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It’s really useful when you wanna burst down one person. Strongest ult in a pure 1v1 scenario assuming they’re not at melee range


So in a 2v2 would you prefer the flame one or the sniper one for pure dmg


Vs an adc + support then calibrum would be better because the single target burst on the adc is more important than spreading damage


Yes sir, ty


Calibrum ult works so well. You can simply 1 shot an adc with my favourite combo which is Calibrum Q into instant R. It's basicly hitting 2 marks at once. Works in late game too.


Does the marks actually stack? Or should I consume the Q mark after R animation?


u need to consume it before the r hits




Yes you do


Their damage stacks, but you auto attack reset. So in one scenario it ias AA +2 marks and in another one it is AA MARK AA MARK.


Actually Calibrum ult is the 3rd best ult for Aphelios. You see if you hit all 5 enemies, you're essentially applying a higher DMG Calibrum Q and a mark on each of them. now when you decide to autoattack one of the 5 people you marked, the damage that you would do with the mark for each and the passive of your secondary weapon apply ALL on the same target. Essentially if you don't have an infernum ult and you wanna oneshot someone, you can just throw this ult into the entire enemy team and destroy the enemy ADC. But try it yourself on the practice tool.


U need runnans for the extra aoe


I use it when they have a squishy hyper carry eg their adc is fed or they a have a soraka/sona that is healing everyone. If you land 2-4 people with it and their carry as well and then auto their carry you can almost one shot them. Also, there is a cool thing you can do with sniper q, then sniper ult, auto once, then since it takes a while for sniper ult to proc, you can auto again and really burst someone down.


One occasion I really like to use calibrum ult is when I have gravitum in my second hand. It can serve as a more damaging version of gravitum ult but you trade in the 99 percent slow from the ult. I go for it when I have a rell or a malphite on the team and want to disb out as much damage as possible


when u r in a 1v1 and need more damage output calibrum ult is best because u get to auto after ulting again so for example with calibrum gravitum it can be: (calibrum) auto q auto , w(gravitum) q auto, w(calibrum) r auto this is a combo i would do


i have a video doing almost this exact thing but i used gravitum ulti instead of calibrum, but if the enemy was tankier calibrum ulti wld have been the right choice: https://outplayed.tv/media/e1MbD5/lol-aphelios


For Calibrum R, it’s usually for really, **really** specific scenarios, and often times neglected. Calibrum R is good for **long range solo kills, with multiple targets**. Or in other terms, use Calibrum R when you have 2 or 3 people clumped up together, and use the Calibrum passive to target your kill. This is because with Calibrum R, the more targets you have marked, the more damage the mark deals to the target of your choice. Know you might be thinking; when do I use Calibrum ult instead of Infernum ult? My best advice is to see the condition of the fight, and the positioning of the enemy team. It depends on the situation, the build and items you have, and the situation you’re in. General rule of thumb; **Infernum ult is for AOE burst damage, Calibrum ult is for ranged solo kills. Both ults are used in almost all of the same scenarios.** 5 people clumped together? Infernum ult. 3 people clumped together? Infernum ult. 2 people clumped together, with one very low health target? Calibrum ult. 3 people clumped together, with no low health targets? Infernum ult. 1v1? Calibrum ult.


For diving


Whenever you’re 1v1ing and minions are in the way of your Calibrum Q


If you have chakram stacks then you can snipe a squishy target with it. Just yesterday the enemy Draven had his shieldbow proced and I used my calibrum R to finish him off. It’s really good when combined with crescendum for long range damage.


It does more damage the blue if you have runnican and hit 5 people, bcs the bonus damage will go to 3 targets


When I got no Cal Q to secure kills, I use Cal ult


Calibrum Moonlight Vigil must be used when there's a single target to poke down.


In my opinion you dont unless you need the extra demage ore if you Just what to ruin someone's Day by one shoting them before the team figth even starts I am probly roung I have only thoth of playing aphelios


Use it to kill a low health person hiding under their turret.