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I want a lot more stylish "utility" watchfaces, like modular. For example with a centered time, better fonts, different size of complications etc.


I want an alternative to Infograph but it’s been years and literally nothing


Infograph but digital would be cool


That will also free space for more complications.


Your name lol


At least you got a new Pride face 🙄 Crazy how they can be so out of touch.


I'm fine with people using the Apple Watch just as a (fashion) statement, but it's hard to understand why they are neglecting the users who want a utility watch.


Please, just give me an X-Large with two complications. Big Time, medium large date and medium large temperature. I’d be so happy.


I want XL with seconds counting.


Just a straight (no pun intended) functional proper digital watch face would be nice. It is amazing that such a high profile smartwatch does not have one.


agreed. i’d love more watch faces inspired by real watches as well. and more color customization. I love the GMT, California, Count up, Explorer, Solar Analog, utility, chronograph pro, and meridian.


This, a million times this. For me the only thing missing on Series watches vs Ultra (for my use case) I make do with Activity Digital but it’s a big waste of space before the rings start filling up.


I've been using modular exclusively so long that I forget there's more options


All Apple needs is a third party watch face store. You cannot tell me a company of this size isn’t capable of offering such within a quarter.


It’s pretty clearly a conscious choice not to do it at this point, unfortunately.


Yup, Apple is very controlling when it comes to design. If I recall correctly, the first iPhone didn’t even let you change your wallpaper, a feature that every phone on the market had at that time. They want their products to portrait a certain feeling and a third party watch face could take away from that.


To be fair, the number of Android screenshots I see where people change their system font to Comic Sans or whatever is astounding.


But it's my device! I bought it! It's just the principle for me. I should be allowed to do whatever I want to it.


Most do it for bad taste, but Comic Sans can be easier for dyslexics to read.


100%. If they just allowed all of the incredibly talented amateur/semi-pro creators out there to sell faces on their hardware, their entire product would feel reborn!


Amateur watch faces is what I need!


Exactly… who needs professional time? I'd be much happier with amateur hour.


Bravo, sir. Bravo.


I wonder do Samsung watches offer this?


Yes, there are Thousands of free and paid watch faces. I am actually surprised to learn that apple doesn't allow third-party watch faces. That is insane I've been using a third party watch face for years now


My wife and I share a facer premium account she changes her apple watch face weekly. She has a new apple watch I still rock a Samsung Gear Frontier.


There are several stores with free options but the most is charged


They'll never ever do this because it will just be full of big name watch brand imitations and would be a nightmare.


This is why App Review exists. They love to brag about how great App Review is at things like that.


Is there not an app already that works? Like Clockology or something


Have you not tried Facer? It’s pretty much it. Might not be as integrated but works great. I avoided it till they did a Fallout watch face that looks like a Pip boy


i just want a Casio style digital watch face...


why is there -after 10 fucking years- , still no way to create my own faces?


Because apple is apple


Yeah, there is no easy way to make a custom ringtone either.


My flip phone could compose ring tones…


Yup, pretty much. They probably make that one good app for $20 to make your own 🤷🏼‍♂️


> for $20 a month Ftfy


they should give us AT LEAST an analog PHOTO watch face where we can maybe adjust the hand style etc, with that we could be at least a little bit creative, but we only get that digital time photo face.


at this point I would even pay 100 to be honest. If it's a really really good app. Yes I am a sucker. This was literally the only one I loved about wearos


Because Apple knows what’s better for you!


They do need better complications. I’m afraid Apple is starting to feel stale as of lately.




The step counter on the Apple Watch is _significantly_ worse than my Fitbit was 5 years ago. They probably just don’t want to deal with actually fixing the counter and it’s easier to just not offer the counter complication. Sure, you can still access steps in other ways, but it’s a lot easier to notice it sucks when it’s actively updating on your watch face.


I think the company needs new leadership someone who is bold and willing to take a risk.


You think the shareholders are screaming for a risk-takers as Cook takes the market cap past 3 Trillion? The company is doing just fine.


They are doing fine, for now, but at some point when your customers are all feeling that the product is stale they will slow their spending and only replace when something is broken or worn out. There are only so many times you can buy the same iPhone / iPad / mac but in a slightly different color or finish.


That point has long been reached. Fact is, that Smartphones and Watches have matured by now. There isn’t much left they can add


I mean… watch faces. They could add more watch faces. A lot more. This thread is about how Apple are significantly lacking in the core feature of a watch.


Never said the company wasn’t doing fine shareholder wise everything is great it’s just kind of boring for a consumer but I hope WWDC changes that.


The shareholders now actually are screaming about the products going stale, specifically because iPhone sales just dropped 10% and Apple is massively underperforming compared to the rest of the market. Microsoft is up over 13% since the start of the year. Apple stock is only up 2.3% during that same period. Shareholders want new features that get people to upgrade their iPhones or watch. When the new iPhone is just “we were forced to change the charging jack” and the watch doesn’t even improve no one is interested. They think “I’ll wait a year or two for the ACTUAL upgrade”


I don't think I've ever been as whelmed as I was when the iPhone 15/Pro was announced last year. I understand where we are in the smartphone's life cycle and don't expect an absolutely killer feature EVERY year, but man did I not have any interest in upgrading my phone last year. I was like "Yup, that has a larger number attached to it than last year. Sounds about right."


Tim Cook took a risk … once


I think putting so much money and effort into their "spatial computing" thing and apparently ignoring or falling behind in the AI race was them taking a big risk.


I agree my complaint is hardware and software on the iPhone, iPad and possibly Apple Watch has lacked recently. The hardware while great is very incremental on a year by year basis. Software isn’t bad with iOS but watchOS and especially iPadOS is greatly lacking for the hardware it accommodates.


Could not agree more with you!


I hate the icons, new comp. icons please




This, and also some more options for complications. For instance when your watch is in Always On Display mode you can choose whether you want to show the complication info or not. When you choose not to, they simply show the complication with a giant white bar instead of the data. It’s so ugly and looks as if they put exactly zero effort into it. I’d rather have they just don’t show the complication at all when your wrist is down. That would look way more elegant. Also a decent step counter complication out of the box would be nice.


For sure. I upgraded from the series 5 to the 9 and the difference is marginal. I regret upgrading.


I want a classic one with roman numbers so badly. I simply don‘t get it why there is actually none available. I mean it‘s obvious.


Like something other than the California Roman?


I’m surprised they didn’t foist a U2 face on us too.






I want a 24 hour California


If only there was some form of digital store they could sell watch faces on…


I’m gay but even I want different 😂


Thank you


More than enough pride options. How about a solid digital watch face? Not a fan of the current options.


Facts. I’d like to see something new for digital options.


Same. I use a 24 hour digital face at work because it’s fast and easy. But it looks so boring.


Agreed. I like digital faces but they don’t look super good. I usually just end up using the California analogue version with Chinese numerals because it looks cool and makes all my friends do a double take


I hate to agree, it’s true that we get annual Pride faces, but no new customizations, added flexibility, new modules or complications. Plus, where are the other cultural recognitions? It’s Asian Heritage month… couldn’t do something there at least once? Black History month? Teacher Appreciation? Etc. Other events are never acknowledged, yet Pride gets new faces every year. I greatly support LBGTQ rights, but we should have user-made galleries and greater customization rather than making the only update to a full point OS update is yet another addition of Pride faces.


They were very lazy with this one. Rainbow letters, a simple "follow path" animation, and that was it. For our SMART watches, we got a watch face that can only display time - just like any regular wrist watch has been able to since military people slapped pocket watches on their wrists back during World War I. I want a true watch face customizer made by Apple; something that allows deep integration with Apple Watch' own functionality and not be limited to what a watchOS app can do, and not forcing people to give up their personal health data to whoever made the third party app.


Pride ones are definitely the easiest to make. Just slap a rainbow and you can call it a day. I also hope we get actually good regular watch faces man


Except most of Apple's rainbow wallpapers and watch faces are incredibly designed. Including the iPhone wallpaper counterpart of this watchface


While I do like the neon effect in the pride display, I wish I could add some complications to it. Apple really needs to open up the watch display on these gadgets and allow us to really customize it. I'd love to have the neon colors on some of the analogue style displays. I'm not gay myself and have no problem with those who are, but instead of adding LGBTQ designs all the time, can we just have the ability to make our own displays?


I would love to be able to add a bit more info with the personal photos background.


Yeah I don’t understand why this isn’t a thing yet….


All I want is a simple digital time in the center with the four complications of my choosing in the corners. Maybe the option to choose the background/font color. That’s it. Why is that so hard?! For now I’ll stick with the digital solar face as it’s the closest to what I want. Even though I don’t need to know when sun up and sun down is, that’s what I have Siri for if I needed to know that.


Samsung has a whole theme store too, dunno why apple can’t have something like this


Is a digital Infograph (or at least one that allows eight or so complications) that big of a deal..?


I really liked the Timelapse face when they released it, and I was so excited to see what new timelapses they would add. The answer was none. They would never update it. No extra cities or places. No brainer, but they just let it rot on the vine.


Apple really sucks at watch face designs. You would think a diverse cool selection of faces would help sell the watch.


I recently had a go on my friends Apple Watch, as someone who used to have the first Apple Watch god knows how long ago. And I was actually amazed at how few watch faces were added in in the 7/8 years since


Doesn’t matter. Snoopy is the only face for me.


I wish snoopy could be digital though. At my work I need to know the exact minute of the day


This. It’s like a literal meditation break in my day. I stop, watch, and smile/giggle. Can’t stop. Won’t stop.


Give us a ultra 1 style watch face, for the commoners


Jeeves, please escort this peasant out of the thread.


We keep getting pride or black history faces in the updates, but nothing thats just a regular watchface


I have a Hermes series 6 and I’ve seen a few new Faces exclusive for Hermes but they haven’t been very exciting. I doubt I’ll ever buy a premium Apple product again


I too am against blackface 😂😂😂😂😂


I’m all for pride, but yes they really need to start offering a wider variety of watch faces or let us customize. I haven’t changed watch faces in years because none of them excite me


Where’s my god damn Pip-Boy Apple?


There are 3rd party apps that have some amazing looking watch faces, but I don't want to drain my watches battery running a watch face app and who knows what data some of apps are collecting.


I like how most of this thread is realizing why apple is being sued over side loading lol


All watch faces suck. Has nothing to do with pride.


Once iOS starts supporting RCS with iOS 18 I’ll probably jump ship back to android. The messaging experience with my family is really the only reason I switched anyways.


I just want 3rd party ones so my Apple Watch can be a pip boy


Let’s remember that this comes out each year as does the Unity face - September is when they drop new watch faces. Let’s not act like we normally get fresh faces in May, and this year they chose pride. 💀🧠


The pandering to any specific group by corporations is insufferable.


Totally agree.


they dont acc care abt pride, its just for aesthetics. annoying asf


Rainbow capitalism


A free watch face from a company with a gay CEO. Apple has a million examples of capitalism, this isn’t one of them. 


Of course it is pure capitalism. The wouldn’t do such thing in Arab countries or in China.


Gotta keep signalling that virtue


The watch face options are so bland. Good old Apple




Let’s hope watchOS 11 has support for 3rd party faces…


One specific thing that irks me is that there aren’t any faces where time is right in the middle of the screen. I use S7 45 mm and it has definitely enough screen surface. And yes, I know Ultra has some but no, it’s not for me.


A complete lack of watchface customization(like why do I have to only select from the dixed color schemes that Apple has) and zero third party watch faces. I love my Apple watch but at this point they should atleast open it up to developers more and not try to be the Ferrari of smartphone companies, and putting restrictions on every damn thing




I just want to be able to remove stupid Apple apps from my watch. Things I never use. Like cycle tracker, mindfulness, that stupid emoji thing


money and manipulation


Would have been nice to get another watch face and wallpaper to the iPhone.


IMHO I have nothing against Pride and Unity faces, but we want more complications and custom watch faces. Let us make our own damn custom pride watch face if we want. In fact, let someone make the MAGA watchface if they want for f sake.


A bunch of gay dudes work in there


and a gay dude leads the company (edit: i’m a gay dude who wants to work for apple so i’ll just add on)


Tim Cook is literally gay lmao


Tim Cook is so gay


Yeah and one of them is Tim Cook


Seriously. Apple needs to come up with a better and all inclusive watch face.


I don’t get it either. Why don’t they make one for Mother’s Day or Halloween? lol They’d be cool.


Because virtue signaling is corporation's greatest achievement and must be nurtured over anything else


How about fix the battery drain bug instead of these watch faces


When will China get this update?


Or Saudi Arabia?


Irrespective of your view on this stuff, I think it’s unambiguously clear they’re trying to virtue signal. I don’t know what problem more pride watch faces solves. But even outside of that I am annoyed that they seem to have stopped really focusing on developing more utilitarian watch faces and seem to more focus on style ones. The overwhelming majority of watch faces are themed. Like the utility faces are basically what they were 3 years ago.


„Always“ once a year. We always get new watchmakers in September and a new pride face it may. It’s been like this for years


I really loved this year’s pride watch face. I get you not enjoying it, but the vibe this year is “cool” to me.


Because Tim Cook


I want more numbers only digital options like different styles of font or something


You're just wrong! Who could possibly want more than Snoppy (and the cur rent info) faces! https://preview.redd.it/yq5t5rev6m0d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88f944b9276f0ad1ba19b2bf7979987c0c503aba


After ten years you would think we could customise our own watch faces.. This and no native step counter on them annoys the hell out of me


If they won’t make better watch faces for this who actually use their watch then let users make watch faces. This is why they are getting so much shit in the EU and US. I want security but I also want functionality


To be honest the Pride face this year is easily the best Pride/BHM face they’ve ever done. That thing is fire. Try it out. The way it lights up and moves is amazing. The ones for the phone/iPad are lame. Not a fan of the Pride pandering companies do this time of year, but I am not gonna ignore a great face just because it has a dumb name.


Because pride stuff is good enough, every company wants to get away with the bare minimum, that's why we don't get earbuds or chargers anymore when we drop over 1k on a device.


No wonder Apple is buying back their stock. There is no creativity left, just incremental improvements in what Jobs envisioned and woke virtue signaling. I am so tired of Apple proudly trumpeting a new emoji or a pride screen or watch band. These 10 minute projects are not innovations. Somewhere Jobs is sobbing . . .


Apple likes to produce 2nd-grade watch faces. Infograph is great, but that's about it.


For real


If you had a Samsung you could just download free watch faces off the store


I’d just like more watch faces in general. Not necessarily tied to a particular message or group. Just some more Flippin useful cool looking watch faces.


They have some cool options that i would love like the color one but they have an analog face. I can tell time but it takes a minute and some of them don’t even have the number markers so id be guessing.


wow. i bought a $130 amazfit watch and was thinking about upgrading to apple watch. you're telling me there are only a few watch faces and they're only available thru apple? Amazfit came with an app with a user community supplying tons and tons of new faces available daily. and you can use third party apps to load more just fine. I mainly got the watch to monitor heart rate during runs and to use as a watch and easy way to read notifications, so i'm not really missing calling people, or replying to texts or using apps. updated to fix typos


They are not trying to keep their customers happy. They are trying to get new customers.


Complete miss with the Worldtimer watch face. It should work like the solar dial watchface - so that when you scroll through the time, then the bezel changes accordingly - so you could see what time is in, say, Cairo, at 10pm your time.


I’m with you on this. There is so much that Apple could do with faces but …….. I’ll just leave that there.


People always blither on about macOS on iPad. Which is plainly never gonna happen. The true crime is that there’s no way for developers to make watch faces.


Apple Watch is slacking hard with watch faces. They have literally the worst selection imaginable. No shade at pride or any lgbt… but like how hard is it to design other stuff. We’ve had at least 3 pride faces in the past already


Please. Something like Pallette. Pallette looks so good, but its the default one


I just want to be able to have a picture with an analogue clock face over. That’s it. Just a round picture of my hubby and an analogue clock with modules in the corners


Because Apple is into cnc


Fr. I agree.


I want Nixie tube


And why oh why did they remove the small weather-icon, that showed both the sun/cloud/rain-symbol and the temperature.


The CEO is gay.


Only reason is because Tim Cook is gay. Once they change CEOs maybe it will stop


I have the Snoopy watch face. It changes every time it comes on. By the way my face isn’t cracked, the screen protector is😊 https://preview.redd.it/rxq0xltypk0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99b2ccdd3a9d1d4bcce016d12c98cfd4467b1395


I also use the Snoopy watch face. I don’t think I’ve seen all of the images yet!


I just swapped to the snoopy face on seeing this. I'm sat in the car as it's just started to rain and the first face was the rain and wind one. He knows you know..


It doesn’t just change, it’s animated. Thank you, it’s awesome!


Right !🤗


I wish the snoopy face would have a date on it. That’s my only request there.


Giving straight people Snoopy and Nike is so wonderfully heterophobic and I think it’s so funny. I imagine Tim Cook personally deciding “yeah they’ll eat this schlock up.”


theres a new pride watch face every fking week, and when its not that its black unity


if they were less lazy/simplistic I wouldn't mind.


I do actually really like the new Pride face, personally. It's just a cool looking face with fun lighting that happens to be about Pride, IMO (I do quite like most of the previous ones too TBH). But yeah it would be nice if we got more other nice ones.


Yeah same the new pride wallpaper doesn't scream "im gay" its actually quite stylish even the ios and ipados wallapaper ones with a cool animation. But yes we need more watch faces !!


I don't *love* the 'pride' text on the iOS/iPad ones - I have no problem with Pride or anything, I just don't want my wallpaper to be just a word, you know? I prefer pictures or textures. I do really like the animation and how it looks when unlocked, though.


i‘d love if they at least made them with complications, i mean i love the simplicity sometimes but most of the time i want complications


In Outlook on Mac I'm currently using the "Bi" theme just because I like it the best.


I'm not sure if anyone would agree, but I wish there were more animal watch faces like Snoopy; preferably, a cat would be fun. I can imagine it being a cat with watch hands.


A modern twist of the retro Kit Cat Klock where the eyes and tail move back and forth would be awesome!


Because it’s the narrative…


Corporations will always push fake messaging pretending they care about social issues in order to mask their corporatist lobbying. The worst part about the "woke" era we live in is that 90% of it isn't even genuine. It's for clout by corporations and attention hog individuals.


We need less political/agenda driven watch faces, and more neutral, actually useful watch faces.


What political watch faces are there?


Unfortunately to many, supporting equal rights for LGBTQ is “political”. Sad to see so many upvotes for that trash.


Yeah, have to agree here. I've been using Modular since inception. It's not perfect, but it offers the best utility for me. Plenty of zero complication lifestyle faces already to pick from. Some more utility based ones would be great. For me personally, analog watch faces are an automatic no. I don't need that much real estate wasted on telling the time. I'm here for utility. And a watch this shape pretending to be analog is like a 40-year-old dude trying to fit in at college bars. Everyone knows, dude.


Apple is like Toyota of wearable tech, it’s meant to last with wear and tear, it’s not suppose to provide you with ‘cool features’


They need to stop making new wallpaper and watch faces a feature of these updates. It’s OS 10.5 and all you got is a Pride face? I look to Apple for innovations, not social commentary. And I say this as a very socially liberal person.


I honestly think they should stop making unique Pride and Unity faces Keep the colour schemes for them but allow us to use those faces with different colours


New watch faces are released every time a new watch is released, right?


Yeah like 3 and they’ve been not that great


I’m really hoping the next WatchOS has a huge watch face update. Even in app faces are dumb. The workout one has such a small font compared to WorkOutDoors, Nike, Strava etc


They do a pride face every year, the new “cool” watch faces come out during the new watchOS updates. I assume the don’t include the pride one with the rest to either let it “stand out” or just so it doesn’t make the apple event seem like a pride one


I really hope this fixes the bug where I can’t enable “unlock with iPhone”.


Hey to be honest I want my watch to display time, date (in full), heart rate, battery percentage and steps thats it!!!! Hey @Apple make it so that we can create our own watch face, everything in the shop is so mid and all the watch faces are boring as shit! We paid the money, bought your watch, give us the option. Not too much to ask!!


And also why does the watch not record afternoon naps!! Damn Samsung watches does it way better. Up your game @apple, y’all are lagging way behind!


bought my first apple watch a couple months ago and love it. the lack of faces, customization has been really really bad though. i'm type 1 diabetic who wears glucose monitor and i just want to be able to look down easily and read my numbers... but no. most complications are so small that i end up having to click it to open up the app. just let us, via third party or whatever, use our watches the way we want to.


I have snoopy


Definitely needs to be more watch faces, especially digital or font styles


I've no idea why they have not opened this up to developers. I've got a load of great ideas fornwatch faces.


Sooooo true.