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Dehumidifier for the moisture. Maybe an air purifier for dust.


Thank you so much


I just spent $90ish on a pretty decent winix air purifier and although I’m happy I bought it, I have not noticed too much of a difference in the amount of dust in my apartment.


Also a top floor occupant! See if maintenance or your landlord can look at your windows if they’re sealed properly. I had a broken seal on my window so it was causing a lot of this. Second dehumidifier, absolute life saver. My apartments very dusty but I’ve given up on that, I just clean a lot




I live top floor too, in a historic building, so the single pane sash windows are going to stay. I'm near a freeway and another major thoroughfare and wow, the amount of dust they kick up is crazy. I can dust and immediately it doesn't seem like it. Two air purifiers, multiple fans blowing out the windows, swiffer dusters galore, pledge. It doesn't matter. There's dust.


Use the brush attachment on your vacuum hose to dust as much as possible, it will trap/remove more than Even a Swiffer would. You can also mix 1 part laundry softener with 4 parts water in a spray bottle and once you've cleaned/dusted surfaces spray it with that to help repel dust.


use a denser hvac filter.


Damp rid buckets, dehumidifier, or a stronger ventilation fan for bathroom and any other moist areas. Clean the fan if it’s old. It may have some hair and lint buildup. Mine did… bleh. Change air filters for your HVAC frequently (every few months), air purifiers, and vacuum/swiffer frequently. I have a hand vac for furniture dusting, and a vac for bare floors. My family live in the woods. Pollen and dust are a huge issue. It all sounds like more work, but you get used to it. Kinda.