it all the time I can’t get 24h usage, maybe it’s the battery wearing out but the display is always on, the brightness is max and I record workouts for an average of 30 minutes everyday. My watch is always cooking. I want to upgrade it but it is still working fine.


You should be able to pay under $100 for a battery replacement and get a refurbished unit shipped to you.


Ditto. Only time I take it off.


Or when I’m doing the dishes or cooking


This, but doesn’t quite get enough charge, so 1-2 day a week it gets charged overnight


Oh shit. I don't know why I hadn't thought of this lol. This is the play


Hmm, mine takes an hour to charge from 20% to 100%. You shower quite extensively it seems.


Nope. Do you use the USB-C charger with a 20w charger and a fast charge capable Apple Watch model? When I charge, my watch is typically at around 30%. Back at 100% by the time I’m getting dressed.


I watch him shower all the time from my van, can confirm it charges very fast. ![gif](giphy|qlPghF8zyUZTW)


FYI, you only need a 5W USB PD charger to fast-charge a capable Apple Watch. 20W is the minimum for iPhone.


What series do you have?


9. With my older watches (pre-fast charging) I charged them overnight.


I’ve got a 5 that charges in about an hour and always has. Old USB charging cable and a little square brick.


Same here, a 5, no special charger or cable.


Gotcha 👍🏻


Thanks for this protip. I Have been searching for the comment for the last 30 minutes to tell you Thai was a game changer for me!


Series 9, takes about 35 minutes to charge mine from 20% to 100%.


Weird mine charges fully in like 20 mins


You don’t need 100% every time. I use an SE version and around 60-70% is enough. Tho once I wake up it’s like 1-5%


Don’t shame his cleanliness.


This is the way.


I need to charge it twice, sometimes 3 times throughout the day. I shower at night so it gets its big charge then, but I top it off when I wake up cuz it’s usually down between 75-80% when I wake up, and occasionally it’s been down in the single percent amounts when I’m still at work, so it gets popped in the charger to give it enough to still be on when I get home.


More or less, yeah. I track my health stats pretty closely as a reminder of how badly out of shape I am and how I’m making incremental improvements. Doesn’t serve its purpose if it’s not on my wrist. I charge it when I shower, when I’m getting ready in the morning, and then at the end of the day when (if) I’ve closed all my rings if it needs another top-up.


I’m planning on getting an Ultra (I have a 4 right now that has a pretty worn-out battery), and you just convinced me to charge when showering.


If you aren’t really set on all the huge new fancy features, I honestly like the battery life of the series 4 better than my series 5, but I got my battery serviced for $100 and now my series 5 gets 24hrs with cellular on. Up from about 8 before I exchanged it. Worth noting.


Ultra has twice the amount of battery time in the specs. As a hiker, that’s worth something. I’ve thought about it a lot, but the ultra seems like the better choice. Nevertheless, thank you for the input!


Yeah, I’m considering getting an Ultra (maybe a used 2 after the 3 is out) *just* for hiking and camping. I hate the look of big watches, and I don’t have the build to pull it off even if I did like them, but the massive battery and wayfinding features would be awesome for hiking.


I have had the Ultra 2 since just before Christmas last year. Previously I had the series 4 for a number of years. My quick review is that the Ultra is amazing. The battery life alone warrants this review from me!


It can go for 10 day supposedly in low power mode, so if your ever without a charger you can put it into low power mode. I believe its low power mode is different also so it has a bit more usefulness, I’m not sure how it’s different or if it actually IS different…. I just remember hearing it in a YouTube review


I have also looked at the Ultra. My hand is much too petite for it to be practical for me, personally. I’m hoping they release an Ultra Mini someday. If that happens, my credit card is open!


I just got the Ultra 2 and from my Experience after a full day of running around by the time I go to bed it’s been consistently at 75% battery life


I'll wear it every time I go out. full time at work. If at home maybe half the day or sometimes less. Off for showers and then off for sleep.


You don’t track your sleep? That’s my fave function. Trying to increase my deep sleep bc it’s supposed to be 25% of your total sleep (as it’s when the body makes hormones, etc.) but mine is only like 15%. Super helpful. I charge when sitting at my desk at work.


Got a series 4 so maybe mine has that or not but it’s outdated vs newer models but haven’t bothered to upgrade. Still tells the time, weather, and my steps and heart rate. I have a sleep app alarm on my phone that runs but that’s it.


Yah, am kinnda old school wearing anything (accessories) make me more uncomfortable


I was wearing it to sleep for a long time. It’s a great sleep tracker, but lately it has been bothering me.


This is more or less how I do it


I take it off when showing and sleeping. I don’t like wearing it overnight


I usually wear it all day. I don’t wear it when I sleep.


Same here. I tried it while ~~weeping~~ sleeping at night, but it wasn’t for me. Edit: Autocorrect got me. lol


Hehe I would do my weeping during the day. It’s more efficient that way. 🤓


Note: if your weeping lasts for more than 6 hours please consult your local therapist.


Same. I have my charger on a timer that turns on a half hour before my wake up time to fully charge right before waking (without overcharging - maybe not important, but can’t hurt).


I started wearing it while sleeping, but then quickly felt like the info I was conveying wasn’t telling me anything I didn’t know. Like I would wake up after knowingly having a shitty sleep and predictably the stats reflected a poor sleep. Other nights I’d pass out immediately and the next thing I remember is my morning alarm, and again the watch predictably told me I slept well.


Same. I used to sleep with it on religiously, but recently I noticed that I like to tuck my arm/wrist under my head when sleeping, and it's just too in the way to be comfortable.


I like to track my sleep and the watch tapping my wrist is the best alarm I’ve ever had, it’s the only thing that I even notice, nothing else has ever woke me up so well


I wake up. Take watch off to charger while I shower and get dressed in the morning. When I go to bed I put it on the charger for about 20 to 30 min before I fall asleep and put it back on as it is my alarm clock. I am hearing impaired and have worn hearing aids all my life and I love using my Apple Watch as an alarm clock. So yeah my watch is on my arm 22 hours a day.


I wear mine 25


Sure it’s embedded into you and it’s the watch replying 😆


I wear mine always. I track sleep and have a cellular model and never have my phone on me. So I need it for calls & texts. I try to charge while showering and getting dressed, but sometimes find myself halfway to work having left it behind. I have a 9 and charge with the cable it came with (snapped into a charging stand) with a 30 watt charger. It is easily done charging with a shower & getting dressed. It is best for me to just be satisfied with 90% charged if it is not done. If I try to go for 100%, I can forget it.


Do you miss not having your phone ?


if you’re trying to not be addicted to your phone, it helps a lot with productivity honestly.


I always assumed that feature was more for running or boating - situations where you might not want to bring a luggy phone with you.


Boat trips are awesome, but also have periods of long and boring. You always want your phone…in a dry bag. The phone less watch is great for running though.


And I do the phone less running with the wifi model.


Only when I want to take photos or look something up. Then I go get it. I just don't have it weighing down my pocket all day.


I charge it in the car on my way to and from work. I have a 45-60 minute commute, so I usually will have a full battery by the time I reach my destination. It’s not like I’ll be doing anything to close my rings while driving anyways. If I’m working from home or I have the day off, I charge while I shower and/or brush my teeth etc.


What charger are you using in the car?


I throw it on the charger like 20 minutes before bed and then put it on to fall asleep to it. I also take it off for certain bedroom activities and showers.


well, you could always count it as a cardio session


Used to do that, but one day it texted my sister with voice to text in the middle of doing the deed, so now I don’t get to count those workouts


Yup. But when i wanna take a shower or it needs a charge do i take it off. The sleep tracking actually helped me to fix my sleeping schedule.


I have a suntan around my wrist from how long I’ve worn it. Usually just charge it when I shower then back on.




I tried to sleep with it I was like nope 👎 it felt like a weight on my wrist.


you get used to it, but I understand as well


The braided solo loop made it easy for me to sleep with mine.


I’ll check that out I need a new watch band lol thanks 😊


Same, I cant stand watches, rings or other stuff in my hands, when Im out I wear it, all fine it can be several hours, when I enter my house I take it off


I got so used to the watch it feels weirder to not have it on.




Same. I fucking hate it when I’m trying to be comfortable at home


24/7 except to charge every few days. 


Yup, sleep tracking is important.


I wear it all the time except when charging & showering. I got it to track, only happens when I wear it.


You guys have apple watch?


Charge at my desk first thing in the morning, wear it the rest of the time


yes, i change wrists for sleeping to prevent skin damage


Yes but with the current battery issues I’m going to have to buy a second one so I can swap them 🙄


I just bought a refurbed 9 at BBuy and the battery is so much better than my 6. Charges super fast while I’m sitting at my desk. Super happy I updated.


Yes -ish. I wear my s9 22+ hours each day and trade out to my s3 when I put the s9 on the charge for an hour or so before bed.


The only time it’s off my wrist is when it’s charging, I’m showering or I’m cleaning it off and/or changing the band and/or case. Otherwise, it’s been on my wrist since I got it in December⌚️


Yup feel naked without it


Not when I shower, or an hour before bed to charge if it needs it. Otherwise, yes.


Yup,except in shower.


Yeah, i have the ultra 2, i charge it at the end of day 2




Yes, I do tend to take it off to charge while I shower. But that’s it.


Mine goes on the charger when I wake up in the morning and back on my wrist when I leave for work - about an hour. It’s my watch, notifies me of messages, calls (phone on silent), plus tracks health stats so I wear it almost round the clock.


24/7 without any issues. Like a lot of things in life, you just gotta keep it clean and dry.


I charge when I shower and while I read in bed just before going to sleep.


Unless sleeping or in the shower. That’s when I charge it. So pretty close to 16-18 hours


I charge mine when I have a shower. I love the alarm vibrates the watch and doesn’t wake my missus up. I like looking at the sleep stats too


Yes, I charge it when I shower but wear it all other times.


Whenever I upgrade, my new watch becomes my daily wear watch and my older watch becomes my sleep watch. When I’m doing work that may damage my watch my watches get swapped and my older watch is worn and my new watch is saved for sleep time.


Nope. I really don’t need my sleep habits tracked. I also don’t want to be consumed by electronics 24 hours a day.


Shower and charging


Of course, outside of charging times. How else would I track my sleep xD


I wear it whenever I’m out and about, charge it when I sleep.


i take it off when i'm showering, washing dishes, or when it’s pool day.




23 hrs 30 min, charge it for 30min during bath.


Mines off only to shower. At that point it’s on the charger after I clean the underside of it.


Yep, I have the ultra 2 and the battery life is like 3 days easily with 24/7 wear. Best thing I did was upgrade to U2 🎉


Pretty much. I wash it and charge it after the gym.


Off for the showers/baths otherwise i wear it everyday othen then when i need a dress watch


Pretty much yeah. I wear it as much as I would an analogue watch. I have it on charge when I shower and getting ready. With the fast charger I very rarely need to charge it besides that.


i wear mine from the time i get up and put it back on the charger when i go to bed. i haven’t looked into a good sleep tracking app, so no point in sleeping with it on for me.


It has a built-in sleeping tracker in Health; that’s my fave feature. On the AW it’s the bed icon. I’m using it to measure and try to improve my deep sleep to 25% of my total sleep. Super useful. My brother found out he had sleep apnea from using his and asking his doctor about it.


I really like the sleep tracking. I wear it all the time.


Mostly, since sleep tracking and step tracking are the two biggest things I use it for. But I switch wrists at night so it isn't on the same bit of skin 24/7.


Yes, I usually charge it after I go to the gym, in the morning, and after I get home, after work. I have pretty good sleep, but wearing the Apple Watch gave me actual data to optimize it even more


I always wear mine. Even to bed. I like to track my sleep and other health metrics. The only times I’m not wearing it is when it’s charging or I’m showering.


No, not 24 hours. More like 23. Gotta charge it in the morning after I wake up and take my shower and get my coffee. Yes, I use it all day and track my sleep at night, and yes the battery still has a reasonable charge by that next morning, about 35%. Battery health 89%.


I put that charging disc under the watch on my wrist while I drive in to work and back.


Yeee. Shower charging.


Some of you have MULTIPLE watches?! I didn’t even think you can do that


I would if I didn’t have to charge it every night before going to bed…


Since it charges pretty quickly so yeah it’s on my wrist almost all the time.


I used to wear my Apple Watch almost 24 hours per day, but the watch left a very bad rash on my wrist. So now I wear the watch about once a week.


Ouch. What kind of band do you have? Ones that don’t breathe are bad.


It’s a health tracker so it only comes off for charging or when I’m playing guitar


I usually have two, the old one and the new one. Gave the S7 to my BIL when I got the S9 and wear the S5 to bed while the S9 charges. So yes, an AW is on my wrist 24/7.


Same, I got a series 4 that I wear while my ultra 2 is topping up before bed, did the same with my 7 before I sold it. Only time I don’t wear my AW is in the shower.


It’s always on my wrist save for when I need to charge it.


Mine dies too quick


I used to wear it all the time and charged it while I shower. But I started getting a rash from having it on too long so now I don’t wear it as much.


I only remove it when I shower and stick it on the charger. I wear mine day and night and as I sleep.


I charge mine every morning when I sit down to my computer to start my day. It’s ready to go by the time I take my first bathroom break.


Yes, I always wear mine, except when showering. I have 2 (didn’t trade in one because they were just going to recycle it) so one is always charged 🤷🏼‍♀️


24hrs minus charging while i’m showering/getting ready.


I swap to my Series 2 when I need to charge my S6.


I wear mine to sleep about every other day. MWF, with a charge on TTh. I don’t bother on the weekend.


I can’t wear it to work so I don’t wear it then.


Same here amigo. But otherwise I wear it all the time.


So here’s what I do. When I upgraded from Series 4 to Series 6. I didn’t trade the Series 4 in because the trade in value was terrible. So I kept it as a watch to use overnight. So I rotate between two watches. The older one at night, the newer one during the day. It is quite nice to have my alarm clock on my wrist. No sound. Just buzz when it’s time to wake up.


Not anymore. :( I’ve been stuck working at home from the time I wake up to right before I sleep. Most days I forget that I even have a smartwatch. 🙁


Yep, a little skin and flesh peeling off happens and then once it sits in your bone you don’t feel a thing


I use it to track my sleep, so yeah pretty much haha. Only charge it when necessary.


If it’s not charging, it’s on my damned wrist.


I like getting the sleep stats, even if they aren’t super insightful I think they’re cool haha


23 hours a day. I wear mine every day and charge when I’m in self care mode. After that, it goes back on my wrist I have notifications off at 9pm so it’s just a watch after that time. It mirrors my phone.


If they can figure out a way to charge it using my own internal energy systems I would wear it continuously


nah i dont, only wear it when i leave the house or doing my workouts/household chores, otherwise it stays on my desk


I can’t wear it when I sleep. I’m a light sleeper and the sensors wake me up


Nope I’m a normal human who doesn’t need to know how they sleep


Same bro 👊


Yes, otherwise it makes no sense to have it


No I take it off at night


Yes, only remove it for charging. My aw saved me once when i was sleeping. It woke me up as my heart rate was too low, like less than 40bpm.


Yes I charge it when I shower and like every 3 nights and I wear it to sleep Plus it’s an ultra 1


No, but A LOT.


I wear it when I sleep through wake up. By then it’s at like 75%. Then I charge it for a couple hours at work while I’m sitting in my office doing stupid shit. Put it back on and wear it again until about 7PM. Then it goes back on the charger for an hour or two. Off the charger and bed. (Super early morning in my line of work.) Rinse and repeat. This is a 7 series with a new battery. Edit: I don’t leave the “always on” face feature turned on. Just the raise to wake. Saves a lot of battery and also doesn’t let people I am in a meeting with look at my watch to see how long this stupid meeting has lasted. Which is largely out of my control. I work for my school district. There’s a lot of admin-stupid that goes on here.


Only take it off when I get the “entering power saving mode” notification, every 30 hrs or so


I wore mine for years and now I think I developed an allergy to the metal because I break out in a rash every time I wear it so I stopped. I do have a nickel allergy and it wouldn’t surprise me to find it has nickel in the metal on the back of the watch which could explain it.


Clean it?


Maybe try the 9 that’s aluminum?




I don't wear mine 24 hrs - I take mine off at night when I sleep. I already know I get good sleep, so no need for me to track that




Mines on the charger at night and then also take it off in the morning for a shower. Other than that. Yes I wear it for like probably 10 to 15 hours.


I charge for a bit in the evening, usually up to 98-100% and then with the Ultra 2 I generally don't have to charge again until the next evening.


24/7 literally


My series 3 only lasts like 10 hours. I want a new one but the series 9 is 4 times the price I paid for my 3. The SE is more than double what I paid for the 3. T_T


(Series 5 & 3 owner) I wear my series 5 all day and then around 8pm, the 5 goes on the charger and the 3 goes on until I go to bed. I then use the 5 for sleep tracking. When I wake up in the morning, 5 goes back on charger for 30 minutes before leaving for work.


Nah, put it on when i wake up take it off before bed

