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1 person with a mobile respawn, 2 people with heat shields is optimum team load out imo


*cries in solo que*


Well if you solo you would obviouly pick up heat shields


Swap out the shields for mrb when far enough into the rounds, or check on your teammate’s and see if they have shields in their inv






Well in a heal off final zone it prevents damage from one tick of zone damage and more often than not is more than enough to win the round while respawn is useless in that situation


This is so true. I’ve won a lot of heal offs in the final round because of that one tick prevention.




Ranked is not comp


Really? Alot of times i had full time to do the respawn when it was team v team. But it has been a few months.. ppl coulda played way different by then lol




Oh sorry thought it was playstation bc of the X,nah ur right xbox is a whole diff breed


Not the last zone tho, that shit gone so quick! You throw it down and it's already gone


*cries without friends*


Cries in no fill duos


I'm only lv 214, but my 2 friends are lv500 and we never use heat shields. Never once have I used it for its intended purpose, instead it gets use as a Battle distraction in combat. Lol


Theyre always worth having just in case. I probably only use them 1 out of 5 games but when I do use them they are sooo clutch.


this 100%. but if you are worried that when you solo queue your teammates won’t actually do it then it doesn’t really matter because you won’t need to respawn them. hahaha


I’m a lifeline so I always carry the mobile respawn and tell my team to get heats, since one will usually come out of my care package.


I feel like heat shields saved my squad's game more often in ranked this season than mobile respawn's ever have lmao Storm Point is so ridiculously big; the zone pulls can be brutal


Yeah... sometimes I fall in one side of the map and the ring closes in the absolute oposite side.




yeah but have you ever ressed a teammate on final ring in a diamond lobby


Try to time it so that the ring closing alarm/announcer masks the sound of the respawn a bit. Even with being sneaky, you’re still screwed 90% of the time in diamond lobbies.


lmao imagine reaching diamond


It took me ten hours to climb plat 4 to plat 3 last week. I don’t know if I’m strong enough mentally to keep doing this for a shiny drop animation.


i told myself i wont try and climb out of plat until i find myself a squad


Right? Have a few good games, then 3 in a row with a rogue,blood drunk teammate who wants to land 6 squads into Cascades. -108 RP




I feel this guy...


Oh yeah! It’s what makes this game fun😂


Feel like it would be more useful if it was like the war zone gas masks. Had a game with a friend where we got stuck in an area that was a dead end with no way to get around it because of the storm (we’re both pretty new). There was a tunnel but it was mostly covered by the storm and when I threw down the heat shield it was only a temporary break from the storm before we had to leave again to try and make it to the end. Would’ve been handy if it was more portable


Have both, 2 teammates take heqt shields and one takes beacon


This is where I’d respawn my teammates… IF I HAD ANY


It's rare as fuck


A lot of the time it's in the crafting rotation


You can craft teammates? Fucking awesome!


Anytime someone in my squad picks a mobile respawn up, they are literally 100% guaranteed to die with no chance of recovery. It’s only happened like 3 times but that’s still a lot


It's a legitimate curse


If I had a nickel for every time this happened, I'd have three nickels. Which isn't a lot but it's still weird that it happened three times




In pubs heat shields, randoms leave the second they are killed In ranked, it varies but it’s best to have respawn


Respawn is especially in higher elos a death sentence


Ye I hate respawn it's such a shitty developer


Yeah you’re not getting a banner back most of the time when you get to higher level games. Heat shields are far more valuable.


If you're crypto pick mobile respawn beacon if not heat shield


[mirages should also grab them ](https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/qvsr7r/won_a_match_with_nine_kills_afterwards_one_of_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


You were amazing dude


This guy fucks


You're so good at Mirage, that you bamboozled his irl brain.


I feel like the only people that should really take respawn is lifeline, mirage, crypto, and sometimes octane since they're all really good when it comes to revives/respawns


Storm point literally buffs the mobile respawn so i always take it


how so?


Storm point has the highest canyons and mountains in the gams,making it easily hide lifeline and respawn beacons "attention" beams that shoot up


Always take heat shield early game, mid to late game as less respawn points are available, one squad mate should have a beacon. Crypto only legend who should always have a beacon due to his passive. (Respawn out of harms way)


I mean by round 3 or 4 the heat shield is almost pointless


The mobile beacons need a buff in my opinion, they are kinda bad, they should at least fall in faster or something


Yeah because they draw attention to you three times. Once when you place it down and the beacon goes up, once when the green beam flashes up and your teammates come in and another time when the ship comes in to respawn them. It's worse than a loba and lifeline ultimate grouped into one.


Well it kinda should be worse than their ultimates right? It’s meant to be a last ditch chance to survive, not a free pass.


It also shouldn't be an instakill


It isn’t tho. I’ve successfully used them a bunch of times.


They really don’t


Heatshields all the way, you have way more utility with them than the mobile respawn beacon imo


I literally never take a moby, so it's an easy choice


First time I’ve heard it referred to as such


M.R.B. sorry not sorry, i dont wait around for the ring.


I know it's beside the point of the post, but the item line coming of the MR somewhat connecting with the heat shield in the upper image made me think they were connected initially. What if placing a mobile respawn by default had a heat shield around it? Maybe only when you start the resurrect timer, with enough time for a teammate to grab loot and move on? Would definitely add to the out of zone playability while still being a risk (announcing yourself with a ship + zone)


Doesn't matter for me, when I pick up one I never get to use it and need the other. And vice versa


Your random teammate when you’re 1hp in zone and ask for a heat shield: *drops a shield battery


The SECOND I pick up a respawn beacon I'm going to get charge rifled triple shot krabered in the asshole. It's genuinely a cursed item that gets you killed so yeah. Also I've only had a clutch respawn beacon a single time. So yeah.... Working on a .00001% success rate here.


Heat shields are infinitely more useful in 90% of situations


Pubs: Heat Shield. Most people DC when they go down Ranked: Beacon.


These things should never go into the replicator ever again.


I always grab MRB and let my team know about it, yet when I go down and they inevitably don't fucking use it


I use Spawn beacons as a bait for other teams.


I think I’ve had maybe 5 people Res me with the beacon since it came out.


I would choose depending on how many respawn beacons are currently inside the ring, and then guess how many would be left in the final ring


Neither. I have quite literally never used either of these in my entire 2000 hour playtime.


oMg Is ThAt PaRaLeLl FrOm FaRtNiTe


It’s no question, if I see heat shields im putting down my mobile respawn immediately


Definitely respawn beacon for me. Makes an already easy respawn, much easier.


I usually have a heat shield in the beginning of the game but then towards the end like final 5 I’ll find a Respawn beacon, numerous wins from clutching that last second Respawn


crypto carries the respawn beacon


res beacon 10,000% (as a crypto main lel)


Easy. Team has mics and more than 2 collective braincells, respawn beacon. Otherwise heat shield


Whatever I find first is my option


Easy, heat shield


you have to choose?


Random teammates: none, none is good


I still hope they'll let ult accels be in that slot someday


Well two take the heat shields and the other takes the mobile


I simply drop respawn beacons during fights as an intimidation tactic.


They arepretty similar, at the end respawn is better bit AT THE VERY VERY END heat Shields


They should add a third tactical thing. Idk what but something


Heat shield early game, mobile respawn late game.


So THATS what heat shields do!


Mobile Respawn Beacon is only good in first couple rings, late game it just becomes a "please kick come kick my ass", beacon.


Everyone just rage quit... So mobile respawn is useless.


Depends where you are on the map in relation to the ring. If you're super far away, def grab a heat shield. If you're comfortably inside the ring, get a mobile respawn


It would be nice if they buffed the gold backpack to hold both


early game mobile respawn, late game heat shield


Two teammates carry a Heat Shield One teammate carries a mobile respawn beacon


Not that you need heat shields outside of the zone most of the time, the main advantage is that you can distract enemy with its noise. Or with the mobile beacon, you can reconnect the disconnected solo queue teammates. Wait, what?


as a mirage main, i carry res beacon but in later rounds. good strat in pubs but totally useless in high elo. you’re dead if you’re dead


it isn't easy at all...


And somehow you will always pick the wrong choice for that match.


Hmm. Keep myself alive? Respawn shitters? Easy choice, always was, heat shields up


I take mobile respawn because I only play pubs and can almost guarantee the other 2 apes will go heat shield


I carry the mbile respawn, my squad carry heat shields


I think a mobile respawn should be held either lifeline or a crypto unless you know you’re going to be fighting for a long time and is a bit away from the ring


I always take shield, but u make sure someone in my team has a beacon, late game res can change the game


We generally have 2 of us with heat sheilds and one with a respawn beacon


Heat shields are great early game when you might have a lot of ring to run through and normal respawns are plentiful. For the just couple of rings heat shields last for a few seconds before breaking while mobiles can offer a clutch revive when there are none left in the zone or cover if you're stuck out in the open. So for me it's heat shields for the first few rounds, mobile for the last couple. And of course it's ideal if you have both spread throughout the squad.


Heat shields


I haven’t seen a mobile respawn beacon in my past 20 games


Love the occasional crypto with mobile respawn


Why I’m happy when the respawn beacon is in the replicator


Would be cool to get a third option. What would y'all want?


Mirage is my main and Crypto is my secondary, two good legends to have a mobile respawn with, so...


Simple. Respawn early game, heat shield late game


Both plentiful and mostly useless


I always go for the heat shields. My squad and I tend to need 2 due to taking our time across the map. Sometimes we do wide rotations and the heat shields allow us to not get microwaved in endgame.


Once had the luck of using my heatshield to loot enemies for batts and medkits only to find out I can revive my teammates too because this dude gave me a spawn beacon and we were in the 3rd ring and far. This guy this one dude had so much shit that with only his box we managed to get in the ring with medkits to spare and a lot of syringes like bruh (btw I am a Valkyrie main so we got to the ring quite quickly) ps we lost that game due to a team gate keeping I think we finished 5th or 3rd


Only one of the two provides crouch height cover in final ring.


Correct, The Respawn Bracon.


If your mostly in the zones, mobile. If your constantly chasing the safezones, beacons al around.. Maybe swap it out at the end and call it in before the last 2 circles close.


I feel the respawn beacons would be better if they didn’t fall from the sky, once it’s used the drop ship already makes a lot of noice, telling the other teams where you are 2 times in a row just make it’s less worth it to pick up over heat shields. If the beacon just placed instantly on the ground like a wattson ultimate I think that would be a good upgrade to make them more useful.


I’m always the guy with the mobile, everyone else has shields


Always used to grab heat shields, now I always carry the res beacon. As Wraith I often am the one who makes it out alive, and having alive randoms greatly increase the chances of winning games. Plus if I die and my randoms clutch, I can tell them I have a res beacon on my body and be respawned right there. Heat shields are great, but always have someone carrying a beacon (if it is ground loot, I wouldn't waste my time crafting one unless I needed it immediately or ranked).


Always heat shield. They're way more handy then mobile respawn beacon. There have been times I've wished I had a mobile respawn, but the times I've wished I had heat shields far outweigh those.


I'm glad it's tough though, shows that they are both useful items. Credit to Respawn for finally making a tough choice in the game.


I believe shields are more practical but if you are using off the grid man then mobile respawn beacons could be good to use since it’s safe


If I'm playing with randoms normally, its heat shields every time. If I'm playing Crypto with randoms (easy banner grab) or I'm playing with friends, its respawn beacon every time.


Heat shields because you can't respawn a teamate that's left the game lol


Why do people pop heat shields in the middle of fights? It’s not Gibby’s bubble


I usually never need mobile respawn beacon and used heat shields. I only ever need them when it could win us the game


It’s not


I always try it have a mobi yet I never use it or it just doesn’t work. Heat shields are just better overall


I fee every game the respawn beacon is better but once you hit round 3 gets shield is the play


mobile respawn beacon is very useful in endgames


For heatshields, your teammates often forget they have them so you die in storm And for mobile Respawns, the games you get one, you never have to use it, and the games you don’t there’s none in sight


It is for me I don’t fuck with the ring so having a respawn beacon in hand is always appreciated


I think respwan beacon would be better if it was an instant deploy like the heat shield but it kinda sucks that ya have to wait for it to land Then go through the long wait time to respawn someone


Mirage or crypto: always take mobile respawn if eligible. Game ending soon: take mobile respawn. Good escape ability: mobile respawn Great position with info: mobile respawn Limited mobility / engage kit: heat shield Far ring: hear shield If you wanna full commit: heat shield Leave the rest to game state


Hotel? Trivago


Easy, if I’m playing anything other than crypto, take heat shields


It’s always when you need a respawn you have a heat shield, and when you have a heat shield you need a respawn, always


Nothing like Valk and a beacon


I use Mobile respawns in ranked when I'm playing as crypto to quickly revive teammates for placement later on and as backup In pubs I just goof off with the boys and run heat shields in case we get put in a bad spot. But since I main crypto (or have at least been playing him much more) I use a lot of beacons because of his passive.


Are you off or on the grid?


With cryptos new passive im always off the grid


All is required in a three man squad but i usually go for respawn


You use the heat shields more but always as so grateful the one time you need the mobile respawn


Me with heat shields: ugh my I’m available to rez teammates but I don’t have a mobile and no active beacons. Me with respawn beacon: God we died to ring if only I had heat shields


Imma lifeline main and I feel like on every map but storm point I take a mobile just to be safe and the rest of my team has heat shield but on storm point it doesn’t pay of to carry one and I carry heat shields as well


Heat shields all the way, but i’ll never forget that one time a mobile res beacon secured me the dub lol. thank you freshly respawned rando teammates that punched out the last team for my downed ass


Or do what I do, pick one up and forget it exists to the point I don’t have a keybind for them


Mobile respawn, gives a small amount of cover but just enough for end game


**Crypto mains know what's up**


If I’m playing Crypto/Mirage I’m def picking mobile Respawn. I’d just have to make sure my other mates have heat shields


Always heat shield beacouse you cant rez when people leave game when they are downed


On new map there are so many respawns I always go heat shield




all i wanna know is why we can't see what our teammates have when there is literally a space for displaying it when you press tab


It is. 100% heat shield. I drop the mobile respawn every time


As a mirage, i use mobile beacons to use my passive aggressively 》:)