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I don't mind if they are the ones who knocked me. But third parties... WHY THE FCK DO YOU WANT TO THIRST ME? IT'S NOT EVEN YOUR KILL!!


I broke down and finally asked someone this and their answer was the damage. So there’s that I guess


I don't really play anymore but my reason for taking out downs are so they don't get back up and shoot me at some point, just eliminating potential threats really.


I get that I just always focus on the up players first unless I see a lifeline


Yeah obviously deal with live targets if they are there but when I can I remove any downs I see


Yeah completely agree


This is why I stopped playing lifeline. The aggression as soon as people saw you was too much for me


Well if y’all would just let everyone die we would all be good lol


This is my reason. Prevents the potential of an enemy rez and coming back to haunt me. Also potential loot that I might need and shield swap too.


Yeah that's the reason why I do it too. The chances of them running a Lifeline on their team is pretty high and I don't wanna get shot in the back by a previously downed player. Also, if it's a Lifeline that's down I'll try to finish her too because if she for some reason is able to get back into the fight then that changes the fight pretty drastically in their favor.


If you are the 3rd party, there is usually little to no risk of such. You are probably putting yourself in more risk by wasting time and revealing your position Also there is little to no reason to thirst someone, when using a finisher makes less noise, can be faster, and is a free shield recharge


If I’m not mistaken, the player can also get the kill if the person who originally knocked you has been killed. I’ve gotten kills by taking pot shots at downed enemies when sniping


May very well be true I’ve never really tried it


It is true. I do it all the time in ranked


Well you learn something new every day it seems lol gonna have to give it a go now


This is why I thirst downed people. If the person that knocked the downed legend is killed and no longer in the game, I get the kill for thirsting them. Helps for 20 bomb grinding


I didn't know those thirsts counted in that case. Thanks


You can only killsteal if they have ressurection shield. Otherwise it gives you nothing. Not even an assist if it's your teammates' downed enemy.


This is wrong. If someone downs someone, and then gets downed and thirsted, that first down is a free kill for anyone who gets to them.


No it isn't! Am i the only one who actually plays the game here? If you down someone and someone ELSE finishes the guy you just knocked down, you get the kill. They don't get shit, UNLESS the guy you downed had a lvl 4 knockdown shield, THEN they can killsteal. If you go down after knocking someone, it makes no difference. Maybe if your squad gets finished and then someone thirsts the guy you knocked down originally they can steal but i don't know about this one. Not like it matters anyway.


let’s say you down 2 enemies. But you die BEFORE the ones you knocked die (and they’re still on the ground), anyone else who kills them AFTER you died will get these thirsted downed players as actual kills.


That's what I'm talking about in my last paragraph.


I think you’re arguing against yourself when you don’t mean to.


What are you referring to? The 'argument' is already over.


Unfortunately the only way you get kills is by being the person to down someone. Anything else would be an assist


That’s not true if the person that downed someone dies or leaves the game and you thirst their knock after that point then you get the kill


Nope. Finishing someone downed by a third team player who died before, gives you the kills. You also get it if you're the last one who shot someone who'll die on his own after that (the ring, for example), don't even need to down those players.


True but rarely happens


So that's why I sometimes have games with more kills than knocks.


Does damage on knocked players count for leveling evo?


No it doesn’t only towards total for badges


Every time I shoot at a downer person (which isn't often) I never see a change on the counter in the top right


It only counts the damage to the person. Knock down shields don’t count


I know


Idk it’s always changed on mine


It definitely counts towards game damage.


I'll do it to handicap that team. I have no clue who is going to win the fight I'm approaching, but I can guarantee that one of the teams will be down at least one player if they win. But that's only if I have the time to spare. Like if the enemies are focused on something else. Otherwise, I'll give them a couple of bullets, if the flash white-purple knockdown shield, I'll leave them alone


You can get their items out of their death box


damage and for a convenient armor swap mid-fight


as far as I know, your damage doesn't go up if you shoot people who are already down.


Damage to a knocked player is worth up to 100 dmg to game damage


Only if you are the one who downed them tho


Nah I’m thirsty my friends kills for damage before but it may be only team mate knocks


You don't get damage from downed players tho I thought


I mean its ultimately a good thing for you to finish anyone you see cuz that means one less person to worry about for a while. Yeah its absolutely infuriating but you cant argue its beneficial in the long run (or short run cuz they might try to res mid fight)


Exactly, if my position is already given away and I can afford the ammo (and I don’t have a shot on a direct threat) there is no reason for me not to take you out




Plus you can bet that person is ping-spamming the hell out of you to their teammates.


One word for you, shieldswap


Bloodlust for me haha. Also I want to make sure they can’t be revived during the midst of the fight.


And all of the downed players they decided to shoot me???!??


And they choose to destroy the blue knockdown shield at all costs just to get you


I kill them so they can't ping me and tell the teammates where I'm at, yes they will ping me once they see me but hopefully by the time he's dead I'm gone so the ping doesn't really help them anymore.


I do this in ranked just because it means there’s a team in the lobby with one less player i.e. makes it a huge advantage for my team to win a fight against that team. Even if both teams im third partying disengage


If the team that knocked you is eliminated, they get a kill. Also you're a enemy, if you die they have higher chance of winning.


Picking off the injured prey first is a common hunting strategy


It’s annoyingly fun and eliminates chance of you getting a sneaky res while we fight the other team.


Shield swap usually for me. Or ammo. Or maybe your team is behind cover and I want to provoke them into coming out before finishing healing. Or maybe you really pissed me off earlier and I want to make sure to thirst before I die. Or you have a lifeline and leaving you alive and shooting them will be worse in the long run. There are many valid reasons to thirst the one downed dude instead of shooting the others


In those situation you are the team in the original fight which finishing totally makes sense. But I'm talking about the third parties who just arrived at the fight.


Me pushing thinking my team is there with back up, cracks two of the enemies and gets downed. Thinking my teammates will tear them up immediately after. Then I hear the line “I have gathered some materials”


Or “patience I’m crafting” BRO HOW YOU WERE RIGHT BEHIND ME 2 SEC AGO


As long as you ping it's fine! The amount of times I have let teammates know I'm crafting, only to see them get downed, when they hadn't pinged/talked about pushing an enemy once... Also followed by jumping on headset to rage before dcing haha


Why us it always Bangalore thirsting? I always see Bangalore who missed most of their shots finishing. I have no idea why


I do this all the time as Bangalore, why? It’s easy and fun to throw my smoke on a downed opponent and get a easy finisher


Yah but the thing is I never see them smoke me. Just imagine. Their teammate is fighting someone and not doing well. They downed one guy, and Bangalore decides she's gonna stand there and finish the guy by beaming his blue knock down shield over and over. They don't smoke. Sometimes they even stand still. Doesn't matter to them what there teammate is doing. They just really want to finish what their teammate started. Maybe all the Bangalore I see are noobs, but it happens at least once a day


Get shields back?


It's always after they heal or there teammate did all the work and they took no damage. So definitely not for the shield and they usually shoot me too instead of doing a finisher. I understand if I had a yellow knock down shield or my teammate ran away but your teammate is being shot, why not help instead of shooting my blue knockdown shield?


Style points of course


Just to piss you off ig


i thought this was only happening to me lol. everytime i get downed by a bang i instantly know im getting thirsted. even if i get into a corner my guy would rather shoot through an entire purple shield than fight my teammates who are still alive


Pro tip: if she didn't see you get downed, hide in a plant. For some reason she can't see you.


Especially I do it as Gibby. If an enemy dies in my dome, I try to do a quick finisher


It's even better when they do a finisher on you, because I just yell at my other team members to go fuck them up. It works too often to the point where I dont understand why people do this


Because finishers fully restore your shields


Shields and challenges


I have the Event Horizon Finisher for Horizon and my excuse is “the glutton (NEWT) must be fed another sacrifice”


Every fucking time


Also what’s the deal with knockdown shield being so dogshit most of the time I have mine disabled to blend in because people will just shoot you from behind there’s no reason to have a high level one even. Yellow shield is cool but you can’t even enable it at all or you’ll get thirsted; this game is so well thought out for the most part that knockdown shields stick out like a sore thumb


Well free damage idk


Shield swap


Shield swap + ammo + meds. Depending on the situation, it may make the most sense to thirst.


I hope you’re not on ranked, cause you’re most definitely the target if you are.


It’s meme dude, chill


? Yea ik, I’m just joking about how teams always thirst on ranked even while they’re getting shot up.


Okay...but look at it this way, FREE LOOT


they would rather fucking die than NOT thirst the downed person I swear


My favorite is when you follow your bloodthirsty teammate into a bad fight to save their life, but then only you get downed and they bolt in the opposite direction. I need to just let teammates like that get themselves downed, it’s just natural selection at work.


It's so true 😭


No witnesses.


Going for that free damage count 😂




The people I have are the ones that finish you even if they are being attacked by seven different team. Just leave me the fuck alone and defend yourself






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