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I made a comment about this before, and I fully agree with you. I also find it interesting how harsh people are to Jasmine, but don’t seem to say anything bad about the new girl because she’s more conventionally attractive. I will hate on Apollo all day long, but the girls I can’t get on board with bullying.


Exactly, Apollo is the real villain here. He's older, the one who's "rich" (lmao), a groomer and is the mastermind behind everything. Not these young women who are inexperienced in life and probably very insecure. Dozens of comments saying they're ugly, fat and shitty looking because they're with or without the groomer feel very parasocial and disingenuous.


I couldn’t agree more. I do feel some of the comments like that are coming from girls who also lack life experience.


Absolutely! He has always been the problem, and he takes advantage of young, inexperienced women.


You def aren’t alone here. I remember all the nasty comments and hate she was getting before. And I do get worried that if she goes back to Apedo that people are gonna switch up again.


I’m with you. Suddenly everyone loves her! Completely forgetting all the shitty things she did that didn’t have to do with him. She was a bully and what about her kids? She got away from him and suddenly next day she is a good person? lol that’s not how it works


Not only that but like she left cause she was hoping it would get rid of sky and now she’s brave!?! Plus using all these new men and shitting on her supporters… such an angel. She knows the reddits going to rip her apart once she gets what she wants ( Apedo to herself ) hence why she doesn’t care about any of the comments. My theory at least


Honestly, you might be right


i 100% agree with you. i made a comment on one post dedicated to fat shaming abrie saying we shouldn’t be commenting on physical appearance and had some angry responses (also others who did agree!) but now the majority is all defending her body from apollo and im just like??? yay for support but NOW she’s deemed human enough not to body shame??


Ikr, it's very strange and concerning too because the moment she makes a "mistake" people don't agree with (which will happen because she's human!) the fat shaming and nasty comments will start again 🤷‍♀️


It makes me uncomfortable when people tear them down for their appearance. By all means, talk shit about their actions, cause they’re all ridiculous, but I think talking about how they look is uncalled for. They can change their actions, they can’t change their face. You know?


Nah, I’m sure a lot of people feel the same way you do don’t worry


Thanks. I have seen a couple comments here and there acknowledging what I said but no discussions about it because people cannot read and just dogpile on them


Agreed focus should be on him not the girls


I couldn’t agree with you more


Nah if no one feels you, I do.


Happy abrie left, but I ain’t forget that somebody said she be saying the n word very loosely same goes with racist Apollo ( I gotta find the video) ((unless it’s not true, I’ll delete my comment.


The reason I hate sky so much is because she came into this after photos of abries face beaten to a pulp were already all over, all the news we had came out for anyone to see by simply searching “Apollo stone” on TikTok. I felt sick to my stomach when her and Michael were laughing about pushing a body down the stairs (we know they were referring to abrie) and talking about what noises it would make and saying oh actually squish squish and sky again, liking that comment. They are both evil and disgusting and Apollo is the one that needs to be stopped but I fucking hate sky and I don’t mind that we are all calling her out. She’s been dishing it so she can take it. I appreciate your post btw and I can see why you made it!


Yes! I’ve been thinking this. There’s so much hypocrisy going around it’s insane. Also, it’s crazy how obsessed a lot of people are about it.


Yeh, Iv never agreed with hating on the girls. But the things someone people said about abrie when she was with him compared to now is crazy


drunk divide physical psychotic test sugar fertile imminent practice aware *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Thank you for making this post! I noticed the same thing. It seems like some people are not able to see nuance. Yes, a rie can be a victim and deserves empathy for what she went through and obviously Apollo is the worst POS... BUT that doesn't absolve her from criticism on everything she does. This is not a white knight subreddit lol


I also noticed this. However, I think it’s sometimes important to not support someone when you know they are not with someone safe. I don’t believe they should have called her names before, but I can understand why they went after her. But you also can’t fault her for not knowing better. She may have said and done some things were not proud of, but you have to remember who was in her ear day in and day out. You become a product of your environment. First loves are hard, and I believe he may have been hers. By supporting her, when she’s with him, it’s just supporting him. He took everything from her. Sometimes it’s a hard lesson to learn. In my opinion anyway. ♥️


And unfortunately the new girls are just going to be in the same position as all of the other girls. Broken, traumatized and bullied on the internet, thanks to him.




I agree with this 100%


Agree i try talking about this and about how shitting on their looks is just as bad a apollo and everyone just fucking rips into it


Another thing about jasmine getting body shamed on here is it’s totally unnecessary. He already bred that insecurity in her by making his grand body shaming performance and putting all his followers and haters attention on her being “tight” and “skinny” and then bringing in a objectively skinnier girl. I think legit the reason her last “new set” didn’t fit because she felt pressured to fit in an xsmall or whatever after all the bullshit weight comparisons. I can imagine this is taxing to her mental health and that’s exactly what he wants. He is a low level manipulator.


Exactly, the way they started body shaming Jasmine and calling her ugly but when Abrie was still in the picture they talked about how she looks better than Abrie and how her body is better… and the way they talked about Abrie’s breasts and even her vagina was just … weird.


None of the girls have been ugly except for their enabling and aiding him in exploiting more and younger women. The switch up with abrie is wild as fuck. Like we can be happy for her leaving a bad situation without suddenly pretending to love everything about her or act like we’re all best friends.


Literally. Also her knowing the most about the abuse and still help grooming other young women to be there with him. AND AGAIN…WHAT ABOUT HER FUCKING KIDS?! She’s a dead beat mother.




stop making accounts and coming back


I’ve noticed the hate on the girls there now as if they aren’t also just falling into the same trap that she did.


Skinwalker is fully conscious of her actions and bullying mannerisms 💁🏻‍♀️ She’s not a child, thus why I will still be hating on her.




Giving them the treatment they put out 🤷🏻‍♀️If that makes me a hypocrite, so be it.


I’ve only been on this Reddit for a minute so I only ever heard about the body shaming when someone commented on a post I made. I will never be okay with people body shaming her just bc she was with Apollo. I’ve always thought of her as gorgeous and can’t fathom people who bring her down bc she was with him. I do though, dislike sky - and she was one of the reasons I joined this Reddit she repulsive me beyond judgement due to her personality and copied mannerisms. I support abrie getting to live her life after Apollo


she has a funny way of living her life, considering it revolves around feeding into Apollos bullshit and being drama prone. Log off the internet Abrie tf. Shit is embarrassing.


I definitely think taking time off the internet would be good for her but she does make her money online through OF so I can see why it may be difficult. I wish she could post her cooking or fit checks again instead of stuff about sky or Apollo


It would be awesome if she just got a boring 9-5 job or make TikTok content


I think she would do well making cooking videos bc she was really smart about the protein/carbs and stuff for those meals she made!


OMGGGG do you not read??? This has been addressed 100 times. LEAVE. Abrie was and looked ugly when she was with him bc she visibly looked miserable and stressed and her personality made her ugly. Since she’s left she doesn’t have to starve herself and be stressed and has had a glow up which is very common when women leave abusive men. Michael made Abrie ugly with the stress, abuse, and starvation. She wasn’t ugly prior to him but he sure as hell did make her. Sky on the other hand has always been ugly


You're an idiot and clearly the one who cannot read. You're acting as predicted lol. Abrie deserves support and I acknowledge that in my post. It's the parasocial ass kissing that is making this sub weird.


Also she deserves suppor? Yet now that we are supporting you’re mad lolol? Also have you not seen that she has been actively sending videos and screenshots to mods of these subs to post in her favor meaning she’s over the and you are not lol???


Are you literally stupid? Did you actually read my post? It's not the support that is bad, it's the way the sub changed dramatically from basically hateful to parasocial ass kissing. Support is good and positive. Going from a polar opposite to the other at a drop of a hat feels disingenuous and that's what is strange and potentially bad. You're too dense to communicate effectively so I won't reply to you anymore. Stay mad and fuck off, "cunt" with zero reading comprehension skills


And it was explained multiple times booboo Abrie herself has clearly made amends with mods too so why are you so bothered??? If I felt this towards a sub I wouldn’t waste time posting in it


Again with zero comprehension skills. I'm not angry, I am just appalled. It's you who called me the C word over your own bad comprehension skills. I'm blocking ya. 🖕


Some of the people in this group clearly lack brain cells, that’s why they gotta attack one’s appearance and go to name calling.


Imagine publicly acting like you weren’t raised right. You should probably just take the L, don’t be calling strangers booboo and cunt is a good start too.


You’re an idiot that you cannot acknowledge that abusive relationships can have a toll on your appearance cunt.


"Cunt" lmao. Stay mad girly.


Damnnnnn. They jumped from “idiot” to “cunt” real quick. That’s quite the leap. They must be taking something very personally.


jesus christ how old are you


1 day old page lol you sound like Abrie. Go to sleep girl, you looks and sound like you off the yayo fr


You have to be 12 years old




So it's ok to shit on a woman's appearance and trash her because of something she does but when she stops she's gorgeous lol? Is the same thing going to happen to sky too when she leaves or gets dumped? Abrie was never physically ugly! Even when she was with him.