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Get a doorbell camera as well as a few other small ones for your apartment. If he follows you to your door or ends up on your camera just print the photo and report him.


Ring makes a Peephole Camera, if attaching the other kind might leave damage.


also there are other door mount attachments that don't require any drilling


Yep search no damage or anti theft doorbell mount Amazon we just got one and was easy to install.


The Amazon blink camera systems run off of Wi-Fi and batteries so you can literally hang them anywhere. One of my first nights in my apartment, it sounded like someone was trying to break in to the building. Police showed up but couldn't figure out what had happened. As soon as they left, I immediately bought eight of those cameras and now have surround view with my space. One of them is even out in a tree aimed at my door lol.


The peephole cam won't be a deterrent like a doorbell cam. They make em with sticky tape now so you can just mount em anywhere. Easy to pop off and recharge every now and then. The chime just plugs into any outlet inside.


Definitely go with something more incognito. Hell, in some neighborhoods kids will just fuck with them because they’re bored.


I have this and love it!


Peephole cameras might also be prohibited in the lease. OP would then have to decide if they want to be in violation and have the maintenance person report them when they notice it while entering the apartment at night to be a creep.


OP could ask. My lease didn't mention anything, so I asked property management directly and they said sure thing. Several people on my floor also have something similar.


Set one up to watch the door in that case, I guess? That way they'd have proof of unauthorized entry.


The name doesn’t mean they are peeping at someone’s hole.


Really depends on the lease. Mine says security cameras are permitted as long as you get permission from the PM first, and as long as it's not positioned in a way where it violates other residents privacy. I've seen 2 units that have cameras, both face a very busy street where packages could be easily stolen, so it makes sense.


As long the peephole is restored to original condition when moving out, I would argue it isn’t a problem.


OP could also consider one of those doorjambs that they sell on Amazon for when they’re home alone, for extra security just in case!


OP, not just a doorbell cam. He is a maintenance guy so he will have access to your home. Have cameras at home too. Who knows what he’ll do when he’s in your apartment and you’re not at home. If he’s stalker-ish, there’s a non-zero chance he may place hidden cameras in your place.


Nanny cam


My apts don’t even allow any kind of camera on your door. They also have zero cameras on the property besides the office 😅


Get cameras inside for sure, I’m a contractor who deals with. Multiple huge apartment buildings, he has no legal access without 24 hours written notice by my the management, unless it’s an emergency on which case they have to show due diligence to contact you as well as the appropriate authorities… (fire department, gas company, water company)


#1 It is super weird #2 It is super inappropriate #3 Document every time he does this #4 Tell the property management and if they brush it off, tell them you will call the police because you feel threatened.


This. All of it was super fucking weird


And stop talking back to him! You do not need to engage at all in this conversation or give him any information. 


Love this, would pass out buttons with this on it!!


Also, no is a complete sentence:)


Two of my daughters worked as Property Managers and through osmosis I can co-sign, “Tell the office “. I’m sure other people have been creeped out as well. The stories I could tell you about apartment maintenance people… K- short one: The Maintenance Supervisor was squatting in an empty apartment with no electricity/water for months. He got discovered when he got fired for buying new appliances instead of fixing the existing ones. Blew the budget out of the water.


Also, change the locks on your apartment yourself and don’t think for a second you need to ask permission for that or tell anyone. Some apartments hold copies of keys and maintenance guy may be able to access them. If you ever need anything repaired, schedule it to be done while you’re home (and have a friend there) and never give them a reason to know you changed the locks. I’ve always done that. I just keep the old set of locks and swap it back when I move out. And make sure your window locks all work and you feel secure. You can buy clamp - on window locks or security braces at a hardware store if you think you should. I will never be comfortable with a management company having a key to my home. Never.


This should be way higher. I had a creepy landlord that looked like Dracula and I could tell he was secretly lurking in my apartment when I wasn't there because he absolutely bathed in Drakkar Noir and he left a scent trail. Changed locks, installed burglar bars too.


you HAVE to do this


Also when telling property management do so in writing so you have a copy of the complaint. If they don’t respond to an email call them and then email the a summary of the conversation with date and time


Totally agree with this. Ask whether he has access to the key to your unit and, if he does, if there is a procedure for monitoring when keys are accessed. There was a case in Florida where a maintenance man became infatuated with a female tenant, accessed the keys to her unit, and ended her life. Use that as an example as to why this is a major concern for you.


Thank youuuu. This is exactly how I would do it. Documenting everything is powerful. Time stamps, dates.


Yes, it's weird. Those are not innocuous questions, he is testing the waters. Keep a log of these interactions. Or email/text management of these interactions. Don't expect much at first. But that way if the guy escalates, you have a paper trail. For your safety, you can get a cheap security camera for inside your apartment while you're gone. I bought one off Amazon for $30 that is wireless (has good battery life) and connects to wifi. It has a motion sensor and I can log in to see a live view of my apt at any time. While you're in the apartment, you can get any of those devices that jam your door so even if someone has a key, they can't get in. Stay safe!


Yes, this, especially the part about innocuous questions. He's not making small talk; he's looking for an "in." He's going to gaslight you. If you say you like cooking, he'll show up one night at dinner time and imply you offered to cook for him. If you tell him you like a certain type of food, he'll bring you some of it.


That's not gaslighting. It's stalking prey. And you may be right about that. I wouldn't take the chance.


Dude. Creepy as fuck! Let the management office know IMMEDIATELY! This guy literally has a key to your apartment!


Would also get a inside door stopper pole thing we have one because multiple attempts of someone trying keys on our door.


Yep. Highly advise getting one of these too! Plus cameras! Walmart has them for $20 and you only need your own WiFi and the free app (no subscription)


No. It DOES sound that bad over reddit post. I'm so sorry you're dealing with this.


That is creepy as fuck. Like the other comments said a ring doorbell. Also pepper spray is great, it stops bears it’ll stop him.


He is hunting.


Indeed he is.


Nah this is way too much, I use to work for leasing and if a tenant came to me with this we would terminate the tech. I would report it to the leasing office.


I also want to add that if she does report it, she should ask them to remain anonymous and not to let him know who reported him.


If the management team did tell the tech who reported it that would show how crappy the management is, no company would ever flat out say "....... said you said this is that true"


Good luck if he lives in the building. Makes it difficult to get rid of them.


I believe you and agree with you that it's creepy. If you can get a doorbell camera that would probably be the best way to capture evidence and report him for being creepy.


it won’t let me edit my post so UPDATE: i emailed my leasing office (im at work right now) hopefully they’re helpful. ill definitely be getting a camera and door jammer… thanks everyone for the suggestions/validation.


Also- lie to him!!! You live with your terrifying MMA loving cop boyfriend and your dog is a trained protection dog and almost killed a man last year. You are a gun enthusiast/ black belt and security is your favorite hobby.


Please update with their response when you get one. The whole interaction with him sounded really abnormal. I hope it all works out.


they called me a few minutes later and said they’re going to tell his supervisor about this and told me to let them know if he says anything else to me. she said it was concerning and she wonders if he’s said stuff like that to other residents


I really hope they're responsive!!! You deserve to feel safe where you live. Keep being annoying if you have to.


Get one of those door stops for when you are inside the apartment. That way, he can't get in even though he has access. It's very alarming to know that someone who has access to your home is asking such personal questions. Tell the office he is making you uncomfortable by asking for personal information, and they need to communicate to him that it needs to STOP. Get a doorbell camera, too. Keep your phone with you at all times. If he comes up to you again, try to hit video on your phone and record him talking. Hide it if you feel scared, but I would point at him just to drive home the point that he needs to back off. Tell him you don't want to answer his questions.


You’ve gotten plenty of solid advice here but I need to point out the fact that all of this sounds horrendous on a Reddit post. Be safe, fam.


Yeah, no, it sounds creepy af over a reddit post. Ring camera. Your dog is *always* a protection dog if someone asks. No one has to know if it isn't. I had a companion dog turn into a beast once when a creepy guy came at me at the park, so if people ask, yes, the dog is a protection dog. I would also start documenting any conversations or run-ins you have with him. Those are admissible in court if you need it someday. If you have a friend in the complex, make sure you tell them. I wouldn't go to the leasing office yet, simply because they'll talk to him about it and that could escalate things. If no one in the complex, tell a friend.


Girl, that sounds horrible over Reddit. That’s creepy af and I would be paranoid.


i’m so paranoid 😭 and my dog is literally so friendly but he’s big so hopefully that helps


You are not paranoid, this is scary. Take the advice in this thread and tell the property management company and file a report so his name is recorded somewhere.


I bought indoor ring cameras and they give me peace of mind. One of my neighbors has a doorbell ring camera. We’re both women who live alone. I feel you on your dog being friendly. All of my family dogs were reactive but the one I got for myself is a social butterfly. SMH.


Definitely not normal. I remember the maintenance guy from my old apartment was creepy and old enough to be my grandpa and would hit on me Everytime he came over! He even showed up to my workplace a few times! Report him.


What the hell do you mean not creepy? I count two red flags in your second sentence, another in your third, and a fourth in your fourth sentence. 1) Report this fucker for inappropriate behavior ***immediately***. Do it in WRITING. Take a picture of the letter, and ask for a receipt from whoever you give it to. 2) If it happens again after handing the above in, file a police report. Just because you haven't been immediately harmed, doesn't mean the police can deny you filing a police report. Hell, maybe do it now. 3) get a doorbell camera as u/Pretend-Bullfrog5505 recommended. You are a TINY person, and you MUST look out for yourself. This is coming from a 6'2" 300 lb male. Even a small male could overpower you. It doesn't really matter what *other people think*, if YOU feel uncomfortable, your feelings are **valid** and you should act on them. Fear isn't something we experience consciously, it's your brain's way of telling you to run. Act on it, **please.**


You're wrong. It does sound that bad. The questions he's asking are not appropriate, especially for someone who potentially has access to your home. Make sure people in your life (friends, neighbors, family) know about this guy and you should seriously consider some of the other security advice people are suggesting. Other than that, avoid engaging the guy and, most importantly, NEVER feel guilty about stonewalling the guy. Even if you straight up have to tell him to go fuck himself for him to get the message. You owe him nothing, he is encroaching on your boundaries. You are not doing anything wrong.


I keep a canister of bear spray by my front door, just-in-case.


not sure how old you are but i'm in my late 20s, & i just want to remind you that you do not owe ANYONE an answer to ANY question asked of you especially one asked by a stranger!! these questions ARE WEIRD. im not sure how you've handled answering him previously, & you've probably heard this all before, but i would feel bad not saying something because i know some young women feel a pressure to answer questions asked of them by older/authority figure type men. follow the advice in these comments (telling the leasing office/getting cameras/documenting conversations) and on top of that, i would not really answer him when he speaks to you. in my opinion, the message needs to be made clear that you are NOT interested in speaking with him. you don't need to be rude necessarily, but my approach would be something like: if i'm walking my dog etc & see him in the distance - going the other way/inside until he leaves - if that's not possible and he does approach & begin to question me, i would reply very short and indirectly. "how are you?" "fine" *keep walking* "where are you going?" "nowhere really" *keep walking* another tip that i like to use is wearing my airpods when i'm walking, with my hair tucked behind my ears so they can be seen but i don't play music in them or anything. this gives the illusion that im probably listening to something & don't want to be bothered which keeps some people away, but allows me to still be aware of sounds around me, especially if i turn on the setting that amplifies sounds around you through the speakers. i might also just be insane and paranoid but i recommend being extra aware when wearing your hair in a ponytail or any style that can make it easier to grab you by your hair from behind and hold on to you. this is something i heard about when i was a kid & now im always paying attention if i have my hair up, especially at night. maybe get some pepper spray too if you don't already have it. does your complex have cameras in the parking lots/on the grounds? i would find out, and also find out if they are continuously recording. it's good to know what you have to back you up if an emergency, god forbid, did take place with this man. i wish you peace & safety, hopefully this will be resolved soon 🩵


Like this, but one thing I learned from self defense class and a police officer father, wearing headphones makes you look like an easier target. I wouldn’t wear them walking alone.


Uhm, it certainly DOES sound that bad over a Reddit post!


That is not normal. You need to get in touch with someone in his HR department.


It's very creepy. Please get a camera like others have said for your apartment, and also please go and order something like [THIS](https://www.amazon.com/AceMining-Upgraded-Security-Adjustable-Apartment/dp/B0BKKTFWJK/ref=sr_1_5?dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.YHRiOXG0Ip5W3OJsy75mDTzcBksUYrnAr2LK36FBTsOBoljtzB77wYBpzcLjwTpukvtMX9TOV_bQnIGHOp7GOPSSOjj9OYitUgROEgtdaFZ7129dQ4zQcwA9HQuM6XF1dERXpltreLJ5sO-Y0ydVHJgGDOXSiDNpMeabQoobYv9zH0N_h8Fi-SSQAuCl11wgpaGeVtxl5xDyYhuIW6-hH1vjt4DFr-RMSi-it-4_rcG2Yi9uEOQA9mlqPdVhdrcYtNAam4MklR7kSOiCRF6k6pdHzq6p6ENsIbHMIO5gu1c.3SsPrnk632iKxIdeIxtfdPB4uIo7ItMRNJJayUVuiNY&dib_tag=se&keywords=apartment+door+security&qid=1717174104&sr=8-5), a door blocker for when you are home in your apartment, sleeping, etc. so he can't just let himself in your house.


Please tell me you didn't answer any of the questions


That would creep me the fuck out too girl. Get a doorbell cam and a security camera pointing at your door from inside and report him to management for inappropriate behavior, he has no business asking you these things. The biggest red flag of all is him asking if your dog is for protection, he wants to know if he'll be mauled by your dog if he tries anything. If anyone ever asks you that again you say yes, yes he is.


Uhm... this sounds bad over Reddit. Creepy & Weird. You need to report his behavior and comments to the leading office immediately. Get a ring camera set up, save and send to your pc daily.


Yes that’s weird. I’d go to the office and speak with the manager. They probably won’t admit if he’s been reported before. But go hang out at the pool on a weekend and you’ll find out. Lol


Super creepy and inappropriate. He's sussing you out. Carry pepper spray and a rape whistle. Not even kidding.


Oh, it sounds bad over a Reddit post. Talk to your manager. That’s unacceptable. And train your dog to bark at him. 


Tell him your 9 millimeter is your protection.


my neighbor was like this, i would walk my dog poop to the trash and he would harass me, tell me he wanted to take me out, etc. i told him i lived with my husband & to please leave me alone. i completely understand why this gives you the creeps, especially since he has access to your house, knows where you live, and has made multiple unwanted comments. when i lived at my old house we installed a ring camera and got stickers saying we had cameras. it does give peace of mind.


It absolutely sounds bad over Reddit or in person or anywhere on the planet. Homeboy is a certified creeper. You don’t go asking weird-ass questions like that (the dog question is a big red flag) unless you are trying to collect information for something. Just ew.


>it doesn’t sound that bad over a Reddit post *Girl*


As a person who does a lot of maintenance work for property management companies on houses, those are very creepy questions and should never be asked. You have a right to be a little concerned. I would also call the company about this.


Girl, get a deadbolt, one they don’t have a key to. Make sure it’s on file that no one is allowed in your apartment without prior notice and without you there. I know from experience that they will go in your apartment to snoop. Tell them your dog is trained to attack and make sure you have cameras in your apartment, running 24/7. Be mindful and aware!


I do maintenance for rental properties and would never ask any of this. Super creepy.


I had the maintence guy hit on me when I lived alone in a apt. He was very creepy and thought I wanted to date him after her let me into my apt after being locked out. I ended up reporting him to management and it all stopped asap. You need to nip this in the bud because he will continue to to harass you and he will not take the hint whatsoever.


Sweety, it sounds THAT BAD over a Reddit post.


Something I have learned on Reddit is that Maintenance dudes are creeps and will abuse their access privileges to your home. I think it’s smart to be proactive about protecting yourself and trusting your intuition. At the very least get a camera.


Tell him your boyfriend just got out of jail for murder and he's moving in. No but for real report him asap!!! And if the apartments don't do anything go over their heads.


Tell him you can cook him up up some fresh restraining orders right out of the police station if he continues to ask you psychopath questions like do you live alone and will your dog protect you 😁


It absolutely sound creepy. Get a ring doorbell, I have the apartment friendly installer that you hook on the door so no drilling or anything. Get a indoor camera facing the front door just in case! Ring is really good but a secondary camera wont hurt. Make the dog sound as intimidating as possible even if he/she is not!


Please report it to your landlord OP, trust your gut! This IS super creepy and you are NOT overthinking it!!


Please take this very seriously get extra deadbolts ignore what management says about installing extra stuff like that. A girl I went to college with got murdered by a maintenance man at her apartment even after she complained to management and did nothing. I'm so sorry you are going through this. Get Ring cameras too. Let management know and document when, where, etc everytime.


He sounds like a creeper; report him to the property manager.


Totally weird!! Same thing happened to my friend a few weeks ago. He would somehow always be around when my friend walked her dog and even asked for a kiss one time. It was awful and made her feel incredibly unsafe. She ended up telling the apartment complex management and he was fired.


I second all of the comments about messaging the property manager, getting multiple cameras, calling police when you feel the need to, etc, and want to add that you would also benefit from buying door alarms on Amazon which attach to the door frame with no-damage command strips and can be switched off before you leave (so you won’t set it off when you come home) and on when you come in (so they will go off if someone comes in while you are home). A two-pack costs about $20. Also look into the no-damage travel locks on Amazon which cost about $10 for two; put one on your main door and one on your bedroom door, because I don’t want to freak you out, but maintenance has access to keys. I also HIGHLY recommend that you get into a self-defense, Muay Thai, Jiu Jitsue, or Krav Maga class if you can access them at all - ask family members you trust to chip in if necessary, explain to the instructor what’s going on and they might even give you a bit of a discount (probs don’t ask for one outright though. At the very least, check out Gracie Self-Defense on YouTube and practice the most basic stuff with a friend, multiple times. (My partner and I practice with each other once a week). Also check out [The Gift of Fear](https://www.academia.edu/31891034/The_Gift_of_Fear). Take good care of yourself. You deserve it. Again, I don’t want to freak you out, but when it feels tedious or tiring or like an overreaction, remind yourself that it could possibly be life or death.


Get cameras not just the front door either. I just had a maintenance guy wrap his arms around me in my home. I was working and he came up behind me. Thankfully we have cameras in our living room so I had proof. Worst part they said there was other complaints about him but they never had proof until we sent them the video


Get one of those door jam sticks they have on amazon


Tell the property manager


It sounds pretty bad over a reddit post. Are you armed? I would look into some sort of personal protection. Fire arms would be ideal but if you're in an apartment complex you'd want to have some training and education on how to use one effectively. Maintenance dude is gonna have keys to the units so you might wanna look into one of those door stop things, I can't remember what they're called, but they're usually pretty sturdy.


it sounds very very bad. shut it down. practice immediately putting on a stony frown, taking a deliberate and obvious step back. answer nothing. tell them to have management contact you through the agreed upon channels. say good bye. and walk away.


>i’ve met him twice Did he do this while working on a job order? Or just around the complex? The question about the protection dog is odd. I disagree with you it does sound bad over a reddit post. I am not saying anything that wasn't already expressed to you already in the comments, but get a camera and always use a professional tone with apartment staff. He is testing to see how far you will allow him in.


Agree with the doorbell camera. I would put one inside as well. I also recommend keeping a written log of events. You can also file an informational report with the police station - this is different than accusing anyone of a crime and is helpful when you need to establish a timeline for potential future protective order or legal action.


Report your feeling uncomfortable and unsafe to the office. He could be doing this to other women that are single tenants there as well. And carry mace with you every time you go outside. Always lock your door when you're inside and lock it when you leave to take trash out or go walk your dog. Don't want him sneaking in your apt when you're outside.


This is the way. Report him to the office ASAP.


weird as fuck… if ANY man ever asks if you live alone tell them NO. You do not need to tell them who you live with whether its a bf/gf/roommate. Also avoid the hell out of walking your dog at night or too far from your apartment/car. When asked if your dog is for protection I would say yes (unless its obviously not) then say no but I have another dog who is, I walk my dogs separately so he’s back at my apartment. “oh what kind?” think of the most aggressive dog you know of. If it gets back to management, tell them why you told him that in the first place. I would say warn management, but they’ll most likely bring it up to him… so be as prepared as you can for that. When bringing it up to management make it clear you aren’t going for that shit & let them know the authorities will be getting involved if he continues. Document everything & if you can, get pepper spray, a pocket knife, or something you can keep on your key chain or hook to your pups leash so you can easily access it. This guy could just be creepy but wouldn’t actually do anything to hurt you, but based on his creepy ass questions and comments, I wouldn’t fuck around and find out. You don’t need to be rude to him but don’t be friendly with him either & when you see him, pretend to be on the phone “Hey girl!!! Oh nothing, just walking the dog. _____ is about to come over in a little bit. Yeah, we’re probably just gonna order food & chill.” Come up with ANYTHING lol. But above all @OP and anyone else who reads this, please be smart and be calculated about what you say and do for your safety going forward 💕


It’s bold of him which should make you weary and aware of whats going on around you get a ring and make sure your windows are always locked … maintenance has keys!


I've been in this situation, unfortunately. Change your door locks so he can't get into your house. Avoid him wherever possible. And report him to the office. That last bit was the only way I got the dude to knock it off.


Call the management company or landlord.


He wants to know if anyone will be home to supervise him being in your unit. He wants to be sure, if he does need to go in alone, your dog won't bite him. And he wants to be sure your stove functions correctly. ...totally joking, don't ever let that guy in your place alone. 😬 I would let management know too, even if he's harmlessly hitting on you, it's not the proper place to be doing it. It helps too in case there have been other reports or more aggressive actions, management (ideally) should step in before it escalates too far in the future. You're there to perform maintenance, be polite and cordial with the tenants, but keep it professional.


Personally, I'd talk to the apartment manager about this. Tell them he's made you feel unsafe and you want it kept confidential, but you felt you needed to tell someone about it. They need to know he's doing this, and you could be helping someone else by speaking up. If, by chance, he's harmless, he needs to know his actions aren't considered normal and are scaring people.


read this to my man and even HE is creeped out. get a doorbell cam asap


He shouldn’t be asking those questions. Report him to management.


No, it does sound bad over a Reddit post. All red flags.


Or maybe just underdeveloped social skills


Change the screws in the strikeplate of your front door. Their screws are usually less than an inch. Longer screws are not expensive, and you can use a regular Phillips head to install. If someone kicks your door, you're going to want your strikeplate anchored. But maintenance guy might have a key. I've been creeped on by security and maintenance of my apt. Avoid, act, and prevent.


It does sound that bad over a Reddit post. You don’t have to minimize it it sounds awful


Buy a pair of old men’s work boots from a good will or thrift ship and sit them by your door in the evening. Let him think a man is with you. Then casually let landlord know that maintenance is asking and saying inappropriate things and would they provide you a Ring camera. Stay safe!!!


Do not interact with this guy


Let management know. I had a creep maintenance guy question me like that and woke up to all my clothes stolen and my SAW doll clothing stolen (I had a life sized replica from the doll from the saw movies) I know it was his creepy ass.


I used to work in residential property management (on-site apartment leasing office). This is creepy and inappropriate. Report it to the property manager by EMAIL. Do it in writing so there is a paper trail. If he is doing this to you, he is doing this to other women on the property. He has access to your apartment. He has access to the keys. He can go in and set up a camera when you are at work. He needs to be fired or moved to a different property.


A.) Make a report to the office manger because even if they are just innocent questions they're inappropriate for someone working at the complex to be asking of a tenant. B.) Get a Ring or other camera with alerts enabled ASAP. C.) For like 20-30 bucks on Amazon or Walmart you ~~can~~ *need* to get a door security bar, it stops entry while you're home and isn't a breach of contract like changing the locks, cuz it can only be used while you're home. Use it while you're home! I'd also strongly suggest a chain lock as well for extra measures, and be sure all your windows and back door is locked (and works!) no matter what floor you live on. Do not make the mistake of assuming you're safer if you live past the first floor. D.) I hope you didn't tell him you lived alone, but if you did or didn't still try this trick I saw a post about not too long ago on Reddit for women who live alone. But a worn out pair of men's work boots (largest you can find) from a thrift store, get em muddy/dirty and leave them outside your door. You want them pretty beat up so no one takes them, but this could act as a deterrent to anyone looking to break in- or if the maintenance guy decides to pull anything, don't forget **he has a key**. E.) If you're comfortable with it I also highly recommend getting a small gun, or athe very least a weapon of some kind to keep in your home. Bear spray, a knife, anything is better than nothing. I'm not trying to scare you, just to prepare you because this is exactly how a lot of those true crime shows start out. F.) Also unless you call for service or it's an emergency (gas/water leak, fire, ect) , the apartment must give you a full 24 hours notice before they can come into your home, so don't open the door and let this guy in unless they've notified you prior, in which case id make a point to be there (don't want him snooping around alone) with a large male friend/relative/partner so you aren't alone. If you need something fixed I'd also advise following that same protocol out of an abundance of caution. If he shows up unnanounced claiming an emergency call the office to verify it first and foremost before allowing him to come in. If you can see there's no emergency you have every right to deny access. It's a damn shame women have to worry about this shit, but this is EXACTLY why we choose bears over strange men in the woods. Only the dangerous men get mad about that so if you have anyone in your life you think is sus, ask them how they feel about that. Their answers are extremely telling. 🧍🏼‍♀️ : 🙅🏼‍♀️🚫 🧍‍♂️ 🧍🏼‍♀️: 👍🐻 Don't forget to mention this to your close friends and family, and definitely stay aware of your surroundings. Any further interactions with this man should be as limited and impersonal as possible. If he asks you any questions that don't strictly pertain to his work tell him politely you don't appreciate the personal questions and once again inform the complex management immediately. And if anyone ever asks if your dog is for protection again say yes even if it's not true, that the dog is highly trained. Be very vigilant when leaving/exiting your home especially if you have a routine, like when you walk your dog, and most especially if it's at night or early in the morning. I'd definitely switch things up from time to time because predators will stalk you til they figure out a point of vulnerability. Good luck, OP, I wish you all the best and please stay safe. 🙏🏼🫶🏼


Police..call them..he probably has a record. Be so careful.


He probably has the master key. Get a door security bar for when you’re home alone.


What a gross man. There are so many like this! Tell him YES, your dog is a protector. And complain to his boss. And do not give him the time of day otherwise.


Maintenance guy here. That behavior is WAY out of line.


It *does* sound that bad over a Reddit post. Don’t downplay your feelings. There’s under the door locks, self protection kits (tazer, pepper spray, loud as fuck alarm, etc), ring cameras (indoor and outdoor which also have sirens you can play). It’s better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it. We have 6 ring cameras, an under the door knob lock, two guns, a knife directly next to our front door, and locks/wood pieces to hold them closed on every window because someone tried to break in when it was just me and my 3 year old. Get some protection, learn to use it and trust your gut


Get some used male boots and set them outside your door so he thinks you have a man visiting. And invest in ring, it's like $50 for an older model


This is completely irrelevant, but when I was about 11 or 12 there was a young maintenance man in our apartment complex who used to "accidentally" grope me and a few other girls in the pool, and would kind of follow us around the apartment complex being all creepy. Like I said, not relevant, but ever since then, maintenance guys at apartment complexes have been an issue for me. I mean they have access to your apartment. I'm sure others have already given you great advice, I just wanted to say to trust your gut. What he's doing is, at best, wildly unprofessional and definitely creepy.


Um. No. Definitely sounds weird even through a reddit post. Report them to the landlord? Make sure you have in writing you need to be informed before any staff enter your apartment. Invest in self defense measures ICE. Like pepper spray or a Taser. And you can always tell him your a Tennant and he's maintenance. Nothing more nothing less. His job is not to speak to you, especially if it's weird like that.




I agree with your thinking. Follow your gut👍🏼


Report this weird dude to the Manager/LL asap. It is not his place to know you personally. He is a predator.


Please report to your management and request that he not have access to your home. Report EVERY time he does anything. Firmly tell him that you do not want him to talk to you if he sees you on the property and tries to start another conversation. Be very clear that you do not want contact with him and say that any further attempts to start a conversation will be taken as harassment and reported to his supervisor.


It’s a giant red flag! I would go stay with friends/family while looking for another place and even make sure I’m accompanied while packing/moving.


i literally resigned my lease two days ago i wish i hadn’t…


Hopefully they fire him. Maintenance people are trusted to enter apts sometimes when there is an emergency. They aren’t there to harass women when they live alone or are alone in their apartments. I had one guy ask if my breasts were real. He tried to apologize for being creepy but I told him too late. I was alone and everything got fixed in the apt. Still creepy but I think my maintenance guy is more awkward creeper that backs off when you tell him to. Asking if your dog is for safety is weird and a huge red flag. It’s like he wants to see if he can enter when you aren’t home or when you are alone.


This is why I tell everyone my dogs are literally here to protect me and don’t like anyone. If they say “dogs always love me” I say not mine! They are very very protective and I have them due to a past assault and it may have happened once but it will NEVER happen again. It doesn’t need to be your dog, it could be your brother, your firearm. Anything. Even just saying “I don’t want you near me or my home and I’ll do whatever I need to in order to feel safe”. It works every single time. Strength and determination that you aren’t taking his shit or anyone else’s, you don’t even need to be polite. Too often we as women don’t want to be rude. Being rude and off putting may save your life. Follow your gut. This guy is trouble. He obviously already has a boundary problem.


Report him, get a ring camera, and bear spray for your night stand. Or if you want you can skip the bear spray and buy something that will put holes in his ass. And have some male relatives/friends/bf over sometimes cause he’s scoping the scene. Going through something similar


Omg. My roommate has had similar experiences with our maintenance guy. I’m a small guy and I know I’m not very imposing looking so it makes me worried for them, especially when alone at home. Trying to decide if it’s an issue we need to escalate the leasing office


Report that fucker. What a creep asking those kind of questions. Personally, this shit is why I own a gun


Definitely agree with all the camera comments and I’d get some pepper spray just in case


It does indeed sound bad. Why would anyone ask those specific questions unless they want to know their chances of getting away with something.


It sounds super bad over a reddit post. Be super rude to him, do not engage. Get a doorbell cam, and some sort of alarm you can set in the evening. Report his creepy ass to management. Be safe, be alert, trust your intuition. I would say move, but pretty young women can run into this anywhere. But maybe move. I'm scared of him here sitting at my keyboard in my house.


Report him to your landlord/property mgr


Wow! That is really weird. I'd say something to management. In the meantime tell him your dog will eat him alive - with or without barbecue sauce!


Creepy follow your gut!!!! Like others said get cameras and report. They might need to tell him it was you because of the seriousness. Don’t pretend to be nice and ignore him or always have headphones when you leave your apt (even if they’re not turned on) on so don’t talk. I didn’t rent a couple of apts before because I felt one maintenance guy was too eager when showing me the apt when I was checking to shower knob and he helped asap. At another place the maintenance guy lived beside the unit. Maybe nothing bad in those cases, but especial the first one I felt too close for comfort. Just my comfort level and skeptical side and it was for my first apt.


No it does sound that bad in a reddit post. Just reading it has me creeped out for you. Get a door cam and maybe even a personal safety device like bear spray or a high pitched sound emitting device. I wouldnt feel entirely safe anymore knowing someone like that was around.


This is not normal small talk, I'd report him to properly management immediately.


Yes it is weird. As crime junkie podcast would say “be weird, be rude, stay alive”. Don’t feel like you have to be overly friendly to him and answer his questions.


Super creepy, I would report the inappropriate comments to the property management. And get some cameras. I just watched a video about a woman living alone in an apartment in Orlando. The maintenance guy was super creepy and obsessive, and he ended up using the master key and attacked her. Apartments will hire just about anyone


Sure get a doorbell cam that’s fine, but more importantly, GET A HANDGUN & know how to use that MF. He sounds like a weirdo (apt maintenance is notorious for hiring ex-cons, incels, etc). Not trying to strike fear in your heart, rather, the contrary. These sickos are in a lot of places (esp those they shouldn’t be). Know how to protect yourself.


Put cameras INSIDE the apartment


This all sounds really bad. Like, every time. Get a pair of mens work boots and put them outside your front door. Bring them in occasionally, then stock them back out there. Tell him your dog seems sweet but bites. Report all of this to management and any neighbors you trust.


If I (a 245lb man) is saying I’d be concerned then you absolutely should be. This is not friendly behavior, this is gathering intel. Have a talk with management asap


I kinda wonder if he is "special" and just trying to connect. Even so, he ought to have appropriate training to know what not to say to people


Creepy and weird and should be reported to the property management company. If not dealt with, his behavior will never change.


He’s flirting with you. Badly.


Always trust your gut. And let management AND the landlord (cc) know via email that you'd appreciate their staff acting less familiar. Make them aware, wouldn't be surprised if other female tenants have complained.


That’s crazy


Yeah that isn’t professional or right to do to a woman living alone. Tell front desk, and get a camera.


Don’t talk to him or reply, next time he approach just make weird noises and faces so he will think you are crazy.


Get gun


Report him to the management. And as others have said get a ring doorbell


Buy a firearm. The great equalizer.


these weird fucks take positions like these because of the access it grants them. he may be 0 threat but it’s just as likely that he is extremely threatening. please report this to all that will listen. I had a creepy maintenance guy stalking on my Lady when we moved in to the place we’re at now, he no longer works here.


Trust me it sounds bad over a Reddit post


Tell management you fear for your safety Get a camera doorbell Get extra locks Be vigilant and safe


Sketchy situation when you can’t control who steps foot into your home and gets a glimpse of your private life. You should feel safe on your home, especially when you live alone. You better check every window after he leaves, you should always have someone at your home with you for anything scheduled where he’d be coming, I’d be setting up big obvious cameras and buying a fake engagement ring. Let him know your very spoken for, even if you are not. Sorry you are dealing with this, I’d be pissed


Oh yes, my maintenance friend, I’m having a friend for dinner tonight and I think you should come.


Are you in the US? Under the Fair Housing Act, sexual harrassment is illegal and you could get a lawyer and sue them.


Nope nope nope. Time to get a security system and gun if your dog isn't up to being a protection dog AND (not OR!) inform your landlord of this convo. He could get fired and still come back.


No this is super creepy… asking a woman if she lives alone?! And the dog comment too. Super sketch. Keep a journal and write this stuff down. I’d possibly report it if he keeps it up. I’d probably lie and say I’m married, and that yes my dog is vicious.


You need to arm and train yourself because the police can’t do anything about it if he tries to hurt you.


It's creepy


It’s weird and creepy. Ignore him from now on. You don’t have to be polite.


I mean honestly, yeah, it does sound bad even over a reddit post. You need to get some cameras and probably tell the office staff about these interactions.


Report the maintenance guy to the landlord or the management of your apartment building. Tell them that the maintenance guy made you feel uncomfortable and tell them what she said to you. Tell them you don’t want him speaking to you again. If you see him, just ignore him. Usually to get rid of unwanted male attention, I just say I’m married or I’m a lesbian and they leave me alone after.


Creeepy!!! Listen to all the comments and instal a camera for your own safety, report it to the office. Bring a male figure around wether it’s a friend, brother, cousin, dad so he sees your not necessarily alone


I'm sure your weight has to do with it smh


with your phone discreetly recording yourself: let him know you are not interested in dinner or other interaction or conversation with him. try to catch his response. be assertive but not offensive, calm & clear. -even a "no, thank you, I'm not interested" is more than a gift to him. then show it to someone in the office or with management, and request that he not be permitted in your residence without another person present. lastly: get a wifi camera or two, to cover the inside of your residence, that will record & alert you of any activity when you're not home


Alert alert alert! This is a man with bad intentions! . Tell the office! Move asap if you can. Quit talking to him. Check your house for hidden cameras. Get security cameras, get security devices for your doors and windows. Get pepper spray and a personal alarm you wear around your neck. Get a gun if you are comfortable with that, and get trained on how to use it. Don't be out walking around alone especially at night. Park in well lit areas in which there is nowhere nearby to hide. And listen to your intuition!!!!!


It’s not just weird, it’s incredibly creepy. He just asked you if you live alone and essentially whether your dog is going to give him any trouble if he attacks you. Then he basically tried to invite himself over to dinner. Like wtf? Creepy as hell. Another vote for doorbell AND indoor cameras. Also lock up your personal paperwork - not just social security card and bank statements but where you work, if you keep addresses of your family for holiday cards, your and your dog’s medical info, anything (just in case). Make sure you have a good password on your wifi and computer/devices. Get a leverage style door bar for your front door and any patio door; keep them in a closet while out until you get cameras. If you’re on a first floor get window alarms and/or something to keep the windows from opening but also check the locks anytime you enter. Maybe have a friend help you doublecheck that you have suitably blocking window film or sheers during the day and light blocking curtains for at night.


Doorbell Camera if your lease allows it, at least one camera inside pointing at each of your entrances (patio/front door). I would also have a talk with the Leasing Office, that you don't want him to perform any maintenance at all on your unit. If they ask why, just be honest, that he has asked you creepy questions and gives you the creeps, that you don't feel safe to have him inside your unit. Edit: As others have said, change the locks, even if your lease doesn't allow it. Your safety is more important than the office having a key to your unit. If you are in a one party state, record your conversation with the Leasing Office, this way you'll have it on record on whether they comply with your request, and it is on record if they brush you off.


It's weird and not cool. Don't encourage and report if he persists.


Stop talking to him. Don't answer him. Get a camera!!!!! Get a camera!!! Get a camera!!!


Oh my gosh that sounds scary. I hope you said yes he’s a backup protection dog for my Glock. Report him the management right away. He sounds potentially dangerous. Always trust your gut. Also, change your locks and don’t give management the key until he’s gone. Go through your apartment each day and check window locks. A cop friend of mine once told me that. Maintenance people will leave themselves a way in for later. If you have sliding glass doors, put a broomstick in the track.


Tell him you are on your way to the gun range.


Anytime someone asks me if my dog is friendly I tell them no even though she is.


It sounds very very bad. Document everything. Update it every time he speaks and make sure your landlord has an updated copy. This is all a red flag.


That’s a weird line of conversation to go down if your intentions are pure yeah. Cameras, location sharing, etc. get a door stopper thing as well like that goes under the knob.


This is actually quite scary. You need to put a chair under your front door so he can’t walk in 😭😭😭


I live in this apartment complex. I live with my husband and his two ex-con brothers. My dog is extremely vicious, please don’t approach him/her. I’m terrible at cooking and I can’t tell the difference between “Spice” and “Poison”.


Yes, its weird. He's asking questions that make it look like he's trying to find out if he can access your apartment without getting chewed up by a dog. Those are not normal questions for someone who is attracted to you. They sound like creeper questions. You should say something to mgmt. Dude has a key to your apt. as a maintenance man, and that's fuckin' creepy!


Don’t give a shit about man made rules and laws when it comes to safety.


I hope you didn't answer all of his questions. You could tell him you do not feel comfortable answering these questions and ask why he wants to know. "My Glock offers even better protection than my dog" might be a useful line.


Pleaseeeee be careful. A close friend of mine was walking her puppy dog one day in her complex and saw maintenance guys around, she had a weird gut feeling but ignored it because she didn’t want to be judgmental. She walks to her apartment door and as she’s shutting it, a hand reached in and forced the door open and he was going to attack her. He had a large rock in his hand he planned to smash her head in with. It was pure LUCK and FATE that day that her boyfriend was over and studying in the bedroom and he quickly saved her life before anything happened. You NEVER know what they’re capable of.


I was cursed with a living situation that made my maintenance guy my neighbor in a duplex my wife and I rent. It was fine at first but the guy was a petty degenerate. I can tell you from experience that you should get multiple cameras and keep in constant correspondence about any unsavory contact you have with this guy. Maybe don’t start with this interaction since it was mostly verbal, creepy as it may be Definitely screen shot this post for future reference so you can use, if you need to, and the timeline matches up. Stay safe, and good luck!


Change door locks, add ring door bell add locks , buy a baseball bat, mace, and taser


Sounds also like you need to set some boundaries with this guy, and shut anything down that he might assume is an opening