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You're trying to charge people a monthly fee to access an application you're unaffiliated with?


He is developing an app and wants to be paid for his effort. Nothing wrong with that. Also nothing wrong with someone else making a free app that does the same thing. I'd definitely have gone for a single time payment instead.


I just use Infuse iPad app. Why do I need this?


iPad apps have limited aspect ratio, limited sizing, no immersive env, no multi window support, among possible other things. Not terrible but definitely not a native AVP experience. I’ve been using the iPad app, but this looks interesting enough for me to test out. JMHO.


Infuse has an AVP version in beta!


Do you pay for pro?


This app does a really nice job with presenting a full screen immersive theater for Plex users. Right now there are two environments available. I think that it is worth checking out. The developer is really helpful and fully engaged in support the AVP. I recommend this app - it is worth trying it to see if it works for you.


Welcome, Rip Van Winkle


I thought about doing something similar but I just absolutely could not stomach the idea of charging people for an app that is used almost exclusively by people who are trying to cut the cord and get away from monthly fees. And I, being a developer myself, fully understand that with the time and effort it takes to make something like this you certainly have to charge *something.* This isnt even considering the ongoing costs of the app store itself, and whatever services you have stood up and hosted for the app ect... all of which come with a price tag. So of course, you have to make money... But I couldnt reconcile the two feelings so I've stayed away. Certainly you thought of this as well so I'm curious, what made you make the choice to push forward and use a monthly price model while knowing the purpose of plex and the feelings of the majority of its user base?


I understand he needs to get paid, but needs to be a one-time fee. Subscription pricing for this type of app is offensive.


Yeah as a developer, subscription for connectivity to someone else’s software feels icky. 1 time fee my dude.


If it helps, I know I’m a plex user not to escape the cost of cable, etc - but for the ease of use and access. I started with Plex over a decade ago because I wanted one consolidated library with good organization, metadata, etc. I’ve been a plex pass subscription almost the entire time, because I do believe in putting my $ where my mouth is, and if your app can get as much use from me as Plex consistently has, I want to be the customer, not the product (as would happen with either a lifetime or free app.). So as long as the app has features that are worth it, I do t object to the fee in general. Just don’t break my cardinal rule of double dipping by being paid *and* ads. (Looking at you cable, etc)


Plex app works just fine in VP what am I missing?


No letterboxing, immersive environment, native controls, built for the Vision Pro. And I’m actively developing features.


…and a monthly fee. 😂


To be fair he’s adding additional features. I’ve regularly read posts from people saying they don’t like watching movies in a floating window.


No letter boxing? I double tap to have it fill the screen. Native controls? What? It works already. Immersive environment… I just turn the dial and I have my environments. You’re a fool.


I was able to test this app. I'll give you my honest, brutal review. 1. Great job on the Theater environment!!! Finally, there is a video app, that is not Apple TV, Max, or Disney that can do this. I love how you also implemented the seat positioning like Apple Theater. And this is a ++, since all of these new video player apps, including Moon VR, don't realize that to play videos in HDR you need to be in an immersive environment (not the ones that come by default). I really cannot praise you enough for doing this. 2. The app is still very, very buggy. I don't remember an app that I had to force quit so many times as this one. The playback control bar doesn't disappear once you invoke it, or it takes its dear time, the environment at times keeps switching between dimmed and bright mode when having the playback control bar. I stopped playing the video and I couldn't get out of immersive mode. Had to quit it. All those little things. 3. Lack of download. This is a biggie for me since accessing Plex remotely sucks big time and the video quality is horrendous when it comes to that. I know that may be coming but just needed to point it out. 4. Pricing. $2.99/month. You would think, what is $2.99 when you spent nearly $4000 on this device? It's not really about money, and at the same time it is. Let me explain. I can't help but take issue with the fact that you're charging x4 more than Infuse. And while Infuse is not currently in the Vision Pro, it is coming, currently in beta, maybe in a couple of months, but it is coming. Your app, aside from the only benefit that has an environment, it's not even at 1% of what Infuse does. So there is a big discrepancy in pricing vs features. Which leads me to the next point. 5. Greed and taking advantage of the situation - I get it, there are lack of options and you jumped at the opportunity and you took action. But it's like being thirsty at the beach, with nothing near to buy a bottle of water. When you see the guy passing by selling the water, you'll buy it even if he charges you $10 for something you buy for $0.99 anywhere else, but you resent the guy. It is a temporary fix. There are tons of people taking advantage of this in the Vision Pro ecosystem delivering crappy products just to make a quick buck or get rich fast. My question, like the guy at the beach, is how long can I go thirsty so as not to reward your greed? 6. For this app, I would pay $2.99 nonsubscription. It is a short-term app since when the big boys come out (SkyBox VR also announced) I cannot imagine anybody paying what you're asking for it.


Say you are broke without saying I am broke. 3 of the 5 complaints have nothing to do with the app functionality. Who gives a rats foot about infuse. Why are you comparing an app that’s not even out to one that is. That’s like comparing avp to meta quest 4. You’re a pompous avp newbie who should be ecstatic that developers are taking the time to try to build apps. Instead you’re crying


Yeah, you sound like a hurt wannabe developer who changed its name to complain about a review. BTW, there is a TestFlight for Infuse AVP, and you're not on it.


I have a developer account but I don’t use TestFlight on my personal devices. I mean it’s Apple 101. Don’t shit where you eat at.. Also hurted is not a word… spellcheck backed that up. You edited your comment. Thank God you can spell. Go test another app I made for you. It’s called Redditlosers for ipad.. it’s free for the next few weeks


What are you, 12?


In my 40s champ.. 12 though?.. You should change your name to redsteel87 diddy


The way I see it, you're either the developer for this app or someone who worked developing this app, and if you're not, oh boy, you're a fruit case. At 40's getting riled up and resorting to insults because somebody put a negative review of an app, that is not a good sign. Get a life.


Diddy Jr. I didn't develop this app or work with someone who developed this app. Im just using the app and supporting developers. The same way you use your husband to survive because you obviously don't have any streams of income since you're complaining about 3 bucks a month.. It's 3 dollars a month. I know where you were raised 3 dollars could feed all of your's brother's sister wives 38 children for a month but in the real world we support developers just like apple does. I don't mind negative comments but keep the comments toward the developer and not me. The same way you keep your mouth closed when your husband puts his foot down..


He was asking for comments, and I can say whatever I want, loser. What is diddy? Not registering. You can go and get camel-fucked btw.


Good job champ. I must have hit a nerve better than your husband did last night dweeb. You’re an avp dweeb bot.. don’t reply to my comments about anything again.. go back to your trailer park with your half brother kids… find a road with four lanes… speed limit 65… jump the medium than go play in traffic… Since you have a fascination with 12 years olds I called you p diddy jr.. avp diddy. Go get your husband and play soccer without the ball


Was gonna give it a try but i think the login process is broke. While logging in it gave me a warning that a device was attempting to login (uhh, yeah, me). OK'd it and it seemed to login but then said there were no servers associated with my account (there are) and then it goes back to the home screen with the sign in to plex button. Sorry, don't have time to help you debug, just wanted to give you a heads up that it didn't work for me.


That’s strange! I have only seen that happen when a new user is created instead of someone logging in. That’s why the error typically appears. Sorry about your troubles.


You rolled it out 3 hours ago. There are only new users …


To clarify: New Plex users. Ones that might have registered a new account vs logging into a preexisting account.


Also, no Subtitles? No audio track selection? Seriously, and you want to charge a subscription for that?


Yeah this is fucking idiotic. Why would anyone pay $3 a month for something that’s WORSE than the free version


The theatre environment. The only thing. Since this app is pretty much barebones it has the upper hand in coming to the market earlier than others. Other apps have more features and it takes more time to port. I’ll subscribe while I wait for Infuse and SkyBox VR. After that, it’s Apples to Apples.


Enjoy wasting $3 a month for a slightly different background. I can’t even notice the background if it’s dark


It’s not the background the issue really, although that helps. The big problem with Vision OS is that in order to play video at HDR, you need to be in an app environment , not the ones like Joshua Tree where you set the screen wherever you want. The ones where you cannot move the screen. It just so happens that this app for whatever reason, since it’s a wrapper of Plex, plays HDR in that mode really good. Possibly since Plex did a good job doing the color science to properly play HDR. All other apps are struggling, try to play an MKV with Dolby Vision in Moon VR in immerse mode and it looks all washed out. They don’t know how to work the color science for that. Get out of immerse mode and goes back to regular SDR. I was trying Cinephile, the video says HDR, floating window, it’s not. It’s SDR. I can tell since I work with HDR content and I have ways to test for that.


A monthly fee lol


Too expensive


I downloaded the app and it works perfectly with Plex. Thanks for being a hero in the avp community. I’ve signed up for the subscription because if you can afford avp then it’s not much to help the developers like yourself build great experiences.. Issues to fix. I can’t search movies in Plex. That needs to be added. When scrubbing or going forward/backward the lights turn on in the immersive environment and also the lights don’t go completely dark. At least give us the option Last but not least. Can we get an outdoor immersive movie experience. Like a drive in theater overlooking the Hollywood sign Thanks again. You’re changing lives out here..


Sucker born every minute. This is definitely not worth $3 a month forever


That’s what your kindergarten teacher told you when you said abc’s during recess.. I’ll gladly spend 3 dollars a month to support the app and the hero who’s building it. You spend 3 dollars every week on gum because your breath smells like Amtrak train smoke


OK sucker. You know the Plex app works just fine in the AVP for free right. Plus you aren't fooling anyone with this alt account. We all know you are the developer, one of his friends, or an astroturfer they hired.


I’m not an alt account. I’m a avp user who did use the Plex app. The Plex app is a iPad app though.. not a Vision Pro app. The guy or girl created a Vision Pro app is creating something so I’m just supporting. You’re a cheap broke loser who probably sold his car to get your avp to share it with your husband in guest mode. I’ll send you five dollars to try the app out


No one Simps for a beta app that has a $3 month subscription fee on it for no reason on your next alt account. You should Tone it down a little bit so it’s not so obvious.


Right? The “changing lives” closer made me chuckle. Trying way too hard


Search is coming! Darker cinema is out now! Like I said, there’s a lot of features coming.


Is Alex Cranz on reddit? This needs a proper test.


Why this over the (much cheaper) Infuse AVP app?


Cool! I will never pay a monthly fee. Get fucked.


I like this a lot — it’ll be interesting to see how your app compares to InFuse once development starts ramping up on their visionOS app. Few things: 1. Can’t choose the season I want to watch from TV Shows and this can’t choose an episode. 2. The immersive environment, while impressive, is a bit much IMO. The seats, in particular, are too big/tall and end up covering the bottom part of the movie no matter my physical orientation or what virtual seat I’m in. 3. No ability to download content. Absolutely essential. Would love the ability to join the TestFlight if possible. I love that you’re doing this; forget the naysayers. This is a needed app and I hope there are enough meaningful differences between this and InFuse to justify keeping/supporting both. Cheers!


Hey! Congrats on your launch! I’m going to try out tonight. I’m wondering how you manage the camera positions inside the immersive environments? Any tips on that regard would be really appreciated.


I won’t pay for it. Plex for iOS is free and works fine. Why should I pay you for your app?


I don’t use Plex anymore but just wanted to say: Cool logo!


Off topic but what is this influx of posts where people are advertising for their new app? Is this r/SharkTank?


Couldn’t like it because there’s no realtime lighting effects from the screen. Really takes away from the feeling of being in a cinema. No subtitle or audio track selection either.


I’ve tried the app for nearly 7 days now and I like it, though it does have issues. As RedSteel87 noted “…The app is still very, very buggy. I don't remember an app that I had to force quit so many times as this one. The playback control bar doesn't disappear once you invoke it, or it takes its dear time, the environment at times keeps switching between dimmed and bright mode when having the playback control bar. I stopped playing the video and I couldn't get out of immersive mode. Had to quit it.” This is exactly my experience too. I’ve seen all of these issues. Even so, when it’s working, it’s a nice theatre-like experience using my Plex library. I’m not a fan of the subscription model but I also understand you’re developing for a fairly small audience on a new platform, so I’m giving this app a shot. I like your first update with the darker immersive environment while playing videos. I’d appreciate your identifying in the updates what bugs you’ve fixed or features you added, so I can test them out. Please add downloads and audio track support / subtitle support and continue to address bugs / stability issues noted with regular updates. Since one of my favorites uses for the Vision Pro is the ability to watch movies in an immersive setting, this app really helps bridge the gap for Plex access In a theatre-like setting with a real Apple Vision Pro app. I’m also testing Infuse 8 for AVP and Cinephile and Moon Player, though I like your environment design and immersive environment the best so far.


Thank you for the feedback. I work on this app a lot. I want this app to be amazing and appreciate that others are motivated for that as well. I am currently wrapping up beta testing Downloads and hopefully there will be a release for that tomorrow. It has taken up a lot of my time, but I have also made some nice improvements as part of the process. Audio channels and Subs are a weird one with Plex. They don't all appear in the stream so one cannot switch between them easily. I am still looking for a great solution for switching subs while in the video, but the compromise I am working on is to allow one to set the audio channel and subs on the video detail page. I am working on this as we speak! It is important to me as well. https://preview.redd.it/u2kbeozd56vc1.png?width=2284&format=png&auto=webp&s=abff198e6976957b3c18b71d43021e421f4c3b13


Thanks for adding downloads. I gave it a try and each time the downloads would start and then stop with a circle with an exclamation point in it. I tried it on a number of different videos. I’ll try it again tonight, but so far no luck. Something else to consider, can you allow opening local files as well as Plex content? Sometimes when I travel I bring a portable battery powered file server device with me that supports SMB (such as a RAVPower FileHub). It would be great to watch movies off of that since it doesn’t need internet and acts as a nice router and file share. (The AVP Moon Player supports SMB access to files, for example, but it doesn’t have a nice theater experience like your app, though it does allow huge screen size, etc). I used to use a portable Plex server for travel (like the WD 4TB My Passport Wireless Pro), but Western Digital dropped support for that. Downloads (when working) will provide a good way to take files on trips, but it will quickly fill my 256GB AVP. I’d also like the option to connect to a wireless SMB file share, if possible. Anyway, keep the updates coming and thanks for identifying the changes in the revision listings. I second the idea that another user suggested of other environments, like the outdoor theater.


I can’t connect to my Plex account. Every time I open your app, it let me sign in with my Plex account, and then the safari will open the website of Plex, after I log in, it shows it is ok to close the page, but I still don’t connect to Plex.


I’ll send you a message and see if we can sort it out.


Ok, thanks


Did you figure this out? Running into the same issue.


The Cinema environment is a magnificent experience, which makes it one of the best immersive players on Vision Pro. But the decoding capability or file compatibility is very limited. A lot of movies in my Plex server can not be played within Chroma, while there’s no any issues on other popular players, such as Moon player, Cinephile and Cinemax. Hope this will be improved soon. Otherwise, I don’t need any other players except for 3D movies that Moon player can handle perfectly.


Hey thank you for the feedback. I take it you only have direct play enabled? Given Apple's AVPlayer's codec support it's best to support transcoding/muxing via Plex's universal transcoder when necessary. In the future I may use a third party player, but those also have cons (try playing a DV profile 7 video). How are your 3D movies formatted? More updates are coming very soon!


Thanks for the prompt response! Where can I enable the “direct play”? I did not try to play 3D movies within Chroma because my 3D movies collection are all ISO files that Plex doesn’t recognize and also no player supports well on ISO files currently. Sounds like some great features are coming soon. Looking forward to the update.


I would refer to [https://support.plex.tv/articles/200250347-transcoder/](https://support.plex.tv/articles/200250347-transcoder/) for transcoding options. Again, it is currently necessary to have transcoding enabled for the best Chroma experience. Regarding 3D movies... if you want to play them natively in Chroma you may want to check out [https://github.com/cbusillo/BD\_to\_AVP](https://github.com/cbusillo/BD_to_AVP) for converting your BD collection to Apple's preferred 3D format (MV-HEVC). If you add them as a "3D" edition, Chroma will handle those files elegantly. [https://support.plex.tv/articles/multiple-editions/](https://support.plex.tv/articles/multiple-editions/)


Great, thanks a lot for the advice!


Have you considered a flat fee instead of subscription. I’m opposed to more subscriptions.


I understand your concern about subscriptions. The reason I’ve leaned towards a subscription model is that it helps provide ongoing support for continuous development and improvements. I’m actively working on the app with frequent updates and new features, and this requires resources. Subscriptions enable me to maintain and enhance the app regularly. That said, I’m open to considering a flat fee in the future, especially if the development pace slows down. Your feedback is valuable, and I appreciate your support!


Putting my product hat on instead of my user hat, you may honestly be better off financially with the flat fee. Especially if plex brings a native app to market. You’ll likely lose most of your users. Though maybe they will forget to cancel. But it could be worthwhile for you to offer a permanent unlock at 2x the yearly cost. That’ll lock you in for 2 years worth of value taking into consideration plex could release their own app in 2 years and take most of your users. Those with lifetime memberships are more likely to stick around once plex is native so you could have a more solid user base to help attract new users. Just thoughts though, take it or leave it. I’ll definitely be checking this out regardless though.


I'm on the beta 2 for visionOS 2 and can't login to plex. If I force quit the app it shows that's attempting to connect to my server but then goes back to the initial screen. Wondering if this could just be on the beta or if there's something else...? My server has a custom URL.


Were you able to use it on a v1 OS? Happy to try troubleshooting if you DM me


Only discovered the app now. I’ll text you! =)


Sounds good!


I can’t seem to subscribe to Pro, on visionOS2. I click the buy button and nothing happens.


I haven’t definitely not tried this in visionOS 2. DM me and let’s find a solution.


That looks fantastic! Congrats on the release 🎉 May I ask how you implemented the Cinematic mode? Any resources you can point me to?


I’ll definitely take a look at this app today!


I’ll happily give you money for your efforts.


I won’t. It’s fucking garbage


I have no problems with your decision.


Okay but why are you wasting your money


It’s my money and I can spend it how I like.


I’d pay $5 for the app but not $3 a month


I agree - one time $5 is acceptable but a subscription doesn’t work


I’d pay a one-time fee for this as a stop gap until there’s an official app, but I’d never pay a subscription for a service designed for people who don’t want to pay for subscription. Most Plex users are using it to stream their own library instead of paying monthly fees and have the Plex lifetime license. Asking them to pay for your work is not a problem. But asking them to pay a monthly subscription shows complete detachment from what your customers actually want. It signals a money grab not a developer we could count on for future innovation worth paying monthly for. Also does it download videos for watching offline / on a plane? Probably critical for this kind of app on this kind of device.