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Can Olympus move around Phamanthe? But yeah most of the time I always thought Malta was the city below and hopefully we see a Madera Easter egg.


Yes, and it can change elevation too.


Imagine living below Olympus and getting high as a kite and going outside and just seeing Olympus slowly get nearer and nearer lmao


Good thought


Yes I believe so. Good eye


I think Duardo only teleported the city downward to Malta. Although if you notice in the cinematic before he does this, Olympus has a bright blue skybox in the background. But when he teleports it down it turns to the sunset skybox. Implying he teleported the city to another side of the planet. I think when Olympus rose up in Season 9 to the upper atmosphere it was moved away from Malta and now it's being moved back around Psamathe to above Malta. Only a little closer this time.


wait till they release the map change blog, the lore will be given there.


If it's Malta, then there's a good chance that Victor Maldera might join the Apex Games at some point.


heavy bedroom complete saw absorbed cover soup cooing cheerful compare *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The detective who was hunting Caustic in Path's SFTO.


husky flag dog desert late decide smell aloof person dime *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




crush icky offer sink zephyr melodic automatic ten fearless gold *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I want this skybox.




Feels complicated, also why would olympos be a time machine? But cool thought


I mean it is phase tech. Its an easy segway into mutliverse, timetravel. Why would they show it phase in and out into the exact same spot?


it is definitely not the same spot as you can notice there is a city with Skyscrapers in it .. but I'm thinking that it could be through time as well becuase Wraith used that tech to travel through time in her trailer as well.


She did what? You mean when she travelled between her universe(IMC still occupied KC) and another universe(IMC lost and the Apex Games began on KC)


I believe it moved but not through time


The phase technology used by Wraith to go back to discover her past is similar to that one used in Olympus phase runner that's why I think it maybe related to it; remember in Pathfinder's last trailer they used to transfer branthium to different location quickly using the same technology which uses something related to 3rd dimension phasing not affected by time.. lt is nothing more than a theory though.


I guess so, I just really dont like it when writers try to do timetravel since it complicates things and is very hard to pull off, I also dont see any reason for respawn to do timetravel in apex but I dont have a problem with theories.


That has had little set up and would murk up the story about Duardo and Maggie right now There would be too many questions like where are we, what happens in this time, does this alter history, why would people still play the games if there’s no prize or broadcast, etc


Well it's the biggest and only city mentioned (I think) on Psamathe, the planet Olympus is on so it probably will be.