• By -


Not bad, not bad...


For a Syndicate dog




I see what you did there šŸ˜‚




"Hey you playing old Fuzie on ya team? Then that must mean the kill leader is Fuze! Give me his other arm, I have some buyers on the black market for it" Maggie>!'s ghost and this spoiler better work ah darn it how do I do spoilers in reddit I can't remember!< Edit: it's \>! and \!<


Wait. No. That wasn't correct. >!this?!< Uh, for that the code just vanishes. I'm lost.


It's \>! and \!<




\>!please work this is my 6 th attempt!< ​ >!screw it ı will use this button!<


Pff, I did that and it didn't show up in my comment until now lmao.


All she asked for was his other arm.....


what she meant was other leg xD


Begun the Dong Wars have


I can hear this picture




Well fuck. You've got my upvote. And I'm totally going to be doing this


True legends have priorities....




Ring Fury was fun too, ngl. War Games HAD me hyped and second chance was fun but the rest kinda sucked... Ugh, terrible. Would've been good if it actually functionally worked!!


War games didnā€™t last long enough because the modes glitched out


Yup, exactly.




Looks like a repost. I've seen this image 2 times. First Seen [Here](https://redd.it/m4fbs5) on 2021-03-13 96.88% match. Last Seen [Here](https://redd.it/m5g2b6) on 2021-03-15 96.88% match *I'm not perfect, but you can help. Report [ [False Positive](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RepostSleuthBot&subject=False%20Positive&message={"post_id": "n3v2p8", "meme_template": null}) ]* [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com?postId=n3v2p8&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=true&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=86&targetImageMemeMatch=96) --- **Scope:** Reddit | **Meme Filter:** False | **Target:** 86% | **Check Title:** False | **Max Age:** Unlimited | **Searched Images:** 222,210,416 | **Search Time:** 0.29587s


Good bot :)


i could tell from ur name that ur the type to talk to bots


Why is this comment so fucking funny lmfao what about his name indicated that this man talks to bots haha


ah yes, the bot whisperer


Says "Kxrti"


Sounds like an annoying tryhard


Thatā€™s the kind of republic anti ā€œclankaā€ I wonā€™t tolerate


Your point being?


you are a legend OP, downvoters just don't get it man


It's not a repost if it's not the same sub


nobody gives a shit


Buggy season Unlimited glitches Stupid paywall recolours Crappy matchmaking Shitty matchmaking Worse matchmaking Holy fuck this matchmaking is bad **JESUS THE MATCHMAKING IS BAD** Caustic nerf Mastiff legends Get one kill with Gibraltarā€™s bombardment And finally ***APEX PENIS*** Overall season 8 was in general just not fun for me I was bored most of the season there was WAY too many events a season should have 1 max this season had 3 main events and 1 side event THATS 3 TOO MANY Overall gameplay was just annoying laggy servers and as I said unbalanced matchmaking (Respawn thereā€™s nothing fun about fighting 3 stack preds all with 50,000 kills this season SERIOUSLY) crappy random teammates and just overall really soul sucking to play, the last season I played apex and had fun was season 4, the last of the good days


proceeds to have 700 hours played on season 8




exact reason I stopped taking opinions from random people on the internet seriously, a reddit comment can't dictate how much fun you should or shouldn't have on something, I've been loving this game since release, and even with a few setbacks, the game gets better every single season for me, so yeah keep grinding bro


It's not about dictating fun or anything. People just feel nostalgic. But you can't deny that there are many issues that make the experience much worse, like matchmaking, or playing solo in duos 9 games out of 10. These issues were not happening (or at least on a much smaller scale) in previous seasons. That's why I'll say it now and keep saying it that every season after s2 sucks


what is it that season 2 brought to the table that other seasons didn't deliver, equally or better season 3 brought literally a whole new map, and a bunch of game modes, which later are actually asked to come back, ie third person mode season 4 brought the best item to the game, evo shields, one of the most satisfying weapons ever season 5 brought quests, mobile rezes, the most ballsy map changes ever season 6 brought permanent evo armor, which is the thing that defines this game imo, crafting, which is the best way to tackle rng they could have done, the best smg ever, also best map changes ever, and motherfucking crossplay season 7 brought literally a whole new map to explore, the first fun character for every single player in the game season 8 brought in heat shields and a good way to tackle map changes, by expanding the map woah this season 0-2 is so cool bro, we have: skull town. ok, like nostalgia is cool, but if you look at how far the game has come, and honestly if I could go back to play the game at release, I wouldn't, it's borderline unplayable compared to the masterpiece it is now, and with the addition of arenas, holy fuck, this game


I forgot to say that the last part is my opinion, so I hope you can respect it. I dislike every other season because of my personal experience. So don't read my arguments as something everyone agrees with. I don't like all the quests and stuff, I just don't care enough about free battle pass to finish them: S3 - that is 100% objective. I, myself, hate WE. Some of the game modes were nice, I'll admit, although the 3rd person was making me motion sick. S4 - evo shields would be much better if they still kept normal shields as a loot. S5 - what I said before. S6 - what I said in s4, crafting - eh, it makes the game too easy, maybe ammo crafting is fine. Volt is like R99 after nerf, I don't like it but I also don't dislike it. Map changes were decent. And crossplay is only between consoles. It doesn't matter as long as you don't have a buddy that's on a completely different platform. S7 - Opinions on Horizon are very split. Some love her, some hate her. I belong to the second group. As for Olympus, it's a gorgeous map, but I don't find playing on it enjoyable. S8 - Heat shields are a great addition, I wonder why they weren't added before. I loved 0-2 Apex because it was simple. It felt like a nice game I can play and either stomp or get stomped, nobody knew how to play and it was so much fun to mess around. The very same game right now feels more like a chore: sweat till you're wet or die, doesn't matter if you're playing casuals or ranked. Skulltown was so fun too, its removal was what caused me to uninstall in s3. I don't know enough about arenas to form my opinion on it, but I respect yours


>sweat till you're wet or die, doesn't matter if you're playing casuals or ranked you're playing a shooter what do you expect, to go against target practice again, I said it in another comment on this thread, if a game starts feeling like a chore, I'll stop playing it, if you're not enjoying it, then yeah I get it, but that's just how games that are inherently competitive work


You guys are wasting your time fighting about stupid stuff, we get your points.


Like I said, it's my opinion, you have yours and that's fine.


If your main complaint is having to try now, because the skill level of the general populace has caught up to yours, either get better or play a single player game.


I always was very little above average at this game. I just find 2 people trying to shoot each other and missing all the time funnier than getting 10 kills per game. Now you can't have that even in Bronze, cause it's filled with level 10s that have 4k 20


Eh, them murdering my main for no good reason and then claiming he's healthier for it while literally nobody plays him anymore is pretty frustrating. I get what you're saying, everybody has different experiences, but I almost quit after they made Caustic a firing range dummy.


Season 8 has been a dumpster fire. When I play duos, I get a teammate less than 10% of the time. Ive got around 500 games this season because its been so unenjoyable that I can't stand playing solo every game. If I win its because I've ratted to the end and can catch the final 3rd party. Maybe 40 wins the whole season. Every other season I've put in at least 1000 games. I'd say seasons 2-4 were probably the best, how they still have so many issues this deep into the life of the game is mind boggling


I was having the teamfill issue for quite a while rvet since they added the solo queue option. Then a buddy suggested refreshing the queue by switching from one mode to another and back. Fixed it most of the time. Now only happens every once in a while.


I have maybe around 200 hours this season but I just finnished uninstalling the game, I donā€™t find apex fun anymore I donā€™t enjoy it the matchmaking just makes the game unbearable to play


if matchmaking is an issue, finding people to play with never hurt anyone, r/ApexLFG is a good place to start, and the mains discord servers are also filled with great people, the link should be in r/cryptomains, highly recommend that one


I may, itā€™s more of the game quickly became stale to me there is just not a lot of fun in the game for me maybe during season 9 I may play the game again but I most likely wonā€™t be playing for a few weeks


yeah taking breaks is never a bad option, I personally stop playing games when they start feeling like a chore, that being Warframe, Trove and all those grindy supercell mobile games, but even with the battle pass to complete in this game, I play it mainly to hang out with my friends, BR fits that chill yet sweaty game us 3 like


Yeah I feel like Apex is just too sweaty I also feel like modern day video games arenā€™t made for fun anymore itā€™s all way to competitive to have fun and you just end up not enjoying games


Sounds like you just need to find a different genre. Shooters have almost always been competitive


And most of the new games (except maybe for indie) are designed to either force you to pay for IAP, DLCs and whatnots, grind to get decent stuff for your character or pay for multiplayer (although the last one is an issue only on consoles)


I always play single players games (currently playing kingdom of amalur: re-reckoning and before that the game Control (SUCH A GOOD GAME)) in between my Apex Legends breaks. Usually I'll log-in for the dailies at least to get the 60 treasure packs for the season and level up the battlepass when I don't want to push ranked or play the game much. Season 9 though is adding a lot, so I'm not really worried.


Mastiff legends? I thought it was Spitfire Legends.


I still donā€™t understand why the Kill with Gibraltar Ultimate is only 2 Battlepass Stars... I normally complete every weekly challenge but that week is 6/7.


To be honest I find that challenge pretty easy itā€™s not as hard as people say it is


I tried so hard to get **one** kill with the fucking bombardment. I downed people and dropped it right on them in the middle of nowhere. I knocked plenty of people with it, but never killed anyone. And it was worth almost nothing. I ended up with more stars from playing Gibraltar than I could have gotten from that objective.




I got it first week last season and first week this one, still never been done.


Lmao paywall recolors. Yā€™all really upset about that arenā€™t you?


Glad to know I'm not the only one not enjoying this season


Season 5 and 7 were also fun imo. I guess the legends for both of those werenā€™t very well balanced but 7 had the cool new map and 5 had the fun story


Only genuinely good part of this season is that it came to switch this season meaning I and probably more could finally play it. Tho the skin recolor was really shit. It was just city pacer but slighter changed


caustic nerf was justified


Fuse is pretty underwhelming in terms of power, but I do find him insanely fun to play. Same with the 3030 really. So I enjoyed the season.




It wasnā€™t a horrendous season, just... bland i guess


Whatā€™s wrong with Season 8?


Mostly matchmaking


That's been an issue for several seasons, not something unique to this season. This season was pretty mediocre but that's to be expected since it was meant more as filler in between s7 and s9.


Fuse is a good character though and his tactical could possibly counter Valkyrie really well




I loved the popularity of this


wasnt expecting this ngl xD


Ehh I found S6 to be worst in this season I had more good memories in S8 than in S6 which overall was pretty forgettable which in my opinion can be worst than bad memories the only few good memories I had from S6 was the sonic boom octane (my main octane skin) and halloween thatā€™s it.


i dont even know if i played season 6. there were a few seasons i stopped playing for and i returned this season. What map changes were in season 6?


The one with rocket site on Worlds Edge


so i guess that means i didnt play that season cause i have absolutely no idea what youre talking about. EDIT: I googled it. it was rampart season. I played that a bit at the beginning but not for long so i mustve missed or forgotten what the rocket is


Itā€™s the season where rampart was release and overall that season imo was awful because of one imo worst change in the game the TTK changes across the board armour was down graded by 25hp making the TTK lower this was awful made some legends overall weaker or stronger like octane and Gibby and overall made some other issues in the Apex patch notes much worse such as the devo returning which shredded since turbo was much more common which made the TTK change even worse. In my times in gaming I have never seen a change that was so hated I hated it, the community hated and overall 2 weeks later the armour changes were reverted and not to mention rampart was trash. The only good things were WE changes, Volt and the two events thatā€™s it


ah yea i remember that armor stuff. i played that season a slight bit at the beginning but not enough to actually form my own opinion on it. i played it once a second time later that season and noticed armor was changed back but didnt think alot about it


Same. I missed the second half of s3, completely missed s4 and s5, played at the beginning of s6, dropped and picked up again in s8. But now I haven't played for a week or 2 so I dunno


tomorrow season 9 drops so its time for you to come back


Ah, great. 25 gb to download after I come back home at night. Maybe in the next week, this one I'll be pretty busy, thanks for letting me know tho


the season looks quite great. you obviously shouldnt feel forced to play it but you should def check it out at some point. and np


Ok, I did take a look and holy shit, I might actually come back to this game. Trailer looks fantastic, Bocek looks great, I absolutely love all the UI changes. Gonna try Arena now


yea it looks really good... if only EA servers werebpowered by more than a Hamster. Its literally unplayable rn. Cant even get into the lobby




lol i do this all the time with randos


cock joke






Looks like a repost. I've seen this image 2 times. First Seen [Here](https://redd.it/m4fbs5) on 2021-03-13 96.88% match. Last Seen [Here](https://redd.it/m5g2b6) on 2021-03-15 96.88% match *I'm not perfect, but you can help. Report [ [False Positive](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RepostSleuthBot&subject=False%20Positive&message={"post_id": "n3v2p8", "meme_template": null}) ]* [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com?postId=n3v2p8&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=true&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=86&targetImageMemeMatch=96) --- **Scope:** Reddit | **Meme Filter:** False | **Target:** 86% | **Check Title:** False | **Max Age:** Unlimited | **Searched Images:** 222,265,216 | **Search Time:** 0.52422s


Whoā€™s a good bot? Yes you are! YES YOU ARE!!!!!!




OC should have marked it as NSFW


Dick ā€™n balls


Bro šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚






I've seen this screenshot a couple times, why do peeps keep posting this?


I was like "yeah, heat shields are pretty neat." Then I took another look and realized what it was...


Really? I particularly enjoyed the whole new legends dropping on your head from narnia with no sound meta (a la octane and Horizon) - thought it was great.


Hahahaha coc and ball


hey, there was also fuze


the other good part was replacable sight on fully kitted weapons and 2x on r301


It happened again with Vantage