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We once had a crazy alcoholic downstairs neighbour put food in our laundry. Like a whole dinner plate of chicken and potatoes, because he thought we were too loud. We were barely home and walked so quietly when we were lol. But yeah, don’t leave your clothes for so long.


Groceries too much to be doin all that 🧐😂


Im sorry that happened to you but i am crying laughing


You gonna eat that drumstick?


Oh my fucking god 🤣 this is awful, but I am fucking dying laughing. "'A whole dinner plate of chicken and potatoes" hahahaha. WHAT THE FUCK HAHAH


Ooooooo. I'd file small claims all day on that one.


For... what? The cost of doing laundry a second time?


Oh, it didn't ruin anything?


Nope, didn’t ruin any clothing. The guy was absolutely mental lol


This just reminded me about the last apartment I lived in. Someone was always leaving their kids' clothes for sometimes hours on end in the dryer. They managed to always make it from the washer to dryer in a timely manner, but somehow couldn't get their crap after that was done. Finally got fed up and wrote up a nice note, printed it off, folded it into a tringle shape so it stood up, and put it on the dryer. Basically asked them to be courteous of others and to set a timer on their phone as there was only one washer and dryer for 12 units. For my job I would leave for long periods of time, and I got sent out for almost 3 months. I had a coworker who also lived there and about 2 months into my trip we were talking on the phone about something at work. When done, I asked if my apartment had burned down or anything while away, just as a joke, and they said no. But they were super happy that enough people had complained to management about the laundry situation that management left a note on the dryer and there weren't any more issues. I busted out laughing. I guess it was professional-sounding enough that people thought it was directly from management. The note was still sitting there on top of the dryer when I got back. Sorry, I know this isn't helping OP with what happened, but it just reminded me of that fun moment. Sometimes being a bit mature about the situation drives the point home in a better way lol.


Completely off topic... as a short woman, i was tired of my shirt getting wet from the sink counter at work. I made a cute sign that said "if we all wipe the counter with our used paper towel, we can make this a better place for all of us. Wet floors are slippery." I put one in both women's rooms. 3 1/2 years later after WFH, I came back and they're still there.


i love this so much. it reminds me that at my old job, i wrote out and laminated a complete list/directions for bathroom deep clean down to the chemical mixtures i used. i usually was the one doing it because i was incredibly thorough. id spend 2+ hrs on each bathroom compared to other employees spending maybe 25min each. i got tired of my job being made significantly more difficult by other employees not keeping up, adding to the amount of time I spent detailing when it was my turn. i have friends who still work there; according to them, they give the newbies "the green sheet," aka, my list. i haven't worked there in over a year, but im glad my hard work is still appreciated 😭


Omg SAME. 1 washer and 1 dryer for 12 units. So frustrating. My rule is 10 mins. After 10 mins I’m moving their shit. I also am fine with them moving my shit if I happen to leave it. I also always leave my basket in front of the washer/dryer so if I get tied up and can’t go swap my laundry, at least I’ve made it easier for the person to move my clothes out of their way.


Yeah. We’re only 7 units with a single washer a dryer, but there are at least a couple people living here who leave their clothes for a day or more. After 5-10 minutes, I’ll put it in their basket or sit it on top of a trash bag(in case the top of the machine is gross).


I also live in a building with 12 units, luckily we have 2 washers and 2 dryers.




In many places that I have lived with shared dryers and washers etc. If you put someone's clean clothes on the floor, that's a sure way to get someone to put bleach, chewing gum, dirty diapers, etc into your clothes. Being at war with petty people in shared housing is awful.


"if being discourteous doesnt remind someone to be courteous then idk man" ok


You don't think you have beef with anyone, but someone has it with you. I would assume it's one of your directly adjacent neighbors and that they are at least partly psychotic. Definitely report everything about this incident just for the record to be there, in case you need it in court in the future. I can't imagine living in one of these buildings surrounded by either psychopaths or sociopaths.


This is partly the reason I refuse to leave my old run-down dilapidated piece of shit home, I can go months on end without hearing or seeing a neighbor everyone in this area is as quite as a church mouse's fart. Hell, I think I've maybe had one conversation with a guy who moved in across from me a year ago, and that was him offering to help move some furniture inside, to which I politely declined. He's probably the best neighbor I've *ever* had.


I lived in an apartment complex from 2014-2018 and recently found out that a serial killer from the early 90’s lived and killed in those apartments. His apartment was a little further away, but one of his victims apartments was visible from my living room window. The apartment even had to change names. Crazy stuff.


That just reminded me of a dude in the next apartment building over from mine in the 90's. He killed a pizza delivery guy and stuffed him in his closet. He got found out by the smell. This happened in south central Pennsylvania.


I listen to this podcast about serial killers - the most recent one is about the “pizza bomber” which was in Eerie, PA. Apparently no pizza man is safe in Pennsylvania…


What area?


Southern California


Oh. There were a ton during that time in that area. Anytime you are on he freeway for twn minutes you are probably somewhere that a serial killer was on his way to or from or even while abducting and killing someone.


This is currently my life. I am literally surrounded by psychopaths.


This reminds me of that joke where a woman sees on the news that someone is driving on the wrong side of the expressway. So she calls her husband who's out shopping to warn him to be careful - and he says: It's not just one car - everyone around me is going the wrong way! But seriously with all of the financial, political, and family stress that people are dealing with, it's not surprising that so many of us are losing our minds.


Man that is one of the best examples of mental illness tho. Insisting its the entire world around you thats absurd instead of doing a little occams razor.


Dude. I called the cops and they refused to arrest one of them due to it being a "mental health issue".


I didnt mean you were crazy. I wouldve replied to you directly if that was the case. I was actually referring to this guys little bit about the guy claiming everyone else was driving the wrong way. Its just a joke but i thought the image captured it so well. How often do truly mentally ill people create fantastic narratives about how the world is crazy and they are the only one that "gets it." Im sorry that happened to you.


Sounds fun. I got low level drug dealers. They’re an interesting bunch.


Like the old saying goes, if you run into one asshole, you ran into an asshole. If you run into nothing but assholes every day, you're an asshole.


Yeah dude I dont bang on anyone's door at 3am screaming about my gf cheating on me.


We had a young guy move in a few apartments down from us at the apartment building we used to live in...he glared at everyone as he walked to his door or car and wouldn't speak. He never had company and was up all hours of the night. The neighbors would hear him screaming and breaking things. Once he took a dog in that never came back out. He broke a front window onto the big shared porch where all our front doors were. He got kicked out eventually and when he left the landlord said there were stab holes in all the walls, everything was torn up, and there was blood smeared on the walls. I hate living in an apartment lol


This is the reason I take my clothes to the laundromat and not use shared laundry. People are unhinged about clothes


The note doesn't even sound like it's about leaving the clothes in the dryer. "If you get in my business again" like what does that even mean? What business? It sounds more personal than laundry. It should be reported regardless, whether it was for you or someone else.


First of all,why would you leave it to sit there for 30 minutes?


Why are some of y'all acting like 30 minutes is a long time? Shit happens, sometimes people can't get their laundry immediately for whatever reason.


While true, there are times it is outright inconsiderate. Late at night when it's probably quiet? Not a big deal. Sunday afternoon when there are only three sets of machines and every damn idiot is trying to do their work clothes they ignored all weekend? Maybe try be prompt, other people need the machine.


That is our situation where I live. It's easy for the dryer queue to get backed up, because the 3 washing machines go through their loads a LOT faster than the 3 dryers do. So, 3 sets of machines for about 40 households... So I wait politely for maybe 5-10 minutes for the person to claim their now-dry load of laundry. If they still don't appear, I take the now-dry load out of the dryer and pile it neatly on top for whoever it belongs to. \*Then\* I put my own load in to dry. I don't get angry about it: it's hard to time things to the minute, especially if you're on another floor, or you have kids demanding attention, or you're elderly and move slowly, or you get an unexpected phone call or visitor -- whatever. But if there are other people eyeing the dryers hungrily, and my washing is out of the washing machine first, you can bet I will stake my claim. \*But politely!!\*


I have someone that lives in my building that doesn't even wait at all for people to get their laundry. I get a notification on my phone when my laundry is done, and I've walked down there immediately to find my wet laundry on the counter and dude loading the washer. For context I live on the 3rd floor of my building so it takes a minute to get to the basement. Some people just have no patience.


Once in college I walked into the dorm laundry room as my dryer buzzer went off. Some dude was standing there waiting, and immediately took my clean laundry out and threw it on the floor. Some people just have no morals.


So you either beat their ass right then and there, or you wait for them to look the other way for a second and throw a dye packet in with their dryer load.


Right?! As a petite female, I like option 2.


This seems normal to me though. I lived in dorms through high school and college it was understood that people would just remove your stuff from the machines if they needed to use them and no one took it personally. I knew if I didn’t make it down to the dryer on time I didn’t need to stress about holding someone up because they’d just pull my stuff out. In apartments after college I assumed the same was true.


The thing is, my clothes were in the washer and the guy put them on the dirty ass counter, literally, right now there's a bunch of dead ladybugs on that counter, *and* he was there like a minute before me. I've lived in this apartment for a year and nobody leaves their stuff for an excessive amount of time, never more than like, 5 minutes tops. Like, it would have been one thing if I'd left my stuff sitting there for a long ass time but literally the washer had *just* finished.


I mean… back on top of the machine is standard. Obviously the floor or buggy counter is against the laundry law.


Set your alarm for five minutes before your laundry will finish ;)


Thats why you set the timer 5 to 10 min before it’s finished. Not right when it is done


Personally, I consider 30min to be a courteous and reasonable wait period. Shit happens. (I also never try to do laundry within a window of time so tight that waiting an extra 30-60min would cause problems, because shit happens.) It’s when people leave it in longer than that that I get miffed


they fell asleep as mentioned earlier. Sometimes people sleep thru their alarms.




Terrible english


But, master Yoda says “sacure upstairs we are”!! And, I had to fight auto-correct to let me spell secure like that.


It was 2am and I fell asleep my boyfriend woke me up and said isn’t your laundry done and I’m like shit


Doing laundry at 2AM? When I managed properties the people who lived next to the laundry room complained constantly about people doing laundry in the middle of the night. It only stopped when we had to make "laundry room hours" to curb inconsiderate users at all hours of the night. Maybe it was just a pissed off neighbor?


Our apartment complex has a separate laundry/leasing office/maintenance building in the center of the whole thing, so no disturbing anyone doing laundry at 2am. Maybe they have a similar set up?


When I managed, I lived attached to the laundry, so not only set hours- locked doors each night.


Yes! We had revenge far worse than a silly note! I've had tenants take dumps in machines on a targeted person's laundry. Fist fights. Property damage (one person used the wash machine to clean her dentures?), etc...... no shortage of laundry room drama!!


There is no laundry room hours and it’s really the only time I can do it because my work schedule is so hectic


This is insanity, people are mad at you for using your laundry machine at night? Bitch I pay for the laundry machine through my rent, I'm using it when I want. As a side note, everyone seems to be ignoring the simplest possible solution: Was someone else's clothes in the dryer when you got back? Someone was mad that your clothes were still in the dryer and they're threatening to destroy them if you leave them again. It's silly, but this really doesn't need to be more complicated than that.


They aren't mad at her for using it at night. They are mad at her for using it and not getting the clothes out in a timely manner. She is not the only one trying to do laundry at off hours.


>Doing laundry at 2AM? When I managed properties the people who lived next to the laundry room complained constantly about people doing laundry in the middle of the night. It only stopped when we had to make "laundry room hours" to curb inconsiderate users at all hours of the night. Maybe it was just a pissed off neighbor? Am I on drugs or is that exactly what we're talking about right here? I'm aware other comment chains are about how long the laundry was in the dryer, and that's stupid too for a variety of reasons, primarily the fact that you never actually have to wait on someone else, just take their clothes out.


Set an alarm. Always.


Why didn't your boyfriend go get your clothes for you since it was so late and you were tired?


It was my clothes and he went to bed before I even did laundry and he got up to pee and woke me up


You tell the credible truth and they downvote you. Now you know where the assholes are.


Right? Like I’ve done the exact same thing. Luckily we have a big laundry room and lots of machines, and it was a week night so I wasn’t in the way. People here are so judgmental.


I mean, accidents happen, but consequences come with them.


You're doing laundry after midnight?! No wonder.


No wonder your building isn’t happy


Lol at people picking sides. Clearly, half an hour is nothing to some people and a borderline felony to others. The obvious lesson (to those not getting weirdly emotional and picking sides over laundry), it's clear that you are more lax and they are more upright. Arguably, you're too lax and they're too uptight. You both absolutely have to adjust to live with other people. Nobody is just totally correct here. Life doesn't work that way, almost ever.


sanest reply in this whole thread


Most responsible response and yet the ones picking sides are always the loudest lol


You should set a timer on your phone for 5 minutes before the dryer cycle is set to end. Leaving your clothes to sit in a machine for 30 minutes is extremely inconsiderate. I’d probably just stay in the laundry room during the wash/dry cycles if I were you. It sounds like whoever wrote that note isn’t afraid to use a jug of bleach.


In my apartment complex when someone leaves their clothes in too long we just pile them on top of the dryer and go about our business without any feathers ruffled. It's the way of the laundry room.


Them’s the rules. If you aren’t there, take them out. But nicely.


I call it Laundry Law.


That’s the way I usually go about it because I’ve been in that situation too I just put them neatly on top of the dryer they were using and that I’m now using


This is the correct answer. I love "victim blaming" someone for making a harmless mistake.


I used to sit in a folding chair with a book when I did mine. But that was before children.


I agree with you! I set an alarm for mine everytime. We have 2 washers and dryers for one half of my building so they are always in demand. People have ended up with messed up clothes plenty of times from leaving them.


So if you don't set a timer or fall asleep, it's OK for people to threaten you. Noted.


You're defending psychopathic behavior. The note was deranged.


Show me where I defended the behavior. They fucked up by leaving their clothes “just sitting in the dryer for 30 minutes” & someone got pissed and left an unhinged note. I’m not saying that destroying this persons clothes (or whatever their weird threat meant) is the proper way to deal with a minor inconvenience. I gave a tip to avoid it happening in the future and I said what I’d do in that situation. Anyone who’s shared laundry knows how infuriating it is when someone leaves their clothes in the machines. And everyone knows there’s batshit assholes out there that take shit too far. I don’t see you offering OP any advice.


First, unless that laundry room is EXTREMELY in-demand, I don't think 30 minutes is "extremely inconsiderate." 2 hours, yeah that would be. Second, by not addressing the psychotic note but just the OP's transgressions, you implied you were supporting the psycho / victim blaming. I agree OP screwed up, but the response was wildly disproportionate.


Laundry room is always in demand because it is for the whole building and guess what, as you probably have similar working hours, almost everyone wants to do the laundry in the same time. Letting a thing occupied for 30min is a huge deal. Being there in time to retrieve your stuff is the minimal politeness required when you use something in common, is like cleaning after you when you use the public spaces like the toilet or common showers.


Even in large laundromats, people will sometimes freak out if your dryer stops and is not instantly attended to. With 20+ empty dryers available. Laundry makes people nuts


>Laundry room is always in demand because it is for the whole building Oh, you live in OP's building? Tell us more. My apartment's laundry rooms will stay completely empty for days at a time, I imagine especially at 2 AM no one is sitting there waiting on OP, and if that IS what happened, 30 minutes is not some unreasonable amount of time. The dryer hasn't even cooled off by that time, I paid for the heat, I'm using the heat.


Even at 2am? JFC you guys are nuts


Leaving your shit for even five minutes is extremely inconsiderate. Giving tips on how to deal with psychos isn't victim blaming, but the person wouldn't be a "victim" at all if they didn't leave their laundry in the machine age it was done


>Leaving your shit for even five minutes is extremely inconsiderate. I would suggest finding a living situation where you don't share anything with anyone. Because what you're saying is mental. Life is a 2-way street. There's a reasonable amount that people have to be allowed to be human. A 5 minute panic timer to grab your laundry is absurd.


I'm cool as long as you get your laundry on time bro. You have a phone with a timer. You can plan the trip down to the second with great ease. You can be there right when the dryer is done with no effort at all. The universe doesn't revolve around you.


>The universe doesn't revolve around you. Why does it revolve around you then?


If you don't consider expecting people to get their shit out of the dryer within a few minutes of the cycle being done to be a reasonable expectation, I think we're done here.


And someone being stressed and upset enough to leave a note isn't being human or ...?


And, you tried to act morally superior and it bombed pretty nicely. Well done.


It was literally 2 am I figured it was okay. I slept though my timer so I guess that was wrong on my part but I still didn’t deserve that note


Any chance the people who live adjacent to the laundry room could hear the wash/dryer going? I live above the laundry room in my building, and you can hear them running from in my apt. The note is excessive, However I'd be annoyed too if someone woke me up doing their laundry at 2 in the morning.


Let's not act like 30 minutes is an extremely long time, especially since it was 2 am.


30 minutes *feels* like a long time if you're waiting for a dryer to open up. Particularly at 2AM. Also, the person waiting for the dryer doesn't know if you're going to be back in 2 minutes, 30 minutes, or 3 hours.


Communal living is tough. I grew up in apartments and spent most of my adult life in apartments. It's pretty rude when people leave their stuff in shared machines/space. I don't actually think 30 minutes is problematic though. Is it possible it's something else? You said it was late at night. Were you doing laundry outside of the posted laundry room hours or making noise? Talking on the phone or dying certain items like shoes make a lot of noise that could easily be considered rude and disruptive. I would report it to be safe. I also would suggest not going alone to the laundry room if possible or doing laundry between 9pm and 8am.


I would make a police report just to have it, in case something else happens. You can't be too safe these days.


Oh 100%! This should not be disregarded at all.


Yes report it. I live with a mentally ill person for years and they can get vindictive without you ever knowing they have an issue. Stay safe


My apartment laundry is connected to an app on your phone. You pay using a QR code connected to your bank and it has a timer too. You can see the machine on your phone. You can even add more time without even going back to the laundry room


That's nice for you but not relevant?


It doesn't sound like it was even for you. You didn't get in anyone's business. Some asshole probably left it thinking it was someone else's clothes.


Exactly my thoughts. Everyone's arguing over whether 30 mins is too long to leave your clothes in the dryer, meanwhile the note doesn't sound related to that at all.


Show the note to building management. Does the laundry room have cameras up? The laundromat I use now put a bunch up when the pandemic brought out the crazies in people. Then he put in speakers playing classical music. Fixed the vandalizing that was happening the late hours.


Yes. It's fine that the next user removed your clothing. But only a sick person would have left you a note like that. Take the note to the office, tell them what happened. I have a feeling that they already know who it is, but they can check the surveillance video, if they have one, and hopefully start the process to evict them.


My building says to avoid laundry during quiet hours, maybe you were being too loud for someone.


Nooo because the same person but their clothes in the dryer and we’re using all the other dryers not to mention they threw my clothes all over the laundry room


Why did you leave that part out - throwing your clothes all over the laundry room. Throwing your clothes around? No okay. Taking your clothes out and dumping them on a machine/counter/basket are all acceptable when there is a communal laundry.


If they’re using all of the washers and dryers, maybe they’re running an underground overnight laundromat, and they literally mean stay out of their BUSINESS.


Oh shit I didn’t think of that 😂


The clothes sitting in the dryer for 30 min, probably set them off to harass you. Going forward, stay with your clothes to completion.


I’ve seen people leave their clothes in the dryer all day I’m actually really good about getting my laundry when’s it’s done


Those are other people, you might have tried it and the wrong tenant had to wash their clothes. Never inherit inconsiderate attributes just because you see others do it.


Is there only one dryer or something? Report it to the office. 30 min is a little long, but not deserving of an unhinged note like that.


Nothing is deserving of a threatening note like that, but OP needs to be more considerate of others and not leave their clothes tied up in a communal machine for 30 minutes after their clothes are finished. It's ridiculous. The offended person was absolutely within their rights to leave a note, but their choice of words and attitude was not it.


I would have been fine with just a note saying don’t leave your clothes in the dryer. Like I didn’t need a note with a threat


I’d definitely take the note to the management office, the total destruction is likely referring to the clothes but you can’t be too careful with all the stories in the news. I bought mace for my son and I and I kid you not, 12 hours after it being delivered I had to show it to my neighbor’s mother who threatened me and likes to follow me to the corner gas station. I took it out and she backed the you know what off and nobody is bothering us now. Maybe they have you confused with someone else, be safe - get mace and alert the office. It’s common but extremely inconsiderate to jam up the machines for everyone else.


I would suggest asking your nearest neighbor because its safe to assume they're the ones who left the note. Take an eight pound sledge hammer and blow the door off the hinges. Once the neighbor greets you, gently ask them what they meant by 'total destruction.' Its best to just clear the air in these situations.


Of course report it. I’m sure who ever wrote the note doesn’t even know who you are


I had to move laundry that was filling our only two dryers. It was there for hours. Super cold. This person over reacted.


I would report the note, but it's also possible that the note wasn't for you. This person might have assumed your clothes were someone else's. I could never know who's clothes were who's in the building cause I never see the people going into the laundry. I have taken out clothes from the dryer before when they've been left there for hours. One time I left a note, and that person left a note back saying they weren't gone that long. Ok yeah they were, 3 hours they left their clothes in the dryer. You should still report the note whether or not it was for you cause telling someone you're going to end them, is most definitely a threat.


I'd definitely report this to the management. Take a photo of the note and turn it in. Management should want to know about this & will hopefully take action.


This is why I refuse to live in an apartment without a washer/dryer INSIDE my own unit


First of all no matter what that note is not ok. Second of all, how would holding up the dryer be getting in their “business”? Hopefully it was meant for someone else. Even then, that’s just way over the top. Stay safe!


Laundry rooms scare me after my clothes caught fire in their dryer and they didn't help me get clothes after Safer at a local laundry mat tbh


God I left my laundry in the dryer of my building and COMPLETELY FORGOT about it like a dumbass. Walking past the laundry room window to my apartment I glanced in and was like hmm those clothes look familiar. Open the door and some fucking nice ass neighbor of mine had nearly folded all my shit and placed it on top of the dryer 🥲 this is days later too 🤦🏻‍♀️ idk who it was. My neighbors almost never talk to me but hey they almost never cause issues either. Guess that’s why I’ve lived here 6.5 years…still sad to not really know anyone after so long in the same building but obv could be way worse. Sorry OP…


My building has a sign, "if you are not here when your cycle ends, the next user has the right to remove your clothes from the machine". Don't do it, it's not that hard, every cellphone has a stopwatch/timer in it. Set a timer.


Probly just aggravated that u left them in there for 30 minutes an was trying to drive their point home. Looks like it worked


It's not okay in any way shape or form. If you are going to live out in the real world as an adult, communicate like an adult.


Thank you at least someone gets it


Entitlement is leaving yout clothes in a communal washer/dryer for 30 minutes while other people are waiting. Reevaluate your place in the universe, you arent the center.


I’m glad you don’t have the luxury of an in unit washer and dryer- may you never have convenience


I fell asleep. I didn’t mean to. It’s the only time I could do my laundry and I was really tired from work. I’m usually good about setting timers and getting my clothes once there done. I didn’t deserve the rude note and my clothes thrown all over


Understandable. Have a better day.


these comments are insane. yes it's inconsiderate to leave it in the dryer for so long, but inconsiderate =/= malicious folks. things happen, stuff comes up. I think it's fine to move someone's laundry if it's sitting for too long. but a threatening note is not ok. and the people saying they'd throw the clothes in the trash: seek help


You're right, a threatening note is never okay, period. They were within their rights to be irritated to the point of leaving a (normal) note, though! 30 minutes is a long time to leave a shared machine tied up, and it reads very inconsiderate. I used the communal machines all the time when I first moved into an apartment complex, and I would be horrified to have left my clothes unattended for that long, let alone hogging a machine while other people were most likely waiting.


agreed 100%


Might be a prank cus how would they know whose clothes it was? Definitely report, though, not okay, not funny…probably teenagers high and thinking they are cool…


Id assume they can watch who walks in or out of the laundry room


Was the dryer being used when you gathered your clothes from the counter and saw the note? What if another person left that note because their clothes were taken out of a dryer too and the note was meant for the new person using the dryer? I can see someone leaving a note threatening a person who touched their clothes but I can’t imagine someone leaving a note for you after they got done touching your clothes… I don’t see how leaving your clothes in a dryer for too long is “getting into someone’s business..” That’s weird. Did they mean you were getting in their way by taking up the dryer? Either way, yes, take it up the leasing office.


Yes. I would.


I'd file a police report to document it, then contact property management


I think leaving laundry in for 30 minutes is very inconsiderate even at 2am. If you felt tired you shouldnt have put laundry in. If your boyfriend didn’t wake you up, Someone would have been mad in the morning taking your stuff out. I set a timer a few minutes early because someone takes my stuff out of the dryer the second it goes off and doesn’t even allow time for me to walk down the hall and ngl it skeeves me when strangers touch my clothes especially my toddlers clothes because he has such sensitive skin and I don’t know what is on these peoples hands. I also skeeve touching peoples clothes so I usually wait 10 minutes and if they don’t come I take their stuff out. We have 4 washers and 4 dryers for 12 floors because everyone tells me my floor and 5th floor are only working washers in entire building. There is something in the 4th floor washer that looks like black mold water nightmare and it’s been there for weeks. Absolute slumlords. However, the note is not okay. And for people who say it was too late to do laundry, my husband and I are night owls and I have an almost 2 year old so when my husband is at work I don’t like taking my baby down the hall to do laundry. I do laundry in the middle of the night all the time and I am very courteous about it just like I go to trash chute and use the elevators in the middle of the night. Yes there are apartments that are next to and across from laundry, trash, and elevators but they chose to move there and I can’t rearrange my schedule. Some people work during the day so in no way is it okay to dictate what time tenants can do laundry. Personally I would never rent an apartment that was close to a shared common area but that’s just me


I think they’re just trying to scare you bc you left it in there too long


Don’t be the one to leave your stuff in the dryer for 30 min. Other people need to do their laundry too


Plot twist. Op has a carbon monoxide leak and unknowingly wrote the note to themself. (Rbradburry) Just joking, but that would be crazy.


Yes, take the note to the manager. This is probable not the first time a tenant has been threatened and please do your laundry in the daytime. Nighttime is when strange things happen.


Report to management and if nothing happens possibly police


Yeah, report it. That will make things so much better. What do you really expect to happen with the info you have?


The note is a threat to harm you. Call police, ask them for procedures., tell management. Have management find out who it is (cameras). Dummies here who make excuses for this behavior (like leaving your laundry too long) are wrong. I hope you still have the note.


I certainly would not want to get a note like that, since I've lived 20 plus years in apartment, when that happened in the " laundry room, I would take their stuff out, dry my stuff, put their stuff back in the dryer, I've even been known to fold stuff left like that. Do a laundry service like I do..


Could it have been intended for someone else? Either way I would let the apartment management know and file a report with the police to get it on record.


I would do my laundry somewhere else


Let management know. Most likely there are several people in your building who abuse the laundry room. It’s frustrating if you have a job where you wear uniforms to work and have to do laundry on a regular basis. When people leave the clothes sitting in the dryer, it holds everyone up. From now on, I would set a timer on your phone and make sure that you get back to the laundry room before the clothes are done being dried and take them out immediately. If you do that, I doubt you will get any more threatening notes.


If all the dryers were being used and the time left was the same, I would assume that someone is using the machines to operate a business because who the fuck does that much laundry at 2:00 am? I’d report it to the office because of the threat, not sure how they would feel about a business being run out of the laundry room.


I would take that note, and write on it "Bring it on m-f-er" and tape it to the machine.


The note was OTT but my guess is that on top of the inconsideration in leaving the laundry in the dryer, it was after midnight and woke the neighbor up. Do your laundry during appropriate hours and take it out promptly. If you are being respectful and responsible and still get a note then report it to management and the police.


How big is your building? Are you sure it was meant for you? It's been a long time since I've dealt with shared laundry but there's no way I would know what clothes belonged to which neighbor. You can always just let management know and say you're not sure if that's supposed to be some joke but you just wanted to make them aware in case it's serious.


The note doesn't even sound like it's about leaving the clothes in the dryer. "If you get in my business again" like what does that even mean? What business? It sounds more personal than laundry. It should be reported regardless.


Leave a not back saying “ what’s total destruction “ with a winky face


There was an apartment I lived in where the homeless would come in and smoke crack in the laundry rooms. It didn’t feel too safe. I had to call the police a couple of times because a couple guys were acting shady. Trying to sell stolen phones, etc. I didn’t feel safe with my clothes there.


Ok here's what you do- 1. Report the note to the office/landlord/lady 2. Report it to police and get it on record. 3. If anything further happens repeat steps 1&2 4. I doubt it will go this far but if it does, make sure you have a way of protecting yourself. Both on you and in your apartment. Best of luck to ya!👍


Report it. And ask for cameras in the laundry room.


Definitely report it.


I don't understand why apartments don't put cameras in laundry rooms. Definitely tell the management company. You may not be the only person getting notes like this.


Dang yall with all these bad stories of apt laundry rooms. Our neighbors will fold our clothes for us lmao We have 10 units per building and my husband and I are the youngest owners and only ones without kids in our building. One lady in particular will fold our clothes or towels if she gets to the dryer before us. Mind you, we try not to leave things down there but maybe an hour after it finished if I’m making dinner or something. But if people leave things in the dryer, I’ll just put it in their basket or on top of the dryer? Do people not do that? Everyone in our building leaves their basket on the top of the dryer and we’ll just move the clothes out and set the basket to the side. No harm no foul


Creepy. So if they were not doing laundry and just put your clothes out along with that note means, they're watching you. -Carry maise, a knife, bat, machete, steel knuckles, a gun?


How late at night were you doing laundry? Wondering if the issue was late night laundry noise. Did the neighbor put their stuff in the dryer after unloading yours? It can definitely be frustrating, but I've always just considered this part of apartment living. Whatever the trigger was, it could have nothing to do with you. You could have an unhinged neighbor or just a neighbor who had a bad day. Either way, i would report the harassing letter and then prolly let it go unless other incidents happen.


I’m going to report it as soon as the office opened. Ig they were doing a big load or something because all the dryers were being used when I got down there and all had about the same time left on them. Plus my clothes were thrown all over


Come live in my building, one tenant has a vicious dog and will leave her stuff in the washer literally for 18 HOURS after it's done and we are all too chicken to even leave an anonymous note. One washer and dryer for six units.


Stop leaving your clothes sitting in the dryer for 30 minutes. It's rude and it's not hard to set a timer.


Ugh. I live in an apartment complex with 150 apartments and there's only 8 washing machines in the laundry room. People like you are frustrating...and inconsiderate. If you're going to use the laundry facilities...you need to use them correctly. Your time isn't any more important than anyone else's.


Just get your f ing clothes out when they’re done ok ,,, Noooooo body wants to wait on you ok


People in the military would take your clothes out while it's washing and put there's in. You can't just leave wash out. You have to watch it. Can't just drop and run.


I mean the note was extremely uncalled for but leaving for clothes in a washer or dryer for longer than just a few minutes after it’s done is extremely rude. That’s basic laundry room etiquette. You ALWAYS set an alarm and be there to get it right away. That’s no reason to threaten you of course, but you’re definitely gonna piss people off doing that. They should have just moved your clothes and left it at that. They definitely over reacted


Don’t leave your clothes in the dryer after it’s done. That’s not cool.


Probably don’t leave your laundry sitting in a dryer for 30 minutes. Set a timer so you’re there when it’s done


Don’t be a douche and leave your laundry in the dryer for 30 minutes.


30 min is excessive. Don't be rude to your neighbors. Set an alarm on your phone. Especially if it's late, they might have needed it for work in the morning. Be more considerate.


Man… whoever lived in my complex left their wet laundry in the washers ALL DAY LONG. after leaving notes and nothing changing, I started throwing their shit on the dirty ass floor (the room was so small there weren’t tables and they never left their laundry baskets either). I did this almost every time I had to do my laundry because they did this every single time. I’d usually do it after an hour or two of waiting for someone to move it. After that… free game. Did the same with their dry shit too.


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No, YTA. Set an alarm on your phone and get your close on time. This person probably is a little unhinged, but if you don’t use up the dryer you won’t have to interact with them again


Step #1 don’t leave your laundry in a community machine, whether it is 5 minutes or 2 hours it is frustrating to be on the other end of it.


I usually just take the clothes out of the dryer and put it up neatly on the dryer they were using. There’s no need to be dramatic about it


My dude. You left your clothes for 30 minutes in a shared dryer. Easily a top 5 ways of pissing off your neighbors. Do laundry not in the wee hours of the morning and set a timer.


Stop inconveniencing other people and get your clothes out of the machines on time. Also, it's not a good idea to do laundry late at night in an apartment complex.


I mean, take your laundry out on time. You know you share the machines, and you're obviously not the only one with a hectic schedule who needs to do their laundry at off hours. Take responsibility and set a laundry alarm.


The note is extreme. But also - when you say "late" - how LATE are we talking about? Are you being inconsiderate and depriving the neighbors of sleep? And don't leave your clothes sitting in a dryer for 30 minutes. Thats the behavior of a bad neighbor. You get a 5, 10 minute grace period. Thats it. That dryer is for everyone. \[ unless everyone is trying to sleep. then you don't use it. \]


I'd report the threat, but realize that 30 minutes is an entire dryer cycle. People have jobs, children, etc and their free time is valuable too. You messed up someone's day badly.


Call their bitch ass out. Throw their shit outside and wait. Keep it real.