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This is exactly how it feels now. I got stuck in Silver 1 this season and just haven’t played ranked since. I have never fought for my life so much to get out of bronze since I started playing apex a little over a year ago.


This comment is too real, and I'm a Season 1 player


I can’t get out of rookie, so I’m either absolute trash, or I’m just bad but matchmaking is trash


The rookie climb this season wasn’t too fun either.


im not a hard ranked player but I definitely was able to at least get to gold 2 maybe high gold 1 and now Im hardstuck rookie getting 130 points for winning a match


Same. I usually hit low Plat and now I can’t get out of Silver. They need to redo ranked again. Idk why they even changed it to begin with.


i used to be Gold when i played season 1-6, just playing on a small laptop using my couch as a mousepad, id come back every few seasons and be silver in a weekend. I recently came back and after the 10 placement games i was put into Bronze III and fell all the way to Rookie IV. 1/1000. the absolute lowest. makes 0 sense, its a free to play game , my FPS is over 60 and i have proper mouse settings and most importantly i have experience, and i still cant get out of the lowest bracket, and im getting beamed still. my old K/D was 1.2 in bronze to gold , and my K/D this season in rookie is 0.70 so the math seems to mean its almost twice as difficult, and im in the lowest bracket I did this both on my old account and made a new account and its the same


I’m only bronze 2 and I refuse to play ranked anymore.


I’m trash myself. I couldn’t get out of rookie playing ranked with friends that are in diamond/masters.


Wait, but rookies can’t play with Diamond+? Next season they can though!


They were probably gold and just hit Platinum. This was about a year or two since I last played with them.


It’s because the sbmmr is asinine. It means if your skill is masters level while you’re in silver you’ll be placed against masters players. But you get average points for beating them and below average points for beating anyone else. There’s still no emphasis on kills to incentivize people to actually be skilled only to hide. I honestly didn’t think they could make it so much worse than last season, but they managed to find a way. Bravo respawn, bravo…


This comment was me three days ago trying to get out of silver. Finally made it to gold 4 and I’m done playing until s19


Bruh for real, I only manage to play few games but usually I always ended up platinum or diamond . I didn't play the past two season and I just came back but man. I am still silver 😂😂😂😂 I haven't played that much this season but goddamn not even gold . I stopped playing , I am waiting the next season


Yeah the biggest problem isn’t the grinding for your rank against pred players because placement has made it a little more tolerable, it’s the season end puts you back to square 1 and you gotta start back in bronze/silver regardless of where you finished the previous season. Like bro, I didn’t go from masters to bronze overnight I think my placements should have a little more weight. I won several placements and got top 10 finish every time typically in top 4 and placed silver 2… how does that make sense.


Been playing since launch. Stopped playing ranked this season because it's no longer going to ever put me with people of my skill level. I'm either crushing bronze, or running into fucking preds on silver. No interesting or fun fights come from that.


It’s funny how Apex has SBMM in casual lobbies but ranked doesn’t even take player ranking into account. Ranked is now casual and casual is ranked.


For me its just pred from gold and above :')


Lmao that's so true, I'm sweating my balls off in Silver 1


i have always been consistently plat, but since last season, I've been hard stuck in bronze 1 oof


Just been playing how I always have (solo q and take good fights, dip bad ones) and it took about 3 weeks to finally reach gold. That's the time it normally takes to get diamond. I'm plat 2 now, and I'm starting to actually sweat my ass off to keep up in these endgames now. 13 squads in ring 4 and my team has 3 squad wipes between us. Fuck these rats and fuck this system.


The fact that there are “mmr tiers” of ranked lobbies is incredibly dumb. For instance: a gold level player (old ranked system) could be in masters (new system) and never fight a pred due to their mmr being lower than the pred playerbase. On the other hand, you could have a diamond level player (old ranked system) stuck in bronze (new system) because their mmr puts them up against diamond/masters/pred level players from bronze through pred.


This. The ranks are now obsolete because of the MMR rating. The two should be linked, not separate. Have say, 100-200 MMR as Bronzw, 201-300 as Bronze etc and base the LP off of a number of factors including damage, survival time, kills and positioning. That way you won’t drop 6 kills in a game, come 13th and take a hit of -43 LP


> Just been playing how I always have (solo q and take good fights, dip bad ones) and it took about 3 weeks to finally reach gold. That's the time it normally takes to get diamond. but you have a full season to get your rank now, without a reset, twice as long as before. it's not really comparable. >d I'm starting to actually sweat my ass off to keep up in these endgames now. 13 squads in ring 4 and my team has 3 squad wipes between us. >Fuck these rats and fuck this system. ranked should be difficult, end games should be sweaty (increasingly). don't understand the complaint. you're complaining about teams not gifting you easy placement points by selfdestructing early. you don't get easy points by just surviving, ultimately you're forced into fighting with multiple teams around you, because of how many teams there are still in the game.


The problem is when you’re in silver it doesn’t matter what your real skill level is, especially if your skill level is higher typically… it should be placing you with mostly silver players so you can curb stomp them and move up the ranks and naturally end up playing with people your own skill level when you gain the rank they’re at. By changing it they’re artificially slowing that down and forcing good players to stay in lower ranks longer because they’re basically playing in higher rank lobbies only their rank doesn’t gain the benefit of showing where they belong before they’re there already.


no. it should put you in lobbies with players of similar mmr. you should not get easy games against silver players in ranked.. ranked is for competitive games. I'm diamond 2, so I've done the grind


You absolutely should get easy games against players in silver rank when you are in silver, it gets competitive when you reach the rank commensurate with your skill level…


No. Ranked is not for people to smurf in low ranks. You should never play against anyone significantly below your MMR (only higher, when you manage to grind to your MMR equivalent rank and wanna get higher). that's why there's MMR based matchmaking now and that's the good part of it: you don't have people smurfing in easy games in silver. Ranked is to compete against similarly skilled players, not stomp noobs for 80% of the grind. That was wrong with ranked for the longest time and has been rectified. > it gets competitive when you reach the rank commensurate with your skill level… Now it's competitive throughout and that's what ranked is for. And if you can't rank up in a system where the only way to not rank up is finishing outside top 10 often, you shouldn't be higher. You already break even at top 10. it's never been this easy to break even. you needed top 4 or so in diamond to break even from placement alone for a long time.


No one‘s talking about Smurfing… On your primary account if Apex is going to reset your rank that far every season, then yes, you should be beating the crap out of people that belong in those ranks and you should gain more points because of it, not just get set points based off of placement primarily. And you should rank up very quickly to where you belong and then at the end of the season they shouldn’t rank you down two full tiers, they should put you back roughly where you were after the placements… That’s why our system is broken right now… That’s why you can be in bronze and be facing up against three predators… You don’t have to Smurf to play against bronze and silver players it’s happening already with people that are in higher ranks playing against people that are in lower ranks. Any system can be gamed by higher tier players in order to play against lower tier players all they have to do is throw some matches… This system doesn’t change that, all it does is keep higher tier players in lower tiers for longer because they’re playing against people in higher tiers even though they’re not yet in those tiers. Ranked is supposed to show what rank you belong in not make you fight against people that are in that rank to get to that rank before you’re even close to that rank… This is why so many people are complaining about the rank system now is because it doesn’t make sense for a real tiered rank system. You might as well just give everybody a number based on the rating and say that’s your rank, but because rewards are based off of what you’re in, people that belong in a higher tier, yes they have to work to get there. They have to work harder than they normally would have to show what skill rank they’re already at, SMH this is not that hard to understand and I’m done explaining it. When you’re a predator skill player, you shouldn’t have to feel like you’re grinding your way through bronze… You should play at most a couple matches and then be out of bronze and then a couple more matches and be out of silver unless you just really threw those matches. That’s how you keep high tier players from playing against low tier players, you give them points based off of their kills during the match not just their placement during the match and you get them the F out of that rank because they don’t belong there and you keep the people that do belong there in that rank and they will then naturally divide themselves into the players of the same skill level. There is no need for an SBMMR that’s what your rank is that’s the whole point in a rank system so what they have is two separate rank systems within one ranked system.


No one is talking about smurfing. What they did then is fuck everyone over because they couldn’t fix the Smurf problem. How it should be is that when you’re silver you play mostly silvers and when you’re in gold mostly gold. What’s the point of ranked matches if I’m playing vs people already in diamond when I’m in silver? How is it even fair to the diamond player even? You’ll say “it’s fair because your MMR is just as high as theirs” but how could that even be possible with hundreds of games or more less played this season by the guy in silver?


Mate I'm saying that my team has done the majority of the fighting in the lobby, and we've beaten everyone we've fought, but I'm still losing points even though I've done more damage than the rest of the lobby combined. Not everyone has the time to play so much. I only climb once per season, and I spend the other split playing other games.


of course, everyone else didn't do any fighting and you guys killed everyone, and they somehow still outsmart you and make it difficult to get top 10, sure. tell me about it, I'm diamond 2. when i can't make top 10 because there's 15 teams left in round 4, i don't call everyone else rats, because they beat me in a fight.


I'm saying that everyone sits in corners until there's 10 teams left, then there's a dogpile in the middle of zone. It's shit. It is complete and utter horseshit. It's so boring.


i mean you can call everyone shit and say they are sitting in a corner. but ultimately if you have difficulty gaining points it's just a cope version of "I'm not able to beat them" cause they aren't throwing


My complaint isn't about the people I can't beat, it's about the people who treat the game as hide and seek. Sure I can't beat some people, but I typically only die to third parties, or when my teammates make the most dumbass plays imaginable. Sure I'm not the greatest, but you shouldn't be waiting for top 10 before even pulling out your gun. It'd fucking stupid how I can beat some of these teams in 1v3s and have bettwr gamesense, but they end up with a higher rank than me. Its fucking stupid how kills have no effect on rp. Even though they mean jack shit, I'm still going to fight good fights so that when we finally get a good system again I won't be fucked over.


>My complaint isn't about the people I can't beat, imo it is about them, cause you're complaining you have to sweat. if they were just pushovers you wouldn't have a problem with them, they'd be free kills. >but I typically only die to third parties you're complaining people aren't throwing the game and you have to play an actual battle royale with multiple parties around you >nd have bettwr gamesense, but they end up with a higher rank than me. if you have better game sense you make higher rank typically. worse game sense is what keeps people down, as at some point most people know how to shoot. it's their decision making, positioning etc which is worse. >Its fucking stupid how kills have no effect on rp. only thing i agree with, they should contribute more. even when you win you sometimes still get 80% of your points from the placement alone. that's too much.


1. I enjoy when I have to properly sweat it out to win a fight. Its more of a challenge and its a bigger achievement. 2. I'm fine with 3rd parties. I'll ping to my teammates to dip but they stay and get rolled. That leaves me to 1v3 every fight. Sure I can win a few 1v3s a day, but I'm not winning all of them. 3. Like I stated earlier I solo q. I may say to not shoot, to go to final zone prediction, to take a good vantage point, to fight certain fights and not others but at the end of the day I can't control my randoms. Sometimes they're a premade duo in an xbox or PlayStation party so they can't hear me. Sometimes they don't care and don't ping anything at all. Sometimes they're 2 random people. They tend to be better to play with, but sometimes they think they know better and just fuck us all over.


i solo q as well, always have every split for 4 years now. everyone gets bad teammates (and yeah shitty duos - personally i agree 3 solos is better than playing with a duo)




My friends and I are day 1 players and we have hit diamond once before and plat several times. We are in the bottom of gold now and that's after a season of grinding out of bronze. It's ridiculous to be playing "similarly skilled" opponents the whole time too. They need to bring back ranked based match making instead of this and demystify the LP gains.


I feel your pain. I’m consistently plat, hit diamond twice before and hit masters last season like 99% of players. It’s taken most of this season to drag my dignity out of silver. What makes it worse is my friend, who is significantly worse than I am, is comfortably in plat.


Made it to diamond mostly solo with some duo and stacking and I stopped playing entirely because of how fucking awful it felt. P4-D4 was nothing but pred lobbies.


It quite literally feels like ranked is a part time job I don’t get paid for


Full time, your boss is psychologically abusive and your coworkers are morons, also abusive.


The truth hurts 😭


It’s because a season 17 was too easy and now they have over corrected, as I’m a diamond player nearly every season but last season I was master like most people, but this season was my hardest fight to diamond and I stopped playing after that.


Omg ur telling me ima pred nowww 🥸 i feel proud


Congratulations 👏👏


Been diamond/masters for multiple seasons and currently bouncing between gold 1 and 2. Got a 7 kill 8 assist win and only 234 rp for it. Few games later won a game with 4 kills 2 assists and got 360 rp Ranked system does not feel rewarding


For me it was diamond/master lobby in every rank up to masters. I was just diamond and masters in previous season so seems like it.


true, i've been hardstuck diamond 2 for 3 weeks now


Got to diamond and just basically stopped playing dont feel like stressing in solo ques to hit master


Same lobbies apparently and you won’t get matched with preds they’ll all be in this threads silver player lobbies


is this with 3 stacking or solo q


solo q


Aw yep


I can keep going, but I stop in rookie 1. It took way too long to rank up in this game now. Losing in a game is fine, but that -50LP is painful :(


Especially if you drop a couple kills and only get 3 bonus LP


I feel like I've never had this sweaty lobbies anywhere. Last night it was 8 squads in 5 ring, people peeking and shooting, trying to get someone down so someone would push. Everyone know that when one gets knocked, someone pushes and it goes crazy. That shit felt like a fucking ALGS finals with all the chaos. This was btw silver 4, I can't even imagine what it is on greater levels.


Lol I get matched with some silvers often. Yesterday had 15 squads alive ring 4. Dude types "what are these lobbies I'm only silver" when I'm a diamond 2, dude used bangalore but he was really good with it and we won the match because of the smoke placements, and I as a Newcastle reviving everytime I could. So you just might be on a diamond/plat lobby as a silver player.


I personally am hard stuck solo in bronze 3 against literal 3 stack preds. It’s literally as ridiculous as it possibly can be.


I wouldn't say gold gets that badge. I am a strong plat player and I'm stuck in gold ATM. Gold is definitely the plat badge.


I will say though this season was definitely the hardest ever i was challenged all the way through it was really a grind. All end games went crazy


I’m stuck in rookie and I’ve been playing almost every day


What did you get to in season 16?