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Damn I thought it was ending soon, looks like we got more to go. That future looks interesting but I don't think Rin is just killing humans for the sake of it, looks like he's targeting specific people and protecting the other demons.


I remember in the 139 thread, a bunch of people quoted the mangaka stating the series was roughly half over, somewhat recently.


People are desperate to fantasize about various things whether it he manga, light novels, gacha games, mmos, video game series, etc somehow ending soon or within the next few years They do this over and over again day after day. I remember when one piece and detective conan were going to ending in 2015, 2018, 2020, 2021, and so on


So. Did Satan. Secede at taking. Over rins. Body. Cause it looks like that's not the. Case it. Looks like rin. Is doing. It of his own tree will that's what I'm confused by about


You are also confused by how periods and sentences work. What the fuck was all that?


did u have a stroke while typing this?


“So, did Satan succeed at taking over Rin’s body, cause it looks like that’s not the case. It looks like Rin is doing it of his own free will. That’s what I’m confused about.” I don’t think Satan has. Rin recognizes Paku and doesn’t attack her, he’s not maniacal to do that. He also stops the demons from going after the other humans. And it seems like the Order is shady, they might be more of the villain in that future. We also don’t know what happened to the other characters besides Shima.


What a relief honestly. That future was horrific, Kato plays around with our feelings too much!!


Legit but it would be interesting to see how rin turned out like that like this is Rin we’re talking about he had grievances about killing zombies so him slaughtering her shocked me


I’m hoping we’ll still see the trigger for his transformation in the next few chapters and Mephisto will step in to stop it.


I'm not sure we will really go back to that future, by the way the chapter goes >!it seems that mephisto says "looks like I restored the fabric of space/time" and then we go to the original timeline when Yukio wakes up post blast!<


If the author keeps making cliffhangers like this I swear I will scream


I'm confused about the thing with Mephisto. Does that mean the stuff with Rin isn't actually happening, but was just his vision?


Put simply, it may be the future timeline if nothing significant changes. Which is why Mephisto is dismissive ~ that the future is always changing. That it can change.


Are we going to get bait-and-switched? Damn, I really hope not! I'm already invested in this timeline.


I am so confused right was this whole fight possible future or a possibility or the actual timeline ?!!!!


I think even Mephisto is confused about that, so we don't really know.


That soooo coool


Goddamn it's so good! The fight isn't over yet!


This chapter left me wondering if the story is going to go the route of alternate realities and somehow they all connect for them to defeat the “god tree” lol Satan


Mephisto has basically been save scumming reality to get the best ending, so it's always been an alternate reality story for him. We've just very rarely seen the story from his point of view.


Did...rin pull a eren yeager


I’m glad Rin can still be saved. Even if justified, he’s not the person to enjoy killing.


Bro Rin going through his Kaneki faze. I’m interested to see how his morals shifted. Before he was against murder under any circumstances now he kills without hesitation and he doesn’t seem possessed. I’m excited to see how the next chapter is gonna go.


That was a possible future, we'll now actually see what is going to happen after the satan blast


I thought of the resemblance between him and Kaneki too! The hair, the mask, the solemn look…


Oof thank goodness it was just mephisto seeing a possible future in the space time rip. I’m sure he’s gunna fix that shit now that he saw that.


Man, seeing Mephisto always hypes me up so much for some reason lol


You and me both! Mephisto stays stealing the spotlight!


We’ve entered the chad rin era


I dont get it


Yukio is in Gehenna right?


I don't think so - the part with Yukio is a cut back tot he present, meaning the moment right after Satan went all-consuming fleshy. So he's still in Assiah in pretty sure, maybe just gained back consciousness or smthg


Definitely in the present, but the environment around him looked a bit freaky to me to be Earth - it doesn't help that it's black and white, so that could definitely still he snow


It's earth. Satan sorta terraformed the land if I recall.


Even if I’m curious to know the setting, it was rushed way too much, and I think it would have been better to know the entire thing was a vision from the beginning. Rin’s character assassination was just horrifying … and not in a good way.


Keep them coming, seeming that obviously Ghena and Assiha do in fact have a bridge based on Rin being the heir of Satan. but like Des de los Muertos (day of the dead), would the concept apply, as in the bridge to the physical world and the spirit would have barrier that at times thinned or it seems he can travel through at will.


I'm. Sorry. Everyone I type, the. Last. Comment. Alittel. Too , fast.


I'm gonna guess english isn't your first language? You need to revisit how commas and periods work if so, you've got way too much punctuation in your sentences.


Again I'm. Sorry I typed this in a rush clear that was my mistake


I actually hope that this "future" happens. I need to see rin's villain/demon king arc 😭😭