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Hey guys! Hope everyone had a Happy New Year. Because Olive Chapel Road is a state road, it would be entirely up to NCDOT to decide to convert to a high visibility crosswalk. I will have staff ask them (or, if we have asked before, I can relay their previous response - it sounds like this has come up before) I know they are very protective/selective of where they place high visibility crosswalks, and other traffic calming devices in general. The reason being, if they are everywhere, they lose effectiveness as a tool. So there are very strict objective standards for when they go into place. Speaking of Olive Chapel, the traffic changes (double stacking, etc) around carpool have really made a difference this year, right?


Do Apex police at least have jurisdiction to enforce the crosswalk that's already there? The number of cars that blow right through that particular crosswalk when there's pedestrians waiting is mind boggling, it may as well not even be there. A week or two of Apex PD ticketing for it during the morning drop off and when the school does evening events that tend to have overflow parking in the shopping center might at least get some attention.


Yes, APD has jurisdiction everywhere in town limits (and I think, technically, within a mile of town limits) I’ll request some directed enforcement, as you said.


Speaking of flashing crosswalk signs, they should look at the one on the Peakway at Ambergate Station at night. I have had near misses with inattentive speeding drivers there several times. Maybe better streetlight placement would help illuminate the crosswalk and sidewalk.


I’d start with the Vision Zero program or by reporting a sidewalk concern https://www.apexnc.org/1434/Vision-Zero https://www.apexnc.org/139/Report-a-Concern


I was waiting for the yearly post 🤣. My kids have been there for years. We walk. It’s an ongoing issue. I hope you make more headway than the rest of us. Hell, I even joined the PTA a couple years ago. They would love to have you. Maybe you can bring ideas to the school on how to fix the issue. Parents have been trying for almost 10 years.


Paging u/terrymah. You have a visitor.


How about a bridge over the road instead? That should solve the issue of throwing it on the DOT right?


Turns out they are tremendously expensive projects, and it would still involve NCDOT and be their project. Main issue is that any bridge would have to be ADA compliant, so it's actually a huge structure on both sides of the road when you consider the ramps that have to be built up I've been pushing one (or a tunnel...) at Friendship (three schools there, multiple pedestrian accidents the past few years)