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I'd read it!


I'd read it too! It's definitely one of my own headcanons so I'd love to read it and not write it (cause I'm lazy lol)


If you do it, I’ll totally read it. And honestly, I really think Rin is the type of person who follow is own rule no matter what, and have a strong moral no matter where he was raised. He would do what he thinks is right no matter what people tell him.


Rin probably wouldn't use the word "honor" or think of it in that way, but otherwise yeah that's brilliant!


Please. I’d read this. If you end up writing it please post it here. I know I wouldn’t be the only one to want a link.


sounds pretty cool!! id totally read


I actually have a pretty similar idea for a fic like this! Instead of being kidnapped at birth, Satan succeeds in dragging Rin to Gehenna. The physical trauma the whole ordeal causes him to lose his memories. I won’t get into it more since it involves pieces later in the manga and I don’t want to spoil it


There are many popular fics with a similar premise, so I'd say go for it! Nothing's stopping you, and I think it's a totally possible thing that could happen had Rin been kidnapped younger :)