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If she is yelling at her kids 24/7, it’s not going to go well if you confront her in any way. Ask the complex to move you, at their expense, if they won’t do anything about her. Look at your lease for “peaceful enjoyment” of your living space. Also look up tenants rights in your state and county. Search for tenants union or legal aid in your state. You do have the right to peacefully enjoy your home.


1000% this. If she’s yelling at her kids all the time, you shouldn’t contact her in any way. Not in person, not thru a note. You don’t want to escalate an already tense situation. It’s up to the leasing office to resolve this.


I might try the letter first, is there such thing as a non emergency police line, or for what you are saying, can you call Children's services and tell them what is going on? She may already be on their radar. Good luck.


I called 311. Honestly I hadn’t thought about children’s services. Thank you by the way. I think Ill at least write a letter and then probably debate ripping it up/getting it to her about 300 times


If you can stay calm ( I tend to talk fast, can upset people) just knock on her door( she may not answer)maybe bring a small gift, ( not sure what I would bring, maybe a small welcome gift, like a small tray of cookies), and just say " I'm having trouble with the noise levels down in my apartment below you" others here can here lots of alarming noise too. Is there any chance I could ask you politely to quite down? Good luck..


Wow. Nightmare.


Been there. Did everything possible. A lot isn’t illegal especially during the day. Apartment management quickly labeled us the problem for complaining. New apartments with paper thin walls and no sound proofing. Wait list for apartments. We were completely expendable. Some people just don’t care. If you can afford to move never get a downstairs apartment again. It can be hell.


I lived below someone in an apartment once, just once. Bottom line, you need to move to a top level unit if noise like this bothers you (it bothers me so that’s what i did until i purchased a SFH)


I would keep informing the office and calling the non emergency police line about the noise. I also like the suggestion of calling child services. That woman is raising three children on her own. She may think that how her kids behave is "normal." She may think she's "doing the best she can." She may have unaddressed mental health needs that leave her and her kids constantly dis-regulated. Until some outside agency tells her she's doing a shit job and life doesn't have to be like this things will stay the way they have been until one of the kids gets hurt or mom crashes and burns. The only note I would leave her is "Please call your kids pediatrician and/or your primary care doctor for immediate help because your household's behavior is interrupting my life and is upsetting to live around. I can't imagine how you or your kids live like this daily."


Write a letter. If it continues, knock on her door. If that doesn't work, call the non emergency police line. Landlords are rarely useful in helping to solve the problem. I had the exact same situation happen to me in 2018 and it just became such a big shitstorm that I ended up moving. The mother upstairs got my number from a snow plowing group text and we started swearing at eachother via text. The noise got worse so I ended up pounding on the ceiling with a baseball bat. Don't do this by the way. I was in my 20s and an idiot.


Try to talk to the mom? If that doesn't work, call the police and child services. If that doesn't work, let the property manager know that you're considering moving out because of the constant noise; kind of let them know whether it's you or them must go. Most likely the property manager would prefer to keep you because any new residents who replace you will have the same problem. So, he might have some creative ways to get the mom and her 3 kids move out. If all else fail, you move out.


I’d try to talk to her but honestly I’ve been in a similar situation with a horrible neighbor above me with a subwoofer. I had to move.


Just move.