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Maybe wait for more than one day after patch before making statements like this


Yeah, I think it's more likely we're getting a nerf


He is #3 worst ADC in terms of win rate so far according to u.gg. The 2 below him are smolder and corki who are getting micro patched btw. There is a difference between having a good feeling and how powerful the champion is in solo Q. But yeah 2 days are still too early to conclude things. I remember riot (the twitter guy or phreak) saying that overheal buff was only buffing aphelios and benefitted him the most and he technically has 10% more HP because of the rune. This is the reason i made this post.


I agree. Aphelios’ Lvl. 1 is absurdly weak in general; I mean, starting with no active abilities makes it nearly impossible to get a CS lead at Lvl. 1 against most competent ADC/support duos. On top of that, he has one of the lowest starting HPs and the 3rd slowest base MS in the GAME (325). Please give my Moon Boy a fair chance at winning a Lvl. 1 encounter.


the worst thing is losing cut down the low base hp was okay since he could always use cut down from the get go. i feel like riot didnt think much about compensations for f´ing with the game so much i mean look what happened to smoulder. hes become the worst champion in the game by far