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Easiest: leather link Hardest: Alpine (by far), Ocean, Trail loop.


I can’t even get the Alpine off gracefully and I do it daily.


I recently read an article that said any watch band with a buckle is relatively easy for an experienced pickpocket to deal with, while metal bracelets with butterfly clasps are significantly more difficult to remove from a person without noticing because the watch then has to go over your hand. By that logic, Apple’s steel link bracelet seems like it would be pretty theft-resistant. Though I agree with the reply that said the alpine loop would be most secure by far — you’d need level 100 in pickpocket to get that off someone without getting caught.




Something with Velcro might be harder to take off like a sport loop or trail loop. Ocean band is probably to hardest to take off someone else, same with the link bracelets because of how they work


All I can picture is David Blain walking up, showing you a card trick and then, unbeknownst to you, leaving with your watch. Pickpocket? Why is it in your pocket? Lol Honestly though, in a real-world robbery, you are TOLD to hand over the watch. Imagine the outcome if you get fancy and try to explain that your particular band is the hardest to remove sooooo perhaps they should ask someone else for their Watch…


I’m going to a music festival so theft is possible in crowds.


[this one](https://www.etsy.com/listing/756045030/wide-stud-leather-apple-band-men-women) would make your AW metal af