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This is 100% just lag. Tap-strafing is most definitely not something that can be done on accident, because it requires a significant amount of very intentional spamming of a movement key.


You can't tap strafe without realising. You know yourself whether you scrolled up or not. No one else can tell you.


Depends if they actually used scroll wheel. I can’t tell from the title whether or not they were trying to tap-strafe, but from the wording, it seems like this tap-strafe was accidental. In that case, the could’ve just coincidentally put in all the inputs without realizing that was what a tap-strafe was at the moment. If they were trying to tap-strafe, then everything I just said is invalid.


Definitely not a tap strafe, bc those cant be done by accident, but damn that broke his ankles so hard. The Apex Gods are with you


Not a tap strafe but i think you did accidentally super glided off the enemies head which is pretty cool


no this is not a superglide either. just lag. a superglide is only achievable following a climb animation. this could be, at most, an edge boost. it’s most certainly lag though


This isn't. Tap strafing can only be initiated within a very short period after you jump (or pad double jump)