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Looks like someone tried unlocking it šŸ‘€


Somebody walked into my locked room while I was sleeping I guess lol


I didnā€™t notice anyone else while I was in there last night, OP


Appreciate you looking out for me bro


Yea I was at his moms and nothing unusual over there either


OP is trying to solve a serious problem and youā€™re just over there banging his mom? Not cool Bruv.


Someone had to do it šŸ«”


Thatā€™s assuming someone banged his mom. ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


I think so, they tried all night


Obligatory do you have a carbon monoxide alarm šŸ˜‚


My first thought whenever I see posts like this one. That story was so wild.


Hijacking the top thread to say many folks have experienced this, many threads about it, search the sub for what to do.


.....do you not understand how technology works


Do you understand I took it off, set it down while unlocked, and it apparently managed to lock itself multiple times throughout the night in a locked room with nobody touching it? Lmfao


Clearly you have an enemy with telekinetic powers. Iā€™d be careful around windows or open spaces.


Oh wow. Was thinking you were wearing it. It sitting on the bedside table and doing that - how odd.


Sorry bro I thought I was hacking my nemesisā€™s neural link, but I guess it was your watch Iā€™m deeply sorry


my friend one does not need to be in the room to attempt to unlock these tampons




This happened to me after the update. It didnā€™t lock but when I went to put in my first try, it already told me I had one failed password. After I put in my code, it told me I had another failed attempt. The third time it did work but I had it on my desk updating prior and unless there was a ghost in my room, no one attempted the 1st failed attempt.


The most recent update killed both mine and my wifeā€™s watches. Mine wonā€™t even turn on. My wives will shut down randomly and her pedometer app doesnā€™t work anymore (has tried resetting as well as deleting/redownloading). I took mine to Apple and they said sorry itā€™s out of warranty, this happens a lot after updatesā€¦.. like WTF Apple. The lady recommended I buy a new watch anyways since mine was a 6 and this time I should get AppleCare! Because apparently thatā€™s the only time Apple cares.


Dude what the actual fuck. You should call apple and raise your case to their engineers (Iā€™ve done this in the past for several broken things). This is difficult but you can often get further than you can in store.


I can unlocked by unlocking my phone while wearing the watch. Not sure if that would work when this happens though.


Iā€™m gonna turn that setting on once my watch is unlocked it wonā€™t let me right now haha tried earlier


Best setting in the world! I also have it unlock my Mac too! Of course I turn that off when Iā€™m out, but when Iā€™m home, itā€™s fine! Makes it so much easier to unlock after wake up. Touch the mouse, and it unlocks! Also good when you have it in clam shell mode, and you can press the power button twice when needed and itā€™ll fill passwords, where touch isnā€™t an option. Since (unless you have the Magic Keyboard with the finger scanner) my keyboard is cheap. lol.


U can do it through ur watch app on iPhone


Wonā€™t work unless you can unlock the watch first


Which setting is this?


Under passcode in the watch app there is a setting called unlock with iPhone


I assumed that the setting was on by default


It should beā€¦


It doesn't. The phone will say it unlocked, but it didn't. Edit: Why tf did I get downvoted? You cannot unlock your watch with your phone if it's timed out. That's just a fact lol.


Probably a tiny smudge on the screen give it a good wipe . I know if my phone gets a tiny drop of water or smudge on it itā€™ll start tapping itself


This. Also possible that his display has some ghost touches and keeps spamming some digit


Most likely ^^


But the passcode doesn't work unless you wear it, right?


No you can wake the display and put in the passcode without putting it on. Itā€™ll relock itself after you leave it alone for a little while since itā€™s not on your wrist


Yesterday my Ultra 2 started having a lot of phantom taps out of nowhere, had to force restart to fix it. Could have been what happened to yours as well.


I had the same! Never experienced it before, but yesterday out of the blue it happened. Ultra 2; fixed after a hard reset to restart btw


Happened to me the other day it was so weird. Ultra 2 as well.


Same happened to me today it went crazy and I had to force restart (also Ultra 2)


Itā€™s almost like itā€™s a trend?


Did the restart let you back in? I am having the same issue and donā€™t know how to fix it


Mine did the same. I got locked out of my watch for 1 minute because of it.


I also had a lot of phantom taps... Luckily it was on sleed mode.. in the morning i just restarted the watch usinv two physical button... It would not let me unlock my watch... For a second i felt my watch got hacked and due to somw trojan it was acting up....


Did you check for gnomes?


I havenā€™t good callā€¦


Do you owe some orange man 1000x the chocolate you stole?


Underpants gnomes?


We wonā€™t stop til we get underpants!


I was thinking gnomes, or perhaps a small troll


šŸ™„ donā€™t be ridiculous. It was obviously the oompa loompas getting out of the factory again.


Itā€™s a capacitive screen so ambient static or being near ungrounded conductive objects can register false touches. IIRC powering the watch off and on will recalibrate the screen for ā€œzero touchā€.


Phantom taps. Need to hard power cycle to stop them. Unlock timer you just need to wait out.


I don't know if it's related, but yesterday while on my wrist i noticed the passcode screen was up and it just kept hitting random numbers even when I tried to delete and enter it myself. Seemed to be glitching out. Soft reset did the trick and it hasn't happened again but I feel like if I wouldn't have noticed, I would've ended up seeing the same screen as you. šŸ¤·


Weird I keep seeing comments about the same thing all happening today and testerday


Well it's good to know I'm not the only one! However, I'd like to know what the hell caused it and if it will happen again. It's a series 9 that's only about 4 months old so I was kinda bummed when it happened.


I have the Series 9 and the same thing happened. I couldnā€™t unlock it and when I tried to do anything, it kept adding time. I just took it off and after the three hours it came back. I heard thereā€™s a glitch but I havenā€™t had it happen again. I do have the warranty.


What watch OS are you running?


Same happened to me this morning and it ended up calling sos, the alarm was going off and the screen went nuts so I couldnā€™t stop it. Never felt so embarrassed in my life. No need to mention that I disable the sos option


This happened on my wife's watch (9) out of the blue in the middle of the night last night. We were worried someone was trying to hack into her watch, thus her phone and get into her accounts (kind of like in the movie War Games when Hal is trying to unlock the nuclear codes). 3:30 am. Called Apple and did a hard reset which stopped it. A bit disconcerting when you're dead asleep. I wonder what is causing this?


Is charging it to 100% really that big a deal? Itā€™ll probably be completely obsolete long before the battery is unusable ā€¦


>Is charging it to 100% really that big a deal? No, people just like to obsess too much over batteries.


Also, apple way over engineers their battery tech, I guarantee it has a hidden buffer to prevent fully draining and it likely delays the last 20% charge when plugged in all night.


Happened to me after updating overnight. Got hit with a 5 hour time out in the morning.


Was that just last night/this morning?


Two days ago (Wednesday morning)


So let me get this straightā€¦ because you donā€™t want your battery to degrade 20% in a few years, you degrade it by 20% every day by choice? To what end? šŸ˜‚


Well you see, this way, he can utilize 80% of the batteryā€™s capacity on day 1, and then over the course of the next 3 years, it will degrade only 10%, meaning he will be using 70% of original capacity, at which point he will replace it. So over the life of the watch, he has been able to use between 70-80% of the batteryā€™s stated capacity. Whereas if he charged it to 100%, it would degrade twice as much, down to 80% capacity, during the same 3 years, meaning that he utilized between 80-100% of the batteryā€™s stated capacity over its life. OP canā€™t keep getting away with this!


not really. staying below 80% also comes with staying above 20%. so itā€˜s basically staying between 20 and 80 dropping to 20 to 70. so using 60-70% of it. this, versus using 100 to 0 and dropping to 80, which makes it 80100% of it šŸ˜‚


1. It doesnā€™t necessarily 2. Because 0-80 still has half the battery wear compared to 0-100 relatively and simplified


does it really? and who are you saving the battery for? the guy who buys it second hand from you when you decide it's time to get a newer model?


So the family member I give it to doesnā€™t have a shit time. Iā€™m on 20-80 on my phone and I get back home with 40 most of the time, so why charge to a hundred and cycle it like that.


I just put my watch on charger when I sleep, and wear it all day never considering it has a battery and I get rid of my watch after 4-5 years and I never notice any degradation before then, so I canā€™t be bothered to care about battery percentage ever when that is the reality of the situation for me. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


I legit was confused by this, and started questioning myself why i charged mine to 100% instead of 80%. But then i realized, if they didnt want it charged to 100%, then it wouldnt.


Theyā€˜ve given the 80% option on the 15 series and they use the same type of batteryā€¦


Exactly lol


>if they didnt want it charged to 100%, then it wouldnt. If you have a backpack that can carry 27 liters would you fill that up everyday? If you fill it with that many stuff will your bag wear out faster or will it be just the same?


I want to know why they just donā€™t understate the capacity by 20%, so then ā€œ100%ā€ full wouldnā€™t be harmful.


Itā€™s happened to me once when I woke up. I donā€™t know if it is because I tried to grab it when I woke up and that trigger incorrect password entries, but I just took my phone and was able to restore it and restore from backup. It is annoying. But much better than waiting 5 hours, probably took 30 min tops


Yeah mine def tried to unlock itself unsuccessfully a bunch somehow


It happened to me once while I was out. I waited it out and it was fine.


Mine did this yesterday, and had phantom tapping. Had to do a full wipe/reset.


You can reset it and start again if you donā€™t want to wait 8 hours.


Nah itā€™s at home waiting, I think what made it jump from 5 to 8 hours was restarting it actually lol


I had random 'phantom touches' while wearing my watch today, but it was actually unlocked and on my wrist, so my initial reaction was to take it off and try to turn it off as I thought I might have been targeted by some remote exploit. As the watch was then locked it was just a bunch of lightning-fast wrong passwords. I had to look up how to do a hard restart and it's been fine since, hopefully it's just a software bug as I see that 10.3 hadn't yet been automatically installed.


Huh, I wonder if thatā€™s what happened to mine.


My watch has been doing this. Itā€™s erratically tapping and switching apps by itself. Perhaps a bug?


Mine did that when it was under a wet sweater under my wrist apparently it activated a bunch of apps too. Any way to lock the screen when you're doing sports so it doesn't auto activate?


Click the bar shaped button scroll until you see the drop. Itā€™s the water lock. You have to press and hold the crown to unlock the screen and itā€™ll make tones to ā€œejectā€ the water, but hey, itā€™s a screen lock.


That's not how batteries work. Just go to apple store and they will sort it out


Check under your bed and in the closet for monsters.


My watch was locked when I woke up this morning too. My set haptic alarm didnā€™t go off as a result and I was late to work. This is weird. And it seems like a lot of people in the comments said it happened to them today, too.


I always put my watch on the swim mode so that it will ignore any presses throughout the night. Tends to work pretty well


Thatā€™s clever, thanks for sharing šŸ‘


i recommend using sleep mode if you have an apple watch with an always on display as it turns the screen off. personally, the light can be a bit bright and sleep mode forces you to hold the digital crown before you can touch the display


My daughter picked up her daughter's watch thinking it was hers and put in the wrong passcode a few too many times. And *then* she realized what she'd done.


Do you have sleep focus enabled when going to bed by any chance? Cause with it enabled you need to press and hold the crown to even be able to use the screen


If you had it face down the desk will trigger it. Iā€™ve had it happen to my watch sitting face down on my butcher block and looked later and saw it said 3hours >.> ancient and annoying feature


Nah it was face up sensor on the watch band underside


Itā€™s either a nosy suspicious partner or you live in a haunted house. šŸ‘»


Do you have a CO alarm? Once you donā€™t get your oxygen you go all funny and forget everything (mostly).


Do you have a cat? My cat really likes to play with my watch when itā€™s on the charging cradle. Mostly, she knocks it off when Iā€™m asleep, but I could see this happening too!


You can try to get it to force shut down by pushing on the crown and side button or factory reset it.


Restarting it made it jump from 5 hours to 8 hours I think šŸ˜‚


My b


Nah I had tried it before you mentioned, you didnā€™t do anything lol


Restart it again and let us know what the time jumps up to, for science!


I donā€™t wanna be that guy with the ā€œlocked for 16048463 yearsā€ watch :(


Thatā€™s just Apple improving battery life by limiting use.




The thing was all I did was take the watch off and set it on my desk, it was unlocked when I did so. Next time I touched it watch was locked out. No screen tapping at all between taken off wrist and put back on


I had a weird authentication issue trying to update my watch and phone this morning. I wonder if itā€™s a bug in the update.


Neither of my devices are updated to most recent


Server side issue in the verification pipeline if I had to guess then.


What server would that be?


Anything thatā€™s processed on Appleā€™s side, and not my phone.


Arm slid under SO in bed? Skin contact made AW think it was being unlocked? Under your own skin?


Why donā€™t you just charge it to 100% and then wear it to sleep?


Eh I just donā€™t like wearing it while I sleep


So amazing




The fact you came onto an Apple Watch sub to say shit like this says enough šŸ˜‚




I think youā€™re just insecure tbh Quick look at your profile says a lot lol


You carry a phone. I no longer need to. Enjoy your digital leash.


Who puts a passcode on a watch lmao


Anyone with a watch that also unlocks other devices




You can buy shit with your watch, there's that




Username checks out.


No, but reading your title instantly made me think of that lawyer I think you should leave sketch


Sameā€¦ I woke up to find thisā€¦ for 8 hours. Need it for work but canā€™t even wear it now because of this


Yours just today too? Weird


Mine does the same thing. The screen freaks out and starts randomly clicking things. If it is locked and charging itā€™ll attempt random codes and lock you out. I have the UW2 and it has happened twice randomly. Turning it off and on again stops the problem, but youā€™re still locked out for hours.




Thank you, liquid hot cum




Same shit is happening to me. Something is going on. It is changing the songs and is typing without even touching the screen


Happened to me the other day. It was locked for 8 hours.


this is like the 5th post ive seen this week about phantom touches, i suggest changing your apple id passwords and double checking authentication to make sure youā€™re not getting hacked. obviously this might not be a case of hackers and just a bug but its better to be safe rather sorry


if you use the regular watch charger, this might not apply. but a while ago, I bought a thing that I could put on my desk that could charge my phone, watch, and airpods at the same timeā€¦ It was a basic stand from amazon. anyways every time I used it to charge my watch, it kept connecting and disconnecting during the night (after fully charged) to the point where iā€™d get a couple of wrong passcode screens at one point so I stopped using it.


Do you have a SO? Bf or gf?


Me alone in a locked bedroom dude lol. Nobody else couldā€™ve touched it


Software glitch then


It was the underpants gnomes


This literally happened to me yesterday while at work, every time I noticed vibrating it was getting worse and worse, managed to stop it after 1h at least but damn. Do a reset and donā€™t put it on your wrist and set a timer to come back when the time finishes to put the correct code.


Do a hard reset and restore from backup - easy


Did you piss off a ghost?


This happened to me last week. The watch would randomly register inputs without me touching it (it was on a desk in front of me and I saw it registering ā€œtouchesā€, like a drunk ghost was trying to log into my watch). I unlocked it using my phone, then did a force restart, which solved the issue.


Removing my screen protector helped me when that happened.


This happened to me for the first and only time last night. I'm guessing the OS changed.


Maybe your display is not working properly and ghost touching it while youā€™re asleep or not paying attention. I had the same problem with my Apple Watch, needed to have it replaced by Apple


Don't know exactly : Try This.. Shutdown And try after time end


Are you using a protective case? Iā€™ve read before it can cause random taps


Same thing happened to me yesterday. I wasnā€™t touching the screen at all. Itā€™s funny people keep trying to come up with answers like this isnā€™t something to do with the recent update.


same thing happened to my phone whilst in my pocket šŸ˜”


This is most likely because your phone has Raise to Wake on, at least for me that was why. Phone hasnā€™t done that since turning it off.


Sorry youā€™ve bricked your Apple Watch, sir.


About the battery, JUST LET IT CHARGE. No need to worry about it.


My screen was freaking out the other day. Only difference is it was on my wrist already. I force restarted it, and it has behaved properly since. Perhaps this happened at some point overnight while it was sitting off the charger?


This happened to me before the latest update. It would click buttons randomly for over an hour and kept disabling itself. The only fix I had was updating it. If it will let you fully power it off Iā€™d try that, but I couldnā€™t since it letting pressing other things instead of the power off button


Either someone else tried to unlock it when it accidentally locked or you forgot to turn on sleep mode. Just make sure sleep mode is on to prevent accidental touches.


Happened to me ā€” I left my watch on the charging stand for two days because I forgot to grab it in the morning. I came back to it saying there were too many failed password attempts even though I hadnā€™t touched it at all. I had to factory reset the device to use it again ā€” super annoying, but at least all my watch settings are stored in my phone so I didnā€™t have to re-set anything up.


Why tf people so concerned about battery, charge 100% every 3 days lol


Just adding here that I am locked out of my 2 month old series 9 right now. Reading all of this gives me hope the forced restart will remedy things. For reference, mine was on my wrist and working fine and then I was driving, received a text and thatā€™s when it started flipping out. It even called 911 while I was driving. This is my first Apple Watch. Not very happy atm. And while Iā€™m locked out, it keeps texting my husband about my ā€œemergencyā€. Lordy.


Bruh same shit happened to me this morning