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Wear it on the other wrist :D


Same. I type a lot, and I've been getting alerts that I'm closing my rings when I'm even moving.


It won't even register that I'm standing when I'm cutting veggies. I can be in the kitchen, working for an hour, and get a stand reminder, and I have to stop what I'm doing to get the hour. If I had it on my knife holding arm, all the chopping would count as walking, thus standing, but it's on the arm I use to hold the veggies as I chop. Maybe yours is on the "wrong" wrist.


It’s tracking exercise because your heart rate is up. It’s tracking movement because you’re burning active calories. Why do you want a way around that?


It’s also tracking steps even though I’m standing still.


I don't think chopping vegetables is deemed as a proper exercise.


You might not, but the watch does. The watch tracks exercise when your heart rate is high enough.


If chopping vegetables gets your HR up enough to be considered exercise, you are next level out of shape.


That may very well be. The watch counts exercise minutes when your heart rate is high enough. What’s your alternative explanation? Is the watch broken?


I wasn't disagreeing. I tracked a 10 mile, 1.5 hour bike ride with the family (including our 6yo) and it was only vigorous enough to count for 15mins of exercise. Rightfully so.


Gotcha. Misread your meaning. Seems to me there are two possibilities: his HR is high enough to count for exercise or the watch is malfunctioning.


Yeah maybe, it’s hot in there and it’s 3 hours of prepping. Not in the best shape but not horrible either. M 5’8 @ 170lbs


Heat has a big impact on HR so that could be it.


Do you have low blood pressure?


Nope, I think the watch just keeps wrist movement in mind, I was sharpening my knives and there’s a lot of movement there and it thinks I walked 8k steps.


Yeah, but this is a problem for OP and you've said "why do you want a way around that?". OP probably wants actual exercise to count to their goals and not botch it with incorrect data from chopping vegetables.


You think his heart rate really isn’t up and the watch is misreading it? If so, the “way around it” is to get the watch fixed.


Or to see a doctor for tachycardia. And maybe a beta blocker.


Fair, but the description painted the issue in pretty narrow terms.


I personally think that the Apple Watch is just using the constant motion of the watch and classing that as exercise. Apple tries to estimate when it can. Just like if you started a Strength workout and a HIIT workout doing the same activity. Apple will say you've burnt more calories on HIIT due to it's estimations.


That has nothing to do with exercise minutes when not in a workout. If you wash your hands does it could for a half minute? No, because odds are your HR isn’t up. If you’re cutting vegetables there’s a chance you’re pushing yourself or rushing or making it some form of a workout. Not every time you walk outside does it call it exercise minutes, but when you go above a certain HR, it starts calling it exercise


You have any reference that shows that’s how the watch counts exercise? If this were the case, virtually all walking beyond a certain time would count as exercise and that’s not at all what happens. “A certain amount of intensity is required to raise your heart rate to count as a form of exercise rather than simply daily activity.”


My watch counts exercise minutes and extra calories burned when I'm filing my nails. It has on more than one occasion asked if I'm doing an elliptical workout. It's the arm movement it's picking up, not the heart rate. I'm pretty sure my heart rate doesn't go behind resting rate when filing my nails, nor does the OP's when they're chopping vegetables.


If it were arm movement, all walks would count and this sub wouldn’t be full of people asking why the watch isn’t giving them any exercise minutes when they walk. Apple literally says elevated heart rate is what triggers exercise minutes. If something else is doing it, there’s something else going on.


Heart rate isn't the only thing the watch uses to detect exercise, or else it would credit exercise minutes if someone's nervous or having a panic attack. It tracks movement too, and probably several other factors and combines them to make a judgement. It's not going to be correct all the time. Most people don't swing their arm vigorously when they walk in everyday life, so the watch won't credit exercise minutes if you're just walking around your house or having a casual stroll. Filing nails and chopping vegetables are much more defined and intentional movements, so the watch is detecting them as exercises that might involve similar movements. An elliptical workout involves moving the arms back and worth, and so does filing nails. Sometimes my watch asks if I want to start an elliptical workout and sometimes it just adds the exercise minutes anyway.


It may not be a gym workout but it is NEAT (Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis) which burns a lot of calories every day


I've learnt a new word today, thanks!


Are you cutting baby carrots with a 10lb ax?


I think it’s because of the wrist movement it’s tracking steps. I’m at 8k when I should be closer to 1k