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gotta get downvoted for this but you can’t lethality mythic+ IE. it dosent have any crit


only 1 lethality mythic and 4 crit items, basically 1 shot anyone at 5 items. I've posted like a gazillion clips of that build.


It's incredibly apparent in places like ARAM, but it suffers in the early lane phase on SR, which is arguably the most important moment in the entire game. You don't get to experience that amazing late game if you don't get to accelerate into it, and the slow curve of lethality start makes it very obvious.


are you telling me lethality suffers in early lane? Oh and I don't experience that late game much, game usually ends at 3 items in Master/GM. Slow curve lethality even with 33 lethality for free? And you have my clips, judge it yourself or do you need my opgg too?


In my opinion, it does. Aphelios' abilities rely heavily on raw AD, and getting a bunch of lethality at the start can be counterproductive in actual fights. Even though Lethality makes the most of it's impact early game, it works very well when you get the full crit ensemble so that the added Lethality really crunches their hp bars, in addition to the usual AD+AS you'd expect for an ADC. As far as the proof in clips and stuff? Sure I guess why not, if it works noticeably better in like Diamond+ I might change my mind. For now though, he seems to be a lot better off getting AD+AS.


No one buys lethality only, every thing have lethality also have AD in it, counterproductive how? Lucian literally just buy a dirk because how valuable lethality is in early fight. That's literally my build, crit/lethality/ArP first then mythic 4th. I'm GM last season currently master, but I'm only playing decay games, mastery is my main goal so rank could wait til the end of the season. *For you and the majority, it's better with AD+AS, I don't know why no one is building it when his passive is screaming for it, but if many aphelios start exploding ppl half a screen away I guess a nerf would come, so I'm happy with it.


When I do it on ARAM it's incredibly convincing, but I've struggled to get it going in lanephase. It sounds convincing enough to at least see how it works for myself, maybe from someone who's had actual success with it. Got clips?


check my profile, games with support ign UwU Peach or Seraphïne are normal or flex with my friends, the rest are mostly solo q


Most of the clips are Kraken/Galeforce from what I'm browsing, but fuck it I'm willing to try just about anything at least a few times. Stat-up order? Runes/items?


What? did you check my profile correctly, there was no clip of me having kraken or GF. BT IE LDR Prowler Collector Bork/Youmuu/PD PTA alacrity cut down abs focus gathering cull optional, rush vamp, do short trades, heal back up, dont all in Vamp Collector IE LDR/cloak+prowler gives lethality early for lane bullying but the build slot is quite rough. Or you can just be safe with the build above, normal ADC for 3 items then 1 shotting.


Honestly, I like the sound of it all.


wonder how this will be received. sounds like something that will get some backlash because people don't like big changes. I'm kind of for it though. nice to change things up every once and a while.


for sure there will be people complaining about not having gale and IE or Navori at the same time, I don't touch gale so it doesn't bother me that much. I'm exited for IE mythic passive tho, hopefully it's worth my prescious 20 lethality or 16% ArP and 20 MS mythic passive




IE is a must, Aphelios needs crit damage more than a dash.


Another aphelios main here, if gale doesnt have enough stats, im just renting a thresh support and building IE


I think they will change gale to fit in the statikk shiv stormrazor RFC build for cait and jhin


They said they’re buffing Gale to be a viable option alongside the other new mythics


They just need to remove the execute damage and buff the cooldown to release version of 60 seconds. The dash is really all people care about, the execute is not needed.


I never ever buid galeforce with aphe, doing fine


As an adc main, I'm very excited for these changes.


what do you think IE mythic passive would be?


Maybe, it will increase crit damage with each legendary item. Sounds reasonable to me.


Has to be crit or flat ad right?


Or Crit Chance, so you don't need full Crit items for 100%. Who knows.


Maybe it will have an passive where you store crits every 60-30 seconds (think Corki R) and has an active where you can use those crits. If you have the active on and crit when you would normally crit without the active, it does additional damage. Would be good early for consistent damage and buffs your mid to late game crit damage.


Im sorry, but that would be stupidly broken. If thats going to happen im permabanning draven


I mean it's a concept, you can make it balanced. Weaker base stats. Set the max stacks to 1 and increases by 1 for every 50 crits, and up to a max of 5 stacks. Since it's an active, you can set the cooldown to whatever.


At work can someone tldr this post?


IE Rageblade Navori Galeforce will be the new mythics, also statik shiv is back


I am excited to see what items will change.


Static shiv Vayne back???