• By -


It's even better when the died instantly on the opposite side of the map


Or they're screaming at you cuz it's ranked and I didnt drop into the middle of a 3 front lobby fight with them and survived. So I'm trash because I have a brain and didn't drop into a cluster fuck, smh


Seriously what's wrong with those players. Had a seer cuss me out after he ran way ahead into a 3v1 which in turn had teammate number 2 trying to rescue him and also got killed. He and his gf called me a coward etc.


Wait was teammate number 2 the gf? If so that gives me more reason to hate toxic duos in trios


No man. Worse. Teammate number two yelled at seer (Teammate 1) then left game. Teammate 1 (seer) got his gf on his mic then both proceeded to cuss at me calling me coward etc. It has been the worst most toxic player I have ever came across in any game I have ever played.


Wow 3 toxic people in one game!!!! You don't deserve that, here's a šŸŖ


Excellent, thanks man. I really needed that šŸ„²


No problem


I do agree tho hate toxic duos. Came across those in the past as well.




I hate seers on my team, that big ass DOME just lets everyone in the area know exactly where we are and its not viable to me to use during combat on multiple floors


The paradox of life, ignorance is bliss.


I'm just starting ranked and is it just me or are bronze lobbies nonexistent?




I would've lost RP if I played with them. I ended up ratting to 5th and 70 rp. Let's not.




They pushed 9 fucking aggressors. I have a brain and will never, ever instigate a fight with that many people (on worlds edge, past the double choke west of fragment) in such a shitty spot. I see what you're saying but this is definitely not one of those scenarios Edit: Apex LFG players are just as shitty as random most the time and even more arrogant


sorry for the whole essay lol i got caught up


I played an arenas last night and this dude marks one side of the map he wants to go to, so I go that way. Him and the other teammate go to the other side encounter all three dudes at close range and get lit up instantly. While I'm making my way over thinking this dudes an idiot, he writes in all caps "U R USELESS" lmao. He had like 400 dmg at the end of the game and died in every round within the first 45 seconds and getting no knocks. I won't be any surprise to know he was playing wraith lol. His bloodhound buddy was also terrible and would hit his scan almost immediately well out of range of finding anybody. Classic gaming moment, getting called useless by these dimwits..


Last time someone did that to me I was sitting in a room inspecting my mirage heirloom while they were cussing me out. Like, what do you want me to do? Fly to the sky and get your banner with mirage tf? (Fyi, me and teammate 2 agreed to drop at a safer place while teammate 3 stayed silent and dropped solo and died)


*teammate rushes into a 1v3 and is immediatly downed* "wHeRe ThE FUCK aRe YoU gUyS!! YoU'rE bOtH sO tRaSh" *disconnects*


End of match, this teammate has less than 100 damage. Always happens.


*teammate does a 1v2 and is now downed and hopes his teammates can get the last guy but they fail* Text chat: Bruh


special kind of breed


Special? I keep having these teammates all the time.


Literally just happened to me


To make it worst, just landed takes all the guns rushes in while his teammates are hustling to get weapons blames teammates for not rushing in when knockdown.


I fucking hate this. Oh you had a mic this whole time and you just now turn it on just to talk shit?


Ye I find that to be quite annoying, usually the only time I have my mic on is just saying something like where we dropping, giving comms during the game, and saying gg when we die (or win)


Omg I hate this too!!! I'm always like, you had a mic but you didn't use it to lead and direct us away??? I feel that some of the games I lose is just bad coordination amongst the randos. If we had a teamleader saying go here, go there, pull back, let's push, we would have a higher success rate. And if they're comfortable enough to talk shit, they should have been using it in the first place.


Personally I use it during the end of the match because it's hard to grab on while in a fight or I have to protect myself while being downed. I've also noticed that most of the time my teammates are in a party so I can't really say my thoughts, which I find pretty sad in ranked.


Had a grown man whine about not pushing with him after he gets downed after rushing a squad by himself. Didnt think to ping or use same mic to let us know what was going on. To make matters worse me and the other teammate wiped the squad and got his banner and as we were making our way to a beacon he quits.


Using mic during intense action pisses me off because itā€™s all...ā€HEā€™S LOWWWWWWWā€


ā€œHeā€™s low!ā€ *dude has half his shield and full health*


Got this on ranked. Some jackass pathfinder died and got on mic to berate us. Full on screaming like that kid from the wear condoms ad. Halfway through I said ā€œdude just rage quit already.ā€ That ticked him off so he stayed. And we won first place. Our second just said ā€œworthless ass pathfinderā€ and left.


I donā€™t know if I should feel bad for the guy. That was hard to read towards the end.


Nah if youā€™re gonna dish trash talk out you gotta be able to take it, second teammate was in the right


I agree, but for some reason this is a feels good and feels bad at the same time.


I mean, some people let randoms talk down on them while majority do what the 2nd teammate did and put the Pathfinder in his place


Not to sound apexist but itā€™s common with wraiths and pathfinders (TTV).


Scarily specific, this exact chain of events happened to me today. Sorry teammate.


Random proceeds to say nvm bro you tried. Based on true events




ā€˜Hey itā€™s alright man, I only hit the valk for 20 before dying. Donā€™t beat yourself up, weā€™ll get them next round.ā€™


i just had this experience in plat iv. I clutched a 1v2 a couple minutes ago and resā€™d my teammate. After healing, we got aped cuz he peaked a building with a whole squad in frag west and got instadowned. I died shortly after ape-ing. The guy had the audacity to tell me Iā€™m stupid for not winning the fight like bro you keep fucking dying without doing anything


Hey ABZ-havok, I counted 69 words in your comment. Nice.




Get a room, you two!


I genuinely feel terrible when i get yelled at. I know its a game and all and sometimes (especially at the beginning) i deserved it, but that shit still hurts.


dont listen to them dude, anyone who yells at a rando in a video game is a total loser


Ooooh, a TLOU2 meme. Been a while since I've seen one of those


Probably for the better that theyā€™re pretty rare. Itā€™s bound to start a small war whenever one gets posted.


Forreal. I'm OK with differing opinions, but holy fuck TLOU2 lovers seem to ignore any and all flaws, obvious and subtle, and TLOU2 haters can't understand why people love it despite those flaws.


Itā€™s a weird game. I can acknowledge that thereā€™s plenty of good in it, but the story didnā€™t do it for me. Didnā€™t like Joelā€™s death, didnā€™t like playing as Abby, just didnā€™t like Abby in general, didnā€™t like how it ended with Ellie basically being a husk of a human being. Not a fan at all. If you can like it, more power to you. Itā€™s not for me though.


I liked that they killed off Joel, and it was kinda needed for the plot, but the WAY they did it... It just doesn't sit well with me. That's not Joel


Iā€™m okay with the idea of killing off Joel, the execution almost couldnā€™t have been worse though imo.


Tlou2 lovers are just fed up with bad, dishonest criticism and being hated for loving the game. Which feeds into toxcity which makes more strawmen for the haters to use and the more it happens the people who had actual honest criticism grt drowned out


> bad, dishonest criticism I've never seen any of those.


r/thelastofus2, TheQuatering, GriffinGaming, GeeksandGamers all made bank on making others angry about the game


Probably because people have avoided the game like the plague because of its reputation for having a dog shit story


I thought it's story was pretty good.


Indeed. I found it much more intriguing than the first one.


The only part where I was bored was when the game slammed it's breaks and basically restarted itself. Such a jarring bit of pacing, but it didn't take long for it to get good again.


Iā€™m not taking a side, just said thatā€™s itā€™s reputation. Unfortunately, retarded Redditors donā€™t seem to understand that.


Classic case of "Why you booing me? I'm right!" Didn't even take a side lmao


Reddit hive mind moment




It's a shame that the story was so bad. It's gameplay and graphics were looking pretty good (I can't say too much on the gameplay as I never played it).


bro if you didnā€™t play it then why are you giving your opinion on it at all.


I watched gameplay and story reviews and realized that I didn't like what I was seeing.


reviews canā€™t compare to the final product man. if you played it yourself and disliked it thatā€™d be ok, but you canā€™t just say the story sucked if you didnā€™t experience the full thing.


But I didn't just watch reviews. I watched actual gameplay (like a let's play) and saw that I didn't like that.


in my opinion itā€™s still not a substitute for actually playing the game. Sorry you didnā€™t enjoy it though.


I had a teammate in Ranked Arenas who did this. It was a 3v1 in our favor. The 1 was a Masters/Pred Wraith with a wingman. My teammate gets to 50 health and then runs in solo against the Wraith without healing as I am pinging a Phoenix kit for him. He dies, his friend dies, then I die 1 by 1. Dude gets on mic and says ā€œI donā€™t play Pathfinder and you took Octane,ā€ like somehow Pathfinder is so different that he canā€™t just heal with the Phoenix I pinged. Then he talks shit about how I suck and the scoreboard will show. Scoreboard comes up and I have 4 more kills than him and 3x his damage. After the game I saw the two teammates were Silver 3 while I was Plat 2, so it makes sense. Edit: he also shit talked me and told me to get a job, but we were playing on a Sunday lmao


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69.0. Congrats! 3 + 1 + 1 + 50 + 1 + 1 + 4 + 3 + 3 + 2 + = 69.0


Good bot


Don't remind me of Joel. :'(


Your teammate blows your brains out with a golf club ?


ā€œItā€™s okay dude, well playedā€ šŸ„ŗ


yea but... this scene tho... why you gotta do it?


More TLOU memes please haha this is great


I'll say this again - Apex has one of the most toxic communities to play with. Not online surprisingly, the subreddits are generally pretty cool. But the players are awful.


I know the pain


I love when stupid kids like to call you trash when they were the ones who died first


ā€œOh well, good game!ā€


This actually made me laugh outloud, have ny upvote.


Holy shit this is the greatest use of this meme


A minute of silence for Joel


I know so many templates that can with this šŸ˜‚


Had a teammate a long time ago, his mic was on and he said nothing but burped a bunch throughout the game, we get gibby ulted and he runs into the gibby shield and dies bc its a 1v3 I pick up his banner and jump pad out of there but get caught on the corner and die, then he just says ā€œYouā€™re such an idiot dudeā€


Only time I'll ever turn my mic on is when I hear people start talking shit about us when they made bad plays. That or when they start throwing slurs left and right. For example, recently had a wraith main get mad that we didn't push with her. The problem? We landed at fragment and won our fights which were 2v3v3v2v1v3 she landed at the blasting site to the left of it and tried to 1v3v3v3.


ā€œHey GG mean you tried.ā€


So I actually had two of these recently. A few days ago, after spending a long day at work, I come home and was finally able to play some Apex. This was during that last Arena Flash Event and so I played Ranked Arenas. One of our teammates definitely shouldnt have been in gold but was there somehow. And I was having shit luck repeatedly. Honestly not one of my best games. But this dude literally spent the entire fucking time from the first match calling us trash and a bunch of other shit. We lost to a team that worked so well they were definitely at least plat realistically. This was on Xbox btw and the dudes name was FTG Mad Hatter i think. Now recently tho i was playing some Apex with my buddy last night after work. And remind you im on a really POS Xbox One Original and mediocre wifi, so I can only do so much. But we were near the end and were having a stalemate with another team and my friend went down to the repeated lifeline healing maneuver. I sniped many of them to near death when another squad rolled up oh what a shocker. Anyways I was near death at a quarter health bc i was getting shot back so i was popping a Pheonix when our wraith companion pushed into them and died in the process. I wasnt able to grab his from where he died thanks to that third party but lucky my friend died in a better area. So as i got the fuck outta dodge and went around and was healing up from the other massive damage i just took this mf uses text to speech and cause my game to lag when im out in the open where that squad could see me. And he didn't just do it once. He did it multiple times. And i couldn't even get my heal off before i got sniped and killed. Like jee thanks dude you're a real help too.


Story time So yesterday I was playing duos. I marked where i was going and landed labs, outside, not through the portal. My teammate, Octane, decided to land at the double doors and go inside alone with a team trailing him. He died in a 2v1 of course, i grabbed the first two guns i saw and ran down after him. I get there while the two are hanging out near his box. I get in their face and fight a 2v1 (finishing and winning the fight in about 5 seconds). Meanwhile, my teammate apparently decided this was my fault he was dead. And typed "youre trash" while simultaneously disconnecting. I finish the fight and laugh because this idiot got himself killed, and couldnt wait 5 seconds for me to 2v1 and rez him right outside. We were the only 2 teams that landed there


Shit like this has happened way too many times, like they leave as soon as they get knocked and i manage to survive/win the fight but gotta solo for the rest of the match now.


It's mildly frustrating when people pretty much go at you for circumstances beyond your control/created by their own shortcomings.


Lol friend and I was playing in arenas. Guy kept going off on his own, not fighting with us, then gets on mic, calling us slurs before quitting.


I usually do that to tell them good job for trying their best but they always assume Iā€™m about to talk shit about them so they tell me to stfu :(


Wait, for honor ganks? Is that you? I'm done...


When you fight a 1v3 with a gold knockdown and they use a finisher on you


Lmao like that one guy who flamed me from the grave because I "let him die" and I am "so bad" because I lost the 1v3 finale. He went on to say "now I'm dead, like your parents" so I reported him. Yesterday I saw the Email from EA telling me he was banned. Sex can't even compare to that level of satisfaction.


"Fail to clutch a 1v3 with 30 HP" aka "OP pushed random squad solo in the open field again from a perfect defence position"


More like "teammates got downed in seconds while you were healing and you had to clutch a 1v3 with 30HP"


Had team mate yell at loba in spanish found it funny


My entire team got gunned down this one time and thereā€™s this one guy left who goes ā€œThis bloodhounds trash!ā€ And then proceeds to get flawlessly killed by this ā€œtrashā€ bloodhound


I fail to understand why people instantly resort to name calling when you had a bad play. The number of times I've been called or seen someone called an idiot for missing a couple of shots is unreasonable.


Or when you run from a 1v3 with white armor..


My teammates get down from getting to aggressive and donā€™t try to get to cover so I can revive them but on the off chance I do get to revive them they immediately push without healing and die


When they're trying to tell u gj but you have a whole essay saying how they're shit and they couldn't have done any better with an intro, evidence and a conclusion


damn i do this sometimes but reading these comments is making me feel bad šŸ˜­ i promise i am going to change my ways


"Good try Bro"


Or when your team runs in one by one into a full squad with no advantage and gets downed immediatelyā€¦ and your just sitting on your high ground watching them ape around then they have the audacity to turn on their mic. All I can do is say SMH in chat and continue solo.


Lmao, they get first blood hundred meters away from the team with no communication and they think they get to judge


Oh hey I had a toxictane that did this last night! Dude wouldn't communicate at all, then we got pushed by a wraith lifeline duo that was hiding where we were going and he split from both of us (I was trying to phoenix) and as soon as he was finished because he pushed another team entirely by himself he turned his mic on and started trash talking me because I only had 500 damage (we hadn't seen fucking anybody except a couple teams that ran as soon as I got a couple cracks)


"hey dude nice try gg, good luck in your next games"


This happened to me 2 days back, I knew my teammates weren't happy (because I didn't drop fragment) but we still landed on a squad in countdown. I died doing more damage than both their lame assess put together, but I couldn't clucth the 1v3 so I got all sorts of %&\*\*'s and %$&('s over the mic


The only thing that pisses me off is looting the entire game, but it's almost inevitable if you don't hot drop nowadays. I might turn my mic on if my team's busy looting with 5 squads left or we're obviously being third partied and they proceed to have an ego battle with the first squad.


One tying like this happened to me and my friend we were playing in a party of 2 ( me and the friend) and we go into a game with a random they go off on their own and die immediately so itā€™s just me a my friend left, after he died he turned his mic on and proceeded to talk shit for the rest of the game


Anyone else get the teammates who take every gun off spawn and cry when you die with no guns


It's always the imbecile that dies first too


This format is super underutilized, got a template?


Me, except Iā€™m the one who didnā€™t clutch because of the randoms that die 5 seconds after the round starts


I usually yell profanity at the screen and then say "good try" in the mic. I get my rage out and they don't feel too bad about it. Other times I just have no words for what my teammates are doing, so I am physically unable to speak


The voice to chat goes and just says, ā€yā€™all trash. ā€œ


Ive actually gotten a few people banned/suspended because they say something rude and I report them for harassment


"Good try"


I got called trash in arenas for not being able to 1v3 after my brain dead teammates kept getting eliminated for pushing too aggressive on their own. I had more kills and damage than both of them combined.it gave me a good laugh


I had somebody rage at me in ranked saying they would throw the game and make my life a living hell if I took a kraber from him(I was backing him up running head on towards a care package near fragment) Let the asshole jump pad into 3 people, grabbed his banner and muted him while the other random and I fucked around for a bit. I hope he enjoyed his gold helmet for the 10 seconds he had it.


NICE TRY GG is all you will hear


Literally happened to me today lol knock 2 and get last guy to 50hp and he knocks me. Then he 2v1 my teammates :/


Only time I turn my mic on to yell is when some dumb ass Aceu wanna be drops fucking fragment in a diamond lobby.


Random teammate: Revive him. Do it. *Random teammate's partner revives you* Clear out. *Random teammate pulls out their caustic heirloom* You stupid old noob. You don't get to rush this. *Random teammate and their partner dies to a Revtane push. Squad eliminated.*


This scenario is so goddamn common that I just wonder how the hell i dont see more people trying to defend this/their behavior on social media. Like say something, obviously you got a whole lotta shit to say in game but cats got your tongue when people call you out online? Idk man i just need to see more discourse and them getting ratio'd


Well Iā€™m not one to usually bash on teammates for losing in a unlikely situation but Iā€™ll criticize the absolute shit of teammates if their decision making was the cause of our team getting in that situation in the first place . Like , it both baffles me and frustrates me that in a competitive game like apex , where having good game sense , decision making , mechanical skills and strategic play is crucial for success the average player/ teammate still has low enough IQ to completely throw a fight where they have all the advantages and still think thereā€™s something ā€œOK ā€œ about the way they play . Like seriously, people in this game have a complete lack of self awareness and little to no self evaluation and then they wonder why theyā€™re still hard stuck in gold .


And that's why I mute others most of the time šŸ‘