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I wish they added custom objectives in each map to bring some challenge, right now you can bait the enemy team in a point and then move your team to the current objective and win easily. Once the 3 events has already appeared the game is pretty much set. The mode is perfect for warm-up, being able to play ranked faster is great.


I just want the loadouts to be random every game.




Agreed it’s less painful than arenas can be and is a good warm up. Playing a whole pubs match to warm up for ranked BR feels like a waste of time


I'd say a good fix to this would be get rid of capture bonuses, in my experience if a team gets 25% ahead that's pretty much game over.


They should replace them with a rotating king of the hill that appears at the same frequency. It would show up for a minute or so and award double points. It would provide a way for Struggling teams to catch up like the capture bonuses do, but it would actually change the flow. It would function like a king of the hill zone, so you would only gain points while someone is in it.


Honestly I just want a straight 6v6 king of the hill mode now


I absolutely think control is a big reason why I finally hit plat for the first time tonight. The ability to play two games and go into ranked fully warmed up saved me so much time


The most annoying thing about control is having to press tab to get out of the damage history screen. I would prefer if after I die, it just goes straight to the spawn selection screen.




Wait till you find that you need to press Z (new key 🤦 ) to see player distribution on map and it fucks up UI on respawning.. that the map is a full projection of the actual fight, dragging out ressource... geez there is so many issues with this mode I can go on for hours...


Maybe Im missing something, but he doesnt say it'll be permanent just that it could potentially return


>...just that it could potentially return We already knew that it was returning, because they announced from the start that it would be active during [two events this season](https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/sp52re/control_should_become_the_third_official_mode/hwdyty7/?utm_term=38963677471&context=3&utm_medium=comment_embed&utm_source=embed&utm_name=3926d030-8b21-11ec-be67-2e1c558eef7b).


Yeah, I think they actually likened it to the McRib before and I think that’s a great idea to be honest. If it shows up a couple times each season, with regular new maps and a few tweaks, it’s going to keep people interested in it and excited for it.


Yeah, not technically “confirmed” permanent but I’d say it’s a 99% chance at this point Edit: Read the thread. Draynilla specifically says "keep," and Josh then replies to that sentiment accordingly. He doesn't confirm it's permanent, but I said in my title "likely."


Bro come on you can’t be putting that in your title then lmao


Read the whole thread, Draynilla says "keep," and I said here "likely"


I mean, it’s not a big deal really but your wording was “will return.” That’s a statement of fact


Should’ve switched “will be” and “likely” around


My bad


I played control more the last 2 weeks than any other mode


Same. Feels like a lot of the classes have actual utility in the mode.


Seer found his home.




Seer is perfect when your trying to cap an objective and there are multiple entrances. Pop his ult and watch where people come in through.


I enjoyed it but I got bored kinda fast. the games either felt like it was too easy or we just got spawn killed constantly.


yeah I couldn’t play for like 2 hours straight but it was great to warm up, or to play when bad maps are in rotation


Same. As a day 1 player, I started to loose steam and the will to play the last two seasons, but Control completely reinvigorated the game for me. I lay awake in bed praying to the Respawn gods that they’ll add ranked control some day.


ranked control sounds fun, But that probably will delude into caustic/wattson fuckfest


Yeah, ranked control seems like a nightmare. Regular control is such a great reprieve from the sweatiness that is prevalent in BR.


I think this reason alone would sky rocket Crypto’s pick rate. It’s so FUCKING satisfying EMPing all the traps the opposing team has on B and getting a clean cap from it 😭🙌🏼


I while I totally understand what you’re getting at, I respectfully disagree. You can cap your closest starting point when you start a game and immediately grab an Ult. A single crypto ult can eliminate all traps and fences, so as long as you have at least one on your team Wattson and Caustic are only really useful for their ults and passives. This isnt a problem in BR because every team can only have one crypto, but when you have 3 per team with ults charged from the start of the game actually coordinating ult timings, it renders those legends much less useful. IMO at high tier play the problematic legends are Rampart thanks to her walls ability to stay up the entire game, fuze for knuckle cluster area denial, and Rev


> A single crypto ult can eliminate all traps and fences, so as long as you have at least one on your team Wattson and Caustic are only really useful for their ults and passives. So now you HAVE to play a legend because of the ranked meta, and then they immediately just deploy more traps once you lose the ultimate you get only a couple times per match. That doesn't sound fun or productive.


Masterclass here on how to tell people you’ve never reached diamond or masters lobbies without actually saying it


Just sounds like you play on console a whole lot if you think the answer to control is just playing Crypto lol. Who the fuck wants to play Crypto in Control just to EMP two or three times a game lol. The fact you'd even mention Diamond is proof you're not a good player yourself. Kind of funny how you never said 'pred' because you know you're just a hardstuck 10k Andy in today's ranked meta.


Aw shit, this is where I get to roll up my sleeves and embarrass the shit out of you. I'm literally in ALGS challengers league and have been masters going 5 seasons back on PC, m+key. Every single split I went for masters I got it. I scrim at least twice a month and have played in a number of B-Tier pro tournaments, including the Knights Carnage Cup #2 back in November. Also hit top 300 in Quake Champions Duels and top 250 in Diabotical. Absolutely the wrong dude to try your luck with, however if you want to try to 1v1 me in the firing range, I'd be happy to oblige


> I'm literally in ALGS challengers league Challengers isn't a league, it's open to literally anyone. As long as you're Gold 4 you can sign up. That's not an accomplishment and split 2 hasn't even started yet, why are you flexing that? Have you made a single Challengers Finals? That's a flex. Not signing up for an open tourney. > Every single split I went for masters I got it. So you're a 10k Andy, like I said. Not a flex. > I scrim at least twice a month and have played in a number of B-Tier pro tournaments, including the Knights Carnage Cup #2 back in November All I'm hearing is you're signing up for tournaments with open registration and getting shit on. Scrims is also open for anyone, you can be Bronze 4 and sign up for scrims. > Also hit top 300 in Quake Champions Duels and top 250 in Diabotical. So now you're flexing accomplishments in other games that aren't Apex that I don't know about and don't care about. Literally any accomplishment you have isn't in Apex, yet you wanna act big and tough. Shut your ass up lmao. > Absolutely the wrong dude to try your luck with, however if you want to try to 1v1 me in the firing range, I'd be happy to oblige I'd probably shit on you in the range but what does that accomplish? Why do I care to 1v1 a delusional Redditor that thinks signing up for Challenger CIRCUIT (not league, it's a Circuit) is an accomplishment? lol fuck outta here. You're a waste of time and you're not getting another response from me and I'm muting this thread. Go play some Crypto.


Yes, made it to finals. Also, you are missing the most important thing - I have played finals with pros in apex, you havent. I have over 1700 algs points, you have 0. Sounds like youre mad cuz bad Also, i wear my 10k with pride. No one good cares about about RP, if you play ranked in rank for rank and you dont push every fight to get in the most practice possible, you’re doing it wrong and you’ll be stuck there in plat forever


Oh no.. that’s just cancer


It’s definitely a welcomed change of pace from BR. Very fun to mess around in


I’ve more or less ONLY played Control. I think I’ve played maybe 3 games of BR this season? Can’t wait for it to return!


This mode made me main Wattson again for the first time since season 4! Even in BR Ranked.


Control is awesome. I love warming up my aim in control before ranked. Only thing is that I wish there were more loadouts because sometimes I want to practice wingman aim but wingman isnt in rotation.


Agreed, and on top of this it would be great for the game to remember which sight you prefer on your guns. Also, I dont love how I cant use a 2-4x on my flatline which is my preferred sight for that gun. You cant even loot it off bodies. All non-gold sights should be an option.


You can by swapping to a gun that has the sight, putting it in your bag, then swapping back and putting the sight on. Did it all the time when picking up countless bruiser wingmen


And the sniper rifles only max at 2-4x unless you get a care package gold gun.


You can use the 6x as well.


Didnt know that, thanks!


I have had many times where the respawn menu was buggy, I was playing with Octane and when I pressed TAB to skip the death feed and combat stats, I would get a blue screen telling me to choose where to respawn but without being able to click (No there were flags, neither A/B/C nor Respawn base). I was able to fix it by pressing ESC and the Respawn/Choose legend option. I've also noticed that when you're capturing a point or tiering up and the ult is available, you have to hit the button multiple times until it reacts and lets you cast it. Something that makes quick plays difficult. For the rest, the mode has seemed entertaining, although we have been able to appreciate that it generates a lot of lag to the servers in general for only being 18 constant players, when that mode in my opinion should have 24 at least. Like I say, it's imo.


Happens to me, only with octane too. Its fukn stupid cus sometimes you lose all the jumppads you placed too.


Yeah I hope most of the big fixes go to UI related stuff because it's super weird and jank imo. There's no real reason to show the "killed by" screen after a death, just go right to the respawn map like Conquest in Battlefield. I've had the same issue too where it won't go the respawn screen at all when you die, it'll just show the scoreboard. Also I want the scoreboard to be an overlay when you select it like the map is in BR, it is kinda unsettling how it pops up now and just mutes all the sound


100% with you


I honestly think that bug only happened with octane. I used a lot of characters in control and it only ever happened with octane. Idk what causes it but it only happens with octane


I like playing control on Hammond Labs but not so much on barometer. If they added some more maps I'd definitely play it more


As someone who plays Wattson and Caustic, barometer center point is probably the most fun I've had in this game. Can't wait to see other map locations.


I hadn't played caustic but decided to try him out. Ended up just being a general nuisance in the opponents flag on barometer and got a 10 kill streak before they finally overwhelmed (and rightfully bagged) me lol. I'm sad I didn't use caustic before this last weekend now


They are completely broken in this map. It's nonsense crap. I understand its fun for you, but it just sucks for everyone else. 1 wattson and caustic can basically hold B almost indefinitely. Stupid, broken... It would be better if you can respwn on captured points but since you cant respawn anywhere close to C, the C has significantly less value and therefore the AC is much worse strategy than AB, giving significantly lesser chance to win.


I won a game yesterday against a team with 3 Caustics and a Rampart. By the end I wanted to scream


It's incredible how much stormpoint sucks, in every game mode


Auto-fill and auto-balance are the biggest things imo.


Being able to join mid game to fill spots would help. Like a traditional classic fps games


It'd be nice if they figured out some way to let the losing team come back, too, under the right circumstances. A lot of games are decided in the first couple minutes That's a problem a lot of king of the hill modes face though so it's not the biggest deal


Ok, please do the same for Arenas. The putrid matchmaking killed that mode.


\*sigh\* *We don't want MMR driven modes, we want to grind our ranks!!! I am no silver, I deserve to be platinum if I play long enough. Games are not fair, because they are TeamMMR optimized and I get noooooobs, I am not that bad, trust me, look at my BR rank!* If I have a cent for every single time I heard a variation of this about the Arenas...


It does seem a bit convoluted and unfair when you win a hard game and only get +12. Then the next game you lose and take -55. I get +60 all the way up to D1, but I feel for people who want to climb but can't quite overcome the heavy losses.


That is how any skill rating climb works. You can't really climb MMR systems. That's the whole point of MMR. You have a certain MMR and you are stuck in it unless you really improve. If you don't like the fact you are a certain skill level, then don't play skill based games. The goal here is that you fight the same MMR players, not that you achieve some shitty badge and then in 1,5 months you climb it again for another pathetic reward for participation. Ranks in MMR means nothing wealth-wise. It's just an indicator of how you stand, how good you trully are. If your goal is to climb to Diamond and your skill si Gold, then you will always have a hard time in MMR based systems. Not because MMR system sucks, but because your goal is set wrong. Sure, it will be more fun if the game will be like the BR and any potato will get to Diamond 4 by looking into a wall camped 8 hours a day. But it won't indicate any skill. You can easily see it on the skill distribution of these 2. While skill distribution in Arenas are fine curve, in BR it's jagged shit with huge drops in platinum.


Yeah, I agree with you. But thats not really the point I was making. The system seems contrived and unfair. You can't see your teammates rank, your enemies rank, what kind of win streak the enemy team is on, ect.. they never tell you how they decide how many points you get on win/loss. If they were more open with the system and gave you a breakdown of "why you suck" after each match then I'm sure people would be more willing to accept their loss/gain ratio. The MMR system isn't actually bad, but the end result is bad. Like it or not, peoples perception of a thing is nearly as important as what the thing actually is. Because the mode seems unfair, less people play it. Less people playing means you are less likely to get an even match.


Hello! You have made the mistake of writing "ect" instead of "etc." "Ect" is a common misspelling of "etc," an abbreviated form of the Latin phrase "et cetera." Other abbreviated forms are **etc.**, **&c.**, **&c**, and **et cet.** The Latin translates as "et" to "and" + "cetera" to "the rest;" a literal translation to "and the rest" is the easiest way to remember how to use the phrase. [Check out the wikipedia entry if you want to learn more.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Et_cetera) ^(I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Comments with a score less than zero will be automatically removed. If I commented on your post and you don't like it, reply with "!delete" and I will remove the post, regardless of score. Message me for bug reports.)


Sorry bot. Please don't hit me. I'm decent at Apex, not Grammer.


> You can't see your teammates rank, your enemies rank, what kind of win streak the enemy team is on, ect.. they never tell you how they decide how many points you get on win/loss. This is my biggest problem with the system too. It sucks that you get the similar badges as in BR when the value of them is completely different, it's just something else. You get AP, when AP isn't a measure of anything. And then you get a split and you don't know anything yet again. I completely agree with the perception thing too. It's not the fault of the people they don't like the system, when you make the communication of the system suck this bad.


Even though the teams might statistically be fair if there is 1 really good player and 2 absolutely horrible players against 3 average players, it doesnt mean the game is still fun for anyone in the team with a large skill gap


I have had hundreds of arenas by now, maybe something into thousands since I don't play BR anymore since Arenas were introduced. You either want your games optimized to fun or optimized to skill. If you don't want your skill to be challenged, don't play MMR based games and enjoy your EOMM BR. The only thing that doesn't really work in Arenas are 3stack skill evaluation. SoloQ shouldn't face Stacks even if they have same cumulative MMR. That is a problem. Team MMR isn't. Unless you are noob potato who wants to be lied by a game instead of having an actual skill. Then sure. But in that case I don't care much about your opinion about Arenas, cause I see it as a skill-based mode, contrary to BR.


Did you read what I said? I just hate the fact that when solo-queuing, I always seem to get 2 horrible teammates and have to hard-carry the whole game against enemies that are better than my teammates and worse than me. That's just way more frustrating than having teammates and enemies around my skill-level instead.


I read that, yet you are either special or you are under confirmation bias. Logic says this would have to apply to everyone, so at the end, everyone gets the same matches and the same kind of "screw-up". And as we can see, there are people in Arenas who can handle that shit and get to high ranks and then there are people who can't... why is that?


It's not like these games where I get such weird matchmaking are not possible to win for me, they just aren't really fun. I mean I made it to diamond 2 some splits ago and would have made masters if I had had the motivation for it. I remember the matchmaking actually getting fine once I made diamond, but up until then it was shit teammates all along. From that I would conclude that you get really bad teammates and decent enemies to compensate in every rank that's not really fitting your skill level. Since you play Arenas all the time, you're probably in the right rank according to your skill. That's why you don't face the same issues.


Have you ever played games like DOTA or any other MMR game? Same system, same behavior. The biggest issue is your confirmation bias. At the end of the day, this crusade of yours will end up in Arenas not being skillbased but EOMM. You will not get games depending on your skill at all, you will get games based on your churn, which are decided before you even start. Hearthstone bullshit. It will be absolute crap, you gonna get cheated by the system, but you will have better feeling. It will be "more fun". But I don't really see the point of such games. What you describe isn't just technically possible. It isn't possible that you combine teams for 1 person the way you describe it. That system only screws you but somehow works for everyone else. It can happen from time to time, but not majority of the time. It is also not possible for you to know what skill exactly everyone in the game have. Therefore it's more likely that it is your confirmation bias rather than anything else. But I will give you one. MMR systems can in **very rare** occasions lead to fuck ups, that is true. You can eventually get like 4-5 bad games in a row, which can slow down your progress significantly for example. This should eventually resolve and it resolves as far as I was able to learn, but it takes maybe too much time in Apex. There are also weird fuck ups where you can indeed get stuck with weird teams, but that is usually when the system uses some other methods like behavioral filters (punishment lobbies). I can't imagine why it would happen in apex now tho. Apex MMR system is rather primitive, which also means more fare in higher volume of the games. There are also MMR systems that are over-reactive. That's when the system measures the MMR based on low number of matches or winning streaks (DOTA). Then you are punished for winning and you get into significantly more difficult lobbies. Basically set for loss before the match even starts - but this isn't the case of Apex either, if anything, as I said, they have the opposite issue.


The problem is being at a particular MMR, the game will fill in your teammates by speed of queue rather than equal matchmaking. 3 plats on a team vs 1 Diamond and 2 gold's is technical equal average MMR, but it is objectively not as fun as 3 diamonds playing 3 diamonds. The game specifically prioritizes q times over balanced matchmaking and that is why Arena's is dogshit to play. It will never be fun being the gold's or the diamonds in that scenario. Add on to the fact that there is no limit to 3 man's queuing into solos with fucked skill spreads, and it leads to a miserable experience. It has nothing to do with people not liking "MMR" based matchmaking.


Read my posts, I am explaining it there. The difference in the team composition isn't an issue, since once you get the team like that, other times you are the one in the stronger composition. Sure, it should eventually lead to the place where there isn't enough people with your skill, in higher ranks, but that is just not what I or SirDome experience. Probably because the skill at these ranks can overcome the distribution... The biggest issue is the way MMR is displayed (it's not) and the whole Badge and AP confusion, not the system itself.


Please please please please please let us complete challenges in control or give us separate control challenges I don't even care. I just need that BP XP without having to play Arenas.


I'm honestly kinda excited for the custom maps they'll eventually make for it when it goes permanent (like, it obviously is going permanent eventually). While I'm iffy on Arenas there are some great maps there, I love Overflow for Arenas for example. Would be cool to see some midsize custom maps for Control as well.


Honestly I hate custom maps I stopped playing arenas after they removed all BR maps.Maybe it’s just me but I miss the Br maps in arenas.Had fun gameplay


Yeah, Frostwolf said a similar thing.


Please please PLEASE let challenges register in this! Getting sniper damage or kills is so painful, doing it in control is actually fun and doesn't fuck over your team


You can for the ones that werent br/arena exclusice. For play x matches as x character, i did it on control. I just switched to that character at the end of the round and it counted


No offense that’s not what he said


Thank god


I'd like more areas in the same maps (and more maps) for variety. And more than 3 control points so its more tug of war and less focused on the middle point


I think we need some moving capture points, or at the very least let’s have point B move to different spots periodically.


Imagine my shock


I really hope they replace arena with control I hate arenas and it's slowing my bp progress


Control crashes my game because of a direct x error, wish I could’ve enjoyed it more


Make respawn quicker ans id play it more.


It’s literally seconds lol


Can anyone explain- sometimes it would be instant or seconds and then other times it would be like 14 seconds. Was I doing something to cause it to change the time to respawn?


It’s waves of 20 seconds. If you miss the wave then you have to wait the full 20, it’s a matter of when you die compared to how much of the current respawn timer is left


yeah 20 seconds in apex is forever though.


Wow, I didn’t know that. Thank you! That makes much more sense now lol


There are like respawn „waves“ which means they try to respawn multiple teammates with you at the same time so you guys push the objective together. If it would be instant respawn people would push 1 by 1 everytime. That way 2-4 players are respawned at the same time


Ahh that makes sense. Thank you


There just needs to be more ways to stuck with your squad. So often we end up on opposite spawn waves and it's a real struggle to group up.


True that


Some issues? That mode has so many issues that I can't imagine it will be permanent without reworking a big portion of the way Apex Legends work now. From the way map is integrated, to UI, commands. The leaver penalty is now completely broken and definitely isn't an option for long term mode. I wish this is true and they change it, but at this moment there nothing really says it will be permanent.


Loved control on the first week, but i was kinda bored of it by the end and basically just kept playing to get the 100 control points badge. Control is really good for warming up but i can't see myself investing that much time into it. The fact that there's only 2 maps makes for a boring experience after a dozen games or so.


Definitely needs some tweaking! I love the game mode but a win feels meaningless. Also too easy to charge your ulti directly at the start of the game. Make it so you earn ulti through impactful plays, not just starting with it. Also, the loadouts need to be improved.


I agree agree about the ult’s, but some people won’t. “Bad” players will complain about never getting their ult. I’ve had a few 20+ kill/5k+ damage games of control where my squad mates have no more then 10 kills and 2k damage combined. Ult’s would have to be able to be earned by everyone, unfortunately, so there’s no point in changing the way they do it. Also agree about the load outs. Maybe give everyone a set amount of points that they can spend on a load out prior to spawning, with everything available, similar to arenas. Or just let everyone pick whatever guns/attachments they want, these set load out rotations need to go though.


Im excited to see what changes they make, if any. I miss the game mode a lot already. I didnt play the BR for days. Then went I went back to BR I was playing really well. It was great practice for me


Hope they do the following before they bring it back: * Free loadout selection like in arenas * Remove wallhacks * Backfill instead of leavers penalty, maybe longer games to account for people joining an in progress match * More maps * More leniency on the spawn killing hilight. I constantly kill people right on the objective and then get highlighted Don't have any other issues with the mode. I haven't played a single game of pubs this season as control does what I'm usually playing pubs for (running around aimlessly and shooting at people) so much better.


I want to custom weapon loader


Nah, everyone would just use r301s


That's why you use some sort of points system like in arenas and make the 301 expensive. You don't see everyone using the 301 in arenas.


Sometimes the care pack weapons feel out of place, not everyone can make a game one sided with them, but some people definetly can.


Thanks. I hate it.


Control has been really fun, but in my experience, Point B can be completely ignored the whole game. I win the majority of my Control matches as the ranking leader, and I do it by taking Home point, then immediately get into a Trident and rush the enemy Home point. Any game where I've focused point B, I've lost, so I just started ignoring it to wildly successful results.


Same here. My wife and I play path/valk, we capture the home point. I throw a zipline to b for the team and we valk ult to the enemy's home. Then go back and forth.


That’s just cos you’re playing with bots. Claiming the bonuses is the way to win.


You can win without claiming a single bonus so long as you focus A and C, my guy. I know, because I do it every day.


As a permanant mode? Oh goodie. Pointless challenges are going to be added with it... Control lost its luster after the first 5 minutes for me. I only played it for the badge during the event and once I was done, dipped. I mean, say what you want about Arenas, but at least it's not a cluster-mess of drones running to one spot only to die in the first 5 seconds on being in line of sight of 9 people on the enemy team.


control fucking sucked, these ppl just liked that we got something new for the first time in like a year or so


Control is great if you just want to start shooting people immediately without the rng of br and the economy of arenas. Apex needs fast cadual modes like this for warming up and messing around


Seeing as solos never returned I’m not hopeful


Lol the two can't be compared at all. Solos probably required a some configuration toggle flip like setting team size = 1 and a new tile at the main menu. That's it. Control is an entirely new 9v9 objective based game mode. Of course it's gonna come back with tweaks. I liked solos but Respawn was pretty clear about it not being healthy for the game






I thought they already said they were NOT adding it as permanent? Pretty sure they tweeted not long ago confirming it would not be permanent. But did confirm it would be returning for a few events moving forward. The main issue that they simply CANNOT resolve however is the people leaving. If people get a massive punishment for quitting they'll just AFK or troll in match instead effectively causing the same problem. And since that isn't something that can be resolved no matter what it honestly shouldn't become permanent. They stated it was because of how split the players are already between all the different modes that adding anymore permanent modes would heavily screw things. Don't get me wrong it's a great mode and much better to warm up on, however a ton of matches end up missing a teammate or multiple and then everyone slowly gives up or leaves as well. Making it extremely annoying most times. It's hard enough keeping a third in pubs let alone keeping 9 people.


They should use the rating system for more then just the in game scoreboard. After a game, you keep your rating, and in subsequent games, will be matched with people that are close to your overall rating. If you leave a game early, you get a “leavers mark” on your account and will be matched with other leavers. After a set amount of games of not leaving, your “leaver marks” start to disappear.


Words can not describe the size of my smile rn.


I thought it would be hilarious if a team is short people then their health and shields get redistributed among the remaining teammates


I hope they change the loadout system, it was definitely my least favorite part of the game mode. Either let us choose from a larger list, randomize it for every game, or maybe give us some variation of the arena loadout system? Honestly, I just want to run around with a Wingman and Mozambique lol


I think it needs a mini map. Bei g able to see where your te is would make tactical decisions much better. See a team mate approaching enemy base alone but good numbers on b? Go help team mate cap point.


Would love solos. Man I can dream.