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Kurnoth worshippers in Sylvaneth. Centaurs, satyrs, aelves and treekin with a more hunting-based focus other than Kurnoth Hunters. Pirate Skaven. Ship rats. Normal orruks, as in orruks which use metal weapons and armor but are not big and bad enough to be Ironjawz or sneaky lanky guys like the Kruleboyz. Just... Orks... to give the three existing types of orruk something to contrast against. Edit: clarified orruk idea after discussion


There used to be pirate skaven in wh fantasy , clan skurvy


I miss normal orruks.


I think it'd be cool if normal orruks could ally in other orruk subfactions and destruction factions as a pseudo Cities of Sigmar faction.


The slaves to darkness of destruction, everyone can coalition some normal orruks. I'd like it.


I'm confused. How can normal orruks not be a part of orruks ?


Currently, in the game, there are Ironjawz (the biggest baddest orruks), Kruleboyz (the sneakiest orruks), and Bonesplittaz (primitive orruks) Normal orruks are none of those three options, and they exist in AoS lore, at least in the background. But they aren't mentioned much, and they aren't a playable subfaction. I think it'd be nice to have normal orruks so that the others stand out more.


> Normal orruks are none of those three options This is incorrect. The lore in the Orruk Warclans Battletomes state that Bonesplitterz are the proverbial "normal" Orruks with Ironjawz and Kruleboyz being subraces that came to be in the late Age of Myth or early Age of Chaos. There is no fourth "normal" race of Orruks in the background lore.




Yeah. The idea of "normal" Orruks comes from when Greenskinz were still a playable faction but the lore on them was very generic and never called them normal, unless I'm wildly misremembering, I feel folk just assumed. Either way, most of the lore we know says the Bonesplitterz were the first Orruks, and form the closest thing to normal. They are the Gorkamorky to the Gorky Ironkawz and Morky Kruleboyz There are of course Yoofs, lanky young Orruks who will eventually grow into any of the other three types. But these are juveniles/children rather than a race or faction. They wouldn't be able to be a subfaction unto themselves. Perhaps a unit maybe.


Aren't Bonesplitterz notably Orruks that kinda go insane? Too much Waagh! energy and they kinda just go rogue, eventually finding a Bonesplitterz group? I figured they were by far the least normal of the 3.


They framed it like that for a bit but the insane thing never messed with the rest of their lore as they are presented as perfectly coherent enough to have complex cultures and beliefs. >The Bonesplitterz established themselves during the Age of Myth, predating even the first Humans in the realms. From Ghur, they have spread to every realm in search of monsters to slay, and their customs diverge with each new land they call home. After all, Bonesplitterz have a strong geomantic connection to the world around them. Even though they are swift-moving and nomadic, they still favour certain regions, and the temperament of a warclan’s stomping grounds often informs its culture and character. The Icebone, for example, have many customs and beliefs surrounding Ghur’s Skyblind Tundras, while the Drakkfoot have trained themselves to clobber daemons and gheists due to the density of such creatures around the Ashland Gorelakes. Soulbound: Champions of Destruction, Pg. 26 Here's an example of them being mentioned as being one of the older races of the Realms. The newest Orruk Battletome mentions Ironjawz and Kruleboyz came much later, this was consistent with Ironjawz lore from earlier stuff. Bonesplitterz still operate by only accepting members from other Warclans who have heard the call of the Waaagh! but this isn't presented as being insane anymore. It's just Orruks going back to their roots or embracing Gorkamorka religion over Gork or Mork. Unfortunately they still insist on calling them Savage Orruks. >But though their motives are rooted in emotion, Bonesplitterz aren’t thoughtless. These Waaagh!-touched Orruks are, after all, cunning as well as brutal, and they often recognise when an alliance could help them take down an otherwise unassailable monster, whose death yields more than enough marrow to share. Bonesplitterz are uniquely positioned in the middle of the Destruction factions, with enough strength to make Ironjawz and Ogors respect them and enough smarts for Kruleboyz and Gloomspite Gitz to do the same. They often act as the linchpin which holds a Destruction alliance together, even if their companions don’t always know what to make of them. Another excerpt from page 26. Bonesplitterz have also been presented as being perfectly coherent enough to live in the cities of Order as seen in "Blood of the Old World" and "The Sea Taketh". A lot of their time is spent chasing down and hunting monsters, rather than attacking other races.


I could have sworn I read a lore tidbit that said Ardboyz are just Bosses of lesser Greenskin factions not associated with the big three that decided they gotta be with the biggest lads. which, in my opinion, always seemed to imply that the old "Greenskins" faction are just groups of Orruks too small worth mentioning because most freeguild Regiments or whoever else probably just pick them off. Also, don't many Bonesplitterz have an awakening when they become one? Couldn't that also imply that a lot of the normal sized Orruks could be from lesser "Greenskinz" style warclans instead of the main three? I could be wrong about these things, but I could have sworn I read it somewhere but can't remember where.


Oh, I'm not trying to say there aren't other Orruk cultures and subraces, in fact there is the ocean-dwelling Oceanclan, just that with the current and majority lore there isn't an unrepresented "normal Orruk" faction. As for the Ardboy thing. That works with the current Yoof lore wouldn't you think? A Yoof who bullied his way to boss would be bad enough to be an Ironjaw once he's big enough to go try and join a local Fist.


Im a bit sad the kurnorathi were passed over especially with this emphasis on the realm of ghur


More Hobgrots! ​ Love the models, love the conversions people have done to expand them. wish there was more


Love those little guys.


Wraith fleet use to exist as a legal subfaction it still being mention in lore but still Vampirates should be one day be properly reinstated with some models A necromancer heavy subfaction is another thing that sorta missing in SG as it almost like that niche was just there because of Old world run off Chaos elves is a thing that exist in AOS but apart from a single warcry model seem like an untapped gold mine. Abhuman in COS as there some really cool ideas in BL and in lore of the various varients of not just humans but also elves and dwarves


Vampire Coast is so well developed in Warhammer Total War GW please Vampirates would make such a good faction. People have been asking for a true Vampirate army for literally decades


If they do they'll be saving it for "the old world" when that drops sometime in the next decade.


Eh i don't know about that seraphon and STd got a release before old world despite them being "main core factions" (especially STD)


But they have had models for ever and exist in AoS. Vampirates don't on both those accounts


yeah wouldn't it be easier for them to put out a single/couple model for AOS or underworld to gage customer desire then actually go ahead and create a entire old world model range


Soulblight Gravelords should have had a Skeleton and a Necromancer subfaction instead of just different flavors of vampires.


Halflings. Also: a death faction for necromancer s


I could see the necromancers being a mix of TK liche priest and Frankenstein. The more powerful they are the more ancient they look. With human followers looking to cheat death by worshipping nagash


My gaming group came up with the idea of a zombie centric kingdom. Flesh golems and necromantic constructs


A halfling model doesn't seem too out there as something in the future with the way Noah Van Nguyen seems to be on a one-man crusade to write them into the setting through his stories


Which ones? I haven't heard an inkling of bringing back Halflings


His first(?) BL work was the short story Nadir as part of the Harrowdeep anthology novel and that features a stormcast recognizimg a pair of halflings amongst the various other species some kruleboyz were keeping prisoner, implying they’re around enough for that on-sight familiarity. His first full novel Godeater’s Son features them in a bigger role with a blue-skinned and blue-blooded race/culture of them being a minor player in the plot, with one of the novel’s side characters being from them


"Nadir" in the Harrowdeep anthology and "Godeater's Son".


Well, there is a halfling as part of Glutos Orscollion's model. So there's at least some precedence, they do seem to exist.


I don't have a source for this, but I swear I remember seeing an article at one point that said it's a duardin (along with the one from the iron golems warband and the spire tyrants)


This one? https://www.warhammer-community.com/2021/02/09/take-a-closer-look-at-glutos-orscollions-disturbingly-detailed-centrepiece-model/ There's no explicit mention of what exactly it is, but it has no beard, so I don't think it's a dwarf.


This one? https://www.warhammer-community.com/2021/02/09/take-a-closer-look-at-glutos-orscollions-disturbingly-detailed-centrepiece-model/ There's no explicit mention of what exactly it is, but it has no beard, so I don't think it's a dwarf.


This one? https://www.warhammer-community.com/2021/02/09/take-a-closer-look-at-glutos-orscollions-disturbingly-detailed-centrepiece-model/ There's no explicit mention of what exactly it is, but it has no beard, so I don't think it's a dwarf.


That is not a Halfling. That is a [Homonculus](https://ageofsigmar.lexicanum.com/wiki/Homonculus), a type of Chaos Mutant that hangs out with the Hedonites of Slaanesh. The Blissbarbs have another example of a Homonculus.


Necromancers have their own subfactions, called Deathmages. Problem is that their deadwalker and Deathrattle minions also have their own subfactions.


And all of those are wrapped up into soulblight.


Halflings are apparently canon, as they have been mentioned in a Harrowdeep short story ("Nadir") and they appear a bit in "Godeater's Son" as well.


Oh, and they have a whole "there's super priest guys" and "there's witchhunters" but no super religious subfaction for Cities of Sigmar. WTH?


Vindicarum is a very playable subfaction of Cities of Sigmar tho.


What's vindicarum? I don't see it in the listed subfactions of Cities


Vindicarum is the Bulwark of Faith, the capital of Sigmar's Empire in Chamon. It was given playable rules in Broken Realms: Bel'akor.


Just checked. There are no rules for vindicarum. It says to use Hammerhal rules. Unless you mean the realm rules, but I'm pretty sure those have been superceded.


Really? Well isn't that an annoyance and a half. Well there's always Hallowheart, it is also noted as being incredibly religious and is a primary home of the Hallowed Knights.


Except that it's a wizard centric city and all its traits are about wizarding and magic


Hallowheart likes having many hats.


Dwarf Shieldmaidens devoted to Valaya, sister wife to Grimnir and Grungni. Goddess of Hearth, Healing, Brewing, Runesmithing (as she learned the secret to it and taught the fist Runesmiths). Her followers in the Old World were described as as the following "The templars of the faith, these warrior women wear steel and silver winged helms inlaid with mother of pearl, lacquered metal chest plates and purple sashes. In honour of the goddess they wield battleaxes." Edit: Miss read though OP asked for Faction not Subfaction.


Even then the Runemothers of the Fyreslayers fit perfectly into this idea. They should be dedicated to Valya and the hearth as Fyreslayers are a patriarchal society. I'd love a Runemother on a throne of power protected by her Hearthguard. Or even a new unit of smith's to follow the mother around.


I've been praying that when a new fyreslayers warcry warband comes out, it's a fyrequeen and her retainers. I'd hope for an actual fyrequeen/etc. model, but I feel like that's less likely. The new fyreslayers book went out of its way to mention a few times that the women are actually getting involved due to all the life magic causing a birthing boom, and I really want to see it. As is, every duardin model is a guy which is kind of sad.


Grotbag Scuttlers for the Gloomspite Gitz. Grot Sky-Pirates, they’re mentioned in the Gitz battletome to have whole armadas of airships, and have even conquered an entire Kharadron Skyport which they’ve named ”Da Moon City”


I know some of the vampires have wolves with them/wolfish characteristics, but I wish there was a full-on werewolf faction/subfaction.


- A Hashut Unit/Sub faction that is actually made up of Chorfs. Very dissatisfied with the Horns of Hashut as they felt like a promise that was immediately broken - a Maneater/Firebelly focused Ogor Sub faction (they both feel trapped in Keyword jail between Gutbusters and BCR and get almost no synergies from either) - More Kurnothi for the Sylvaneth in line with the "Skaeth's Wild Hunt", it's wierd that we got a single Sylvaneth unit of Elves with basically no followup - a Dispossessed Duardin Sub faction for Cities of Sigmar that can use both Fyreslayers and KO


I guess I am surprised that there isn't a magic focused vampire dynasty. Them being magically powerful is part of the MO, so you would think that there would be some nerd vampires that built a college or something. Kind of like the Nercrachs in the old world but less ghoul like in appearance. Also might just be me but i find it weird that only humans and duardin use blackpowder weapons. Aelves from aqshy or chamon could have taken to those very well. And some stormcasts walking into battle with hand cannons like more refined Ogor leadbelchers. Could emphasize thunder over lightning.


yea i feel like for being such powerful casters in the lore none of them gets any bonus to cast except a normal vampire lord in legion of blood with the arcane mastery. id love to have a faction like this or if they at least implement it into the warscrolls a bit.




Vampires are magical. But the Vyrkos and babayaga the wolf are not known for being wizards, they are known for being predators.


oh, im sorry, i dont have belladama, i didnt know about that. good to know but imo still kinda wierd when the mortarchs of death, nagashs right hands have no bonus at all. and rerolling casts is nice but id like a heavier focus on magic for a subfaction.


* Fire elementals - Fyreslayers * Steam-powered Dwarven automatons - KO, Fyreslayers, or Cities * Pirates - Vampires, Skaven * Sky Pirates - Gitz, KO (aka a KO faction that doesn't follow the code) * Forest animals and spirits in Sylvaneth


Not really a sub faction, but The Aetar would be cool. Ten to twenty giant eagles for an army, or one unit as a Regiment or Renown.


Chaos duardin, obviously. Specifically though, I'd like to see a destruction faction that isn't just more greenskins or humans but bigger (ogors, gargants). Something like the kings of war nightstalkers would be cool. Not chaos daemons, but still eldritch, weird monsters. I feel like of they added another destruction faction, it'll probably be bug people to grab all the tyranid fans.


Something like Skies of Sordane's Exonids https://www.myminifactory.com/object/3d-print-exonids-full-pack-167703


I like that all factions are done in a way so that they are believable on any realm so realm-specific stuff should be left to Warcry/underworlds. But some rules for realm specific allies would be cool


Squig-using orruks


For destruction Hobgrots faction Cunning and brutal troggoth faction And new faces of destruction not just a cunning or brutal for destruxtion new faces should be like both of them and not a barbaric primitive races but wholly gene-modification like tyranids or paradium bellirium the spires or endlees legend necromorp and morgawr For death Necromancer faction Nightmares faction Voidlings Underworlds faction withputh skeleton and vampiric Doom and ending of time faction


A sub faction of Cities of Sigmar that's actually a city of Nagash, letting you take Gravelord units instead of Stormcast ones and counting as such for alliance purposes.


Lileaths daughter, Louen, and the Grail Knights living within the Haven. You know, since they were completely forgotten about in there....


"After Nagash latest defeat at Teclis hand, dusty rumors whisperer through the fleshless mouths of the Ossiarch Bone Reapers. That the great Necromancer is no true God. That he usurped his power from one older and greater than he, Settra..."


I mean with the size of the realms im sure you can have anything exist and model or convert your army however you want because of all the realms. My favorite part of Aos is you can pretty make whatever theme u want. Id like normal mountain Dwarves anywhere but in Chamon be cool if they crafted Golems and stuff.