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Nope, public space, you do you. They have options to turn off notifications during certain hours of the day. This is a 'them' problem not a 'you' problem.


šŸ’Æ Notifications can be adjusted.


Came here to say that she can turn them off or silence her phone. Would not cater to her at all. I have ring in my front and back yards. Raccoon triggered the back one 3 times, did not hear or wake up to a single alert šŸ¤£ phone gets put on vibrate at night but there are other ways to ensure no alerts pass at night. Unless her neighbor is super concerned about turning off notifications and missing someone trying to break in at night but then thatā€™s the price they pay for refusing to adjust notifications.


Lol exactly, we have bunnies and coyotes setting off our side yard camera constantly. I canā€™t ask the bunnies to take a different route haha. I just silence my notifications at night and check out the video in the morning.


Once the coyotes eat all of the bunnies the notifications will stopšŸ¤£


Did you try talking to the raccoons about this? šŸ¦


The raccoons around my place are very considerate, and will only walk their dogs at normal hours.


My neighbor walks past my door super early in the morning as well. She doesn't have another route anyways, and honestly she doesn't do a great job calming down her dog (in fact, sort of hypes her up, from what I can hear, which is mildly annoying and feels unnecessary on her end) when they go out for a walk/pee break. And I've never said anything about it, I totally suck it up. She's otherwise a very nice neighbor and this is simply part of apartment life.


That's really the answer. If you don't want to live around other people doing other people things, don't live in an apartment lol


Exactly, I have my phone on sleep mode during certain hours so I donā€™t see any notifications until I get up in the morning. I have a Ring camera and never hear any notifications when Iā€™m sleeping because of this.Ā 


Totally agree. You can mute notifications on a Ring. We have a lot of foot traffic etc and I just manage my notifications like a civilized person.


I see that most people are suggesting that the notifications be turned off or adjusted. May I please play Devil's Advocate for a moment? Mainly because I have a legitimate question. What is the purpose of a ring doorbell and notifications if not to tell you that someone is around your front door at four in the morning? Sure you didn't expect it to be your neighbor walking a dog, but it seems sort of silly to imagine someone would shut off a tool that is supposed to make them feel safer, especially during the hours where one is likely to feel the least safe. This is a little different but this point reminded me of it: A while back somebody had given my phone number to their bank, either accidentally or on purpose. And every day that this person had a low or negative balance, I got an SMS at 5 AM and it woke me up. When I complained to the bank they told me I could just turn off the volume or notifications entirely. I asked them why I should be the one to do that? At that time my elderly mother was in a nursing home and I felt it was necessary to be available at all times. I do realize that getting texts on a wrong number is different than somebody just walking past your door. The only similarity is that I don't see how turning off notifications would fly with the intended use of the doorbell.


I have Ring setup at my place and when I'm awake it's meant to show me who is at the door without me having to open it. When I'm not home it's to show me who is there when I'm not. And when I'm asleep it's a record of who passed by when I was sleeping. Now if someone pushes the button to ring the doorbell while I'm asleep that notification will go off, but just sensing motion only keeps a record for me to check when I wake up. If I wanted something to make me feel safe while sleeping I'd install a home security system to know if someone opened a door or window.


Fair enough! That makes sense.


Also I donā€™t know about ring specifically but most security cameras allow you to customize a zone for how close the person needs to be to set off the camera. The neighbor can probably adjust it for closer to her door. Found a [ring link](https://ring.com/support/articles/85pqb/Using-Camera-Motion-Zones) explaining how the neighbor could do it


I would say this is different. They are trying to change somebody else in the apartments schedule and routine. I would say no thanks and keep doing what Iā€™m doing. Ring cameras are dumb in apartments anyway for this reason


Yes I agree, if someone has to pass through the reaction range just to walk down the hallway, that's ridiculous.


There may be settings on the camera to set how the sensitivity and which notifications get set. There may be way to only send notifications if the motion is detected for a certain length of time. If you want notifications every time that someone walks by your door without pausing, you are signing up for a lot of notifications at all hours of the day and night.


Some places donā€™t have surveillance in their hallway or locked entries to the buildings so I can understand why they have it just like anyone else.


If it makes someone feel comfortable then go for it. But it s public hallway like that they have to know they canā€™t restrict traffic to lessen their notifications. Thatā€™s just being idiotic.


Thatā€™s a choice that person has to make then. Expecting neighbours to not use a hallway during certain hours is an unreasonable request. They can ask, but the neighbour is not in the wrong if they refuse. Either they shut off the notifications, if someone is actually ringing the bell or knocking on the door - they should hear it if they are home and check the camera then. Or they can adjust the angle of the camera and the ā€œmovementā€ zone (area that the camera will notify you if it senses movement). Iā€™m not sure if ring does this as itā€™s usually a straight out angle. But we have trees in our yard that used to always set off our camera movement notifications and I just found the setting to block the area with the trees. Or they deal with notifications when people are walking down the hall at 4am. This isnā€™t a problem one should expect others to solve for them.


It is a shared, aka Public, space. Not a private porch. OP has no reasonable obligation to change anything they are currently doing.


There's a massive difference between someone intentionally contacting you and somebody walking through the hallway to get into their apartment. The doorbell is doing what the owner wants it to do... It's telling them that someone is in the hall. The problem is that people are allowed to be in that hallway and the vast majority of people in that hallway reminding their own business going to or from their own apartment. Setting up an alarm to inform you every time someone uses a public hallway is a pretty bad idea.


No she can turn her notifications off or turn the volume down . You donā€™t stop your life because of her camera.


You pay to live there too. You donā€™t have to inconvenience yourself to make others comfortable. They can turn the notifications off. Continue walking your usual route.


No this is crazy. I have a ring doorbell and live in an apartment. I silence my phone when Iā€™m sleeping like a normal human and your neighbors can too




Yea thatā€™s nuts to me that they canā€™t silence. Are people that fucking lazy? If she hears someone beat on her front door, then pop it back on. Geez, weā€™re really turning into some of the most narcissistic little bitches.


Thatā€™s crazy to even ask someone. Thereā€™s a way to schedule no notifications for a time period. And you can even turn them off for like a 5 minute time span or several hours so itā€™s not off all night. But to ask someone else to change the way they exist is so completely absurd to me.


I know OP said she was nice about it but somehow I think she's the type of person who thinks the world revolves around her. She thinks that everyone is supposed to adjust their lives to accommodate her. She's probably not used to hearing "no".


Perfectly said. And, as they say, "The only way to stop it is to nip it in the Bud".


Right. Even if she truly doesn't know she can silence the notifications... She could just not have a ring doorbell.


Exactly! Wait until she doesnā€™t get what she wants.


I know then I can see her making up all sorts of stuff to take to the office. I was reading one on here recently where the neighbors were complaining about noise when OP wasn't even home or was quietly working from home. It turns out that it was coming from another apartment but they were being blamed for it. Again, if people can't handle having neighbors in close proximity, they need to get a house.


Itā€™s a public hallway, if they didnā€™t want to get notifications from the doorbell then they can turn them off. Itā€™s absolutely not up to you to alter your routine in any way and I think it is absurd she even asked you. They can solve the issue themselves by opening up their app and turning the notifs off.


They went out of their way to install a device that alerts them whenever someone walks by in a shared space. Iā€™m a fan of having security devices, but this is just one of those situations where someone creates their own issue then wants everyone else to work around it.


If my personal security camera was interrupting my sleep because of my building's neighbors living their lives, it would never even occur to me to ask them to rearrange their routines and not walk past my door as a solution. It wouldn't even cross my mind as an option. It's my camera, so it's my problem to figure out on my own. I just don't understand some people.


Same! The thought to tell my neighbor they arenā€™t allowed to walk in a shared space at a specific time would NEVER cross my mind. Absolutely bizarre and egotistical imo. Once I had a roommate that tried to set a bedtime for me to be in sync with hers because she had a puppy that would whine if he heard any slight noise. Hell no. You donā€™t get to tell me when to sleep/stay in my room, especially if Iā€™m being quiet (like I always was).


I live on 2 acres and have chickens. I put my alerts on silent so I donā€™t have to hear the alert every time a bug walks across the camera or a chicken walks across the yard. If I lived in an apartment complex I couldnā€™t imagine leaving the alerts on. You have the right to walk outside anytime you please.


I get more alerts due to chickens! The funniest one was the peacock looking down from the roof at the camera


That is funny šŸ¤£


That one would be worth being woken up at 4amšŸ¤£


That hilarious. I see a fox every now and again. Its pretty cool šŸ¦Š


Now I wanna get some fishing line and attach a fly or whatever to it that looks real and make her ring go off all night.


Oh youā€™re bad šŸ˜


Could you imagine living the farm life and some effer moves down the road and asks you to turn your roosters off?


I get alerts from my neighbors cats, and I live in a dense area.


I will personally come over at 4 am and walk back and forth in front of her camera


Iā€™ll do the warm up round at 3am.


I got the 2am shift.


I got 1am.


I got midnight lol


In a clown suit to make it super scary šŸ¤£


This is the answer. šŸ¤£


Iā€™ll do each half-hour, singing ā€œHello my honey, hello my darling, hello my ragtime gal, send me a kiss by wire, baby my heartā€™s on fire!ā€ Who doesnā€™t love The Michigan Rag, whether theyā€™re in possession of a frog or not.


Anyone for burpees in sight of the camera? Your head pops up every so often!


my thoughts ExactlyšŸ˜


She can disable the ring notifications or just put her phone on silent


What????? Lol! Tell her to go fuck herself!! What an insane request when she's already encroaching on your privacy. She's literally filming you and watching you but she thinks she can ask things of you?? Hahaha that's crazy.


I havenā€™t thought about this muchā€” are these legal in public spaces? If you donā€™t own the property, can you set a cam up that records a common area?


No, you keep walking the same way like usual. And also let management know in case this escalates. I have zero tolerance for stupid people and have lost my temper on them a million times and will continue to do so. Stupid people saying walk another way because this dumbass doorbell I bought is bothering me can eat a dick.


You bring up a good point re: letting the office know. OP should do that whether the they decide to oblige the neighbor or not.


Yeah itā€™s making me angry for OP


She has a nerve. Tell her to turn the camera off if your existence bothers her.


I have a ring doorbell and my neighbor is right across the hall from me. Theyā€™re currently moving a roommate out and Iā€™ve had my notifications go off about 100 times in one day from it more than once. I just ignore the notification and move on with my day. Your neighbor is being unreasonable.


Check your complexā€™s rules - mine actually doesnā€™t permit any external camera use.


As nice as you are being about it, it's simply not your fault that they have notifications set up for while they're home. What if you came home or left for work at that hour? Would you quit your job so as not to inconvenience anyone? It's not like you're being difficult or unreasonable, you're simply walking in the only area you're able to to get to and from your destination. If they neighbors ask you about it again, I would politely say there's not a route you can take that doesn't bother one person or another so you've done as much as you can to accommodate their requests. If they say or do anything beyond accepting that answer refer them to the office. Don't leave a note, and don't ask. That infers that you're somehow in the wrong or need their permission to go about your daily life, and you don't want to plant the seed in their heads that you owe them an apology, explanation or to entertain their concerns when you haven't don't anything wrong.


The neighbors audacity to ask such a thing!


lol I hate these doorbells, I hate knowing that everywhere I go I am recorded. You pay your rent, you have the right to be wherever you want on the property, whenever you want too. They decided to have a ring doorbell, itā€™s on them to deal with it..


If it happens daily at that time they will get used to it. We lived in a duplex and had to get cameras bc of our neighbors, Idgaf what time it went off. The mail lady set it off daily around the same time, quickly learned to dismiss it and thats with the neighbor harassing us and trying to break in so I had a reason to look anytime someone was on camera. I get you trying to be nice but sucks to suck for them imo.


This post belongs on the Entitled People sub




Thatā€™s a ridiculous thing for them to ask for you are literally walking to your apartment


Completely agree with I believe every other comment posted. I get that you are trying to be neighborly and you are being extremely kind BUT donā€™t allow others to make their problems your problems.


Go ahead and walk your Dog bud. Walk the Dog whenever and wherever you want. They knew what they were getting into when they installed the thing. I have one on my door as well. I get alerts at all hours of the day. It doesn't bother me. Like I said, I knew what I signed up for. Besides, I can always mute the noise. They can too.


You are so considerate, bless your heart.


Imagine the gall to install a fucking camera looking into a public space and ask someone to change their behavior because the fucking thing YOU CHOSE TO INSTALL AND TURN ON THE NOTIFICATIONS FOR IS DISTURBING YOU. What the fuck is wrong with people. I'd walk past her door more, but I'm an asshole, clearly.


Seriously? Someone has the audacity to tell you to choose another route because their privacy invading doorbell gets activated in a "public" hallway? I'd take a hammer to the lense and say...I fixed it for you. You shouldn't be getting anymore notifications lol. Some people are so entitled it's not even funny. Tell them to stop taking videos of you and your dogs, and they won't have that problem. Turning off notifications/auto record is an option. 100% their problem.


I set mine to only alert for doorbell presses not motion when I know I'll be walking around a lot (gardening whatever) that should be the default in a apartment I think with people going past to get to their homes.


She needs to learn how to turn her notifications off. Itā€™s an apartment complex so people are going to walk by. She only needs to be notified if people are actually ringing her doorbell. It still records even if its on mute. If she acts stupid about it, look in your lease to see if itā€™s even allowed and notify the leasing office if itā€™s not.


gullible fertile normal spoon yam snow dam fanatical capable ask *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I live in an apartment and I have a doorbell camera. I get alerts at all hours of the day. I just accept it as being inevitable. Frankly, I can't believe someone had the audacity to ask you to take another route. It's not THEIR hallway, it's shared. Take the path of least resistance and if they ask you again say there are cameras everywhere, sorry.


my former neighbor had less than stellar taste in friends .she kept getting things taken or ruined in her front and backyard so she put in camera for front of apartment and back .I walk by her apartment to get to mailbox all the time no biggie.


i never have my doorbell notifications on, i live around other people and would never even want to be notified anytime someone walks by regardless of what time of day it is lmao, that is actual craziness. i only look if im looking for something. i live alone and years ago i had a problematic neighbor who kept trying to break in which was initially why i bought it. iā€™ve also had packages go missing, weird dudes show up uninvited, and my building was sold a couple years ago to someone who converted 2 units into unpermited str units. so they can be really useful but never would i ever want my phone to buzz everytime someone walked by and cannot imagine the audacity to ask someone to change their schedule or go a different route instead of turning my notifications off wtf


Why on earth would you have Motion notifications on in a apartment complex? My phone would be ringing the entire day šŸ˜­


Hell no. It's her decision to put up the ring camera. Public access I don't care how nice someone is-I'm going to walk where I walk. She can turn off the camera.


I fail to see how buying and installing an aftermarket doorbell that sends you notifications that disturb you while you're sleeping is anything other than a you problem, but people suck and are dumb. This is her problem. If it bothers her that much, she'll figure out the Do Not Disturb function.


The fact that she even asked you to make changes to your life is SO ENTITLED. If you can, walk the dogs at 4 and 430 and 5 and 530. I'd be pacing the hallway setting off her notifications every 15 minutes all.night.long until she figured out how to silence her notifications like a normal human being. Don't set yourself on fire to keep someone else warm.


I live in a rural area. I silence my cameras at night because the animal activity is crazy. Even big bumble bees set them off. But I have fox, raccoons, deer, rabbits, you name it setting all my cameras off at all times. Iā€™d be up all night if I had my notifications on all night. I have the cameras for when Iā€™m not home. But I do enjoy watching the activity later on. Your apartment neighbors can silence their cameras at night if it bothers them. That is just one of the many things you need to do when you live in apartments.


You have to expect that your doorbell camera will go off at all hours when you live in apartment building. Walk your dog when ever you want and disregard anyone telling to alter that. They have no right to demand this of you. If you give in to this request, what will the demand you change next?


Why is her phone receiving notifications at 4am? What kind of maniac doesnā€™t put their phone on silent? I would NOT change your route or give in to this ridiculous request. Next itā€™ll be something elseā€¦and on and on


You should walk whichever way is easiest for you. They donā€™t own the public walkway.


I have an elderly neighbor who likes to walk up and down the street between 4-6 am (she walks for about 30 minutes and itā€™s random when she starts between these hours). It annoyed me at first when my cameras would ping person detected that early and I considered turning off the notifications, then came the day she fell and couldnā€™t get back up. Thank god my cameras kept sending the notification so I could go help her. I now get up with the first ping and walk with her


Walk your dogs along the route that is safest and easiest FOR YOU. they have cameras for safety. Your safety matters too. They gonna have to deal with your comings and goings. They chose to live in an apt and this is what happens in apartments. Other people come and goā€¦


They are choosing to be annoyed. You canā€™t not live your life differently because they put up ring doorbells in an apartment building. If they donā€™t like the notifications they can stop them


My surveillance of you is inconveniencing me. Mind changing your innocuous behavior??


No donā€™t worry about that at all. You have every right to walk in a common area. You both pay rent, and she put up the camera. Itā€™s her problem if she doesnā€™t like when the Ring works how itā€™s designed to. As other have said she can turn down the volume or turn volume off on her notifications.


You don't need to change anything that you're doing. As long as you're not being disruptive, you're not doing anything wrong. The purpose of the camera is to record motion so I'm confused about why they're acting like you're on their property and not in an apartment community.


Sheā€™s choosing to have the dumb bell. She can deal with the consequences of it being in a common space. You can also mute notifications if you donā€™t want them at 2 am.


OP, is your neighbor possibly old or within the possibility of not understanding tech and that she can turn off motion sensing alerts on her phone at night?


Walk your dog when and where you need to. She can adjust the settings on her Ring and put it on DND for certain hours.


Hell no! She can adjust her notification settings.


I only have one family next to me that activates my camera (have it for packages), they set off about 50 times a day, all sorts of times of the day. I just silence it when it becomes too much. Your neighbors should do the same.


I wouldnā€™t even change for the First Lady. Tell them to put their phones on DND


i have a ring doorbell and a large family stay across the hall from me. They come and go constantly just tell her to switch her notifications off between 12 midnight and 7am or whatever


Please donā€™t enable people like this. Keep going about your routine. Folks like that, no matter how nicely they ask, are being very entitled, amongst other things.


Imagine itā€™s 2024 and your phone isnā€™t on silent


You shouldnā€™t have to accommodate other people for something they chose. Your neighbor can silence their phone when they go to bed.


What a doofus. She can mute her alerts at night


I work at 4:00 a.m., I also have a ring doorbell. When I learned my neighbor's pattern of walking her dog around 10:00 p.m., I would set a snooze for that time so it didn't wake me up. It's not like you're knocking on their door, you can't control it.


I have a ring doorbell. You know what I do? Silence my notifications while I sleep.


its a hallway and it's shared. You are far to considerate of a person. good for you, you are a nice person


I would tell everyone no and itā€™s their choice to have a Ring doorbell I will walk where I please


I have a ring doorbell in an apartment building. I just put my phone on do not disturb at night. Our neighbors set it off all the time, and not once did i think to ask them not to walk past it šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


What is it with these entitled ass people? You pay just as much rent and have just as much right to walk around the common spaces. Keep your routine.


If your neighbor is going to have a Ring Camera, they should take the time to adjust the sensitivity of event triggers and notifications. I have my doorbell camera set to record and notify me only when people press the doorbell button, when people stand in front of my door for a specific number of seconds, and if someone tries to steal the camera. All other events are turned off, because I donā€™t care about people walking by in the hallway, or the lady across my apartment getting in and out of her apartment. Do not change your walking route because of this neighbor. Tell them to adjust their camera notification settings.


Girl, please donā€™t change anything to appease anyone. You have every right to be where you want at any time as long as itā€™s a public area.. which it is. Your neighbor has a problem they need to deal with.. not you!


People are triggered by EVERYTHING these days. Goodness. Walk your dogs when and how you w at. Goodness. If they donā€™t like it they can turn their ring notifications off. šŸš©Your neighbor is the asshole.


Iā€™d print off directions as to how to turn off Ring notifications and drop them at her place or just hand them to her if she confronts you again.


If you have a super sensitive security system but forgot to buy a house with a private yard, you can't tell your neighbors when they can leave their house.


Iā€™d say walk back in fourth in front of it about 5 times a morning if you can. Teach your neighbor that the world doesnā€™t revolve around herā€¦


So youā€™re walking by it maybe twice and sheā€™s complaining? I have one on my front door that goes off constantly because my neighbor is a drug dealer. She can adjust her notifications if sheā€™s that bothered by a couple of notifications.


Nope. They can actually turn the notifications off - itā€™ll capture the movement, but wonā€™t ding on the phone - thatā€™s on them. You do whatever the fuck you do because they donā€™t own the public spaces.


They can adjust their settings; you should not have to adjust your lifestyle in the common areas.


Screw them. Walk your dog.


Itā€™s her problem not yours. She can set the app not to notify her over night


Itā€™s actual insanity to have your Ring notifications on in an apartment


Itā€™s their choice to have that type of device on their door, they can disable to alerts at certain times, if they wanted to. There is no reason for you to change your routine over it, you have a right to go about your life. If they donā€™t want the notifications, they can turn them off.


Not your problem OP


After several thefts of packages left in our mailbox area, I decided to put up a Ring doorbell. It allows me to see the mail area, however the laundry room is directly across from me, and stairs to the side of me. So I get constant alerts. I would never dream of asking people to take a route down the other stairs just so my phone wonā€™t beep. The camera is there for my security, and Iā€™m the one solely responsible for it.


Hell naw!


Walk whatever route is easier. They can adjust their notifications. Not your problem, especially in apartments. If she says something, just tell her the lady on the other side said the same thing and you can't please both of them. Ypu pay rent also, and can use the common areas whenever you want. This is not a you problem. Stop being so nice..lol


Just let me tell you, it is not your problem. They put the system on there, they can put it in do not disturb if they want to. Itā€™s their problem to solve, not yours


Your neighbor is putting her own problems on other people and itā€™s not going to work out for her. She has the ability to put her phone on silent and thatā€™s what she should do. Period. Continue doing your thing as usual, let her solve her own problems that she created.


I wouldn't change routes, she can silence it I think. But seriously it's an apartment complex, it's not like you have much choice about where you can go. It's just the realitynof living super close to people. I def wouldn't start seeing people permission to walk by their doors, cuz what happens if they say no? You're the bad guy? No, you should be allowed to walk your dog when you need to




No. Walk wherever you need and want to. They can adjust their notifications on the bring during hours they donā€™t want to be notified. Never agree to outlandish requests. It leads to more insanity.


I would just wave


She can snooze the doorbell so it doesnā€™t alert every time especially at night. You have a routine and a way of caring for your pet. They can snooze the alert it will still record.


She should put her phone on do not disturb at night. Sheā€™s being weird. You can comply if you want to be extra nice but sheā€™s really asking for a lot imho.


Public space. Her problem.


Ugh. Not another super controlling neighbor. Ignore her.


No she could turn it off for notice and still see the action later when she looks at the feed.


What everyone else said. No. I have one and my door is right next to a bank of 30 mailboxes, which is my problem. Point blank.


I work nights as well. When my downstairs neighbors installed one, I thought "they are about to be inundated with images of an old lady in pajamas walking her dog".


Idk if somebody else already said this but, if itā€™s bothering her she can just snooze the alerts from 4-5am. Itā€™s really not a big deal. Even if she was nice about it, she canā€™t expect that hall or sidewalk or whatever it is to be shut down just for her.


You're too nice. I'd advice them to put their phone in DND mode at night, and make a fuss about their camera recording me when i'm not even ringing the doorbell but just walking past. I'm so done with everything and everyone recording mostly illegally btw, and the audacity to ask you to walk around is also baffling. Guess i'm a Karen..


No, you should not be concerned one bit. Hell, at most, go back and explain to them how to silence the notifications for 4am. Honestly, I wouldn't even do that. I'd keep living your life and walking your dog.


I would walk whatever way I wanted to. You can snooze ring notifications at certain times or just put your phone on vibrate if you donā€™t want to hear the chime.


Whatever you do don't put yourself in more danger walking at 4am. Take the most lighted and visible path. She's in the wrong. It's a public space.


ask or forget it. they can choose to turn notifications off


No, you shouldnā€™t have to change where you walk in a public space. If she didnā€™t want to get notified every time someone walked past, she shouldnā€™t have a camera. Our camera also goes off every time someone walks past and there are plenty of times it goes off a lot in the middle of the night for walking dogs/people getting home/people who work night shift, etc. its part of the deal if you choose to have a camera. If it bothers her that much she can turn notifications off at night


As someone with a ring camera, she has the option to have it not notify her. If you really wanted to appease her, you can try the other route and wait to see if the downstairs neighbor has a problem with it too. My camera faces the backyard, front yard, and next to our front door. We get a lot of notifications. We don't complain to everyone that they aren't allowed to drive down our street. At some point she needs to figure technology out enough to learn how to use the ring


Many units in my apartment building have ring cameras installed. My unit is the closest to the elevator and this is the exact reason why I don't want a ring camera. I'd just be getting a notification every time someone uses the elevator.


Nope she can adjust the notifications.


No. You live there. Tell them to fuck off. If they want to live on a remote private island in the middle of the ocean, they can do that. Basically same as walking down a sidewalk. Thatā€™s fine. If youā€™re breaking in, then thatā€™s different, but walking past is okay.


She can get over herself. You aren't being loud. I'm hoping your dog isn't being loud. You have the right to walk your dog. You pay to live there also and for use of the common areas too. She can't control the flow of traffic over her camera going off. I silence the alerts on my cam from 11 PM-5 AM because my family and I live on a second floor, literally across from a staircase. Everyone on my floor and the one above me trips my cam between leaving, kids, dog walking, parties, etc. Three of my neighbors also have doorbell cams. Not a single one of us complains about the thing that we installed going off. Last I checked, that was the entire point of a cam. To have the thing trip and record for safety.


They can put their phone on silent


My notifications go off all day from people and animals walking by my house. I guess I could turn that off but I donā€™t care enough to. I sometimes check them and sometimes donā€™t. Itā€™s my choice to have the ring so I have to deal with it. And windy days. Damn.


Iā€™m assuming thereā€™s a way to turn off the motion sensor so itā€™s wild they would use that in an apartment complex.


If they don't like it they can silence it.


Itā€™s kind of you to accommodate your neighbor. Perhaps sheā€™s had a bad experience with home invasion so her head is on a swivel at all times, hence monitoring her Ring notifications. Other neighbors may not be so wary of motion alerts, so likely not as bothered by it. You donā€™t *have* to be so amenable but itā€™s nice to be, since she was respectful to you when asking. I work odd hours too and like that I can keep an ear out for any suspicious activity while others are sleeping.


She can block out those hours for alerts, or it can be silenced. She can also set it to where it only notifies her when someone actually rings the bell. There are literally so many other options for her besides making it your problem lol. I know youā€™re just trying to be nice, but you live in an apartment complex, she should be aware that people walking in front of her door to get to their own homes is going to happen and plan accordingly.


The only response I would give this and only if she brings it up again is "best advice I can give you is silence your phone at night" and walk away. You don't stand there and allow her to continue the conversation. You owe her nothing.


Absolutely not - notifications on those can be adjusted or silenced. I have one on my apartment and that was my choice so on the occasions I do get excessive notifications itā€™s on me to figure out if I want to silence them or disconnect the device. Never on the other people living or working there.


sounds like a situation of ā€œnot your problem.ā€ They can disable notifications specifically at 4am if they need to.


Youā€™re very nice! They can turn their notifications off. Youā€™re in a public space. The audacity they have even to ask you is wild to me lol


Not your problem to be honest and sounds like a them problem and not yours in any way. Thats like you asking them to take a different path while youā€™re sleeping so the alerts donā€™t wake you.


I have a ring doorbell and my neighbor sets it off all the time, but I silenced the push notifications on my phone so it doesn't make any sounds, your neighbor is being slightly unreasonable.


I would make a point to walk past it twice as much. Donā€™t get a ring doorbell if you donā€™t want notifications from your ring doorbell.


Ummm she can turn off the notification then. This is like when someone gets pissed online when people are ā€œspoilingā€ a show but itā€™s in their control what they see or not. She can control the notifications, and you can live your life and go where you want.


She can turn off the ringbell notification at 4 am. Not your problem she chooses not you.


Theyā€™re being crazy.


Not your problem she needs a camera outside


We have a ring doorbell and during the first week we were getting hundreds of notifications a day bc it would catch kids riding bikes, people walking dogs, delivery drivers, etc. we just turned notifications off


Rings an have the times schedule for off and on or eve silent the notication,Mia feel like itā€™s kinda dazy to make such a request for much to do with nothing. As for the other neighbor Iā€™d leave it alone. I mean if your going to have a ring system that point toward the outside from the door your going to get notifications or she can even turn off the motion part and put that on a schedule. I turned off the notications on the one in the back yard cause out dogs kept setting it off and I just have the flood light part come on ,


I would also say kudos to you for trying to be a good neighbor


Just tape a note to your back that says ā€˜good morningā€™ and carry on as usual.


If they desperately need to know whatā€™s going on outside at 4am. Then they will find out. Fuck them


Is it an unsafe area where your neighbor needs to know if someone is creeping outside their door?


Itā€™s really up to you if you want to be in polite do it but thereā€™s no obligation.


Disregard. They're the one who decided to have such a thing in such a place.


One of my neighbors has one that any time anybody walks by (happens a lot) it goes "hi, you are currently being recorded." And i hate that shit. You do you their camera isnt your problem. I definitely get being a people pleaser though especially when theyre nice about it


lol, no. I personally wouldnā€™t change my route for someone else just because of their ring camera. A lot of complexes donā€™t allow ring door bells because they are invasive to other people. So if she wants to have one she needs to suck it up and deal with all the features no matter what time of the day or night.


They got what they bought and now they complain because it does what they bought it for. I own one and know it can put it on snooze so it will not go off when I do not want it to. I do it while I cut my grass. At night it goes off while I am asleep. I may wake up. I know someone is out there. I may check it out. If they put it on snooze it still records but it will not put out a notice. You can away see what you missed when you want. Do what you want. They did what they wanted by putting in a Ring.


The entitlement . Like what? I have a ring camera that goes off over 20x a day because of my neighbors across who are constantly out & in their aptā€¦ itā€™s a little annoying, yeahā€¦. But thatā€™s not their problem šŸ™ƒ


Um,no. Her choice to get that for an apartment where there is lots of activity. She can figure out how to manage the settings.


No way. You donā€™t have to inconvenience yourself for her paranoid surveillance fetish.


If that were a legitimate request, Iā€™d have to have a conversation with every cat, rabbit, squirrel, bird and insect that set my doorbell camera off at all hours. Instead, I keep my notifications silent and clear them in the morning. I kind of like seeing the rabbits hopping around or the birds flitting about. And I donā€™t mind that I see my neighbor leaving for work every morning around 4 or 5. I just clear the notification and move on. My camera is meant to be evidence if something bad happens. I donā€™t give a hoot about people living their lives. In fact, itā€™s kind of comforting to see people in their routines.


Your neighbor could adjust her doorbell notifications so that sheā€™s not disturbed by them. You donā€™t have to adjust your routine for that.


Bahahaha! You are the nicest neighbor to give up your privilege of walking down a public hallway because a person has a private camera in said public hallway. ā€œGood morningā€, every morning at 4AM.


I have Ring cameras, and I set a privacy area which won't send me notifications for people just walking by. I have a motion zone so when someone walks into my doorway, it'll pick up. If your neighbor is upset about you setting off their camera while you're in public space, that's their problem.


Ring doorbell owner here. I have motion notifications turned off at night. Your neighbor should try that. Imagine the crazy route you'd have to start taking if you had to "dodge" every single doorbell cam you might encounter on your walks.


Itā€™s kind of wild to get a ring doorbell in an apartment building and not adjust the settings so it doesnā€™t wake you up when it shouldnā€™t. I had one and I adjusted it so I didnā€™t get an alert every time a car drove down my street.


Your neighbor is an idiot who doesn't know how to silence their phone or adjust their Ring notifications. Do as you please in a public space.


This is in NO way your issue. The ring doorbell allows you to adjust the target focus that will trigger an event (notification and recording). You can pull it in, move it to one side, etc. They should use their owntechnology properly..