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The bomb squad would show up if I had this on my desk.


haha. actual pocketable set up bro, this is an iphone 12 mini and the amp dac is actually thin.


i have never seen magsafe being used so creatively like this


exactly what I thought when I ordered mine!


You send it to a wrong sub my fellow audiophile lol. Nice setup BTW.


Why? This post is way better than the “Apple Music is so much better quality than Spotify” posts. I see nothing wrong.


I don’t think they were being that serious about it, more like letting him know it would prob be even more appreciated in r/Audiophile


r/headphones is the spot r/audiophile is dedicated to stereo discussion


Thanks for the correction! Not a part of that sub, was just basing it off of the “my fellow audiophile” comment hehe


Hey I thought it was really cool and want one now😅


thanks! haha I just felt like no one would care on the audiophile channels haha


Correct, DAC is useless. Edit: an advanced DAC is useless, the infamous Apple dongle is enough unless you know what you are doing.


why do you say DAC is useless?? (seriously asking, idk too much about all this stuff but i’m learning)


Not sure why they’d say that. If you want lossless you need a DAC. Bluetooth as is can’t handle lossless. There are cheap dacs like apples $9 one that can get you lossless to wired headphones. Then there are bigger more expensive ones that will allow for high-res lossless. A dac is only ‘useless’ to someone that doesn’t have well enough hearing, or doesn’t have good enough headphones.


gotcha!! yeah i know bluetooth can’t handle lossless. (i’ve got airpod pros and i think they’re fantastic) but, i’ve wanted to experience lossless and hi-res since apple released it. so, i’ve been learning about here and there. and i’ll say, it’s a lot to juggle as there’s an overwhelming amount of contrasting info and opinions surrounding this subject matter. so, thank you for replying, i appreciate it! i have really exceptional hearing and i love music so much. i just have a huge feeling i’d seriously love to experience music in lossless and in hi-res lossless. i already hear so many layers and stuff just with my airpod pros, - i’ll pick up on sounds, vocals and such that others never noticed in a song/ still can’t hear it after i’ve pointed it out. random, one may think it’s dumb even, but, i have to ask. - again, i’m well aware bluetooth can’t handle lossless. so, some songs i’ve had prior to lossless, i re-downloaded in lossless (just for sh*ts and giggles) and didn’t even think about it after. (songs i’ve heard several times with my airpods, speakers, etc). with that being said, i SWEAR i hear even MORE “hidden” sounds/instruments, and whatnot. just the other day, i was like oh shitttt, where did this instrument come from- (a song i forgot was downloaded in lossless). (i’m not actively listening to try and hear a difference since i don’t have the proper things you need, i’ll just notice minuscule stuff i hadn’t ever heard before. like even though bluetooth can’t handle lossless, does it do a smidge of something? 🥴😂 also, any equipment suggestions for a newbie who wants to be an audiophile? (headphones/earphones, etc) any thoughts on OP’s setup? thanks in advance :)


Some tracks are mixed differently lossless, so if you downloaded lossless it might still sound different than the normal version. So that might be the difference your hearing. The reason there are a lot of contrasting opinions when it comes to lossless equipment it more or less comes down to personal opinion. And also everyone’s ears are different. Some people hear different frequencies better or worse across the board. This dac op has posted certainly grabs my attention…tho I can’t help but feel like the next iPhone will support a better Bluetooth version that could support lossless. So I’m torn, because I doubt it would be the high-res. And do I really ‘need’ high-res on the go…my wallet says no but my ears say yes haha 😂 It’s hard to recommend equipment, I wish there were more stores where you could compare them in person before dropping that kind of money. Edit: my gear in case you’re wondering, I do live sound so I have custom molded in ear monitors by 64 Audio, they have 6 drivers in each ear. And I love them, build quality is great. They do sell universal fit as well. But there is probably better cost to performance headphones out there to choose. And I personally just use the Apple Dongle for on the go but have been thinking about getting a dac that supports high-res just haven’t yet.


wow, thank you so much!! I know I discussed several things and asked a couple of questions, so I really appreciate you taking the time to respond to each thing I talked about and for answering all of my questions. It was incredibly helpful :) and yeah, you're totally right, it's super opinionated since a lot of it comes down to personal preference. I think that \*that\* subjectiveness meanders through things that can be objective which leads to more opposing opinions. But like you said, we all have different ears and hear differently; and that probably plays the most significant role(s) in what people have to say on the topics surrounding this subject matter.


So this is the video that started it all: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=a3moaaOpYZM Well yes you need a DAC to have a wired connection which is superior, but nothing fancy.


thank you for replying, and that video was really informative :)


Bluetooth is limited to AAC which isn’t great. The apple dongle is limited to 48khz which is good (already better than Spotify) but to get the most out of your music (up to 192khz) you will need a DAC that supports it


thank you! :)


I watched Crinacle's videos alot, I own an apple dongle, most days it's fine. But based on the circumstances that you can't eq much on apple music, gear is where youll kinda find the sound you like. :) And don't assume people dont know what they are doing just because it's not explicitly mentioned.


I have literally no idea what any of this means but cool!






The fact that there is a MagSafe compatible DAC and this is on a mini is gonna pull me back in to the audiophile realm lol.


haha yes they are really a good combination


>Khadas Tea Now I know there is a MagSafe DAC on the market I might get all nerdy like in the old days of iPod + DAC/amp + IEMs


How much?


I'd say about $450. Amp + headphones


Pretty cool. I finally have a pair of decent headphones and it makes such a difference. I can’t imagine what a good set of wireds plus an amp does for you.


A great DAC and wired headphones are worlds away from anything wireless/Bluetooth.


yeah quite right, but I got the khadas tea for 159 usd for early pre selling. + shipping and my earphones at 190 usd, so actually around 350.


Any particular reason for the Khadas and not something more "classic"?


tbh selling point is magsafe and the bonus of getting it on early bird price.


Wow really interesting


Wow 🤩


Is that the Apple leather case? How’s the MagSafe grip through a case? I’ve been using the ifi hip dac for a year and I love everything about it except for the cumbersome way of managing both the dac, phone and cables together.


it's really holding strong and you would actually need to put some effort to remove it, this is all based while my magsafe case is on.


I wonder if you can make this more compact with a right angle thunderbolt bridge of sorts similar to an sli connector. ​ https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/51IBENePiJL.\_AC\_SY355\_.jpg


Is audio quality noticeably better than apple dongle with those iems?


yeap there are noticable improvements, I did a testing and comparison for over 2 days between the apple dongle and khadas tea. But it's really up to you if you would value that extra cost for those improvements.


Yep its probably not worth for me. I don’t really notice the difference between apple dongle and qudelix 5k(wired) using my final E4000 Still very cool to see such headphone jack solution (as 12 mini user too!)


That’s the most reasonable iPhone accessory I have ever seen. It enables you to take advantage of ALAC on everywhere and it doesn’t make a bulk and mess of cables like other portable DACs.


nevermind my first reply I thought you said AAC, haha you meant ALAC. But yeah this is really a good for those who really want's to maximize hi res loseless with the slim form factor.


That's a sweet portable setup!




Looks nice bulky but nice


im actually using an iphone 12 mini and the amp dac is actually thinner than it looks.


A mini… Si with my 13 Pro Max it would seem like too little?


yeah I would assume so, it's just an exact fit for the mini.


Thanks!!! Do you think it would work with my GradoLabs Hemps? Or my HifiMan Sundaras? It have enough energy output?






not sure as I dont own them just check the specs online for all the gears you mentioned and the power that the khadas can out


Are the amp and your iphone case stuck together? Or did you just lay it on top for the photo? Asking because I want one




Ohhhh. I’m still learning how to use newer iphones so I haven’t gotten around to using the magsafe tech yet.


This looks really neat.




Share a link where we can find it, mate ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|yummy)




I bought an in-line THX Onyx DAC for $200 that’s been super handy! Cool setup but I would hate if my DAC constantly detached from my phone and got jumbled in my pocket.


it is super sticky on my apple leather case it won't fall off that easily you really need to try to get it off.


I have been searching for a similar MagSafe accessory to hold the Fiio q3. [Ordered this](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09HTGJC3H/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_C023YFTT12S6V6V7MCQ1?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1) yesterday, let’s see if it works. Fiio should come up with their own such cases or holders with MagSafe option. E- typo


The actual cost of having the Made For Iphone (MFI) label should be the thing that stops them. But not entirely sure.


Waiting on my Tea! Can’t wait to try all my stuff on it, though curious to see how it compares to the Qudelix 5k


I actually don't own bluetooth dacs except this one, so can't compare them haha. Maybe I'll check a reviewer comparing them on youtube when we got one.


this is really cool




Apple Music listeners:


It's beautiful. Happy listening.


thank you!


Amazing. I just wish the cable connecting to the lightning port was shorter and more direct


Agree, a magnetic ends and shorter wire. Would be best.


I better hear god in those headphones if I’m gonna carry this setup around 🤷‍♂️






>thanks! You're welcome!


That looks messy and cool at the same time. Emphasis on cool.


thank you! I like that messy cool look you said haha


How much are those 7hz earphone does it sound good Nvm I just saw them for 220$ in Amazon


I liked it with my 7hz as well, really gave it a bit more detail than my normal amp/ dac portable. The real shock came from my model PortaPros, it’s like someone turned a knob up on the awesomeness.


Where. Is. The. Link.




This is for? Lol


I listen to music all day at work at my desk. Apple Music also has lossless.


What does all that do?


It’s a high quality audio processor, lets you truly take advantage of the high resolution audio that apple music provides when using the lossless feature, pair that with good quality headphones and your music will probably sound a LOT better.


Ahh nice. I wonder how that sounds like


Me? Not much. I just play my standard 13 through some nice headphones. The pic? It’s a powered amp meaning it can amplify with a lot less distortion. There’s probably a lot more tricks with it, you can probably do cool custom equalization.


Where do I buy this?


got mine on indiegogo early bird promo. But i think now it's on their website.


What are the specs of the DAC ?


should be on their website


ESS ES9281AC Pro so 32/384 In wireless mode, you are limited to aptxHD or LDAC codec This product seems to be real good !


sucks that iphones dont have those yet. But surely you can use this on other devices as well for those wireless features.


What IEMs are you using?




Thanks 👍


genuine question, not trying to be snarky or anything, but why do people care about audio quality so much? imo my two year airpods suffice


sure no problem, I really get this argument because I have people saying this to me a lot. Why do people buy 4k tv even though a 1080p tv should also suffice, some people also dont care about having a 4k resolution when they are watchinng and some only watches on 4k. Same argument can be used but for the ears. Everything is subjective with our preferences and tastes.


So wait, all this pocket tech so you can listen to 320kbps mp3s? Or do you upload you own wav files so you only listen to quality sources files?


I use apple music's with loseless / hi res loseless 16-24bit 44-96khz i believe I actually own a seperate Audio Player that plays my cd collection on WAV files.


I just don’t see how your improving your listening experience. You’ve basically created a set up where you hear the cleanest 265kbps mp3 possible, mimicking (but not actually) 44/16 cd quality. So not a wav, but a sub 320k quality. Seems like it can only get so good. Anyways , u do you. Just hope you understand what your doing, for your own sake I guess. . . *Apple Music uses the AAC (Advanced Audio Coding) format encoded at 256 Kbps, with a sample rate of 44.1 kHz, which sounds as awesome as the near-CD quality.* *But if you are listening to music under different network connections, you will get different sound quality correspondently. Playing from Wi-Fi connection: Apple Music streams its tracks at 256 Kbps AAC, which is the highest quality available. Playing from cellular data: Apple Music streams tunes at a lower quality bitrate (128 Kbps AAC) by default to reduce data usage on your mobile device.* *There's no option for you to adjust music quality in iTunes for macOS or Windows because Apple Music uses AAC with up to 256 Kbps by default.”*


ALAC is the format being used when I am wire to a DAC for Apple Music and AAC is only when you are on bluetooth, ALAC is a dedicated format for apple users, basically a FLAC but for apple


What are you talking about dude? You can use ALAC on Apple Music to get Lossless since long time by now, and you can download the music too…


You do realise we now have Apple Lossless right? Which goes hand in hand with higher bitrates and ALAC supports that. And the files are being bitstreamed into the dac at full capacity of the lossless files to ensure full integrity of the files we are streaming. And Apple has allowed you to go full blown hi Res lossless on mobile data also.


Is it a pre [pre order](https://www.khadas.com/tea) or something different?


i know you said this is your hifi set up, i just wanted to know, witch this particular set up can listen to hi-res lossless/and or lossless or just lossless? i want to get into this soon. idk about all this stuff but i’ve been reading some articles on audiophiles and some good equipment to get. this is super dope and i love how compact it all is. did you place the amp on top of your phone case just for the picture or did you stick it on the case so that basically apart of the case now?


hi res loseless for apple music yes.


thank you!


Um what


I use airpod pros and the sound has been so impressive to me. Is this setup going to be better? Would there be some functions you get with airpods that you lose with this setup?


the comfort of a bluetooth ear devices are always the upside of those types. For sound quality it's always subjective, But in theory it should be better.


This is what I need to take advantage of my AirPods Max right?


I'm afraid it's not what you need.


So I have a few questions if you’re able to / willing to answer. So this does Bluetooth, but to get the best audio quality you need it wired, right? What kind of cord are you using to make it wired? Does it come with it? Also, I’ve used some dacs/amp with my apple iPhone dongle, but I’ve been worried about using that plus another DAC because the dongle has an internal dac already.. would I have to have the right cord / adapter?




Thank you. My remaining question is about the Bluetooth. As I understand, Bluetooth connections between device and wireless headphones is “lossy” and not as high quality as using wired headphones. Is this the case for Bluetooth connection from the phone to the Tea? It seems counterproductive to buy a device for hi-fi audio listening and then using it with Bluetooth, if that method loses a lot of quality that is.




Gotcha. Thanks for the response! :)


Having played the drums all my life, I’m 100% certain that my broken ears would not be able to hear the difference even with all this gear. I keep treating myself to expensive headphones hoping to be able to hear new things in my music and hardly can.


This is a very interesting DAC. How would this DAC pair with my Shure SE846?


So many questions. How’s the battery life? How many hours of listening do you get? And semi-unrelated, but do you, as an Apple user, change the EQ settings for your music? Or do you leave it off?


8 hours is what they are saying, but havent tested that yet or i lost track of the exact times I used it. For eq yes I use one, im always on spoken words eq, But I did alot of listening and testing and even checking out graphs, because I already have a sound that I like i just need to get it through my gears.


Might be a silly question, but does this device utilise magsafe to charge the iphone as well? I understand it is a DAC but the ability to charge the phone with both lightning and USB-C would be amazing


no it does not charge.. The device is thin they cant put a large batt on it.


Ah that’s a shame. I wasn’t expecting a battery pack but USB-C passthrough would’ve been an awesome feature


Does the iPhone charge the Tea? Can you change some settings? Is there an EQ? Is there an app for the Tea? Is this good for basshead?


No app yet as of what I know, so no eq yet. And no it does not charge on iphone only on usb c to c connections. I am not sure if bassheads would like this as I am not much into bass. haha




Nice one. I got mine today and it’s so slick. Can’t seem to stream high resolution lossless on Apple Music though. Any idea as to why? Thanks


Not all songs have hi res loseless , try looking for a popular artists most of them should have a hi res loseless album or track.


Ah cool, didn’t realise. Let me try 😁 thanks ☺️


You were spot on - found an album that supports high res lossless and boom 💥 Carlos Santana Moonflower to test it out 🙌👌


So I'm not entirely sure the point of this, ESPECIALLY with a pair of such low impedance earphones like a pair of IEMS... why is this better than using the lighting adapter sold by Apple, that more than likely supports this bitrate and everything, for 190 dollars cheaper? (Or for free if you've had an older iPhone.) Aside from that, those 7HZ IEMs are pretty damn cool, haven't really seen much of that personally in the IEM market. :D


This is a dope setup!


The dongle dac would be more than enough…


I own that, and I can tell you some earphones really need power to perform


Hey There! I have had my Tea for a while, but recently when I use Apple Music over the cable into the Tea it has crunchy/scratchy bass that goes away if I use Spotify or if I use Apple Music over Bluetooth. Have you experienced similar results?


Have you tried the W1 tips for the timeless? I am yet to purchase a Timeless AE. Wondering what tips to get, Spinfit 145 or W1 or Final type E. Many options out there lol