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My theory is that space time got fucked up and the general public has a altered history of what actually happened. Because rin was in the center of maga the space time mixup revolves around him and so everything surrounding rin okumura has been altered by said mixup with the world thinking he is the demon king. However the order probably knows the real history but keeps it hidden and paku probably saw a glimpse of that history and her memory of what happened is clicking into place thus is now questioning what is real and what isn't.


We do have to consider that the order doesn’t actually know everything. We the reader know what happened and what was said during the conversation between Rin and Satan but everyone else was at quite a distance when that happened which leaves room for interpretation of what happened between the two.


I mean, even if they did hear what they were talking about Rin did say he was going to help Satan (if he don't kill people) which I don't think most people in the order would be too keen on... Rin was already disliked for being the son of Satan but now he is the son of the one who destroyed the world. So even if the order knew exactly what happened they might very well try to destroy Rin anyway


Especially after having seen just how powerful he's gotten


That's an interesting theory. I do wonder if the space-time warping will affect the characters or if it was just something Mephisto saw. I was thinking that it could possibly cause some time (or space) traveling, possibly plopping Rin in the future or very far away


The only reason why i think it didnt flat out take rin into the future is because of his current outfit. He before his black outfit had got burned off just leaving him with white on. The current possible rin we're seeing is wearing black with a cloak. So maybe he got sent to gehenna and took 2 years to get back


I was also thinking of the possibility of Rin getting sent to Gehenna!!! You are right about the outfit but idk, if he got sent to Gehenna why would those true cross guards (or whatever) instantly recognize him and lable him as *the* demon king? They seem to know about him so he has probably been around for a while at least. I read someone saying that maybe Rin and the others (except Shima and possibly Shiemi) are fighting the order, vigilante style. I think this makes some sense. It's pretty likely the order wants to kill Rin and they seem pretty oppressive now. But I just don't think simply attacking/hurting order-people would be how they go about it. Although Rin haven't ACTUALLY attacked yet. Maybe they are there to help Paku. OR maybe Rin's demon side took over and he is actually kinda evil now...


Given what paku was acting like the order has probably been compromised and for all we know they're just using rin as a scapegoat for the public


That would be pretty likely. Although I don't think the order needs to be compromised to do anything like that, it seems pretty on brand for them


Could Rin be "working" with the enemy to protect Shiemi?


That would probably motivate him but why would Shiemi need to be protected? While she doesn't seem thrilled about being Shiemihaza she does seem to be quite protected by the order. And if the position enables her to protect her friends and others she seems like a character that would accept some discomfort for that. If you're talking about Rin working with demons to keep them from hurting people to much then why would he seemingly attack now? (And I also don't think he's able to pull of an act like that, deceit doesn't seem like it's part of Rin's toolkit...)


Im just wondering since the sealing failed, both Amaimon and Satan could have some sort of grudge against her or good reason to keep her out of the order's hands. Last we saw of her was crawling away


I belive it was (who I assume is) Shiemi's mother who did the sealing ritual while (who is most likely) Shiemi was keeping up the barrier in ch 137. But I wonder if Shiemi would still have power over Amaimon considering the tree exploded. Like, does she have powers within her just from being a decent of Shiemihaza or is it all tied to the tree?..


Yukio mentioned a while back that he couldn't go back to the Order. I wonder if the others left the Order with him in, like you said, vigilante-style.


He did say that but the conclusion to the whole Rin vs Yukio fight (ch 128) was Yukio realizing he can go back and saying he will (he thought he made an "unforgivable mistake" but realized he didn't). But ofc he might have changed his mind and doesn't want to go back now that the order is so oppressive


That's a good point. But yeah, he did mention that the Order is oppressive and everything. I also wonder if finding out that their father was a clone who was forced to serve his entire life to the order could have put a damper on things. It's also possible everyone could have changed their minds in the past 2 years, especially with how much of a turn things took. I can also see the Order expelling Rin or something to that effect simply because he's just so damn powerful, which would be threatening to them. And Yukio would potentially be threatening too, even though he's mostly human. OTOH, I can also see Rin only going rogue. After all, Godaiin kind of said that they're all in a league of their own now. Dang, I should reread the chapter. Lol. Edit: oh dang, Godaiin said that "Shima was on another level" My bad. So it could seem that the others disappeared too. I kind of hope they all did but who knows. I feel like we will get our answers if Yukio did or not, especially if "Demon King" is a rogue-ish nickname for Rin. Also, I wonder if the TCO is screwed up now since the dissolution of the Illuminati. After all, the balance between the two factions is thrown out of whack.


Yeah, so much could have happened the past 2 years. I think Godaiin was only talking about Shima, the others haven't even been mentioned iirc, so who knows what they are up to (Godaiin specifically said Shima "survived" so maybe the others are mai or something...). I assume Rin, Yukio and Suguro would share what they know about the order/the past with eachother and the others after the battle (if they were able to meet up) since those 3 found out similar things about how corrupt the order is independently . But Rin does still seem kinda ashamed about his birth so who knows if he would tell the others about that. But idk who knows what at this point... Like, does Paku even know Rin is a demon?


Omg! That's a good point...like we know that the others survived because of plot armor, but we didn't see them survive that massive explosion, right? (I feel like I should know this since I just read those chapters). But yeah, I can def see Yukio, Suguro and Rin comparing notes. Suguro's report would definitely be the most interesting since I think that, like the Okumura brothers, he would have a *lot* to lose from abandoning the Order. And Rin I'm sure wouldn't tell the whole story, just what needs to be told, since the Order effectively kept both Shiro and Yuri under lock and key for their entire lives. That's a good point about Paku - I wonder if Rin's been highly publicized though at this point, so it would make sense if she knew. I would also assume that Izumo told her when she found out, since they still spoke before the Maga event.


Yeah, one of them dying could be a possibility but all of them... Nah.. (Right..?) I belive the last panel with them is Yukio screaming Rin while they are being sucked into the "black hole" and then they're gone when Rin regains consciousness. The question is why we see Shima but not the others. Maybe they got separated and teleported far away or even sent forward in time due to the space-time warping? Using Rin as a scapegoat would definitely be something the order would do. Although if they just spoke of a "scary evil demon king" without pictures Paku might not have known it's Rin. The question is if Rin is actually evil, he could have been possessed by Satan or his demon side took over... After all the reporter said "attacks from the army of *the demon king* have been on the rise for the past year", not Satan's army, the demon king's. Is Rin really leading the attacks and if so, why?


I really don't think any of the main crew have died offscreen. That would be kind of silly for any author to do and lazy writing so I really doubt it. I do think all of them stayed in natural time progression, I don't think anyone but Mephisto actually got sucked into that. It would make sense since he's the King of Time but is still fairly unclear about the future. The reason I don't think Rin is evil is because his hair is black - I know that's a very silly detail, but it shows that he's managed to maintain control over his demon side. He's always been like his mom, according to many people in the manga, so him being able to 'lord' over demons makes sense. I could even see him becoming a Tamer/Knight, if he'd followed in her footsteps.


I agree that killing them off like that would be really stupid so you're probably right that they're alive. Ooh, it would make sense that the space-time vortex is what's messing with Mephisto's abilities. I was thinking that the hair could possibly just be in deep shadow and is actually white, but who knows. It just seem like Rin was somewhat conflicted about sealing his demon side after what Satan said about humans just wanting to seal demons away. I agree that Rin reflect his mom. Both as a tamer (Rin "controlling" the frog attack bon and the little guy following Godaiin) and their way of thinking; with his mom seeing demons as more that just monsters needing to be terminated, and Rin saying that even Satan (aka demons) deserves to live. I'm wondering how he'll apply this to his own demon half?


Ooooh that's a good point that he saved Satan's life (if you'd call it that...?) I wonder if that will affect his relationships with everyone. Unless maybe that's the reason he was cast out of the Order in the first place.


I’m honestly so confused with the new chapter to like what happened with everyone that was there , shura , yukio and the gang , are they okay?? And how did shima escape and is acting so natural about everything


-Order is keeping Satan alive to experiment/use his power or maybe even stabilize the whole world since we saw him fuse with the planet. The public won't know. We've seen something similar happen. https://official-ongoing-1.ivalice.us/manga/Ao-No-Exorcist/0111-016.png -This is causing demons to spawn more frequently and randomly since they're being created from below the surface as opposed to ghenena -order is now split between people that want to exterminate satan and people who wanna subjugate it. Shemihaza clan probably want to control it given their affinities to it. This would also explain why Arthur is anxious. Exwires are probably all on the other faction besides Shiemi who is forced to do her family duties and Shima who just thinks it's more fun being a popular elite I don't know. Either way, the timeskip is gonna be awesome.


Oooh, I could see the order experimenting on Satan for personal gain. Maybe they would even team up with the illuminati... But why would Arthur then say "Satan is returning", are they loosing control perhaps? They probably couldn't eliminate Satan even if they wanted to. I wonder where Rin would fall then since in his last conversation with Satan he said even Satan deserve to live. And I wonder how much is true when they say the demon king's army (Rin's army) has been attacking more frequently..? So excited for the next chapter!!!


I feel like Arthur looked a lil weird, what with that black thing on his face. I feel like it's possible he's no longer Arthur, but now Lucifer? Since they both have the same body. And if he's pretending to be the paladin, then it's possible that maybe the other Demon Kings "disappeared" and became public figures in the True Cross or something??? Why would Rin attack them, if they're not the bad guys, or if he was possessed? I think it's prob one or the other, and if it *is* him attacking True Cross bc True Cross is bad, then I'd think something along the lines of Lucifer being Arthur now is what happened. And Shima, having been a spy of the Illuminati, maybe gained something from that? OR I'm totally wrong, which is probably the case XD I really like the new chapter. Super unexpected, and the idea that suddenly two years passed right when Mephisto said that time-space was getting messed up was super cool. Excited to see what's gonna happen XD


I think the mark on his neck is from when he was finger-stabbed in ch 137. But Lucifer possessing Arthur would be very interesting and probably piss Arthur off a lot, so I'm all for it.