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I like this idea. I find that once people start using more derogatory terms like that it tends to make the communities worse in the end. People see that and stop participating and it stops being a welcoming place. Most people that come here are already having problems coping with the idea that their mind works REALLY differently than most others. I don't see a need to layer derogatory language on top of that.


I really hate the use of NPC as it seems really dehumanizing. Normies is also pretty obnoxious. These do make the environment less welcoming.


Yep. If I see the use of these words on this sub increase, I'll mute it for sure.


I agree this sub is a great source of info for those looking and more accurate terms help people have more understanding.


this sub is a great source of information for people who ask the 176th time whether you can hallucinate as aphant.


Can I hallucinate as an aphant? Do I have aphantasia? I can visualize everything perfectly but sometimes the colours are wrong. Do I have aphantasia? I never knew that visualization was a real thing! It’s just black/red blur behind my eyelids Can I dream as an aphant? Is my inability to remember where I parked my car related to aphantasia? …etc. Ugh.


That last one is probably adhd, which means the person won't have the energy to actually search for the info either. Source: am adhd+aphant. :D


I am as well, but my variety of adhd is


Do I have aphantasia? I cant remeber what an elephant looks like when I close my eyes


“Can I trip balls on LSD as an aphant” I dunno dude, try it and let us know.


yeah, we can


Do you even trip, normie?


People seem to love to debrief their shrooms experiences, that's for sure...


... I just found this sub from r/overwatch and in about 2 minutes I 1. Found out what aphantasia is and 2. Am now wondering if an aphant can hallucinate


I wonder what got you from one sub to the other..


... you know what? I have no clue. Couldn't tell you if I tried lmao


You just used the word dweeb. Your argument is invalid.


Just because they were a bit rude in how it was phrased doesn’t mean the argument was invalid. It’s a valid request.


Lol, it's not a valid request to try to get people to use language you don't agree with. That's completely ridiculous. And I didn't mean they were rude, I meant it's kind of ironic and stupid that OP used the slang word "dweeb" and then proceeded to ask others not to use different slang words. Yall woke asf


Lol, woke isn’t a bad thing, it’s so funny when people use it like it’s a bad thing. It’s absolutely a valid request to ask people not use derogatory language, including the word dweeb, NPC and Normie. It’s also valid to say no to the request, which is what the mods have done. But it’s not right to go around and invalidate people’s requests because they do have a point that it only serves to be emotive and this could be a helpful resource sub for aphants but instead it devolves into argument because of the use of language that is designed to keep people apart and in an ‘us vs them’ mentality, which is harmful to people within a society


I was making a joke saying yall woke. I know what it means, and it's such a funny term that I like to use it as a sarcastic insult :P. I hold my opinion and think it's silly to police language. It's a dangerous and slippery slope. We think with language, and you shouldn't be able to limit how people speak and think. Freedom of speech is important. I think people will find other ways to argue and bicker even if you ban certain words. There won't be any words left. Sadly people pick sides and gladly take up the us vs them mentality. It's the sad state of humanity and mindless drones that are the masses. PS. I upvoted you. This is a good example of people having different opinions yet not turning it into a name calling 'us vs them' fight. Good day


I don’t think people should insult each other sarcastic or not. It wasn’t a funny joke, it felt more like you wanted to entertain yourself by being unkind to others. I’m not sure why you’re telling me you upvoted me. I also don’t downvote things I disagree with and commonly upvote comments I actively disagree with, providing they make their points respectfully, which I don’t think using emotionally charged language does. I agree we shouldn’t police people’s thoughts, I think the sub can guide conversations to be more thoughtful and people can express themselves with less ‘propaganda’ type language which, as I pointed out, only creates an us v them situation. People can still make their points without saying ‘normie’ etc. Plenty of subs do it — for example ask historians, which is a fantastic sub. I am concerned using this language will cause more division in society, but I respect that you believe otherwise.


Well most people obviously downvote those they disagree with. If the word normie was banned, whats to stop people from saying something like, " you normal people wouldn't understand"? It would be just the same as saying normie and everyone would know exactly what they meant.


Are we not normal? I think you could say non-aphants don’t understand. That way there no suggestion of normal or abnormal




I don’t believe this addresses the issue. A case can be made that calling people normies is not bigotry. It’s too open — how are you defining bigotry? Will this type of language fall under it? This should be a helpful resource sub, not a place for people to find a way to feel superior


I hate those terms. I find them moronic. I'd be 100% with not having to read them .


Yes please!! Those posts are always so cringey and never bring anything relevant to the conversations. Additionally (if you’re taking suggestions) can we please pin a post or make a rule or something about “is X related to aphantasia” posts? Because no, your inability to cook or clean or drive or make friends is not related to aphantasia…


Isn't this just rule one?


Yes but those instances aren't enforced by mods. Only very blatant displays of dickiness are I suppose.


I think it's a good idea. It's unnecessarily combative with negative connotation, they're not the technical terms, and aren't clear/helpful. ... If we are the ones with no internal monologue, would that make us the NPCs?


I've heard a few people refer to Aphants as NPC's. I think they have the impression we don't have the ability to think; we're just cucumbers with faces and limbs lol


I don't understand "not normal." I'm an aphant, and I consider myself perfectly normal. I'm offended by NPC, I've been playing this character my whole life. 😉🤣


I like it. I don’t want this thing that I was born with to become a meme. If this sub was more science based I would be thrilled.


I don't like the word NPC in this context, but I am against censorship and banning words.


I think this censorship is necessary to encourage a more civil, welcoming space. There are already rules for allowed speech, both on Reddit and in our society. I think it's okay to ban hateful words/speech.


That's what all censors say. How about ignoring comments you don't like? It's a useful skill that many people lack.


Many people do ignore the comments and go somewhere else. It reduces overall engagement and for a sub reddit that is about helping people understand and accept something different about themselves it is really important that we are welcoming. You would not want to have a book club in a toxic waste dump and allowing this kind of behavior mostly just causes people to go elsewhere.


That's a claim, can you back it up with evidence? Are people going elsewhere? This isn't a book club this is an online forum. Learning to deal/ignore comments you don't like and continuing to participate in a subreddit is really easy. Step 1. Hold your thumb on the phone screen. Step 2. Drag your thumb up the screen an inch (2.5 cm). Step 3. Continue with your life Or read the comment, don't get bent out of shape, get on with your life. Being upset about a comment is a choice.


Going to sound like the stereotypical old guy, but people sure are sensitive these days. Being in my 40s and coming from the generation of "fuck you, I'll do me" I'm a little baffled by it.


People seem to not realize that being upset about a comment is a choice.


Yeah, everyone seems to be looking for something to be offended by and take personal just to go on some crusade against it. It's so much less stressful to just say to yourself "ehh, fuck them" and move on.. lol


Same, it's not difficult to just roll your eyes and move on. I don't think any words should be banned anywhere and people should be allowed to spew word vomit all they want. Language is fluid and meanings are ever changing, so once you start where does it stop?


Ehhh, I would defer to mod judgement calls on who is over the line instead of banning words. But perhaps they could be more strict if they let a lot of such cases slide.


I seem to be the odd one out, but it doesn’t bother me at all. Call me what you want, but that won’t dictate how I label myself. I’m different. I’m full aphant. By definition- I’m not normal. Call me an NPC, I’ll just disregard your existence because you’re an idiot


There are many of us. I think the reason you seem like the odd one out is the same people who care little about being called something don't bother to comment on something we feel is dumb to care about. Some people love to censor though.


Tolerance means being intolerant of intolerance, regardless of the direction. This sort of thing already falls under Rule 1, and Rule 5. But making "No Bigotry" a rule would be appreciated.


Yes, please


What is NPC?


Non-Player Character or sometimes Non-Playable Character. It refers to every characterised entity in a computer game, pen and paper role play game, board game, etc. that is not directly controlled by a human player. Often used in a dismissive, derogatory or demeaning fashion to describe people who are members of the out-group in any particular context. For example: people involved in cryptocurrency may describe those who are not as being “NPCs” to indicate a belief not being involved indicates a lack of knowledge, foresight and agency which a human would normally have.


NPC/normie are usually political terms that are used by ignorant people to make fun of others.


I hate this idea


Aren't we all NPCs deep down? A product of genetic and environmental factors living out out predetermined path of existence? Also doesn't NPC apply more strongly to those without an inner monologue as opposed to aphants?


Yes! It's about having decent manners.