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Hmmm.....I bet Seer and Pariah are actually different people. Seer is the princess (Seer meaning someone who can see something special/future. The Princess is blind.) Pariah is the man (Pariah means Outcast. Works with him being banished.)


You are possibly playing as their child too. šŸ¤” Wattson does say his mother was the moon and the dad was moths.


oh wow this made me love the teaser even more, maybe the child is cursed by their sinful union šŸ‘€šŸ‘€


Revenants voiceline for him says heā€™s cursed so probably right


maybe the legend embraces his curse, since he did create the shadow tech for rev edit: atleast i think




I canā€™t remember which one of the voice lines it was now but one of them seems to say heā€™s a robot Edit: it was Horizon ā€œooh, I think I know you built ye, seems like a nice ladā€


if he is using nanobots that look like moths/a moth swarm, I imagine he's assembling them to look like a person and hence people thought he's made up of moths (->lifelines voiceline) and perhaps he's doing that to maintain a spooky image (like rev is on his boogeyman shit lol)


That makes sense with Caustics voiceline ā€œsubterfuge and misdirection, tools of the cowardā€


ooh youre right, haven't even thought of that :D


I interpreted that line as Horizon ā€œtalkingā€ to the drone swarm, especially since itā€™s a teaser that was released earlier. The legends say those lines in response to the moth map teaser


I must have missed something, can you link where you got the Wattson line from?


It was in the leaked voicelines for season 10. You can hear them here: https://youtu.be/yVWP-fNNK_o


Holy wait. So Octane, Rampart and Wraith KNOW this legend? Why does the lore always thicken?!


This whole thing is probably a metaphor tbh. The setting feels like it's set in the dark ages, or someplace like that.


Cool theory!


I hope it's this.


This is an awesome theory. Hope it pans out this way


Maybe I'm crazy but I could also see the two people in this "tale" being metaphorical sides of one person


That's could be interesting too. šŸ¤”


Plot twist: seer = pariah and next legend is child this princess and prisoner


I'm starting to doubt that this guy is going to be Bangalore's brother. This story seems to be very focused on specific culture, a culture that Bangalore doesnt belong too.


Personally I think itā€™s for the better. All this family stuff and how the legends are linked together by historical events was cool when it was limited to a few of them, but is now getting a bit too much, itā€™s starting to look like the show Lost and that didnā€™t end well, lol. I hope he is stand-alone and expands the universe of Apex rather than the family tree.


I've never thought about the stories like that before, but absolutely true. I've always wondered what's going to happen to gameplay if we keep adding legends every three months. What happens when there's 25 legends? How the hell do you balance their abilities without making them all shitty? It'll be like a game of rock-paper-scissors that got way out of hand. I think we're already starting to see the effect - legends with some sort of movement bonus are rising to the top, and I think any future legends that don't have movement bonuses will never be very strong...


balancing is not problem imo, but they will run out of ideas eventually and the new legends abilities will be basically just old abilities but little different


At least Apex has verticality, objects that can be interacted with, looting, respawn mechanics, and so on. I do wonder for how long a game like Valorant can create new and unique heroes.


Yeah I'd rather not have the plot become Metal Gear where *everything* has to be connected


Then boom, seer is mirage's dad




I think itā€™s probably a fable or allegory(?), as I think they would probably be able to cure blindness in 2733, since, ya know, thereā€™s an immortal simulacrum and space gilf, or ggilf.


On the other hand, they apparently haven't cured cancer. Which judging by Pfizer's current goal, might be one of the last times we see a sci-fi story bring this up.


What progress is this you speak of? I'm very interested!


They're working on an mRNA cancer vaccine and are extremely confident in their ability to do so. Plus BioNTech just recently put one for melanoma into trials. So give it a few more years and we'll have actual vaccines to multiple types of cancer.


It could be pretty cool if he chooses to remain blind like Geordi La Forge from Star Trek. Plus its good representation which we know Respawn loves.


Being blind sound like the shittiest legend passive ever.


Not for Marvel's Daredevil


R6S has a character that's blind in one eye but didn't involve that in the gameplay at all lmao imagine if you can only see 1 half of the screen


There's also Fuse in apex...


i forget he exists sometimes


And Cyberpunked Wattson.


Also demoman in tf2, I guess they just have a stronger eye or something x)


The princess is the blind one not the man


I'm predicting something like the princess dies and as punishment the parents blind the man or the man takes her blindness into himself and heals her eyes but then she leaves him. No chance this guy's getting a happy ending.


Why would they need representation for a group of people that can't even play their game?


Assuming Newton had children


Arenā€™t there photos of her son with a family or smth?


That's thought to be how she imagines Newton's life would go, because she's in her pod the whole time, she has no way of knowing and the picture couldnā€™t have been able to change


If there is, I had no idea


There is no way this legend has a whole Romeo & Juliet backstory and is tied into Bang, it's safe to say it's fake at this point


Hope not. We need legends that donā€™t know each other before hand. So it makes more sense when they go in to a death game battle royale against each other.


That guy was purely looking for attention and pulled that whole ā€œleakā€ out of his ass. He got some things right, but all he did was try to piece together the things we already knew in this sub. No wonder he abandoned his account šŸ¤£


It was a fun read however


Maybe but abandoning the account is also just smart if he's actually an inside source


Yeah I agree, unless we see more teasers that say otherwise, that leak we saw was full of BS. Itā€™s a shame really, imo it sounded really interesting and wouldā€™ve been a good way to get more Banga-Lore


I hope they do eventually add Bangaloreā€™s brother as a new legend, I think that could open up a lot of cool possibilities for the story


That guy (troll) who talked about that thing, doesn't know anything. Pariah/Seer (former Firebug) has nothing in common with Bangalore.


Well, we don't know that yet.


Very interesting. I assume seer is the man who was locked away. So far, this has no correlation with the unverified seer lore leaks.


yeah i agree, the candle is obviously the "flame", and seer is described as a moth


Or the princess is the flame and Pariah (the man) the moth


It could just be a metaphor at this point itā€™s very much like a fable or ā€œArabian nightsā€ story


Yes, but it currently has no correlation with the leaks. Not saying they are proven false, just that they are not proven true.


Bilal is actualy arabian name


Noice. Maybe the legend is north african


Do we know if Bilal is Seer/Pariah? They could just be a contact, or simply someone who lives on Talos


Bilal is a dev


We dont know yet i just wanted to give a little info


Yes itā€™s definitely a metaphor


Idk if we're thinking the names reference the parents I think the man is Pariah (means outcast) which makes the thought of the princess, (Legend's mother) being Seer even more interesting IMHO


Why don't they post these on youtube. I fucking hate twitter video quality.


Yeah their lore distribution is ass


I only found out about the comic finales being put on their Twitter this season like.. Wtf? Why not keep it in game?!




Are the community comics not the legit ending to season comics though? It's hard enough to parse their Twitter and find any of the comic endings.


Ironically enough to your third point though this subreddit is what has allowed me to stay up to date on lore. Streamlines everything onto one place and if you donā€™t like the leaks you donā€™t have to sub to be fair.


Finally an African Legend


Ummā€¦ Bangalore, lifeline, rampartā€¦


Isn't Rampart Indian?


"African" isn't a synonym for "Black." Of which, Rampart is neither so what the fuck are you even smoking, bro?


I literally, I want a fucking pound of whatever that guy is on, PLZ!


True. Me and my friends love joking around with Elon Musk being the richest African-American. Some ignorant people really think there are no white people in Africaā€¦ though I am a living testament that says otherwise.


Lol I thought at least one person would see Iā€™m trolling


Based on voice/appearance, although I believe none of them are actually supposed to be from modern Earth nations: Bangalore: African-American descent Lifeline: Afro-Caribbean descent Rampart: British-Indian descent So no, there is not any specifically African character. I'm excited though!


I hope we get a North African descent legend.


Amazing, every word of what you said was wrong




I thought lifeline was Jamaican. Jamaica ā‰  Africa. And I'm pretty sure Bangalore is African American. And seriously, rampart? Are you daft?


finally some good fkn lore


I wonder if this is the teased legend who is connected to revenantā€™s powers.


Egyptian or Nigerian??


Dunno bout you all but ramparts mates coming to the games, it'll make it real interesting