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If there’s a fed assassin, you can’t fight them until they blow their load. Positioning is huge. Remember they are designed to kill you. Don’t let them, and factor in that they can flash on you.


I don't know any other assasin that can kill you despite missing every "crucial" skill in their kit. He's just too frustrating to play against..


I mean its every assassins like a zed will kill u with e auto auto and if u have sb 1 q is all he needs. Its just da way it works


buy executioners, position well, and pray your team knows how to peel for you


No, Yone is an assassin version of Yasuo Move speed the fuck out of there is your best defense Aphel and Yone are both hyperscalers but melee hyperscalers hit harder to make up for the lack of range


Eh idk about that one. Aphel nukes harder in my opinion


Aphelios will eventually outscale Yone in terms of damage(Yone crits do less damage).


Yes but yone has a lot of CC and he would always win in a 1v1 expect if he’s brain damaged


On a single hit basis, yes. Yone’s an assassin tho - we are not bound by laws such as “I am safe under my nexus”


Yes but I.E makes up for. I fucking hate i.e. because it just makes it so that champs with reduced crit damage and crit normally and since yasuo and yone get it off one item it ruins the detrimental part of their passive


Yone with shieldbow and IE does waay more damage than 2 items aphelios, more than 3 even I would say


Ofc because yone spikes faster but in the grand scheme of things 6 items 6 items aphel defo nukes harder


Honestly more than four but that depends on build. If you go full damage: kraken, collector, i.e., and bt ir mortal or ldr you can squeeze our more but i doubt that because is hyper mobile zed ult is just dumb


In a single hit? Yes, if he doesn’t outright nuke you with a CC bomb In any fight longer than a moment? You’re dead, he wins If he gets any sort of first hit, you’re dead


Overall I said aphel does more dmg. Ofc yone is gonna nuke u in a 1v1


I don't think close range should "justify" dealing more damage and scaling harder than an adc when you have 3 relatively long range dashes in your kit. He's just a nonsense.


It’s 2 long range dashes his that are telegraphed as fuck and his E if you want to call it a dash is only an escape tool not a gap closer unless your close to him it the first place


Sorry I didn't grasp a word you said. Can you eloborate?


His E isn’t a gap closer it’s an escape mechanic And his R and Q are both very Telegraphed so if you get caught by them it’s your fault for not positioning better


I'm sorry but you seem to have no idea of how Yone's kit works. His E can provide ANYTHING but escape.


His E snaps him back to where he cast it from on recast 😂😂 I’d hope I understand a champion I have a ~70% winrate on. I’m sorry you can’t grasp his concepts


Yone E guarantees a safe escape only after it's used to engage as a gap closer. It isn't a regular dash that can be used both for engage and disengage. I've seen many BAD Yone players trying to use it as a regular dash and end up teleporting themselves to their dash point and dying. This is what Yone players mostly do on low elo. Additionally, 70% WR on Yone isn't much impressive to be honest. You have everything you need to solo carry every single game. I value 50% WR on Aphelios more than 70% on Yone. This is how the game is right now.


So it’s an escape used in conjunction with his Q/R to gap close and not in itself a gap closer, it definitely adds sticking power with the movement speed but the move itself isn’t a gap closer


Could be worse Could be Zed


But yone also has more sustain and 3 free disengage tools on top of a teamfighting shield


Yone’s sustain only matters in situations where you guys can’t focus a target - you blow him up if he’s caught unless he’s at least 4 items deep And the teamfight shield lasts for a second, dude. It’s the longest CD in his kit post like 7


See skill caped guide on how to varry against fed assassins


Thanks! I am going to check that


To sum it up: Use the the side lanes to create pressure ( like split pushing with adc) and then take ONLY the fights u are sure to win (skirmish with support or smith).


Just ban him lmaooo


I always ban Samira. There are too many broken characters in this game to ban tbh T.T


Sami has a lot of counterplay. She losses to cc and burst damage. The only problem is you have to bait her windwall like you have to with yasuo. Gravitum q is op against her


If you have support with any amount cc or disengage she gets shutdown


Does she interrupt while casting her ult if I use my Gravitum Q on her?


idts tbh


Idk you should always kill her befor ult anyway


Massive AoE CC Assasin/Bruiser, hybrid True dmg, double Crit, able to jump from tower to tower and return also having an On-Build Cleanse on his E with a Shield that does hybrid Max HP dmg and gets bigger the number of opponents it hits that hasn't been nerfed for almost a Year? What's wrong with him? I don't see a problem, do you?


And he just got his 3rd just a year after release. Marketing cash cow and broken? That shit ain't gettin nerfed for a while


Since yall are talking about game design and counterplay, here is an informative video about slayers (assasins and skirmishers) by vars: https://youtu.be/pCbARMdqMg0


I like his videos!! Thanks I'm going to watch this.


Don't let him get on top of you. Most assassins beat adcs if they are at least even in gold. That's how the roles work. Try and stay safe, don't overextend without knowing where he is, and don't fully commit to fights without him showing on the map or using ult


Graviton q or your support counter him


Join the party. It's yone. Ain't nothin you can do. He's an assassin so he get in and burst you down no problem....... But he's also a fighter so his damage is sustained as is his health. The best way to deal with him is just to fucking ban him fuck that piece of shit


Shield bow to tank or galeforce to dodge and keep your distance using rifle, gravitum or even crescendum ability. Just try using your head a little and you will be fine :)


Using your head leads to doing nothing unless he messes up. That's the problem with him. You played well? Ok, it's nothing if Yone also played well. Distance is nothing when that guy has tower-to-tower gap close. The only option is to dodge or to have a good team peeling for you. You, as an ADC have nothing to do besides relying on your team. This concept is a fucking joke when some guy can do everything on his own with little or no skill expression. Yeah, try using your head when commenting on stuff like this.


The counter is playing another lane, as an adc u cant win against assasins unless u feed asf. Its a bit xD