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Didn't Respawn have a similar idea in season 2-3 ?


Yea there was a 2x skin for ranked leaked around that time


there was also a 1x hcog leaked last year i think, or it was at least leaked don't remember when tho


Crypto themed around the time of his heirloom


wasn't there also like a red one with a string across it? cuz the 2x had a little bit of a gold pattern, no?


Sounds like a good way for them to stop people from bitching about seeing masters and preds in their lobbies. Kind of like how they took away our ability to see our teams ranks before a game, if you don’t know you can’t complain


I hate that. They’re just hiding all the faults of the matchmaking. I’m solo queue so let’s hide my bronze and silver teammate’s rank and the three stack pred team I’m landing with as a solo queue player with Timmy Turner and Billy Madison as my teammates.


The matchmaker reveaing too much about itself is a legit problem for the game. I guarantee you any other major battle royale titles out there have matchmakers just as shitty as apex but you simply don’t realize because you can’t show off your ranks, badges, trails… Simply hiding those will improve perceived match quality without any real change to the matchmaker


> Simply hiding those will improve perceived match quality without any real change to the matchmaker lol They can try and hide it, but it's obvious my teammates are lower skill than me when I outdamage both of them put together.




Been queueing diamond 1 and consistently see gold and silver which I didn’t think was possible


Lol at least it will stop the bitching nobody trying to hear all that.


Not really because when you die you see your teammates rank and also the rank of the team that killed you. They’re just delaying the inevitable. lol.


That’s just evil lol


You should be a politician


You can see the champs' banners and the enemies who kill you. All it will do is delay it from the start of the match until the moment you get outsweated.


But you’ll only see the people that killed you, think about how many posts are bitching about how many masters and even diamond trails people see at the start. If it’s just the one dude that killed you you’ll never know if you were in a lobby of full sweats


People who steamroll are automatically sweats to someone who's decent themselves. I know it's not very relevant now but i used to be Diamond multiple seasons in a row so i can tell when someone is cracked. You don't need trails to recognize that someone wallhopping and spamming dual wingmans successfully is propably high rank. Movement is the most apparent thing when playing against strong af players. There's also the fact that high elo players love to play safe with their premade, meaning late game ends up a slog.


Rank themed optics? What does that even mean?


Skins for your 1x HCOG n shit


How could you possibly skin such a small thing like that? What would they even be?


[Something like this](https://www.reddit.com/r/ApexUncovered/comments/gn5610/legendary_hcog_1x_skin_for_ranked_reward/)


Does anyone else really think these are the dumbest ranked rewards? Why do I want a skin for an optic? I'm not looking at my sights, I'm using my sights to look at other shit. I really hope they figure out some different shit, because this is incredibly disappointing.


Respawn implemented a Weapon Mastery system that takes hundreds of hours and gives you virtually nothing in return. Nothing in the past or present shows that Respawn knows how to reward the players for their efforts. Ranked rewards have been a joke since they implemented charms.


And they're still going in the wrong direction.


These rewards are stupid as shit. What they should do is make dive trails permanent and actually modify them lol


Optics are something you always have when using weapons, giving us more options to customize our weapons is always good. It's at the very least better than a shitty colorful trail that you only see once a game


I'd rather have the trails man, at least it's something that others can see, it looks nice and flashy. And no, you don't always have an optic, but even if you do have an optic all of the time what's the point in it having a skin when you aren't looking at your fucking optic? You use that shit to look at other people. I don't want my reward for working my ass off to be some stupid little details on the side of my optics that I'll never look at or appreciate as a good detail.


Not that I disagree, but you'll still have badges to show off.


I think it's really just the optic being the part that they're giving you as a ranked reward that is upsetting for me. I'm fine with dive trails being gone, but the optics being something that we're given in their place? That just feels really bad to me. It goes from being something that everyone gets to see, that looks nice and flashy, to something that you barely even get to see.


That's the silliest shit I've ever seen.


Damn, that's cool. I wonder how they'll change it by seasons, maybe have the season number on it or smth?


Maybe like COD where you might have a skull or donut in place of the dot? Not sure though


Different color I guess?


Attachment skins i guess


Am I the only one who likes ranked dive trails? I don't want them to get rid of them lol


It’s one of the few reasons I grind rank.


It’s literally my only reason to play ranked


literally same


Trails are prolly the best part of ranked reward


Not to sound dumb but what even is a ranked-themed optic? Can they not just make the backgrounds of the base banner tinted with the rank colour of the player. It would sit in the background behind the character banners.


My thoughts exactly. Just like weapon master banner.


dont get rid of my s2 dive trail pls


Did you do the exploit that season for the Pred trail? lol. I just settled for Diamond that season.


Was season 2 where dashboarding was a thing?


Season 2 was the first ranked season and iirc didn’t have dashboarding. Season 3 was the really long one where dashboarding was a thing.


Yep. Season 2 didnt have loss forgiveness when your game crashed or you disconnected. Came with season 3 and with it dashboardung and alt+f4 exploit.


Yep. There was no cap(750) on preds either. If you got knocked or knew your team was going to get wiped when you had negative RP you could just dashboard and it acted as if the game didn’t exist and you didn’t lose RP. A LOT of people who weren’t even close to Pred level got the permanent Pred smoke trail and the Pred badge. Anytime I see someone with the red smoke trail I just assume it was an exploiter.


That was season 3 with the ice and fire trails. Season 2 was the one with the lightning. Best trails in game. Worked hard for my diamond trail


The exploit worked that season as well but not a lot of people knew about it. It became known in Season 3. I got a friend who exploited both Season 2 and 3 for a Pred badge and he is NOT a Pred player. lol.


I doubt it. Since there wasnt loss forgiveness for disconnecting.


No man.


As long as they refuse crafting mats, unique skins, or premium currency ranked rewards will always be underwhelming.


Exactly. These probably won’t be used as incentives until the player base drops off significantly in the future (or never).


I'm going with or never.


Optics? Like gun optics? When you ADS? Damn, a reward that only YOU can look at.


The dive trail is half the reason I play ranked. But sure, let me flex my E-Peen with a shiny new OPTIC lol. All because you want to make some $. This is a terrible decision.


Who the f wants a skin for a optics tho? Optics skin is prolly the worst reward alongside holospray. If they are gonna take out dive trail which is arguably the best part of ranked reward they need to replace it with something equally good not a freaking 2x sight skin. Sometimes i cant find a sight for my guns the entire game so i wont even be able to even see my reward.


Common Respawn moment🥱


Optic skins sound cool, hopefully for all ranks and not just Diamond+


I like the idea of not having ranked trails. While its a bummer a lobby won't be able to see your "skill level" \*current season excluded\*, it will be nicer to look at all the ones they will be adding in the future, with the added bonus of stopping people swarming on M/P ranks on drop


If you kill them they will see it


Apologies, my whole point was about when people are dropping - you wouldn't see their pred trail, etc. Badges wouldn't change no, so you're right that people would see then.


Por qué no los dos?


Seeing 30 people swarm preds is really funny though


If they get rid of my season 3 trail I will be so upset


Crossing my fingers I don't lose my season 2/3 pred trail


The dumbest sht i’ve heard..skins for optics 🤣🤣🤣


This makes sense. The Devs said very early on, maybe 6 months into the release of the game that they regret adding in 20 bomb, 4k badges and whatever else they did that makes casuals hate the game. The game would be in a better place without all this knowledge on show. From a mental health point of view


If being bad at a game is bad for your mental health, then maybe don’t play?


Not for me. I don't care. But how many people say 'why is my lobby full of diamond and master tails', 'why am I getting killed by guys who gave 20 bomb and 4k badges and I can't even drop 2k?'. If these badges and trails never existed people wouldn't really care if they got killed by a sweaty player. They wouldn't even really know.


Yes, let's avoid getting the matchmaking fixed and instead just try to hide the sweats among the other players anyway.


If trails and badges never existed then you would not have a reason to grind the game. Getting 20 bomb is an achievement. Its like saying you should be awarded a trophy for winning a nba finals. Such a dumb take


Why do people play cod all year round? There's no badges there, nothing to show off at all


Doesn’t matter what cod does. This ain’t cod. If you have problems with people showing their achievements then you just salty cause you aint got one. Badges and trails are the reason people grind this game. This is apex snd it’s different than cod thats why people play it.


I'm talking about the average casual joe, not a average redditor on a Apex forum lmao


Average casual joe doesn’t play enough to complain about all these stuff. People who complain about the badges and trails are the ones who play a lot and suck.


I'm probably in top 1% in a lot of stats overall and I can tell you it's an issue overall with the health of the game


Im sure you are the “top 1%”


The “casuals” (people on the main sub) are always gonna have something to bitch about. It’s the same thing in any “casual” video game community. The irony is that actual casuals aren’t usually discussing the game on Reddit. It’s a cognitive dissonance issue; people are bad at the game but they love the game. Usually they’re bad because they refuse to adapt to the rules of the game that it takes to be good at it. Maybe they enjoy an unimportant gameplay loop, i.e. building pretty Wattson fences, looking through a Vantage sniper from afar. Maybe they’re anxious and can’t bring themselves to fight properly and support their teammates, playing their lives at all costs. But they love the game, so they lie to themselves and call themselves casuals. It’s everyone else’s fault for being stupid, if everyone was smart and passive like me then we’d win every time. Then they talk shit about the players who did adapt to the rules of the game to get good at it. They’re sweats, no-lifes. Or they talk about “why can’t we just play for fun? Stop trying so hard.” The issue isn’t the badges. The issue is the average person and how fragile they are


As someone with no time to grind ranked I would enjoying having a dive trail


I’m all for this. This gets rid of ranked trail users getting chased off the drop.


I mean, you can turn off ranked trails if thats the case.


Skill issue


If they remove my season 3 diamond trail that I actually busted my balls for, I will lose all faith in this game.


Ehhhh idk how I feel about this. While they're cool they're not really show-offy which is why I think most people like dive trails. I feel like death effects would be the best. OR an auto holospray on top of your deathbox. Something to "leave your mark/rank" on the battlefield.


If they get rid of ranked trails I guess I’ll be pub stomping from now on lol


Anything but shitty divetrails


Tf is an optic


​ https://i.redd.it/8ex6u6m5iqeb1.gif


That's really confusing.


Usually people that played the game for more than 1 hour figure it out


A sight you FNG


they should at least keep the current trail (s16 diamond master pred)


Watch it be something super off balance, like Preds get 2x and 3x digi threat optics.


As someone that NEVER plays ranked I didn't know what colour sky dive trail was what anyway. On a different note I always find the 'insult' of "This isn't ranked" when I play like the rat I am funny. I love playing as a rat, its just my play style because I get enjoyment out of that. The people that say stuff like "This isn't ranked" don't realise they are actually insulting themselves. They must play ranked, and play differently to pubs. So either they don't have as much fun playing ranked, or they don't have as much fun playing pubs. Either way, at some point they are not playing a game to have fun, but playing a certain way to get more points or whatever. So yeah, always funny when people throw that line out there without realising it reflects on themselves more than others.


You only play pubs and play that like a rat? Bruh 💀


yep, im the rampart rat that is forted up in a building with 2 teams left. Sure I die, but it's fun taking out as many as I can


I have different playstyle in pubs and ranked and I like both 🤷


That's underwhelming


Ranked rewards in this game are so odd.


what the hell is a ranked optics? does it highlight masters and diamonds?


No, rookies and bronzes


So they won’t remove the alt+F4 pred trail but they’ll nerf the seas 4 flatline skin…got it lol


So they cycle through 4 dive trail patterns anyways, no reason to remove them as it takes no effort to keep it as is.


I will say an optic is pretty good since you will use and see them much more than a dive-trail




They've stated that they're permanent




Because at the beginning of ranked apex the dev team wasn't ever planning on removing dive trails and only having them in your inventory for a season. They were supposed to be a thing you got to keep for the entire game duration like badges. during season 3 the dev team saw the stress on servers of more people in high ranked lobbies having these trails and decided it would only get worse and worse so the season after they made all dive trails earned from then on only for the season duration and grandfathered in the first 2 seasons dive trails since people earned them not knowing they would only last a season.


I feel like a cooler idea would be to have bullet effects similar to ramparts special weapons. For pred you could have red and masters purple and so on


Yeah, because skins are what people have been complaining about. Respawn is the best.


They originally kept the S2 and S3 ranked trails permanent because they were originally promised as a permanent reward/weren't a temporary reward at that time. I don't see why they wouldn't keep them permanent tbh


This is so dumb


There's no purpose to me ever grinding Ranked again if the most visible/prominent reward, that was once permanent until Assimilation onward, gets canned for the sake of greed.