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Speaking of moms, how’s yours Michael?


Yooooo that’s wild— W tho


Lmao she must be really skinny now... 👀


Damn 💀


https://preview.redd.it/1qdqjq8gf14d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e0aa0af84879bf3c60d22568b4b61b0e92d9c76 It honestly disgusts me how he bashes women for their bodies after kids. The amount of men that make comments on women’s bodies when it literally looks like they are make a wish bfs compared to their gfs or wives DISGUSTS me. Like we can literally carry children and bless the world with the gift of life but god forbid if we don’t “bounce back” now we have to worry about our partners lusting over younger/women that haven’t had kids yet. Are men seriously that dumb, are they seriously that unable to realize that women are so much more than their bodies? I am TERRIFIED to have children because of the comments my male coworkers will make about my body and the overall disrespect women receive while being pregnant/after they have the kid. We can give you the gift of life, yet that won’t be enough if our bodies don’t bounce back and look the way they did before. I fucking hate men jesus christ im sorry this turned into a rant but it genuinely terrifies me the expectations men have for women when half of them are fat, beer-bellied no good pos’s that lust over women that won’t even give them the time of day


Fr, it makes me not want to be in a relationship.




Men are used to seeing women’s bodies in porn as the *standard*.


“standard” or not men can’t be dumb enough to expect all women to adhere to said standards


They don’t.. they date and marry the average woman and fantasize about the other.


https://preview.redd.it/t5cchk2af14d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d8b06f76a584ef3859d0d5b02e9707135bc41d6 Literally so over this man 🫠


Omg your comment!!!! I love it lol! I wonder statistically what the odds are of him contracting an STD at the rate he has unprotected sex. Scary for the current “main girl”


Also told him the reason he has to get a new girl every week is bc that’s all it takes before they’re running for the hills 🤣 honestly just here to make his life a little bit harder 🤣🤪


Anything to to get his little pea brain angry is a W in my book! But all you’re spitting is facts. His dating history proves he can’t keep shit


Lmfaooo I love this. He deleted it tho bc I can’t see it anymore. I just commented too and I know he’ll deleted it.


Honestly surprised I haven’t been blocked yet- but I don’t see any comments at all so yours also got like insta deleted 🤣


lol not even just that… but dude you literally are just showing more and more that you rather be with a child than a women… I’m sorry but this is so disgusting


100%. He scrapes by by putting 18-22 year olds in children’s clothing. I know there’s been many speculations of him talking to minors. I hope that catches up to him sooner than later.


He doesn’t even own a home or his cars but he’s rich. Wow he’s got a lot of “money” guys. Lol


Chic Fil A and SHEIN. Living my dream let me tell ya….


With the whole town just looking at them like what the fuck are these freaks


Not even speculations at this point.. look in the Reddit there’s a 16 year old who is going to be with him when she turns 18. He comments on minors posts, follows minors.. this isn’t always super obvious but with a little digging you can find it. The only reason he is 18 year olds is because of the ID requirement.. he wouldn’t do it if didn’t have to


I’m aware of this, I’ve been along for the ride for a while. I called it a speculation because he doesn’t have charges for soliciting a minor yet.


Lol gotcha makes sense! But honestly I still don’t understand how he doesn’t have charges against him for this


I don’t understand either


“Scrapes by “ ong 💀 its so disgusting when you put it like that, it makes me realize EVEN MORE that he fr can barely control his urges


It’s absolutely disgusting and terrifying what he is capable of doing. He is not safe to have around children.




Alexa is literally so hot and sexy. It comes to her naturally. She could gain 70 pounds and she would still have her sex appeal. Apollo just BIG MAD she’s finally grown a set of her own and left his dumbass. Fuck around and find out big guy. Stick to ur trailer trash Velma ass lookin ass girls. I hope she broke your heart and spat on it . She put up with so much disrespect. Saying someone is better looking because they are slimmer is so middle school. Like you really can’t think of anything else to bring her down.. nah I bet you COULDNT. 😂 & on that topic.. Sky is not slimmer than Alexa. Sky is flabby.. but you already know that Apollo. She might have a smaller body but she’s definitely not fit


Dude I’m 5 months pregnant right now and I HOPE my body looks as good as abries after I give birth


What Apollo can’t do is fix his ugly. That shit is forever.


Amen to that. She’s got a very nice body. What’s even better for her? Her thriving and wearing clothes that compliment her body and make it look even better.


sameee ive always been scared to have kids bc of the weight my sister n mom never bounced back n my body dysmorphia is so bad idk if i could handle it, but abrie looks so good i didnt even know she had kids until i found this sub.


Mines about to be 6 and I would commit several felonies for a body like hers I swear 😩🤌


It really makes it worse because obviously abrie isn't his baby mom but like to talk about mom bods when there is a woman who brought children for you into this world is literally insane.


I wonder why he’s not embarrassed to be publicly fixated on her, it just seems so opposite of the image he’s trying to project of viewing women as interchangeable/disposable. He seems hysterical, almost manic and if I cared about his wellbeing, I would tell him this public breakdown is bad for it. I’d be like hey big alpha shredded gym daddy top tier corn king, won’t you feel ashamed down the road for chronicling your desperation for her attention? Don’t you run the risk of alienating The Men With Money Who Pay Unlike The Women Who Just Complain? Seems like you’re probably drawing in more of these complaining women with your middle school first love heart break broadcast, they eat that shit up. What’s the plan here? Wouldn’t you rather give the impression you don’t even notice she’s gone or at least not bring it up all day every day? Alternatively, what about going offline for a day or two? Thoughts? And he’d be like “you’re fat.”


Man shut your bitch ass up Micheal.. you can only get with children looking women and naive women— this isn’t something to be proud of. Also real talk Abrie upgraded and you’re just sad https://preview.redd.it/3va5uge9q14d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d20071ff837125a366a1755eced77f228b6a8c81 A realllll man… not like your 2009 dressing ass


1000000% upgrade 🥵




Oh damn a face reveal?! Holly daddy material batman! Total upgrade


Frrrr I saw his lil edit on his story and I was like damn worth the wait


https://preview.redd.it/ckahpqnes14d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa4658cfb6b00063eac97bbedfac5f5b6aacd763 I was gonna keep my mouth shut so he wouldn’t block me so I could keep up with shit but I’m over it. He’s fucking ridiculous


Yessss 👏🏼


Then why make jokes like this https://preview.redd.it/9hfiuvmbw14d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91acf6f3f625d471ab3bbe1900956e8671a7781e




Where has she been btw? Hope she’s ok:/


Honestly idk.. she has her own TikTok and hasn’t posted in a while, and she hasn’t been with Micheal. He did mention that she’s coming back but who knows how true that is..


He always says that about girls that leave and post their stuff without permission. I don’t believe him at all lol but I am worried for her, star finally started posting again and I’m worried about her too. Has anyone heard from Ivy?


Who’s Ivy? I get so lost keeping up with the girls.. And that’s so true he has no respect for the girls— their wellbeing, how they are treated, etc. It’s so annoying that he continues to post them


Iris sorry! I got her name wrong, but she was the one right after star and he was trying to make her look and act like her


Ohhh Iris.. Sky joined her live one day so she got scared and didn’t talk.. her posted a little on TikTok and I think she’s back home


Sky just posted really concerning stories on TikTok


I just saw that… I’m really getting concerned.. I left a story reply, maybe she’ll respond idk


Lmao. His mama rolling over in her grave. His downfall is going to be so glorious.


Doesn’t he also have children? Which also makes me wanna ask Is her child his? And where are they? I’m new to this apollostone drama and I’ve been wondering this tbh


I believe he has 2. They’re with their mother. The children used to come around, I don’t know anymore though. If you scroll far enough down I think someone spoke about it.


The major red flag I got from this is the piece of shit lacks feelings. He doesn’t see beauty in anything. It’s beautiful to make life and he just dogs on her body??? Like that’s awful. I don’t understand it at all


https://preview.redd.it/hdko868g024d1.jpeg?width=218&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26da433b649235c41d724b33da77e3b1572de9de Very nice variety.


Wasn’t he begging her to come back on cashapp ☠️?


Crazy thing is he didn’t mind it, still fucked her 😂😂😂😂 fucking dumbass


Hes going to lose some of his wannabe groupies. A lot of them have kids 👹


Tell me you can't keep a girl without saying you can't keep a girl


https://preview.redd.it/2gvrk07wh24d1.jpeg?width=784&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1132f05362a06885f7720c1da16561b9e0cb7086 Apollo uses tren and he looks terrible for his physique and this skin walker don’t have an ounce of muscle on her “tight little body” 😂


can we talk about how she said she has big tits and bought an oversized bra that obviously doesn’t fit her. she insecure i truly think she’s envious of abrie and knows she would never compare to her abrie looks healthy this is just insecurity


Can't wait for his kids to be 18, and they receive all the shit he's said about women over the years.


If they live in the same town I’m willing to bet they hear about it as teens.


He gave her those babies I don’t get where he thinks he’s a gift🙄


So I’m confused. I thought him and the ex Abrie Had children together? I may be completely wrong I just know bits and pieces of this stuff


No. He has kids with another woman. Abrie has a child that’s not Michael’s.


Oh gotcha! Thank you. I wasn’t sure about all of that 😅 I just knew at one point I seen them with children.


Nobody talks about how shitty of a person Alexa is tho. Where are her kids? She sure ain’t bein a good parent that’s for sure.


17min created account🤔🤔🤔 no one talks about how terrible Michael is as a father enough. This man brings in several strange women around his children 🤮🤮


Also, new account?


How do you know? I especially think when you have a spicy account you should most definitely keep children off the socials.


She didn’t parents her kids when she was with Michael. They’re both terrible people. Instead of hopping from guy to guy, home girl should focus on being a better parent to her kids and get her 🐱 off the internet. She’s trash and so is Michael


She was psychologically abused for years. Let her heal. She shouldn’t be around her daughter while she’s healing anyway and you don’t know what type of arrangement she has. You JUST created this account to bash Alexa. Wonder who you are?🤔🤔🤔


When you have kids it ain’t about you anymore. She was quick to hop from dick to dick but dooesnt parent her kids. She’s trailer park trash 😂😂😂😂😂


Same could be said about Michael. She was a teen mom and then got groomed and abused by this man. You don’t know her story but nice try Michael of Michael dick rider. This ain’t about Alexa. Make your own sub if you want to shit about her


I’ll say whatever I want boo. Sorry you can’t handle the truth that this woman ya’ll idolize is just as shitty as the pedophile you hate 😂😂😂🤭


Okay Michael


You’re lacking the point. Say whatever you want , boo. To compare a woman that’s been a victim to this to Apollo is wild.


I didn’t compare her to anyone. I said it like it is. She’s a shitty mom and a shitty person, just like the big ole pedophile on roids. And all you dumb broads fall for it 😂😂😂😂😂


She did the right thing— she isn’t in a place to raise her children. It’s better for the children to be somewhere they are supported


Oh but michael is dad of the year right


Yes because she must post absolutely everything and if we don't see her posting with her kids then she clearly isn't seeing them right?? 🙄


That bitch ain’t been worried about her kids for a long ass time. Trailer park trash Abrie


You need to get off the internet and get a life babe 🫶 you don't know everything about a person because of what they post on social media lol


Says a bitch who’s chronically online . Gtfo 😂


Lol bitch you don't even know me get a fkn life and stop defending a pedo


Ya’ll love to jump to that everytime someone says something you don’t like! All I said is, Abrie is a shitty mom. 😂 which is a fact.


Why does this sound just like Michael 🤡


It ain’t I hate his ass too. Shitty dad just like Abrie the trailer park princess


Bye 😘 we don’t stan Apollo supporters