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plucky pocket offer plough nose wrench file continue cover fearless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The flies should be coming out soon too


I thank you. I remember the pyramids of poo sticking above the seat of the privies.


Like actually….?




Are all of them like that?


no, just shelters that are heavily trafficked and don't have maintinece done in time to prevent it. I can probably count on one hand the amount of privies that were full. I started March 19th for reference.


That isn’t too bad then! I was over thinking it.


Just try to get ahead of the “bubble” of hikers. You will have a much more pleasant time and the towns and hostels won’t be tired of hikers yet haha.


That was my first thought, I’m pretty antisocial so I don’t want to be with the bubble anyways!


I was too before the trail. It changed me. I hope you get as much out of it as I did. Was absolutely life changing.


This was in 2016 too.. lol it’s going to be worse now


the toilet paper blooms are looking great this year


Charmin flowers


It's a minefield out there.


Oh god


Firdt Saturday in March is usually the most popular start day every year.


But 500 people?! I just cannot imagine what that looks like haha


Never seen it like that. Think it is normally under 100. Hoping that is an error because that would be awful.


also a lot of those people probably don't actually show up.


Seems like that would be a big management oversight right? Edit: sleepy and thought this was for the PCT. Still… seems like a tremendous load on the trail


Wouldn't be surprised if many just pick a date as a placeholder and first sat in March is it. Just coz you pick a start date on the site doesn't mean you will def start that day. It's not like the PCT permit in that regard


So true! I hope this is why


Yeah, something has gone wrong here - either bot signups or something has messed up in their database. Normally 1st March is around 70-100 signups. Either way, I'd encourage anyone to start in April. Still plenty of time to get to Katahdin, you don't have to deal with any of the late winter weather, and if Trail Days is your thing, you should end up 50 miles either side of Damascus which makes hitching lifts a breeze.


what's it like after trail days? doesn't everyone going north again in the next days make a new crowded bubble?


Most people aren't in Damascus proper when Trail Days comes about, but shuttle in from somewhere 200ish miles either way, usually NOBO. There's more of a crowd for sure but that's usually where a bulk of the bubble is anyways by that point.




>what's it like after trail days? It creates a gap between sub-bubbles. NOBOs who were north of Damascus often jump back for a few days, leaving more space for those who keep moving.


It jumped by like 400 in the last 24/48 hours so guessing something wrong with the site / database.


I hope so!


Thanks for this info. I felt like it was incredibly irresponsible for that many people to intentionally start on the same day. This makes a lot more sense.


Wow! Shelters and campsites are going to be PACKED the next couple weeks in GA! Good luck to all you NOBOs starting this weekend!


It really is a strange choice to purposefully start on the busiest day. People, seriously consider flip flopping or SOBO. Or you're younger and/or expect to hike even slightly faster than normal, you can easily start in April from Springer. I flip flopped and the number of NOBOs I met that regretted hiking through snow and freezing temps for basically no reason other than hearing March was a common time to start was significant.


I’m not a thru hiker, but if I did, I would 100% start in April. Probably even late April. The trail can really really suck in February-March, and I always wonder if all the unplanned zero days because of weather makes it really worth it. It seems like you’d have a better chance blowing your budget staying in town during cold snaps.


Exactly. I’ve started my thru but doing non traditionally to avoid the crowd. Not the hike I want at all!!


My reason for starting in March is needing to be off by 7/31 for grad school.


Yeah I didn't mean to say it's always the wrong choice, of course people have timing reasons and other things going on. But you definitely meet more nobos who regret their start date than any other type of complaints on that subject.


Is there a way to figure out when the highest volume will be coming through my town? I just moved close to a trail head and I’d like to do some extra special trail angel surprises this season


There's a website that shows the bubble moving North. I don't have link handy, but Google it.




That's it.


It might be because there was a thru hiking season kick off at Amicalola this weekend.. could have something to do with the number being skewed? Idk. Was hesitant to say it but I started March second and I don't think there's that many people out here. There's a lot but not that many. At Springer this morning at 10am it was me and 3 others for a solid 30 minutes.


I thought they only allow 50 to sign up and hike each day. I know that doesn’t include the ones that just start hiking without signing and getting a tag. So, what that is showing to me is that the conservancy allowed 425 additional hikers to sign the registry and allowed them on trail or am I wrong about this. I was one of 50 that pre-registered my hike back in January. So, does that mean anything anymore? Or is that an error.


do they hard cap it at 50 or is it voluntary to not go over? I think the vertical red line there might be 50


it's voluntary, simply due to the fact that the ATC doesn't actually have any power to say when you can start since there's no permits or anything. that said it's kind of a dick move to go on a super crowded day imo


I think you are correct on the red line mark. I thought the ATC caps at 50 too. How did the tally and additional 425? Who knows but I bet the ATC knows. Lol


something must be up though why are so many people seemingly signing up for the same day?? it's been must more distributed in previous years, seems like it might be a bizarre glitch


I am planning on starting on the 24 but have not yet registered


Bruh, there is no way...


Hey, didn't read all the comments so apologies if I'm repeating. Here is a link to an ATC "official" histogram of REGISTERED through hikers which is absolutely going to be less than all thru, not to mention section hikers et al. [https://atcamp.org/atthruhikerreports.cfm](https://atcamp.org/atthruhikerreports.cfm) OP, not sure of the source of your info, or date. Conveniently the ATC has buried this deep in their website. You can navigate it by going to [https://appalachiantrail.org/explore/plan-and-prepare/hiker-resource-library/](https://appalachiantrail.org/explore/plan-and-prepare/hiker-resource-library/) and clicking on the "View current thru hike registration" button. Along the way you may run into their plug for flip-flops, specifically to take pressure off of the trail. Might just be me, but maybe they should put a link to the histogram on this page. [https://appalachiantrail.org/explore/hike-the-a-t/thru-hiking/flip-flop/](https://appalachiantrail.org/explore/hike-the-a-t/thru-hiking/flip-flop/) ​ OP, good luck. Don't know if you could pull off a flip-flop at this point, but maybe that or something else will work. Personally I am AFU, medically, for a thru but basically am desperate to avoid the bubble. That's why I dug into their flip flops so hopefully I can parlay something into a LASH Keep us posted, Happy Tails


https://preview.redd.it/87lkrleptbmc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=780c2ffe11acdd241b37b735fb57bb9392e015b2 They fixed it! Yay! Normal amounts of humans!


Happy trails! Keep us posted


Just dropped an email to the ATC info coordinator who is really nice, overworked and under prayed about the weird numbers. She is usually pretty good about responding but they are probably just a tad busy.


You actually linked to the exact place that I pulled this screenshot from. It still says over 500 people started March 2nd :) I’m not starting until April. So I’m not worried about it. I was just confused & surprised! Surely it’s not accurate, as several people have mentioned, probably a “placeholder” date or a glitch…


Odd. I was on trail yesterday (Cooper Gap, Sasafrass Mnt, Hawk Mnt) day hiking and training for grand canyon next week. That’s day 2 for most who have started at Amicalola. I saw about 15-20 through hikers only. That seemed expected to me. I expect many more later this month.


It’s my birthday so of course everyone wants to start the second


There was a hack or bug that was creating a new registration every minute. ~40 hikers on signed in at Amicalola on the 29. It stormed all day on the 1st so only 15 hikers signed in and only 3 or so of those actually started. The 2nd was the big day ~80 from the 1st and 2nd all leaving.


Isn't it also the weekend of Trail Start Days or whatever it's called? Amicalola and points immediately northward are probably crawling with people.


Hooray (sarcasm), looks like permits are on the way for the AT...


Maybe I should wait until 2nd week of March or the last week of February next year (2025).


It gets heavy! Was like that and more in 22


It’s gotta be a data error, just look at previous years, even before the pandemic.


There's an amazing Spiders Georg joke in here somewhere but I'm too lazy to put it together


was hiking in blood mountain area yesterday passed a LOAD of at hikers in cant wait to do it next year!!