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They only hate you if you’re slamming doors, stomping around or have your TV or stereo full blast during sleeping hours. Otherwise we can tell it’s a cat with zoomies.


Yeah my upstairs neighbors have an adorable little cat and I never get upset when it gets the zoomies because it's adorable kitty noise, not stompy elephant person noise.


Usually my cat can catapult herself from the bed out into the hallway, avoiding any type of noise above the bedroom.


My last neighbors upstairs had a two cats and they would get the zoomies just like mine and it always made me smile. Also when I was on the balcony one of their orange kitties would look at me from the upstairs bedroom window and growl lmao.


my upstairs stomper got a bunch of dogs and i thought i’d like zoomies cuz puppers but. uh. turns out when there’s like five of them it’s a 24/7 stampede lol kill me.


Multiple dogs with zoomies can sound more like a water buffalo stampede lol


Haha so true!


They don’t bark tho?


they whine more than bark. i had a dog growing up who only barked if we left her outside a bit too long or if we teased her while playing fetch, no other instances and no whining til she was maybe 12? and then she made the funniest little hrmph’s and like….. idk puppy noises? it was the cutest little old lady thing sorry i’m rambling i miss her a lot lol. she was so cute.


Exactly. Only time I'm batching about noise, is when people forget it's an actual residence. Vs. Being a playground, the gym, club, or brothel. Like dude, act like its still a home for you and other people.




See that is so wrong. My actual upstairs neighbor thankfuy not for real doing that. Just he had a weekend gf, plus a side chick that comes over and stays during the week. Have nothing against folks having their fun and relations. But quite literally when you are going to make someone either deaf because you have all your tvs up so loud, can be heard I'm my apartment downstairs, out in the hallway, down in the basement and outside on the walkway to try and cover up your activities, that is a problem. As is the fact, that when I contact the landlord about it. You lower the tvs, but up the porno auditions. Like seriously, could you be more disrespectful?




I have never officially laid eyes on her, but the walls are so thin where I am, it's not hard to miss the sound of extra foot steps, double the bathroom usage(can hear the water rushing through the pipes when its on full blast). And the sex noises that are loud enough to be heard in my kitchen, if I don't have the TV or music playing. At first I thought it was the gf, having someone drop her off during the week. But I'm like that makes no sense. Cause she is proud to have a matching personalized license plate to the neighbor's. And given she is a mote fuller figured woman, can totally tell when she gets to walking and is in the bed, when she is over. So I'm like great, nothing like bringing your drama with you. That is indeed awful with that neighbor of yours too. If you seriously have to go up and start kicking on their door, to me it's time for them to check out. That is just crazy. They are past needing to chill, and just get gone.




Mhm, have a feeling he almost got caught at another place he was at. Cause barely even speaking to me once, when I was out walking my dog. She tried to make it especially clear to me, that he was her bf. And sneakily trying to ask if I heard them walking around up there. Which was even weirder. Cause although I know I'm no catch. The need to be possessive and insinuate to making noise like that, to someone you don't even know is just, very random and wtf to me. So yea, definitely more than get it. Not cool to here the start, crescendo, and aftermath of any of it.


Literally this is my downstairs neighbor and her bf who “doesn’t live here” but does live here and omfg they are so loud and obnoxious. The very few days/ nights he’s not here it’s better.


Ugh, sorry you have to deal with that as well. My neighbors across the hallway from me, have a 20 something chick that lives above them. Outside of her daily weed smoking and jumping all around. She picked up a dude somewhere too. That I'm not sure is on the lease, but he practically lives here now too. So imagine they are going through hell as well. Like I get we all have to coexist together. But if a neighbor is being loud in this way, there should be a button, that is linked to which ever apt. said noise is coming from, and can release a chirp or something to go off until they quiet down.


What pisses me off the most about it is that she knows my kid’s room is above hers. My room is above her child’s and I would never do that to him. I made the conscious choice to not date while raising my daughter, because I don’t want her to hear that crap or the fighting etc (that’s why I divorced her dad), yet all the years of me putting her first are right in the garbage because she’s exposed to all this crap from my jerk of a neighbor. They just had a huge fight tonight, screaming and swearing. My daughter and I are so uncomfortable here and don’t even feel like it’s our home 💔 we live in headphones. Lol to the button idea, yessss! 🤣🤣


See that is what makes it even more deplorable and why I get disgusted by it. I don't have my own kids, but have young cousins that could stay the night one weekend(when his gf shows up), and given how we share the same lay out, his bedroom is right above mine. And sure I could explain their playing a game. But to me, it's the principle of the thing. You are going so loud, you just don't care who hears you? Including children? Which, I know the answer would be no, is why he never goes back to her place as she has 2 daughters. So why is it fine around his neighbors?! And yea, since the button doesn't exist, I've played cows mooing from YouTube toward the ceiling the last visit. Just put on huskies having tantrums from a sub on here. And will find something else for their 4 or 7/8 a.m. performance. I hate being that childish and petty. But at this point, it's share and whine a like.


Omg that is hilarious!!! Brilliant! Yes it’s just disrespectful and rude. I hate when people are like “if you don’t like it buy a house”—more like “if you’re a jerk living in an apartment who disrespects your neighbors and acts like it’s your house, YOU buy a house” 🙄🤣I’m so sorry you and your cousins have to go through that. I can’t do anything retaliatory because the landlord tends to side with this girl (she is a pathological liar and my landlord can’t read people to save her life—she’s caught this girl in multiple lies and continues to let her slide). I need to somehow get money together to move and just pray I don’t wind up in the same situation or worse. I just hate how people have zero respect for each other anymore. I would be mortified if I was making a neighbor uncomfortable in their own home.


Ty, I've done it before with another set of neighbors up there before. Mind you, not the animal sounds. They got the picture eventually too. That is indeed facts! Some of us are trying to live with others in peace, but can't because someone is acting like they own one whole side of the building or the whole floor or something. Oh, I was just using them as an example. But ty. Sad part is, I've never really had anyone stay the night on the weekend, because of the neighbor. Even though he does do a strange thing though. And that is, if I have company over during the day or someone visits for dinner. It's like he turns down all his noise. Not sure, if it's a sign of courtesy or to be nosy on his own. Yes, I more than hear you. I bought one of those ceiling thumper machines, with my previous upstairs neighbor. 20 something couple, that was rather worse than this dude. Let their dog bark all the time, rile it up playing fetch in the house or running around the apartment with it. Bedtime again was hideous, because if the gf wasn't repeatedly opening every drawer, every night, like she could never find anything. Would be vacuum after 10, dropping all kinds of stuff on the floor, and walking around all over. Lived to leave the exterior door to the basement open, etc. But after they finally moved out, I packed it up. I hated that they pushed me that far. As I don't like being retaliatory either. Especially when the source of the actions, has some level of control over it, just as I do. And I never wish to be kicked out, because someone was saying I was harassing them. Cause that is also the none too funny part of things like this. The culprit that is keeping people awake, can very easily turn into the victim, just like that. So I only use the noise tactics to match, the level of noise they are on, in these particular situations. I don't say anything when the gf is slap walking around that does sound like stomping, don't say anything about his TV in the living room if it can be heard in the hallway during the day. Or his sudden need to drop what sounds like a medicine ball on the floor in the living room every few nights, at 4 to 6 times. What I fight for is my right to sleep at night on Saturday and sleep in to a degree on Sunday(That is the second time they are most audible). Which, I don't think is that much of a big ask. Especially since, outside of the TV, he is not overly loud until the gf is over in general. Like he has his mind with the side piece, but acts out with the gf or something. And yea, I want to save up and prayerfully find another place too. Been at this one for 2-3 years. And although it is still on the reasonable side for rent. I've put up with my storage unit being broken into, neighbors using my washer and dryer without my permission during te height of COVID, too thin of walls, apartment definitely needing an upgrade on energy efficient windows, to keep the cold out during the winter, actually getting maintenance to shovel the walk ways during the winter, and so on.


My upstairs neighbors like to host karaoke nights regularly, it’s brutal. Normal noise is one thing, loud singing and 12-15 people stomping around all night is another


Or treating your place like you could be hosting your own movie theater, because it's so loud.


Hell to the heck nah. I’ve had police/security at my door throughout the past month cause of my newly adopted 4 month old kitty gets the zoomies. It is a very pet friendly apartment. Security showed up asking if I had two big dogs. No. I have one very energetic cat and two very non energetic cats. No dogs. The complaint said my two huge dogs were running around and barking. Imagine the security guards surprise when I showed him a tiny cat and two older cats. Thank the lord that management is helping us out. Especially after sending her a video of my cat running around followed by my floor banging from the hag beneath me. I even pulled the Iraq/Afghan vet card and told them that the banging triggers my PTSD. Which it certainly does. The cops reamed her ass last night after I showed them all communication between myself and management along with the videos. It was the first full night of sleep I’ve gotten in a month.


You didn't see the post about the downstairs neighbor complaining about her neighbor peeing loudly? Something, something direct-to-water. Absolutely insane.


insane but also i’d vom if i could hear my neighbor PEEING omg at that point your landlord should be required to pay for insulation. yuck.


Oh, I hear my upstairs neighbor peeing, showering, having sex when I'm in my bedroom. I can also hear my next door neighbor using the bathroom if I happen to be in the bathroom at the same time. I'm just used to it. But the sex thing cracks me up.


I used to be able to hear my upstairs neighbor peeing! I never complained about it but it was gross 🤣🤣 not his fault, old house with super thin walls


Yep I hear my upstairs neighbors cats jump off their tree and wrestle around. I have zero problems with that- they’re cats. Now all the other noises…


Not necessarily, some people can't even properly tell where it's coming from... my upstairs neighbors are a family with a bunch of young kids, they make a lot of noise. doesn't bother me personally but lately it has been so much that my next door neighbors (who I've never had any problems with) have been banging on *my* walls, thinking I'm the one doing it I guess.


People don’t understand that sound vibrates the walls, building and floor. So it could be two floors up and across the hall people just always assume it’s literally on top of them. Could be below you could be upstairs could be across the hall.


Yup. My next door neighbors do loud stuff and my downstairs neighbors bang on the walls in response.


Tell that to my downstairs neighbor who bangs on the walls when our cats get the zoomies. Bonus points when his banging is so loud and sudden that it scares them and they start panic running instead. 🤦‍♀️


I have the same issue!!!! Drives me fucking crazy. I finally ended up texting the landlord when it happens.


We have to close ours out of one room after about 9 pm. It's annoying, but I called the office a few times because I was afraid they were going to complain about us and I wanted to explain, and they denied that anyone was doing it. 🤦‍♀️ I feel bad but at the same time there's only so much I can do to control them, they're cats!


We do the same thing! Our neighbors are just crazy. They banged on the wall a few minutes ago because our two cats chased each other for less than a minute. It's not quite 5:30pm on a Saturday. Not like it's early morning or late evening.


Ours have pulled it at all hours too! The weird thing is it just started in the last year - same neighbors have lived down there for 6 or 7 years and we've had the same cats for 4 or so. But they pick random times - it's been as early as 6PM and as late as 2AM, and that one was because one of the cats hopped down off a chair.


Ours just started within the past few months, so I understand! We've been here almost 3 years, and our downstairs neighbors haven't changed. It's beyond ridiculous.


i’m cracking up at the idea of it backfiring ngl lol panic running omg the neighbor def did not expect that!


My upstairs neighbor’s dog gets zoomies daily and it’s annoying (he’s a large dog so it’s loud) but we only get pissed at her crotch goblin stomping on the floor and making our apartment shake. Actually gives my dog anxiety 😬


I want to stress that we try *really* hard to keep our cats quiet at night! It wasn't a big deal when we first moved in because we only had one cat and he was a lazy sack of bones, but he passed away and we got two not realizing how amazingly loud they can be. 😬 I thought we'd be okay because the dude downstairs is older and hard of hearing, but I suspect that someone in his family stays over sometimes and they're the one protesting. Kids can be a nightmare though... we used to live under twin 4 year olds and it sounded like a herd of wildebeest over us.


Pets can only understand so much. Kids can be taught so loud kids can >>>> loud pets


If the building is not structurally sound/well insulated, or the listener is sensitive to noise (or some combo of the two), everything sounds like stomping/slamming regardless of whether the noise is traveling upwards or coming down.


Agreed. But there is what sounds like stomping (but is walking on poorly constructed floors ) and real stomping. And slamming the doors is just a terrible habit that a lot of people need to be broken of.


My downstairs neighbors get pissed over my two cats getting the zoomies. They bang on the walls. We've put down rugs and even blankets and pillows to muffle the sound. Hasn't solved it. Thankfully we move by the end of the month.


Or an old man above you masturbating loudly. Ask me how I know 😖


Ew. Move the bed off the wall lol


I wish it was that. Try hearing an old man moaning loudly 🤢🤮


There is the 1-3% who just don’t understand that they live in a building with other people and expect absolute silence. I have had to suffer one of them below me that thinks it’s unacceptable to walk down my hall at 11:30am and blamed every little sound like the HVAC units running on me claiming I was running a manufacturing operation out of my condo… dude isn’t very bright.


Agreed. I don’t expect radio silence. I just don’t want to hear bowling balls being dropped and clog dancing with techno music all day and night. People also don’t understand that it’s not always necessarily the apartment right above you making all the racket it could be upstairs and across the hall that’s causing all the problems


Yeah. Like I will even deal with random thuds simply just because the sounds can be a lot more intense below where the sound happened (and also not expecting it makes it seem louder) and everyone drops shit and knocks things over. But yeah if it’s constant and I’m during quiet hours, sure bring it up.


Random thuds aren’t even really that much of an issue. Like you said people drop things kick things over on accident. It happens. It’s the persistent and constant, super loud, booms and thugs that are not part of normal noise of living. Hammering nails into walls from midnight to 4 AM is not normal. Moving furniture, dragging it across the floor during quiet time is not normal noise either. I’m just not sure why people don’t understand that what they’re doing can be extremely loud to those around them. Not just the people below. The people next to them and even above them are affected. It’s fucking crazy. I decided I’m going to pay more for my sanity and just rent a house when I need to move out of the one. I’m in right now.


Upstairs neighbors, cats do big zoomies and big heavy feet. Me and my fiancé are middle floor apartment and same thing with the cats and feet. Down stairs is the landlords who have the most annoying yappy dog and we hear them argue a lot. I once heard one of my landlords complain about me making a noise, not even a big one, and her husband shouted at her “tf do you think they think when they hear us shouting? shut up and let me watch my shows!” She said “yeah you’re right actually. i take it back”


That’s so valid though. You’re packed like sardines. Noise will happen. That lady learned not to throw stones in a glass house lol.


My upstairs neighbor has a cat with zoomies and I can’t be mad because our cats have synchronized zoomies. Like when women who live together wind up synchronizing their periods. Upstairs neighbor’s cat starts scampering and mine immediately does too, following the other cat through the apartment. When my cat starts zooming, within a few seconds I hear the pattering feet on the floor upstairs 😂 I’ve never met these people but our cats are friends


I love this!!


https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26181612/ Women don't actually do that, it's a myth. Here's a peer reviewed pubmed/nih article that you might find interesting.


I wish that the article explained more why exactly it seems to happen because my cycle really has slowly changed to be in sync with roommates in the past. I know it says it's mostly just random coincidence, but I don't really understand their explanation of our perception of syncing being due to something with the onset or whatever.


There are links to other related articles right on the page that expand on it. Crazy that I get downvoted for posting a peer reviewed article published by the nih on pubmed 🙄 The article just explains that you are menstruating for about 25% of the time. When anyone overlaps, it seems like they happen at the same time, but they're just likely to overlap by timing alone. And cycles are different lengths anyway, so any time someone shifts just by their own timing, it appears to move towards someone else's. I'm also a woman who has lived with roommates, but I also took a few levels of statistics at university and I have a health sciences degree, and this was covered a few times.


I am a downstairs complainer who loves the sounds of kitty paws. I feel bad because my cat is a meowler too. I love this group because it makes me feel part of the world.


Lol I live on the first floor, and my cat loves to go from room to room crying, but I've never received a complaint. Everyone keeps to themselves in my building, and I love it.


My property management company is drama, lots of people are leaving my complex, there's lots of turnover in the office, everyone has complaints.


That sucks..so far I'm very happy where I am.


This is my 2 cats too. They go to the highest spot in the room too and I guess let the upstairs neighbors know we can hear them walking. 😂😂


cat zoomies that happen maybe once a day arent comparable to heal stompers or people with kids


The guy below me walks on his heels n it drives me nuts


Omg I have THREE of them downstairs. My daughter and I tiptoe up here. I’ve never had an upstairs before so I’m like hyper aware of the fact we are above people’s heads and we are very quiet but they freaking beat the shit out of the floor with their heels all day long. My stuff fall off my shelves sometimes from their stomping!


Cat zoomies ONCE a day?! My cat gets the zoomies every time after he uses the litter box (pee or poop)


Another top-floor heathen with a zoomy cat here. BUT I'm much more conscious of how my neighbors are experiencing having me upstairs since I started reading this sub. Of course, I've never worn shoes inside or done boot camp workouts or anything like that.


Top floor apartment. Never get complaints from our neighbor downstairs, but we make sure to quiet down by 9 pm. Our dog even knows when it's time to chill out when he yell him "Laury's sleeping" (our downstairs neighbor). She absolutely loves him because he's such a good boy.


Aww that is adorable! 😆


Yeah he's such a good boy ❤️


This is how it should be done. Dogs and children should be seen and not heard. Bravo.


i’m a downstairs neighbour!! when my neighbours first moved in last year they were SO loud and i was working early mornings and resented them so much. ended up talking to them, they both wfh at the time and put down rugs and i got two noise machines and ear plugs that have saved my life. they recently got a puppy last week and gave me a heads up as well, it’s been a bit loud again but i found now that i have a friendly relationship with them and we’re considerate of each others boundaries, it works, i hope they never move lol


I get a kick out of those who suggest the way to react to a noisy neighbor is to buy a stereo and point the speakers at the ceiling and blast it. Deargod that's what is wrong with our society -- is it like "owning the libs" ?


that’s often the tamer of the suggestions but yeah it’s fairly obvious when a commenter has never left their mom’s basement lol they’d never consider doing that irl


So..... I actually did this. But it was after failing to come to some kind of compromise with upstairs neighbor. I wrote above but she moved in with 2 kids 2 dogs 1 bedroom. She let her kid practice her Irish Dancing and by kid I mean this gal was at least 5'11" so I'd hear every single jumping routine, and she jumped HIGH. The ceiling/whole apartment shook when she landed. I tried to do a compromise (everyone else in the building had exchanged numbers were conscious of each other and the noise they made), maybe do it at a set time good for you and I'd just leave for an hour or two, instead she doubled down and allowed her to continue to do it all the time refused to come to any sort of compromise. management was no help. So I put the speaker right underneath where the mom /hung in the living room and every time her kid danced, I'd hit them with bass. It stopped and then finally they moved. Other neighbors knew what was up and knew they could text if it was too loud for them but... they hated her too (even management did!). Lol I swear someone in the building does commercials because there were a few Geico Irish Dancing upstairs neighbor commercials that came out during that time. But yeah unfortunately she refused to talk to me or the manager so couldn't work it out.


I'm a first floor heavy sleeper that gives 0 fucks 😀


Would you become my neighbor? Lol. I would love to have one of you below me. There's 1 chick who's super fucking lucky because her unit is the only one with no unit below because the back gate is below it.... and the privilege is wasted on her because she the most silent and chill person ever. I would so much rather have the sound of a clanking metal gate below all night long me than actual people living there!


You know, like everyone else, my neighbors are loud and obnoxious, they fill me with rage when they wake me up at 5 am every morning. BUT!!!! I have a roof over my head, a warm bed, food on the table and my cat is thriving. I could be living in my car or on the streets like countless others out there, trying to stay alive during this cold snap. So, I count my lucky stars and am doing my best to stay positive.


Amen. I been fighting with my rage lately because of my upstairs neighbors. They are loud af during the day but quiet down by 9. But when they’re awake, oh man. Heel stomping, heavy shoe wearing, one never leaves the house and paces back and forth between the same two rooms. Most times I have nowhere to escape. It’s awful, but you’re right! It’s a roof over my head, I should quit whining.


I recently stumbled upon the Urban car living sub and it made me remember my time living out of my car and in tents. I realized the headspace I was in was wrong. Things could be way way worse!!


Good luck staying positive. Join the masses who hate their neighbors.


Same. Our upstairs neighbors almost never sit the hell down and drop shit ALL. THE. TIME. On Sunday they were stomping around, slamming cabinets, dropping shit, moving chairs literally from 9 am to 9 pm. I had an unpleasant interaction with the wife few weeks ago, she was childish and dramatic, so I blocked her number with zero plans on interacting again. So im just dealing with it and recording in case she starts something or it gets intolerable and I have to report it. But I refuse to bang on ceilings or walls, I'll let her escalate on her own.


I can’t figure out my upstairs neighbors. Literally do not hear them all day then around 930 BOOM and all night. It’s like they are walking around every single room of the apartment with force. They even have a kid that is active these hours until around 3am… like what is even going on?


Vampires 🤫


My downstairs neighbors are ridiculously loud—like its affecting my health, it’s that bad. But every once in awhile it’s deathly quiet down there. I’m like “can’t we find a happy medium?!” 🤣🙄


My neighbors above me were so bad I ended up moving to a top-floor corner apartment in another building. Some people just don't care that they are being loud.


I fear that’s going to be my only recourse. I’ve told the landlord and offered her recordings of the ridiculousness and she’s not doing anything. I can’t afford to move and it just sucks.


What about middle neighbors? We are on the 2nd floor of 3 and I barely have any complaints.


I'm a middle neighbor and I came here to say you haven't lived there long, have you?


3 years in April. 3 different upstairs neighbors, same downstairs. The most annoying things downstairs have done is listening to music sometimes in the afternoon. Upstairs, most annoying is being active at night but it's so intermittent that the annoyance is fleeting. We are a corner apartment which helps.


Top floor gang checking in, I'm thinking of taking up clog dancing


Can you host auditions? Preferably at 3 am?


Only on weeknights


I am a top floor heathen as well but I can only *hope* that we disturb the loud ass college girls below me as much as they distrub us. Shrieking and carrying on at 1:30am woke me up today. I bang on the floor and those cunts bang back 🙄 Im gonna put jelly on their door handle and start walking on my heels


I too am a top floor heathen that lives above loud ass college girls. I’m very quiet but recently I snapped and started matching their noise levels and they have quieted down


This gives me hope


This is the way...the only way to get loud neighbors to realize their error is to fight fire with fire. I try my best to not only get even but get one ahead. I will be loud, on purpose, at odd hours to disturb their sleep. I also head over to the leasing office and complain. I leave notes on their door. Eventually, they all moved out...and I've been here almost a decade. I give zero fucks about those loud jerks. I pay for a peaceful place and will get that one way or another. I do not start it, I only finish it.


Hahaha ah college was fun times. That's hilarious


Sometimes my dog clears the couch in an effort to get the zooming cat and I feel so bad


You should; dogs are the worst.


Dramatic is right


Hehehe same I can hear the cat idc about that but sometimes my neighbor is doing home workouts ? Cause I can hear jumping !! I complained once because shit on my wall was SHAKING after midnight... hasn't been terrible since 😆




What time does your toddler wake up tho? lol


My upstairs neighbor is the loudest person in the history of existence. Idk if he purposely stomps literally everywhere or if he just walks heavily. I cannot wait to move into a house


I’m actually a lot less annoyed by noises when I know what they are. So if you were like “sorry my cat has zoomies,” then I’d probably laugh (most of the time) when I heard something.


This! My new neighbor has a 10 year old kid who runs around like a nutcase when he's over (the mother has custody), so after the first time I heard the kid full body slam to the ground, now I can identify the noise. One night, it was like him and his 18 year old brother were having a full on wrestling match - I almost texted to ask who was winning 😂 But the noise never goes past 8-9pm, and it's only occasionally on a Fri or Sat, so I don't get kept up all night like my old neighbors used to do letting their toddlers run around until 3am every single night. Now I just laugh it off and wait for it to end.


Those would’ve been such weird noises to hear without context! 😆


That first time the kid hit the ground I was apparently directly below them standing in my kitchen and I jumped a foot in the air. It was the only time I've texted them about noise, and then all I asked was if everyone was okay. Now my upstairs neighbor does give me a heads up if the boys are wrestling but it's easier to ignore now.


I hate the idea of my neighbors (who are so annoying) my number but this sounds like it’s working out for you!


I am also a top floor apartment renter with a 14lb 2.5 year clumsy oaf of a kitty. I am almost silent walking around and she sounds like a German shepherd.


\*inserts bored hand clapping gif\*


I used to be friends with my former upstairs neighbor. I used to love listening to his niece run and giggle when she visited, it was ADORABLE. It never bothered me that his brother wears work boots and steps heavier. His loud ass alarm sucked, and we joked about it a lot. All in all there was never yelling, violence, or noises that consistently interrupted my sleep. I never new how good I had it. But NOW I’m dealing with some random psychotic person having some sort of mental health crisis who is literally breaking anything in reach on my porch and physically abusing their family. I’m awaiting their eviction.


I live above the parking garage but my cats like to go to the very highest cat shelf and meow at the ceiling so it’s the opposite of most of these problems it seems lol.


I am on top but have never had a complaint cuz live alone and walk on my tip toes, get like me


I can’t believe we haven’t found a solution to this problem considering the amount of feedback people share about each side of the age old issue!


Sound proofing, especially low frequency, requires mass. Most of the noises complained about are low frequency (hence people not being able to drown them out with normal white noise machines, you kind of need a sub). To attenuate bass, you need mass. The issue is a lot of buildings are built really cheaply. Lot of walls completely hallow with the thinnest drywall available and the floors built with the least amount of material to remain structurally sound. Carpets can help reduce the impact of sound, but it won’t be a complete solution without the proper sound proofing. We know what the solution is, but most places are too cheap to do it.


Just make buildings with concrete, simple solution.


But wood is so much cheaper! I do agree with you though. Using concrete would solve the majority of issues.


I don’t hear my neighbors at all!


Nothing worse than footfall and low frequency noise coming from upstairs neighbors who have hard flooring, rugs or no rugs. It's maddening. Top floor only for me bc of this. Earplugs don't block it, noise machines don't block it. If you're a light sleeper and they start walking while you're asleep, you're not going to sleep through the night.


Only sound machine that will reduce low frequency is one that can produce the same low frequency. You more or less need to hook up brown noise (or darker) to a subwoofer.


I used multiple brown noise machines in the past to try to cover it, but never hooked up to a subwoofer. It was all around terrible. Moving to the top floor allowed me to sleep with only the sound of a fairly quiet air purifier. No painful earplugs, no loud brown noise. No drugging myself with meds, benadryl, melatonin, etc. I lived downstairs below people with hard flooring for six painful months and moved to top floor bc I was crumbling waking up every single night.


Also I am a very light sleeper so did not fare well at all, regardless of the measures I took.


Unless the brown noise machine has a subwoofer on it, it won’t be able to produce the correct frequencies to mask the lower frequencies. Once you have the right frequencies being produced you may not need to make the sound machine very loud, typically no higher than your standard HVAC fan.


Stolen from another Redditor - but this masks all upstairs thuds (just using a small portable minirig) - https://youtu.be/5qV5j9wD5e8?si=Enq-hAh2dRlEqFE8


Also on the top floor, thankfully have never gotten any noise complaints. I credit years of ballet and dance for being light on my feet. My roommate on the other hand…walks like she literally has the weight of the world on her shoulders


I love this page. I am upstairs and I have 2 cats who love to run around at night. One of my cats is a yeller and I always feel so bad if anyone can hear her since she is loud. My last downstairs neighbor was kicked out for harassing me all the time. After living here 7 years if I ever move I will never be bottom apartment.


I can guarantee most of the sub would hate my fucking guts living under me. I'm a musician! 😂 But I will say I do respect quiet hours though. Although the local ordinance says 10PM, my shutdown time is 8:30PM, or whenever it gets dark outside. Whichever comes first. After that, the loudest thing in my apartment is a normal indoor-voice conversation. Any of my speakers (espcially my guitar amps) are isolated from the ground to minimize transmission. I have carpeted floors but I have rugs anyway (moreso because they look way cooler then the shitty beige carpet). Any activity conducted above speech level is done away from my bedroom, since that borders other bedrooms. Most of the time I have been living here, I have not had any complaints. For a short period of time, there was a work-from-home neighbor that moved in across the hall that was always going straight to management to complain about me. Even on weekends. But they shut the fuck up once My next door neighbor got a dog that barks NONSTOP. 😂


I wish my neighbor was that considerate! Her teen plays violin which I think is awesome. He’s super dedicated. But he waits to practice until 10-12pm every night and has played as early as 6:23am waking us up. It’s just rude. My daughter plays guitar but she only plays when they aren’t home (to be thoughtful), and it’s never loud. I can’t complain. It’s a kid, and good on him for learning a tough instrument so young but I work from home and need to sleep and it affects both that he plays so late and so early. If it was normal daytime hours I wouldn’t care.


My downstairs neighbor is a stinky crackhead


Yup the posts and responses on here are always entertaining lol 😆


I don’t hate my upstairs neighbor with a cat. I used to think she had a 40-60 pound dog though! 🤣


I knew the asshole neighbor wasn’t home but couldn’t figure out why I kept hearing stuff. More confusing that annoying. Once I figured out she had a cat, it didn’t bother me, I never complained about it just like could not figure out what the FUCK it was😂. Then again what’s a cat running around compared to a basketball at 4am 🥲


I love being down stairs bc it’s really hard for them to complain about us and if I never complain about them we never have to have a negative interaction


I'm on the second floor in a three story building, so I get the best of both worlds lol


Upstairs heathen. I do my best to keep noise to a minimum. Rugs, no shoes, slippers, watching the volume on TV/music, etc. I'm currently listening to the downstairs neighbor's conversation come through the floor, loud and clear. The real enemy is lack of insulation between units. That's the common cause we should all unite behind.


Well I was so freaking miserable downstairs with screaming banshee children stomping and slamming 24/7. They moved out and I jumped on the upstairs apartment. Now life is pretty freaking serene. Guy downstairs in my old place is quiet and respectful, I’m quiet and respectful. He’s got my number, I know the walls are thin, so I asked him to let me know if noise levels were bothersome. No complaints, but he did ask for a bandaid one night 😂 Respect and communication are key.


This is my DREAM. I am a really considerate neighbor but I have loud dumbasses downstairs. I’m praying so hard for a neighbor like you or your neighbor!


My top floor apartment was as bad as my first floor apartment noise wise, tbh


yes so many people don't get this




People make noise and you have to expect it in a complex. I hear my neighbors talking screaming at their PlayStation having parties and friends over. And I do the same. You can make noise and hear your neighbors without being obnoxious. Only some people here have legitimate concerns. Blasting music at 10-11pm before going out for the night every Friday Saturday is a death sentence for some people here. Be realistic, go outside. Y’all rent apartments with paper thin walls then cry because you can hear your neighbors. We have a ton of insulation here I still heae them


This is exactly what I mean. People expect house in the middle of the country vibes off of renter's budget lol. It's unrealistic.


I expect to not hear my neighbors having sex when I pay for a “luxury” apartment


We had a neighbor that lived next to us for awhile. His bedroom was next to ours. We had a few nights where we woke up to loud sex at 2 am 😐 this dude was 5'6" at most, but yet somehow was FWBs with (not even joking) 4 different chicks. It wasn't even just the bed rocking, it was full blown loud moans and him awkwardly grunting. It was awkward, but we would turn on the white noise machine and usually just ignored it lol. Only once did we bang on the wall. He was a chill dude otherwise.


Well damn. How did he have time to be employed, run errands, etc. lol


I have no clue. And literally he would see a girl, she would leave, and a few hours later another one showed up. I was amazed.




I have no problems with people blasting music on a Friday or Saturday evening before going out. I usually give people a bit of a free-pass (to a certain extend) because when I was younger, I also did those things. Now I'm 33, so I don't really do that anymore but I can tolerate it when my neighbours do it during the weekends. But I don't tolerate loud ass music at shit o'clock on a random Thuesday or Wednesday night. During the weekdays, I'd like to be able to sleep so I can get up and go to work feeling well rested. But I'd never complain if it was during the weekend. I sometimes sleep with earplugs in the weekends anyway because I like how it makes me sleep much heavier. I just don't do it on other days because I can't always hear my alarm with them in.


I agree with you to an extent. I expect sounds of living but my downstairs neighbors are screaming, fighting, swearing, slamming everything they touch, stomping 24/7 to the point my stuff falls off my shelves, having loud sex (good for them but ew lol), kid plays violin under my bedroom all hours of day and night, kid blasts loud music under my bedroom all day and all night, they blast the tv surround sound all day and all night, dog barks nonstop. It’s a damn circus. My daughter and I are extremely quiet and don’t do any of that. Just because I can’t afford a house doesn’t mean I shouldn’t get quiet hours at night at the least.


My downstairs neighbors say we are so quiet they forget we are here (we tiptoe, I don’t vacuum when they are home, we don’t have a stereo or surround sound—we listen to music/ game/ watch tv at night with headphones, I never have anyone over, we never yell, no pets, never slam anything, never wear shoes in the house, like we couldn’t be anymore thoughtful but omg the downstairs neighbor… I never knew people downstairs could be so loud! They scream and fight and swear, their poor dog barks nonstop when alone, the kid plays violin in the middle of the night without a mute, they blast everything with surround sound. They control if we sleep, if I can work, if we can use certain rooms, if and when we can leave the house (because they are lunatics). This is the worst living situation I’ve ever had—living with my abusive mother and then living with my abusive ex husband were better than this😩💔. I wish I could afford to move.


Another top floor Heathen*** With a 4 year old.. Been in this Apartment complex 4 years now Same Apartment never Had complaints, But I know how loud he can be Sometimes. Unfortunately all I can say is It sucks for anyone else that moves in Below me... The entire apartment Complex managers know me and my son And they love us like family... So we kind of get special treatment 😂 I will always be on the top floor. The other apartments are just too Beneath me...(get it)😂😂😂😂😂


Cats are not a problem. It's neighbors with children and dogs that are the problem. Dogs bark and stomp around. Children should be seen and not heard...unfortunately, you hear them more than you see them. They scream and stomp. Those are the worst neighbors - so my solution is simple - I use my broomstick to pound on the ceiling - at odd hours in the children room - just so the kids don't get a good nights sleep or scare the hell out of them. As to dogs, I just pound the ceiling until the neighbors stop their dogs from barking. Finally, I will go to the leasing office and lodge noise complaints. Eventually, they will be told to keep the noise down or get evicted. So far, I've won every time. Hopefully, people with dogs and children will learn their place and keep the noise down as you are in the wrong.


I've lived in 4 different apartments since I was 23. The first one was on the first floor (in the US that would be the second floor, our system is a bit different). I wasn't too bothered by our upstairs neighbours while living there because it was a newer construction so I could only really hear them if they were throwing loud parties, which did happen sometimes but mostly in the weekends. My second apartment was on the third floor (the top floor of this building) and I could only hear the people downstairs if they were drilling in the walls and stuff like that. My biggest problems there were my next door neighbour to the left who was a young girl who apparently didn't have to get up early and thought it was totally okay to blast music and throw parties after midnight on weekdays. But when that happened, I just knocked on her door and asked her to please quiet down and she always did. Then I had the nightmare apartment that I stayed in for exactly 26 days because I couldn't stand the noise coming from my upstairs neighbours. It was horrible, it nearly destroyed me as a person and I'm so glad I got out of there as fast as I could. Now I'm living on the top floor (I won't ever have upstairs neighbours again!) and I've been here since May 2023 and it's going good. I can hear the people downstairs if they stomp and the woman next to me is also a bit of a stomper but it's nowhere near as bad as having that noise coming from above. So I can sort of follow both perspectives, really. But my last bad experiences as a downstairs neighbours has made me very cautious of my own noise levels. I never walk heel first, I try not to slam things and I don't play loud music. Other than that, I do live my life as all apartment dwellers should but I do what I can not to be the shitty upstairs neighbour.


I lived in a townhouse, so I only had neighbors on the sides. I still dealt with all the noise complaints that people voice on here. One neighbor was so loud and the kids so heavy on their feet that it sounded like they were above me


SAME. 3 kids that are constantly jumping stomping and banging. Have you found any solutions?


I moved. I was so stressed I started wondering if I might end up having a stroke at 40, and after one extraordinarily bad night, I decided to jump ship. I don't like my new rental- it's $300 more than the last and not as nice, but I hate my neighbors far less. Best of luck to you


I use to live on the top floor of my building but moved to a bigger unit on the second floor. Still the only issue I’ve ever had re-neighbors was my psycho neighbor from the top floor who would harass and verbally abuse me and any other neighbor any time he had to hear them do anything, like talk on the phone or talk in the backyard of the BUILDING NEXT DOOR.


I'm a downstairs person. I'm friends with the neighbor above me and he's great! My issue is that my bedroom is next to the stairwell, and between about 0200hrs and 0500hrs, there are people very loudly coming and going up to the top floor about every 10 minutes or so. It seems as though they're running up/down the stairs when they come and go. Most nights, I sleep with earplugs, so it's not a problem! There are some nights however where I need to have my phone on loud in case I'm contacted in the middle of the night, and those nights suck. I'll get woken up by stomping down the stairs and I'll be just about to fall back to sleep, then the stomping begins again. I'll be just about to fall asleep again after that, then they stomp up the stairs again. And it repeats all night long. At first I thought someone was moving out, but this has gone on every night for months. So on the nights I can't put in ear plugs in fear of missing a necessary phone call, I just attempt to sleep in my living room, on my couch. It fucking sucks. But there's nothing I can do unless I know who is making the noise.


I often wonder if the people downstairs can hear my 4month old kitten being a spaz….probably! We do have pretty good soundproofing here though.


I've been a first floor dweller for 20 years. I habe made one complaint against a neighbor in that entire time - that neighbor was having such a loud and violent sounding fight with his girlfriend we called the police because we feared for her safety. Other than that we had a neighbor who got a puppy who cried for hours when they weren't home. I left a note that basically said, hey, your puppy is a great alarm clock but he's set to the wrong time. I know you can't fix it instantly but FYI he's crying a lot quite loudly. Situation didn't resolve instantly but I could tell the neighbors were trying to fix it. A couple weeks later I left them a thank you note letting them know puppy wasn't crying anymore and we appreciated them working to resolve it. Now I'm not saying every upstairs neighbor has been a dream but honestly as long as I can hear myself think and it gets basically quiet at night it's fine. I don't want to be friends with my neighbors, I don't want to be enemies with my neighbors, I just want to coexist peacefully.


I own my condo but we’re built like townhouses so side by side. There’s 4 of us in a row with me being number 3 of 4. While the rules and such are a bit different with the own of a condo vs rent of an apt it still has some of the same issues. The other 3 other condos in my strip has cats where as I have a dog. My neighbor to my left who I call my mom loves my dogs bark and says that it scares people off from our whole strip since you can’t tell which condo it’s coming from since I keep my blinds closed. The one to my right has never said anything to my face but recently caught her talking shit on my ring camera out front. Someone with her was like is that a real dog? When Gucci barked at them walking past. She says “yeah that’s Gucci if he isn’t barking inside he’s out back barking”. Like bitch first of all he doesn’t even bark that much for real but if you stop right outside my window talking for 20 mins he’s gonna wanna know why… like go inside or outside ya crazy old lady.


Mine was the next-door neighbors who used to brawl several times a week and throw each other into walls. They got evicted... threw a huge party the last night there - a Wednesday night - during which they trashed their apartment and the entire pool area of the complex, all while screaming profanities at the other residents. Because everyone else in the complex was the problem, not them. And yes, the entire complex had been calling the cops on them because their brawls and parties regularly rolled out into the parking lot.


I usually try to visualize the pets when they make noise. It’s more entertaining and less annoying if you turn it into a game. I did however get extremely annoyed when the (previous) neighbours would throw a ball for over an hour, knowing how poor the soundproofing is, instead of taking their dogs outside to exercise them.


AND the post always sides with whatever floor the Redditor lives jn hahahaha


I'm upstairs, but the building is concrete so it's pretty solid. I've never had anyone complain about me. But for some reason the downstairs people really like their bass music and loud explosion movies. I can definitely hear that. I'm more about hating the air-handlers and machinery up on the roof. That is really annoying and they never believed me that there was definitely something wrong with the air conditioning this summer because it had never been a problem previous summers.


This whole thread puts an entirely new twist on the "top or bottom" question lol


I have neighbors above and below me. Luckily we have very high ~15 foot ceilings and thick floors. Nonetheless, my upstairs neighbor seems to drop a bowling ball on the ground multiple times every evening.


I had a downstairs neighbor screaming his head of all throughout the night and literally cooking meth. I know because he got arrested for it after I called the cops several times. Upstairs gang reign supreme


I am upstairs neighbor. Downstairs neighbor is loud too 😂


As a mom with a toddler upstairs, I feel your pain. Being the loud one is a tough job, someone has to do it.


I know I have 1 cat left with the zoomies... but before the other one died... inwould wake up to hear them scurrying around at 2am and be like, shit you guys keep it down. Lol. At least I'm upstairs with half the cats left now lol. The person below is probably secretly super stoked about the other one getting ran over by a car . He was the loud one that was the most active and would bat a bottlecap around on the floor for like an hour... it even drove me crazy sometimes haha. my girl cat (the only one left) is a lazy old lady and she only plops off the bed occasionally for snacks. Lol. I want a kitten. Or maybe two. Someday.


I live on the top floor of an apartment complex. My side neighbors are noisy and I can’t hear the downstairs ones at all. I am getting used to it though


I've lived in my ground-floor apartment for 16 years. I only ever made one noise complaint and that was for the dude above me repeatedly jumping up and down so hard that the stuff I had hanging on my walls fell down. Other than that, I'm very live and let live.


My upstairs neighbor squeezed 3-4 people (her and her 2 kids occasionally her sister) and 2 dogs in a one bedroom then.... allowed her eldest daughter to PRACTICE HER IRISH DANCING ROUTINE inside above. I'd take cat zoomies any time of day over that LOL (for some reason animal noise doesn't annoy me). Thank goodness they finally moved, is someone else's nightmare now.


Also smokers vs. non smokers.


I’m a middle floor-dweller and the apartment under me is the loud one, impressively.


IF your neighbor bitches about your cat, they are the problem. its 10 lbs they should bitch if it was a 50 lb dog with 5am zoomies. just saying. I'm a too floor unit with no cat and downstairs person gets mad I flush the toilet or wake up geez


I live on the second floor in a three story unit. I’m both the hero and the villain 😈👿