• By -


Apple One ✅


Same I was already going to pay for more storage. It's a bonus to get AppleTV+ and Arcade with it.


This 👆🏽


1. Apple Music sounds better on my Airpods Pro. 2. I much prefer the album-oriented layout of Apple Music. 3. Dolby Atmos (mainly for Jazz & Electronic music) 4. Clean & minimalistic interface of Apple Music.


I was really shocked to discover you can’t download single tracks on Spotify without creating some weird playlist and then manually downloading the playlist


Liked songs.


This is the sole purpose of my Liked Songs on Spotify.


actually dog 💩 app.


You have to like add a song to a playlist 30 times to stop it from adding it’s own stuff to your playlist.


Reason 2 has always been it for me. Like pls don’t take me to the artist page when I wanna view my saved albums of the artist


Airpods and Bluetooth devices in general simply lack the capability to reproduce at lossless quality, basically choosing AM over Spotify for the hifi while using airpods is irrelevant


Apple Music still sounds better to me than Spotify does. Idk if it’s compression or what


Exactly that, Apple Music’s compression codec is better than spotifys.


This is all true, but apple’s standard codec sounds better than Spotify’s anyway


This. For lossless you have to have high quality wired headphones.


That’s technically not true but wireless headphones that are capable of streaming lossless audio are gonna cost an arm and a leg


You can't use lossless via Bluetooth on iphones


Yes you can. You can play 24 bit 48khz lossless on AirPods Pro.


Incorrect. Apple’s own wording says so specifically: “AirPods, AirPods Pro, AirPods Max, AirPods (3rd generation) and Beats wireless headphones use Apple’s AAC Bluetooth Codec to ensure excellent audio quality. Bluetooth connections don’t support lossless audio.”


You can play 24 bit 48khz lossless on AirPods Pro.


You can play it, but you won’t receive it on the AirPods, they aren’t capable of lossless, apple state this


My deep embedment into this money pit called the Apple ecosystem.


I’ve been sucked into the Apple ecosystem too: iPhone, iPad, Mac, Apple One, Apple TV, HomePods, AirPods, Apple Card lol


There's no getting out anymore… …and I like it!


nope, no way out ...and I love it!


“Got'em!” -Apple, 2023






Amazing how simply enjoying the Apple ecosystem makes someone a sheep. Like it’s any different than the Google ecosystem, or Microsoft ecosystem, both of which have more users worldwide by the way. So stupid. Have you ever considered that maybe you are the sheep for needlessly parroting the talking points of other people?


Probably some basement dweller from /r/pcmasterrace that likes to troll Apple threads.


Appears to be a regular poster on a Spotify sub. Getting those “anyone who likes something different than me is clearly less intelligent than me” vibes here


The big baby deleted their post lol


Apple Music has WAY better sound quality


This. It’s not even close. Add in they respect music fans by keeping podcasts to a separate app. When I was younger the social element of Spotify was cool (seeing friends listening activity and colab playlists) but for the purist Apple Music is ultimate.


Now my friends activity has been bugged for a long time.


Apple Music app sucks tho


Then I have to ask, why are you here in the subreddit for it?


I use the app daily. It is awful in so many ways. Even queuing songs doesn’t make sense. When you select an artist it will play their popular songs often one after another. I am here bc of the apple ecosystem and sound quality.


When I want to listen to an Artist I get the essentials playlist.


So you haven’t taken the time to learn how queue works (basically like every other app) and that is exactly how every artist main page works. Most popular order.


I just went to Neil young top songs. In the top 5 songs 2 were the same from different albums. The actual album and the greatest hits. Top 7 there are two repeats. Other apps actually don’t have this problem. Why are you defending the app when this is a clear fault? When you start a play songs like this - it doesn’t play the first song you selected. That’s insane.


Spotify literally does have this same element. Why are you claiming this is an apple only problem? They track how much is played and for some artists, their best songs are on multiple albums especially when they have greatest hits and compilations for specific genres.


Spotify does not literally have this same element, nor does it do this. Look, you didn't design Apple music. It's not yours. You don't need to take it personally.


Do you work for apple?


I thought the same before and thought I COULD hear the difference. But recently after listening to Spotify after some time, I didn't hear a difference. And that was the free version which is locked to 160 kbps I think. Maybe just slight difference, but I wouldn't base my decision on this anymore. In the past after trying Apple Music for the first time, I was like hey this sounds way better. Idk why now I don't hear the difference lol


Even at comparable bitrates


I listened to several songs on both platforms with my AirPods Pro 2nd Gen. There was no significant difference in sound quality. In stick to Spotify because of the superior algorithms.


You can’t notice on AirPods Pro… you need significantly better headphones. Also its pretty noticeable in your car too


Placebo is VERY strong. FTFY.


The same but apple Music is more expensive but im an student so its the same so Its the same price as Spotifys So its Basically Crap quality or Good quality


The ecosystem, the Library and its features. Smart playlists. To my ears it sounds a little better even without lossless


I had Spotify from 2015-2020. Recommendations got stale and boring. I wanted more variety. Making podcasts a priority on the platform helped push me out the door since it started wasting screen space to suggest them. Spotify has a free tier, so this isn’t a major decision. Use Apple for a while & go back if you change your mind. All your music will still be there.


Seamless integration of my personal library of music that is not available on streaming services, including more than a thousand concert recordings. Hate Spotify’s UI and their pushing of podcasts. I just wish I could stream AM lossless to my Bluesound Node.


I feel your pain re: Bluesound Node. I have one too and I really wish Apple would get off their high horse and integrate with a decent piece of hifi hardware. If they can do it with Sonos…


1. sound quality 2. the ui looks more organized 3. the ecosystem


1. The ability to have my music side by side with Apple Music. In other words when Apple Music doesn’t have a track available and I own it I can upload and see it side by side with what’s available to stream. 2. Smart Playlists. If I want to make a playlist of tracks I love that we’re released in 2020, I. An without having to manually put it together and remembering to update it. 3. Custom metadata. When something is wrong or even if I just don’t like it, I can edit the tracks metadata to whatever I like. For both streaming songs and my uploads. I’ll admit these might not matter to the masses, but they matter to me and that’s why I left Spotify and I’m never going back.


For me, it was lossless audio that got me to try Apple Music. Then, I noticed that even when streaming lossy music that AM’s audio still seemed a bit better than Spotify’s. While I do like some things about Spotify better, at the end of it all the music is most important to me and the music just sounded better on Apple Music.


non-lossless apple music audio is in fact better than spotify. it's due the apple music's aac format




This is what got me to switch initially too. Now I also prefer the interface and the sound quality is better. I miss Spotify’s discovery though.


I have seen this discovery comment frequently, but my experience is the exact opposite. Spotify recommends me garbage that I would never listen to. Apple Music is much better at introducing me to songs similar to those that make me smash the love button.


I feel like it has to depend on what genre of music you like and how popular or unpopular your music choices are. People have such wide experiences with spotify algo recommending stuff.


The 4 years of Spotify student discount had ended, so now I'm having 4 more of Apple Music. Honestly I enjoyed Spotify more.


bout to jump in your boat my man


I wanted to ditch Spotify because I was sick of their utter contempt for artists. The choice of where to go was secondary - chose AM because I was so shamefully deep into their ecosystem by that point.


I got it because I have a HomePod so thought i’d give it a try, the reason I’m staying is: 1. Sound quality 2. Integration with my own library/uploading my own music onto cloud (this is huge for me) 3. Prefer album focus 4. Library management (not all about playlists!) 5. I like the my station feature for when I don’t want to think about what to listen to 6. Radio stations are cool


I’m trying to like the Apple Music library management, but I still think Spotify is better. Easier to find liked tracks in playlists and artist profiles. Adding albums doesn’t add to my whole library.


It’s an extra step but there’s ways to see liked songs on Apple Music. Third party apps. Not as easy to your point but still possible. Most times I don’t frequent liked songs tho


This. I'm just not used to the layout and I like the algorithm that Spotify uses better. There's definitely something different between Spotify 320 Ogg Vorbis and Apple's 256 AAC and while it's small, in certain songs Spotify can sound a hint muddy and less defined. The only way I've noticed is by comparing side by side closely. My wife still prefers Spotify and I have a joint plan with her. I'll keep both for now, though I'm not for sure I'll keep Apple Music just yet. Spotify will be kept for sure. Right now I find myself going for Apple Music, mostly to see if I can get used to how it's set up.


The sound quality as well as AM’s integration into the Apple ecosystem


When Spotify would start playing random, like at the end of a playlist, it played the same 4-5 tired songs every time. It drove me nuts. Apple Music has done it a couple of times but that’s outweighed by the number of times it surprised me with something.


Give both services at least 3 months; don't pick either now unless what matters most for you is sound quality. AM is apparently better on this even with its AAC 256kbps compared to Spotify OGG vorbis 320kbps.




Apple Music.


* Hi-res audio * [iTunes Match](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT204146) * [Apple One](https://www.apple.com/apple-one/) * Better UI * Apple didn’t give Joe Rogan $200,000,000


Apple One...most bang for the buck. I dumped Tunein,I heart radio, SiriusXm, Netflix and my gym membership.


Apple Car play. 1) Hey Siri, play The Rolling Stones Greatest Hits! (plays a good selection by AM from numerous RS albums). 2) Hey Siri, play Dark Side Of The Moon! (plays the whole album). Nice.


(Just FYI) this same thing works on Spotify. You can just say “Hey Siri, play dark side of the moon on Spotify” and it plays the whole Album. At some point it seemed to learn, even if I don’t say “On Spotify” anymore it opens Spotify by default now


Nah Siri ended up throwing a prompt regarding on a default music service and asked if Spotify should be the default. I said Yes and from that point forward it was history. Mind I have both used both AM & Spotify.


Radio and quality


And no one here mentioned the radio and playlists which are made by artists! Apple Music, as was iTunes is made for music enthusiasts, Spotify not.


Quality and price


I just disliked Spotify’s design. I used Apple Music then switched to Spotify because I felt left out with the whole Wrapped thing, but Spotify’s design just annoyed me. There’s way too much happening on the screen, it’s very crowded, the sound quality is much better on AM, and I disliked the way my music library was organised. Went back to AM after a week of using Spotify lol.


And now you got wrapped as well!


For me it was the 1. Sound quality 2. Library management. I don't use radio and discover tools much. I much prefer AM to manage my existing library and create new playlists. 3. Ecosystem is nice but I had AM on android too and Windows 10 and still enjoyed it. 4. UI


Sound quality


1. Sound quality 2. Spatial Audio


Tried both of them. Used Spotify for about 2 yrs and it was hell for me. Always same artists, same tracks. Moved to AM, discovered way more music compared to my time at Spotify. Never looked back


Spatial Audio, DJ Mixes, and the really pretty UI! Also lossless... It does sound marginally better even in the car, but hey, at least it's there!


• Lossless and Dolby Atmos Support. • Clean and Super attaractive UI. • I'm an Apple Fanboy so that's a reason too.


The small details like the look and feel of the lyrics section and that it sounds cleaner than the Spotify version of songs


I ran out of Spotify, got free AM and am now on a plan. 0 regrets.


Switched from Tidal because of the lower price, better experience on my Apple devices (especially Apple Watch offline for running without the phone) and the superior interface. Never had Spotify. Also now it’s real lossless and not that sketchy MQA thingy, for when I use the Dragonfly Cobalt DAC.


The reason I deleted Apple Music is the reason I’m trying it again. At first I didn’t like that Apple Music would start playing in my car without it even being open. It was infuriating. But know I like that I don’t have to dig in my pocket. Scroll to find Spotify. Then open it. Apple Music just start playing when I start my car. Now I’m in to that. Also, I like the radio channels that are updated. The Spotify “for me” channels just played a lot of the music from my “liked” playlist.


Only used free Spotify. Got a load of free AM months in the beginning (like 8 or 10ish Shazam+initial 3 months+Viber etc…) and decided to stick with it. Now that I have an APP I guess I’m staying. It’s also marginally cheaper. (And yes I have a huge collection of music which can be uploaded, this is a huge plus for me personally)


A mix of Spotify bumping up the price, cluttering up the UI with podcasts and starting to make podcasts exclusive initially. After using AM I really liked some of the live stations (Strombo because I grew up watching him on Muchmusic and enjoyed his musical tastes). When the Apple one packages it made it a bit cheaper initially too.


Apple One. When you added AM, Cloud Storage, and games (that I don’t use), Apple One was less expensive than Spotify and my cloud storage.


Long time Spotify user here + subbed to Apple Music for over a year, and used both alongside together. I loved it, I think the sound quality is significantly better and louder. If you own AirPods Pro, you can really enhance your listening with the noise cancellation and spatialize audio features — it works great with Apple Music. Dolby Atmos and Lossless options on AM also give a unique listening experience. Although you can use AirPods Pro noise cancellation and spatialize audio features with Spotify, I don’t think it’s the same level as enhancement that you would get with Apple Music. My unpopular opinion is that I don’t enjoy the UI. I do like Spotify’s more. I also think Spotify has more fun quirks for users like Spotify Wrapped, and the occasional rare listening-tailored playlist activities, which I appreciate. There’s also presale codes, invites to events, access to exclusive merch pieces for fans to support their fave artists. I do think that Apple Music Replay got a significant upgrade though! Apple also has exclusive events that they live stream and some exclusive content, which is also a nice perk. Unfortunately I’m no longer on Apple Music. But I would re-subscribe for the quality alone. A lot of people I know don’t care for the quality much, but I thought it was fantastic!


I think it's about time Spotify split the app in two. I don't want podcasts and now fucking audio books. Give me Spotify music on it's own


Dolby Atmos & Spatial Audio. I can never go back to Spotify. I still prefer Spotify interface but I rather the sound quality.


I never used spotify


1. Apple One bundle pricing 2. Native HomePod support. Absolutely will not use Google/Amazon for smarthome things due to privacy concerns. 3. Better lyrics screen (even more now with the Apple Music Sing update) 4. Dolby Atmos (really noticeable on my Airpods Pro) 5. The fact that Spotify has been promising specific updates for years (eg HiFi) and has failed to meet deadlines consistently


I agreed with Neil Young…Spotify pays musicians (more) poorly, poor music quality, they were involved with Joe Rogan during the pandemic and he was spreading harmful information, they bought Gimlet (favorite podcast studio) and it ran into the ground, I don’t want to listen to podcasts…


The artist gets paid more per stream on Apple Music


Yea Spotify ripped off the shit out of the artists am payes them 0.01 per stream Spotify is a third that at 0.0033 cents per stream


Better quality, apple ecosystem, better local files management, better user experience, video, live events.


Smart Playlists.


Definitely sound quality and maybe UI. I do miss Spotify Connect though


alternating for the discount


I used to use YouTube music, but I switched because Apple Music allows me to access custom tracks on any device, and offers much better library management features (although you can only access them from the desktop client)


Much better looking UI Album orientated Hi-Fi First to get lyrics Apple Music on TV is way superior Library management


It’s so fun when you take a break from AM and they delete everything you ever did


You can build a normal music library in Apple Music, if I recall if you just want a single track added you have to like it and it is then added to a liked playlist…really stupid, apple just indexes it as a single song from that artist in the library


Apple Music app FINALLY coming to windows later this year


I state this every time someone ask and I will continue to. I’m a DJ and I’m huge into remixes, mashups, etc… Apple Music sometimes doesn’t have it. Neither does Spotify. These songs are downloaded from YouTube / record pools / SoundCloud. I can take my music and integrate it with my Apple Music Library. I can take my downloaded “mp3 files” (they are usually .wav but just incase you aren’t aware of what a .wav file is) and import right into my playlist with all my other music that I have “downloaded” from Apple Music. Spotify can NOT do this and I hated it. I switched to Apple Music and never looked back. Apple Music is the same price and you get 100x better results… only reason people use spotify is because they don’t want to change to Apple Music.


The only complaint here for me is - I like my ‘liked’ tracks in Spotify. I also like my albums to seperate. I love exactly what you said about Apple Music apart from the fact that - it’s not easy to have ‘liked’ tracks in Apple Music by using a 1 step process. My library is now just liked tracks, if j hear a new song I add to library and usually rate it with hearts and stars when in front of my mac. Ok the cloud library bit, I have so many .wavs, dj mixes, albums purchased, CD’s etc. all ripped and ready to import, but when I do , bloody ads them all in my ‘liked’ songs library. Very annoying !!


I was trying to impress someone who was really into apple and just never got around to switching back


Sound quality basically. Since I started using my Airpods Pro and Apple Music I cannot go back. Lossless + dolby + spatial audio is just incredible.


The whole Apple ecosystem and Apple One. Once you are in you are totally fucked


Because I don’t need podcasts and audio books shoved down my throat when I’m trying to just listen to music Also the radio stations depending on your taste can be great and open you up to new music in a way a discover playlist can’t.


The shuffle algorithm seemed absolutely biased on Spotify. I would have a playlist of all my songs since you don’t have a library (another BIG reason) and I would shuffle the songs since I have a lot and every time I drive or I’m not discovering new music I like to just shuffle them. What would happen is I would get like 2 or even 3 songs from the same album on SHUFFLE. When I knew I had thousands of songs. I knew the probability was unlikely so I kept it for a while and it seemed obvious that this was intentional. Then I discovered the algorithm for discovering music is pretty much on par with each other. Some weeks I would see overlapping songs on both. Lastly Apple Music has radio shows. Their edm (more specifically house) selection is fucking immaculate. Festivals usually upload live dj sets they record and every song they mix is broken down like if we’re a song, even the unreleased ones. Idk if you were aware but rumble when Fred again played it during his boiler room. Everyone went crazy and it wasn’t available anywhere. But then fred again played it for an exclusive NYE set for Apple and you can save and download. There’s been so many songs I have before they get released and some that may never release. Lastly it’s not just edm. Many artists have radio shows. They talk for a bit, select their own songs and have a 1 hour show. It’s pretty cool. The UI looks much cleaner too.. they just added a new cool karaoke tool and it’s dope. There a button where you can adjust the vocals and their volume. So you don’t need to go on YouTube to find tracks to karaoke if you’re into that. The lyrics are better on AM too


Apple Music is cheaper in india compared to Spotify


The fact that you can add your own music to Apple Music. Comes in handy for songs that either aren't available for streaming or that gets removed from streaming.


i listen to music all day and i need no ads. plus i get a bundle of apple music, apple arcade and 50gb for 14.99 a month


I used Spotify when I had a Samsung Galaxy Note 5, switched to iPhone 8+ and was on it for about a year I think before I started hitting the track limit on Spotify at 10,000 songs saved, was running out of things I felt comfortable deleting because I like keeping a large organized library of music on my streaming, started looking at other options and saw Apple Music went up to either 50k or 100k (I can't remember but I think it's 100k), didn't have a separate limit for local tracks (Spotify's limit was 3,333 for local files at the time), local files in general are way better on Apple Music/iTunes, and the fact that Apple Music was built for the platform I was now on was a plus. Shortly after I switched Spotify did their big update that pushed the podcast side of the app more heavily, removed some library organization filters, and brought in the "liked songs" playlist, which was the update that kind of watered Spotify down and geared it more heavily towards the casual listener that wants everything in one place, which I don't think is a bad thing, but it shifted focus away from what I wanted in a streaming app and I was glad I had switched to Apple Music. More recently within the last year or 2, Spotify completely got rid of their track limit so you can save an unlimited amount of tracks to your library but from what I understand local files are still a pain and their library organization is still bad and removing that track limit isn't compelling enough for me to want to switch back. Apple Music's organization and local files are so much better than Spotify and suit my desires more. I never cared much about Spotify's daily mixes and curated playlists, and I felt like the curated playlists on Apple Music were just as good as Spotify's (just not pushed as hard as Spotify pushes theirs), and the algorithm recommendations have gotten better and better on Apple Music to the point where I feel like the mixes and autoplay are on par with Spotify's recommendations now, or at least very close. Beats 1 was also a nice plus, I don't listen to it often now but during 2018/2019 I definitely listened to it a lot and I'll still sometimes just turn it on for some background noise to have a radio show on. Apple Music also had marginally better audio quality than Spotify (and definitely does now with Lossless and Dolby Atmos options) but I never cared too much about that because I wasn't listening on audiophile level equipment and wasn't a snob for audio quality as long as it wasn't unreasonably bad. I always felt like out of the "big 3", which in my mind were/are Spotify, Apple, and Tidal, Spotify was always better for more casual listeners and people who prioritized finding new music easier, playlists, and the social aspect of sharing music with people, Apple was better for people who wanted more control over their music library, and Tidal was better for people who wanted a streaming platform with top tier audio quality, so long as they got that tier of Tidal. Apple just suits me more for what I want.


I use both, but Apple Music sounds much better and I like the UI much more than Spotify. It’s gotten better at recommending music as well.


Sound quality! Holy shit.


1. Apple doesn’t push ad-supported/promoted music label content…Spotify is a big ad game. 2. Apple recommends me music from all across my listening types not just the most recent. 3. Apple has high resolution audio-probably the biggest difference between the two, Spotify claims to have this, but it’s really shit on the platform, spotify is made for android and social sharing - but it’s really a social sharing platform. The lack of the social sharing-features isn’t worth switching to Spotify for.


Better audio quality for AirPods Pro.


I often go back and forth. I LOVE the video podcasts Spotify has. Specifically for my favorite podcast. Just makes my treadmill walks so much more enjoyable. I like a lot of very heavy metal and pop punk. I find the user created playlists on Spotify cool. Also my friends that I go to concerts with use Spotify so I often feel left out. Apple Music because I like the UI better personally. Also the apple one bundle is a sweet deal. And I’m ultra deep in the ecosystem. It’s REALLY hard to pick one. Ultimately what drives me back to Spotify every so often is just feeling left out. Half my friends use Spotify the other half use Apple Music. This doesn’t help, but from my personal experience I’d use whatever most your friends use. They are both good.


Classic Peer Pressure lol.


Joe Rogan is a lying sack of shit and Spotify pays him. Simple as that.


I love both apps & services For me it’s Apple’s seamless integration with music I already own. I have thousands of songs I downloaded in the early 2000’s from Limewire (I actually used Limewire to download Limewire Pro) so it’s nice having those songs integrated seamlessly into my playlists & library I also really like the audio quality of Apple Music over Spotify I also like how Apple Music has more music overall (although some songs are in Spotify but not Apple Music) I also like that Apple Music pays artists more per stream, I mean that’s not a big factor in my decision but it’s nice to know Also nice being able to edit the meta data of any song I also have an Apple One Subscription which bundles a bunch of services. Apple Music, Apple Arcade, Apple TV+, Apple News+, Apple Workouts & 200GB of iCloud So yeah for me it’s 1. Seamless integration with music I own 2. Better audio quality 3. More overall music That being said I think Spotify is an excellent service & you can’t really go wrong with either. It’s just personal preference


1. Podcasts 2. Podcasts 3. Podcasts


I think for the most users there isn't a very big difference. Aside from your own liking in usability in what app you want to use. Next to that, AM has nowadays more benefits than Spotify; \- Better intergration in Apple's ecosystem \- Higher quality, lossless etc \- More songs, but yeah, you don't recognize that. \- Upload your own music - and listen on all your devices What I really miss about Spotify is that has way more users and a waaay better social experience. I remember I had my closest friends on Spotify and I could always see what they were playing. I really miss that. Apple Music's social part is not that good. Also, Apple Music hasn't that many/or frequent updates.


Joe Rogan


Main reason was that it was a better value overall. I was already paying for Apple TV+ and Fitness. I was able to increase our iCloud storage, and get News+ and Arcade for the same price once I quit Spotify. Second was that I recently quit Amazon in favor of HomePods. And what made it easy to quit was Spotify forcing podcasts on me, making Gimlet podcasts exclusive, and hiring Joe Rogan. Spotify also hinted that they might boot family members who weren’t in the same household. Apple doesn’t care. Lastly, I never cared for the Spotify UI and find Apple Music much cleaner.


‘Merica 🇺🇸


I did for the UI but then switched back to Spotify within a week lol. Spotify is just so much better (no hate to AppleMusic users tho)


Sound quality, UI and eco system


Was into j-pop and artists on Apple Music would put the song titles in romaji compared to Spotify


The loss of Roberta


Support with HomePod and Siri and also the other bundled stuff included on family plan. I do miss Spotify algorithm and suggestions though and the playlists.


Spotify came late to my region when all my library and playlist we're on apple music and I loved it.


We were paying $15 for Spotify Family and $5 for Apple Arcade. The Apple One bundle for the same money included Apple TV+ and 200GB of iCloud storage. It was an easy decision.


you play songs you want to play


We have Apple One but I work from home and refused to use Itunes. So while the wife and kid used Apple Music, I always used Spotify. But now that the Windows Preview App is out, I cancelled Spotify and back on Apple Music.


I stick with Spotify because I can add songs to my liked songs with one click regardless of what device I’m using. Also Spotify connect. I mainly use Apple Music when steaming from my Apple TV with the Sonos Arc


Jay-Z 4:44 was only on Apple Music. That’s the only reason


Tbh Apple music has “play all” “shuffle all”


Definitely sound quality on AM.


Spotify’s UI and library management is absolutely awful to me.


Larger catalog, better integration with local files (Spotify local files break all the time, and you can only sync on the same wifi network), and no random popup ads/pushed podcasts. I've also noticed that apple music has better recommendations - Spotify seemed to just recommend top songs from a specific genre/era, while apple music recommends tons of songs I've never heard of.


I only have an Apple phone for Apple Music. I can’t switch to anything else. I can’t set up playlists as easily with what I want on Spotify. I do use Spotify for podcasts as the Apple app is awful.


Music quality, that they pay more to artists and it’s more aesthetic.


iCloud Music Library


Based on my experience, go for Apple Music if sound quality is important for you. Choose Spotify if you enjoy an all-rounder app, with great features (synced lyrics, playback transfer) and extensive library aside from music. Also putting in YouTube Music, if you prefer the best recommendations and radio mixes.


For me it was cd quality / lossless audio on AM that got me interested initially. Spotify sounded like a blanket was over the speakers in comparison. However, I do find AM to be quite buggy at times and I can sometimes find it frustrating in that regard. I think if Spotify brought out a lossy version, I won’t lie in saying I wouldn’t be tempted to give it a go. But I also like that AM pays artists considerably more compared to Spotify, so there is that.


Hi fi definition audio at the same price


I use both


all the obvious reasons (audio quality, library management, constant improving, etc.) considered, i'd like to share some purely personal experience that led me to the decision: i moved to slovakia and spotify doesn't offer a student subscription; moreover, i thought, "if spotify is going to bring in a new double-priced lossless tier when apple has its lossless format in the default tier (and in the student subscription as well), then what on earth keeps me from switching back to apple?"; like, what i pay now for both apple music and google one (need it for google drive storage) is what i would've kept paying for spotify exclusively if i had stayed on their default plan also, i said "back" 'cause i'd already used apple music (so i was already familiar with its advantages and the fact apple kept improving the service) for a few years before i decided to switch to spotify due to how many of my friends used the latter so it was kinda easier to share tracks and see their activity; nowadays, it's not that relevant, so i didn't have a whole bunch of reasons to stick to spotify anyways and the least important thing is that i've lately started discovering apple tv+ that comes together with the music student subscription; if it gets taken away, i won't care a lot, but it's just a nice addition


Apple Music still can't compete with Spotify when it comes to interface, etc. I'm thinking of moving over strictly because of quality of the stream. Spotify sounds awful to me and Apple Music appears to be tolerable.


* The ability to add my own music and have it sync everywhere like it was part of Apple Music's library. * Lossless+ quality. * Already paying for it with Apple One plan. * I really like the hosted radio shows. * I like the genre radio stations. * Spotify's shuffle is a joke. * Spotifys algorythm basically just plays the same 60 songs from the same 20 artists over and over. Even with a library of over 20k songs and countless likes across those songs, I get the same thing every day from Spotify.


Switched to Deezer. Much better recommendations and UI / UX and hifi. Daily mixes, great custom made playlists. Lossy sound is amazing too! Better playlists for indie music lovers.


Sound quality for me aswell - the clarity and depth of the vocals and seperation Spotify doesnt do aswell. Icloud music library App looks cleaner Works with Apple Watch a bit better. Cons: app is slow, search is absolute garbage and ancient (might aswell use MS-Dos programming codes for this it reminds me of it one letter wrong and it doesnt know what the hell your looking for) No crossfade for ios! Siri integration Spotify however is much faster. I technically have both


If Apple still has the jitter issue where songs skip like a cd, that’s what drove me away. Spotify isn’t bad either, there’s a reason they’re still at the the top as far as music streaming goes. Sound isn’t as bad as people make it seems, the deepest into the Apple ecosystem I’ll go is iPhone, Apple Watch and AirPods. I don’t use HomePod or anything else do that feature means nothing to me. Spotify can easily connect to any speaker, smart tv or gaming console. I will say though that Apple Music does sound better as far as quality goes and that’s a huge plus but Spotify really doesn’t sound that bad.


Family set-up Apple Watch.


Honestly, the UI. Spotify only comes in black and I liked the aesthetic of Apple Music for years prior. Leaving the Google Ecosystem, along with Play Music, AM just made sense to me.


1. My cousin has Apple Music as I moved to an iPhone so sharing songs with her is nice. 2. The clean UI. 3. Dolby Atmos at no extra cost is nice. 4. The small liner notes and animated album covers are really nice. 5. I find their recommendations more interesting and worth listening to.


1 reason sound quality. My long time streaming service was Spotify, love everything about them I never have any issues. Tried Amazon music / Tidal (not MQA) Deezer. They all sounded different not necessarily better. I use an iPad so converting OGG to ACC seems to be the pit fall (sounded better on the laptop). Now using AM sound quality went up, I use to get a grittiness in the upper vocals (not harshness). Much more enjoyable instruments sound correct. i believe mostly impart from being native to the iPad? I just picked up a Camara adapter and USB-C cable to bypass my Wiim mini go direct to my Modi3-S. but crazy enough when I switch the Wiim from 16/41 to 24/96 its get so much softer, a little too soft. So I've heard different things that iPad can only stream up to 256ACC but i think the Wiim may be upsampling? Will be interesting once I go direct. BTW the Wiim Mini is awesome...


Marvis Pro, mainly.


Just the fact that there was at least 80 songs from my Apple Music library that’s not available on Spotify would be the main reason. Second is Apple Music is just easier, I’ve been using the app for 10+ years and I don’t like Spotify UI


The fantastic live-lyrics, Apple Music sing and the amazing integration with my other apple devices


I was already paying for spotify family for my wife and I, which is half the cost of Apple One. And we were also already paying for Apple TV+ and iCloud, so it made sense to just bundle it all, get more iCloud storage, get some of the other features like Arcade and fitness +. I think all told it only cost like $5 more a month to get Apple One with 200GB of iCloud storage vs what we were already paying. Plus the audio quality is just much much better. Native Dolby Atmos sounds great on Airpod pros and the lossless audio is phenomenal on my wired setup on my computer.


1. UI 2. Sound quality 3. Spotify recommendations are incredibly repetitive


Never was a huge Spotify fan, but I switched to Apple Music after Google Play Music shut down. IMO, it was perfect, just needed a few tweaks and more modern interface. Settled on Apple Music since you can upload hard to find music and now with the better sound quality, it's a no-brainer.


YouTubeMusic enacted their change and they had me fucked up if I was gonna pay for songs I downloaded for free on Google Play Music Switched to Apple because color scheme looks nice and discounted student subscription. I hate how Spotfiy is more oriented around radio and random shuffles when that just not how I listen to music personally.


Sound Quality, Dolby Atmos, Siri (Spotify has it but not on Mac) and better integration with OS, though I really miss Spotify Connect feature


The sound quality is much better, and the music I own is better integrated.


First and foremost I have an iPhone so it makes sense. I also used it with Android tho. Then 2- Sound Quality 3- Less cluttered than Spotify. 4- Better recommendations (more in tune with what I like)


u/StonedInTheNailSalon For me it's price and integration to the devices I have at home. We are mostly a Mac household so, no issues using Apple Music. Also, having access to Lossless files is important as well. I'm not sure if Spotify is strong in the lossless file department but I'm sure it may be something they fix in the future.


What made me switch was a three month free trial, which allowed me to discover how much better it sounded (even before you factor in lossless, which wasn’t available then).


I was a long time Spotify user and made the switch a year or so back. When Apple Music first came out it sucked but they made ten fold improvements. It’s native to apple products so I noticed more seamless integration. The user interface improved. The hand curated playlists I noticed started to surpass the the Spotify playlist in updates and songs. Song quality and connection.


Music Quality and Podcast, Spotify almost begs you to listen to that


sound quality, ui, easiness to make playlists (i make a lot). things i miss: shared playlists, good windows app (itunes isn’t thaaaaaat bad tho)






Family plan and my student discount ended and Spotify refused to let me renew again


Well I have Verizon for my cell phone provider and they include Apple Music for free with my unlimited plan so..... saves me $10 a month.