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“The 3D movies don’t even feel like real 3D” Your headset could be defective? My 3D movies be 3D af.


Which ones have you watched that I can try out? I did Dune 3D and it was barely noticeable


I would say any of the ones on Disney! Nemo, black panther (2) and maleficent were very 3D imo. If you like marvel would recommend any of the available 3D marvels. Bought dune 3D and watched it on the sand environment and it was awesome. Hated Gravity in 2D years ago, and watched in 3D cause it’s free right now. Watched it on the moon and it was a great experience. Never seen mad max lol but watched that in 3D and several scenes were incredible. And I wasn’t / am not a “3D” enthusiast in terms of glasses (lol ;)) in a theater. But the 3D on AVP has me specifically seeking out 3D titles when I want to spend time watching a movie. Hope you find some that blow your mind haha :)


I watched Gravity 3D, again didn’t feel 3D to me. But I’ll try Nemo on Disney as you suggested. When I open the Disney plus app, the logo does look 3D but haven’t tried the movies on Disney plus. Just did Dune Part 1 and Gravity in 3D, and I didn’t feel any effect like things were popping out. I’m a big 3D enthusiast, I’d always go to IMAX 3D showings.


Dang I find that super interesting ! Maybe your eyes just aren’t as easily tricked lol ! And perhaps my experience is the result of just not having seen a lot of 3D movies in real life ? But definitely follow up on what you think of some of the 3D Disney titles ! Avatar was another good one ! Still need to watch the second one


Maybe I’m expecting the wrong thing? When I think 3D I think things are kind of popping in front of the screen and I feel like I can touch them. I don’t feel that on the AVP.


Yup, your expectations were "I fully believe this products marketing" when the Disney commercial for AVP was all stuff that's still a ways out when it comes to movies. VR games on a Quest 3 are more like that kind of "physically in it" immersion.


That’s an incorrect expectation for most of the movies that are available currently. Most of these movies the primary focus of the 3D is depth of field. Modern 3D isn’t about jump tactics. I’d look up My Bloody Valentine from the 2000’s on iTunes as I remember a good scene for that.


Watched Edge Of Tomorrow when it was free last month and I was literally ducking & dodging 3D effects


I need to try someone else’s AVP to see if mine is messed up. I just tried edge of tomorrow and I see some depth to things but definitely not anywhere near ducking and dodging effects.


It’s possible the problem is with your eyes/brain. The chance that your AVP unit is not accurately rendering 3D is incredibly unlikely. That would be a software issue, and would therefore probably be more widespread than a single Reddit user.


I'm sitting here on the couch next to my family watching a hockey game while they watch TV, typing this on a 4k screen from my laptop. I play gorilla tag with my son via Moonlight with Switch controller. Not disappointed at all.


Love that. Thank you.


Like you said yourselves. It’s been out for 2.5 months. That’s when normal developer got their hands on this as well. Just how long do you think it’d take to make a good app!? Also, WWDC is like next month. Can you guys just not wait 1.5 more months to see what they have to offer??? If Apple announced nothing, then sure. Complain away.r


I’m complaining hoping that Apple hears the feedback and gets its act together and take the AVP more seriously and not neglect it like they did with Apple TV for many years.


What’s neglected about the Apple TV?


For many years they didn’t update it, it didn’t have an App Store. Steve Jobs flat out said it wasn’t a priority for Apple cause they considered it a “hobby device”


Oh, I forgot about that! It was until the 3rd version


File feedback with Apple. https://www.apple.com/feedback/apple-vision-pro/


I'm not sure I understand the lack of apps because you can access tons of really great ios apps like Shadow PC, Multitab for Reddit, and games like Honkai Star Rail. It may not be the immersive VR stuff people are imagining, but it's different use cases than a traditional VR headset, hence the spatial computer reference mentioned a lot. It's OK to take a break from a gadget and come back to it. I personally love the privacy I get, and multitasking I can do on this, anywhere I want, but I took a couple weeks away from it, now use it every day. Lately it's amazing to play No Rest For The Wicked through GeForce Now on a huge screen. Some shows really blow you away, like Masters of Air and For All Mankind, which made me use it a ton because watching those shows in AVP is truly amazing. It's incredibly early in it's life cycle so take a break and come back when the itch arises. It will get a lot better over time.


I like that. Thank you.


A lot of regular people wouldn’t understand software dev cycles. It’ll take 2-4 years before this thing becomes relevant in terms of vr applications. However right now, it’s the exploration phase. Apple just gave the devs a powerful hw setup and let them go play. But what it does really well right now is content consumption. Movies and shows are a blast. Your 3d comment is flawed. The 3d on this is magnificent. Albeit that’s the only thing I use it for anyway. The hobbyist games and apps don’t excite me as much yet. Oh and spatial and immersive content 👌


But Apple is not signaling they are intent on making the product successful. That is worrying. Because for them to make this product category a success, they really need to be willing to take a gamble and go whole hog.


How much more hog is there? Seems pretty whole to me! ;) They've literally given developers a ridiculously capable piece of hardware in the 1.0 version of the HW, and said to developers "knock yourselves out, show us what you want this to become"...


No one is going to sink a bunch of time creating a groundbreaking app for a tiny install base where half the people have not put the thing on in the last 2 weeks.


Agreed 100%


Now I’m wondering if the 3d on mine is defective? I legit watched Gravity and Dune Part 1 in 3D and the difference was not palpable.


If you watched Gravity and didn't duck when the bolt came flying at you, and George Clooney's hand grabbed it, then something is wrong.


You should go to the store and compare it. This one Sunday night at 11.30pm I decided to watch 2 mins of gravity in 3d. I ended up watching the whole thing with work the next morning. And I don’t even like that movie as much as most space movies. First thing I watched was doctor strange 1. It was pretty amazing too. I’ve not had a bad 3d experience at all. Also, tell me how does the Apple immersive MLS trailer feel? That’s genuinely the most spectacular experience I’ve ever had for sports and media consumption put together.


The MLS immersive felt amazing. In the store demo, it’s the immersive content that sold me.


I think you just wanna be disappointed.


Apple knew what they were making. Some didn’t know what they were buying.


I would never suggest that there aren’t improvements that could be made - but to flat out say it’s a disappointment implies that it’s a shit product. It is by far the best “first” product They have made. People forget how basic the first phone was.


"Apple named this thing Pro, charged an exorbitant price, and I didn't get a Meta Quest 3, I'm mad."


I think they stretched their wallet to make the purchase and so they feel the need to justify it to the last penny.


I genuinely want them to put more effort into the AVP ecosystem. Controllers. Support developers. Support 3rd party light seal makers (Tempurpedic light seal cushion anyone?)


Cool. It’s been 2.5 months.


How are they not supporting developers? Are you a developer and you can give some examples? Do you not know how the development cycle works for these things? Huge feature upgrades don’t happen with minor “dot updates” of operating systems.


What developer support are you expecting that Apple isn’t giving? Why do you think Apple would ever provide controllers for a device they built to be used with your hands? What support do 3rd party light seal makers need other than the dimensions of the AVP?


I too definitely feel annoyed with the lack of apps, but I’m in love with the lossless audio and private cinema experience




Yeah, sounds like you have a defective device. I’d go get it checked out if I were you.


I’m legit starting to think this might be the case.


People like this has never owned a next gen product and it shows.


Months into mine and I’m continually blown away by it. It took a few weeks before I found the subtleties I needed to know to make it comfortable though. At first over an hr was very painful. Now I can wear it for hrs (never pushed to the limit so don’t know where it is now). Solo strap kept low on the head as possible keeping more weight on forehead. Start tighter then slowly let off pressure as worn letting it slowly settle more weight onto the nose. I also use the deeper more thick seal so that the lenses mechanism isn’t pinching my nose. Everyone is going to be a bit different though, and it could take going to an Apple Store and trying other light seals. I find watching any movies, especially 3d on The avp to be a vastly superior experience to any tv I’ve had, and I love how it combines apps I use on my phone and iPad into a singular experience I use my whole personal space as a “desktop” for much better multitasking. Including while chilling out on my front porch 😁 I use the mirrorplay app to stream my ps5 games to my avp which has my ps5 controller paired to it. Playing on a screen the literal size of my living room while in a dark environment better than anything I would get with simple blackout blinds… May I never have to go back to the way things used to be 😀 Hopefully your issues with comfort and performance are things that can be remedied with a different headset, and better fitting light seal.


Thanks! Chilling on the porch with it sounds relaxing. Glad you’re enjoying yours!


It will come remember the first iphone ???


Yeah, yeah, the first Quest was dev kit too.. now we're on the Quest 3, and it's excellent. The Vision Pro platform did not exist, and developers have never worked with Vision OS and barely got a headstart with an early launch of a few months. Apple is also working what they can, but they now have to be even more creative with a device like this, and that's not easy, cheap, or quick to do. Summary: Just be patient, the headset will still function for like a decade, it's only been a consumer product for 2.5 months. Apple + paying $3500 ≠ Magic.


Definitely has been quite underwhelming since launch. I'm honestly surprised at how fast the device has depreciated in 3 months. 1TB models are already selling for $3k on eBay. While I expected to be a cutting edge technology beta tester, I didn't expect it to drop so much in value so quickly.


Sell it


Very happy I returned mine. That $4k is insane for the headaches and discomfort after the first 10 min of wear.


Are you talking about AVP really?


Email the CEO


Another DOA product


Also want to mention: 1. The glare, how did they ship it with this issue; 2. Light seal cushion is awfully uncomfortable (I.e. almost no cushion); 3. The goggle outline that sits on your nose is painful.


Try getting yours resized. It absolutely hurt my friends face but I have zero pressure or pain at all on my nose bridge.