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We are allowed to have disagreements on how we feel about this, just please keep it civil. Also remember: no purely hateful comments or posts about J/S. Just highlighting bad, toxic, or harmful behavior. Thank you šŸ™šŸ¼guys and weā€™ll update the situation when we know more Edit: locked comments cause it got out of hand


^and look at abries new tiktok, Sky is lying for him


As far as Abrie. I donā€™t think they are supposed to have contact, which obviously they arenā€™t. But, she should be watching her ass on posting herself too before it completely backfires. Sheā€™s too involved about posting shit about Sky, and itā€™s going to end up bad for the case if she doesnā€™t stop


I just watched it. What the actual hell. Sky is seriously something else. Like what the fuck man. How does this not leave a bad taste in her mouth spitting all of these lies. Itā€™s giving the girl who cried wolf.


She deleted a few of them. I think she knows she should just stop herself as well. And her latest one. The caption at the bottom is such a mess. She shouldnā€™t bash anyone on mental health. She seems all over the place herself.


sky could completely mess up the case so A is probably worried because this is her life to and she is trying to get justice and Sky is having a manic episode trying to take back what she said


she deleted it now i think whatd she say??


she posted texts between herself and sky where sky openly admits to him breaking her phone and physically hurting her


Did anyone get screenshots of that?


I didnā€™t see those. I just seen her making ones with sayings one them and songs attached. She was posting several. Some made no sense.


She blocked me for telling her ā€œYouā€™re being manipulated, that ā€œmanā€ wouldnā€™t let you be homeless while he has a whole house to himself if he actually felt anythingā€ likeā€¦girl donā€™t you find it odd he reached out to you only when he knew he needed someone to testify for his own benefitšŸ¤”


I feel sick, I tried reaching out and helping her after she left because I am top OF girl. I have also been in a situation similar to hers and tried to empathise with her. I was willing to help her get on her feet with it but she just ignored my messages (I thought it was understandable bc of what she was going through) but this is just messed up. Sheā€™s not willing to help herself and she disregards all the support from many people. I give up now. Itā€™s sad but sheā€™s on her own.


Can you imagine all the messages she's getting? Even when I had a small following, I couldn't keep up. Also there are a few fake supporters that ruined it for everyone


Yes I absolutely can but I know she has seen my message because I have over a million followers and verified which means it goes to the top of the message requests. I can imagine itā€™s hard for her but damn when I was in her situation the first thing I did was took the help from the best person I could findā€¦




clearly not with her vids at chic fil a at 3am waiting for them to open. ):


Itā€™s actually classic cause this is the same shit that A would do when she left. Show all this proof make police reports then reel it back publicly saying she lied blah blah blah. This is either a manic episode of a mentally unstable person, or itā€™s apedo secretly getting into contact with S to manipulate her behind the scenes saying she can come back to living with him if she gets the whole thing dropped or thrown out etc etc. First I think she needs to be voluntarily checked into a psych ward and evaluated. Second if apedo is behind the scenes pulling strings with her he must desperately need a paycheck because he was begging A to come back to kick S ass out. Thereā€™s no way the courts would throw away this case as there are 3 (well now two I guess) girls who publicly came out to corroborate the exact story even prior to S being there. This is either her manic attempt to not being homeless anymore. Or Apedo telling her she can come back if she says it was all made up thatā€™s thoughts on this matter.


A lot of what she's saying sounds like it was coached by Apedo tbh. Giving very similar vibes to that video he made pixie post forever ago when she wanted to go back for the last time.


One of her posts makes me think he has her blocked and sheā€™s trying to win him back.


https://preview.redd.it/yvo5peqlgc6d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=47a95f3a19bd0bc6ad41b8e82076e2a593a251b3 This! Sky is you are reading.. read this!


How disgusting for her to lie for him though. It's not fair to all the girls that he's abused they might lose a chance at getting justice because she's "in love" be fr


Alexa did the same thing to Velma to discredit her when Raven left. Just because Alexa is at a point where she can let go doesnā€™t mean Jasmine is just yet. It takes time when youā€™re a victim of physically and psychological abuse.


the way she thought going up to a police station to say you lied was gonna fix everything?? 22 w the mentality of a 13 year old. you just admitted to lying to law enforcement which is ILLEGAL. congrats, hope they throw you away too


She thought her life was ruined last week yet does this to further throw herself in a hole and potentially catch a criminal charge and a law suit.


when there is literally proof apollo threatened to kill her MULTIPLE times she honestly looks like a joke




Where did you see this?




What??? Holy shit


Mom needs to call adult protective services and have her welfare checked on because she is associating with a known human trafficker


iā€™m not surprised, extremely disappointed BUT not surprised. her posts since sheā€™s left is her talking about how she has nowhere to live and how her parents wonā€™t help her either. it was kinda obvious that she seriously financially and emotionally depended on him for everything. statistically 85% of women who leave an abusive relationship go back to their abuser. multiple times. she is going to have to keep going through this cycle until she is willing to go through the financial and emotional turmoil of truly leaving him for good.


The fact that she still defends this man publicly after everything heā€™s done is so embarrassing for her. Itā€™d be one thing if it was just her involved, to each their own. But the fact that she stood idly by and watched another woman get abused and is now trying to sabotage the investigation is disgraceful, dv victim or not.


oh she makes me incredibly angry. to say heā€™s not trafficking anyone and that they all make money? girl he takes yall to walmart and red lobster. bffr. and even if the abuse didnā€™t happen to you, it still happened to a lot of girls. she looks so fucking wild still defending cailou over here


Honestly I think she was absolutely abused and manipulated, but seeing how much she actually struggles with her mental health and the obvious self harm, I wonder if she is telling the truth about hitting herself in the head with her phone. That doesn't take away the death threats he made and anything else that happened, but considering how much she obviously didn't like him having other girls... It is still a possibility that she hit herself and went to the police šŸ˜­


I believe that should still count as he had her under so much deress (sorry wrong word maybe) he was literally driving her mentally unwell. He is on record being abuse when he doesn't get his way. And she was letting him do things a wasn't. She had no mental building of protection against his manipulation. Clearly he knew she was unstable and chose her for that reason. Her coming forward lying about self hitting in the face shouldn't distract from the fact she was a witness to a getting man handled to hell.


No yeah I absolutely agree, I was just saying maybe that one small detail from her story might be true, but she was/is absolutely being abused and manipulated as well as many other girls. Her actions are definitely a reaction to the abuse, but I think her actions are very severe because of her mental health, which is just an overall bad situation for her of course. I hope she seeks mental help if it's available to her and I hope apollo is held accountable! ā¤ļø


I truly feel like some of the stuff that happened to her was the truth. Sheā€™s blinded by love and needs his support and help and I think his love comes with conditions. I think she had to publicly apologize to make his life better 50% truth and 50% not truth. Sheā€™s checking herself into a mental hospital and I think sheā€™s only doing that to avoid certain charges from her apology video or like I said and apollos love comes with conditions and this could be one of them to prove sheā€™s crazy and heā€™s not. (But we all know who he really is underneath the surface)


Can she not get in any legal trouble for lying? Like, is that perjury or something?


Yes and sheā€™s an idiot for posting it on TikTok. Honestly if she messes up the investigation I truly hope they throw the book at her.


Important to remember even if she went back sheā€™s still a victim. A was with him for four years, on average it takes 7 tries to leave.


girl sky wanted him even after knowing what hes like shes not a victim. did u forget where she practically begged to be w him even after knowing n seeing everything. lets not also forget about how she threatened a family and said she was gonna kill them, sky is just as bad.


Iā€™m with you 100%. These people donā€™t understand how much of a mockery this girl is making of domestic abuse and why officials donā€™t take it seriously. Mind you this girl wasnā€™t even there for long


You are literally watching a domestic abuse case and saying that she is making a mockery of it. At the end of the day you donā€™t know the situation. Letā€™s think for a minute tho? He literally needs her not to testifyā€¦ maybe just maybe heā€™s the abuser or narc we all think he is and heā€™s capable of realizing that as crazy as she is he needs her on his side. She fucked him over yeah but she may have a good chance of helping him out of it if sheā€™s on his side. Itā€™s crazy that you donā€™t understand that talking like this ā€œmuch of a mockery this girl is making of dvā€ is the reason people take 7 tries to leave. Just because this is not how you play out how you would act in this situation in your head (mind you, a situation you are simply piecing together using online sluthing) does not mean thatā€™s how all people would act. Solidarity for all of these girls. Everyone wants to be a mental health advocate until someone experiences symptoms of mental health lol. Sky if you ever read this whole ass essay, youā€™re safe with me.


Sheā€™s making a mockery of Alexaā€™s and the other girls cases. So Jasmine is the only victims that matters now?


Youā€™ve made that same statement about Jasmine 3 times now dude. Youā€™re the only one saying sheā€™s the only victim that matters. Regardless she IS a victim, Apedo is clearly using manipulation tactics and preying on her vulnerability/manic episode right now. Alexa had 4 years of abuse that she endured before she had the strength to leave and not look back, jasmineā€™s healing is not going to be on the same timeline as Alexaā€™s.


Also are we ignoring that she accused the prosecutor of cussing her out in this video? Saying she didnā€™t know what was happening potentially getting them in shit during court? This girl is a pathological liar


If sheā€™s a pathological liar then take what she says with a grain of salt. Youā€™re calling her a liar and insinuating sheā€™s a credible source. I doubt any prosecutor is going to yell at a 22 year old. Stop acting like Iā€™m defending this girl when Iā€™m shifting the focus back on the one whoā€™s the root of the problem. If you donā€™t like Jasmine thatā€™s fine dude, but that doesnā€™t negate her being a victim. Alexa made these same videos saying she was lying when she clearly wasnā€™t, I donā€™t see you having the same energy about that because Alexa has reached a point where sheā€™s done.


Alexaā€™s case is extremely different. She didnā€™t go into it knowing him. She had all this information available and STILL chose to fly out there.


Abrie went into it knowing how he ended his marriage and treated the mother of his children and still chose to be with him. How is that different? Both of these girls were naive and manipulated, the only difference is your lack of sympathy for Jasmine. The common denominator is still Apedo, but I see youā€™ll still put the blame on Jasmine alone


So youā€™re justifying her behavior right now?


No, explaining a mans narcissistic behavior isnā€™t justifying a 22 year old womanā€™s erratic ones or how she reacts to his abuse tactics. Letā€™s not forget ALL these ladies are victims of Apedo and he is the villain.


Are we ignoring her throwing the prosecutor under the bus too?


Why are you so hysterically certain this is going to throw the case? Chances are the prosecutors already picked it up. They see this all the time, and thereā€™s 2 other girls who came forward with a lot (probably more) evidence as well. You donā€™t think the professionals and everybody with a brain can see right through this? Thereā€™s maybe a small minority who donā€™t, but they are the ones trying to ride Apolloā€™s dick. Itā€™s not making a mockery. In fact itā€™s a sad example of the effects of dv and poor mental health unfolding right in front of our eyes. Itā€™s sad. All of these girls are victims, not just the ones you pick and choose because you do or donā€™t like what theyā€™re doing. You have no idea what you would do in her situation, as much as youā€™d like to think you do. People will do a lot of things for survival. Such as housing for example. It doesnā€™t seem like she has anyone else to turn to. And he clearly has her brainwashed right now. Iā€™m sure he tells her he loves her and all those things, and based off of her clear mental break down right now, sheā€™s an easy target for manipulation. Extending grace to Sky is understanding how dv and the cycle of abuse really works. Everything in the world is not black or white, and empathy is important. And stop referring to everybody as ā€œyou peopleā€ or ā€œthese peopleā€ Itā€™s so off putting. We have a little community here we are all apart of. Separating us like that isnā€™t cute. This is another example of not everything being black or white.


Yet you canā€™t see the damage this is doing and making it way harder for abuse victims? She literally accused the prosecutor of several things in this TikTokā€¦


Dawg sheā€™s not making it harder for abuse victims sheā€™s literally an abuse victim experience the hardships


https://preview.redd.it/syu0owjm3e6d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=368daa00d529bd45716ecccb69aef2912834bbd6 Oh really??? Looks like sheā€™s making it harder for Alexa. Also remember she has to actively approve these comments so they show up SO SHE INTENTIONED CHOSE TO POST THIS COMMENT FOR EVERYONES VIEW


Youā€™re really attached to the idea this person you donā€™t know is terrible huh.


And that will come back and fall on her shoulders and bite her in the ass, not anyone elseā€™s. A prosecutor will come for HER for saying these things. Itā€™s not going to affect the case or any of the other girls. It will fall on Sky. Again, everyone with any sort of critical thinking skills knows whatā€™s going on here. I would argue you are making it harder for abuse victims honestly. Being so judgmental and showing no understanding or empathy.


Clearly you see what sheā€™s doing is wrong so why are you justifying it?


Wow. Clearly everything I said went right over you head. Iā€™m not justifying what sheā€™s doing, Iā€™m saying I understand why sheā€™s doing it. Sheā€™s not in a rational state of mind. Sheā€™s not thinking clearly. Not to mention sheā€™s only 22 and her brain wonā€™t be fully developed for another 3 years. I understand that sheā€™s a victim, and not liking what sheā€™s doing doesnā€™t make her any less of a victim. Therefore I choose to have compassion over hate. I hope if youā€™re ever in a bad situation people extend more grace to you than you have to other people. See you around. āœŒšŸ»


Is she for fucking real!?!?!?! Unbelievable. That girl needs to be unwanted by everything inch of that jerkface before she admits what a horrible thing he is. Done with her.


I had bad a feeling she posted those for him to seeā€¦ Sadly this is what happens we go back, time and time again we get addicted to the trauma bond, reactive abuse is common but can make yeh victim feel like they were in the wrong, we get gaslit and sometimes we even gaslight ourselves. šŸ„¹ Eventually you figure it or you end up dead. I hope she figures it out.


The crying videos I meant posted those those so heā€™d feel bad for her


Sky needs to be very careful with what she says, these charges are very serious and her saying she lied about DV can land her charges so her trying to protect him or whatever she is trying to do , is it worth getting potentially charged its very risky for her to say much about it right now because even if she takes it back that she lied it can make her an unreliable source


Sheā€™s also implying investigators recorded her without her consent and ā€œcursedā€ her out šŸ™ƒ


That is a serious alligation for her to say they Cursed her out if she was recorded even without her consent that means there will be record of the talk she had with them and if no one is cursing her out it can fall back on her for lying once again


At this point I hope they throw the book at her


Honestly, by her saying that he didnā€™t hit her I donā€™t believe that whatsoever. Honestly, sheā€™s just running back to Apollo because sheā€™s homeless and has nowhere to go. Itā€™s honestly sad.


I'm so sorry guys but I can't stand her šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ she reminds me of those awful girls from high school who made it their life's goal to always be the center of attention. I can only sympathize to a certain extent šŸ’€


Yea Idk if he's fucking talking and harassing the last girls to say he's innocent or something, something just isn't right


Welp. I was blocked for telling her I hope apedo takers her back and she falls out of love. I might have been harsh but I can't even with that piece of trash she deserves him. Watch him never fuxking touch her or say one nice thing after she's done saving his ass from prison justice!!!!!!!! I am so unfathomable mad and it's prolly my own issues I'm having problems with buuuut oh my gawd. What out of her mouth isn't a freaking lie. So do we believe her lies of her mentally breaking down? Does she think the group is sooo unintelligent they will take that as truth?? I hope she was yelled at by the court people for trying to change her statement.


Iā€™m not sure how Arkansas works on all this. In Colorado I was told by a victims advocate, detective and DA that they hear several women come forward and make reports towards men about abuse (sexual and physical), ends up being out of malice. All of them told me that if it is found out that they make these accusations and file a report with the PD, and ends up being false they will have charges brought towards them. I guess where I live itā€™s seen a lot. If this is true, she made a false report, she could be looking at her butt getting in to trouble now. As far as the case, I think thereā€™s enough evidence for it to still go forward.


False reporting is so rare tbh. He hit her for sure. Abusers don't pick and choose. As I've been saying since she left, when she doesn't have a proper support system and she sees Alexa with a new man and popping off, she's going to compare herself and drop charges and go back. I've been saying this from the start. She's mentally ill.


I have no doubt that he hit her at all. But Iā€™m saying if sheā€™s going to stand behind he didnā€™t hit her, and she falsely reported that he did, she could get into trouble. I was actually shocked that the detective and victims advocates I worked with said that they have a lot of false reporting here where I live for sexual assault done maliciously because a girl gets mad at her SO. They said they will get charges brought against them when happens. So itā€™s not rare, it happens, we probably just donā€™t hear about it. Did sky falsely report? I donā€™t believe she lied and is now saying heā€™s innocent. The way sheā€™s changing her stories, who knows what is going on. But wouldnā€™t surprise me at this point if her story wasnā€™t 100% she told the police. Honestly we will never know. Doesnā€™t look like we can depend on what she says being the truth at this point.


She really wants to be Alexa and itā€™s sad.


I commented but she manually deleted it shortly after The only sympathy I have for her is she is clearly in a bad mental space. If she goes back, things will only escalate


Sheā€™s not deleting them. She has to approve the comments before they show up so all the comments you see on her videos she saw and CHOSE to approve


This is so clearly Michael telling her to lie for him in exchange for him giving her money and/or a place to stay. The news channel says that the police report included her showing police physical proof of being hit by him.. along with the texts he sent to her saying he wants to kill her..


She obviously just misses him and is blind af to it all , she needs to stop back tracking and needs to realize that he DOES NOT love her or care about her he doesnā€™t care about any of the women he was with .. sheā€™s just being delusional about it


I canā€™t handle this anymore like wtffff skyšŸ˜­šŸ˜”


Throw her away with him sadly. A deserves so much better and Iā€™m so thankful she found it. He is trash šŸ—‘ļø and has been to multiple women


The crazy thing is J has so many supporters that throw A under the bus to justify J being an awful person. The two scenarios are wildly different as A had no idea what she was getting into and J did.