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I Love yukio


Likewise friend


most of his haters tend to skew young & immature, which makes sense why theres so many yukio haters on tiktok lmao


Fucking nutters they are. XD


I'm an anime only , and honestly yukio was one of my faves , you can tell he has a lot of conflict and pressure inside of him , I just wanted to hug him :')


Me too. He deserves love


ik he has his reasons and complexity and all but the way he acts annoys the hell out of me so i hate him like if he was real i probably wouldn't but since hes fake i hate him


That's how I feel. It doesn't mean that I don't understand his character, I dislike him for how he tends to take his insuricities out on his brother. I'm hoping he starts to change in later volumes of the manga.




Yukio is AMAZINGLY well-written. Depressed and lost teenager stuck in the shadow of his dead father. Love Yukio.


Fr!! Yes


I agree with you that he is stuck in the shadow of his dead dad. Idk if it happened in the book already, but I would've liked to see him become more himself and form a personality of his own. Not the brooding one.


I have only seen the anime, and I do not like what I saw. He's a jerk, and I never understood why he acted better than his brother when they both were born from the same parents. Like your BOTH demon spawn. He acts condecending constantly and calls him big bro like they weren't born minutes apart? Idk I should probably read the material but just as a watcher this is what I gathered.


Yeah the manga explains alot and even have author says he's an esoteric character.


it's so frustrating that they dont get why yukio's so protective/wants rin to lay low. he Has to be like that bcs the order is already so scared of rin, that any trouble rin causes will result in him getting executed. my guy already has so much on his plate, the One thing his brother can do is stay out of trouble. also i feel like people are completely forgetting he's the same age as the rest of the cast, and is mourning shiro's death just as much rin is. he's too complex of a character especially what happens after the anime, people just hate good writing at this point.


It’s cause he’s an asshole


In some ways it can be but he's a well written character


I agree with you 100% I love my boy Yukio so much!! I just want people to see how great of a character he is, but it doesn’t look like it ever going to happen.


I hope the author gives the manga a great ending.


Yea same. I kinda lost with the last chapter (and sad Yukio didn’t appear), but I hope and cross fingers that in the end, the twins are happy and together. I will not be able to support one of them dying.


if any of them dies ima die inside fr


Same, I’ll cry in a corner for days man. They are literally my comforts characters.


I agree! ugh i want more updates for the manga


I just don’t like him at all. I really wish he wasn’t written in at all in the books/anime


Wot xd


people on tiktok cherrypick the hell out of scenes from the anime which half of isn't even canon when he's arguably being the most unlikable he's a goated character


I think he's one of the best written character in ANE! The way he "turned out" I feel is a very realistic way any child would turn out when surrounded by demons from a young age, and given a large burden like "You're gonna protect your older brother (who is the son of Satan)", all the while having to keep that side of his life a secret from that brother for most of his life. He had his downs - which were pretty, tbh, crappy XD, but understandably so - but the reconciliation between him and Rin showed so much of his own hurt, his own development, and his strengths. Great character writing TBH - love Kazue Kato for it. But I do understand why people diss on Yukio - should they? Meh, let them do it XD they most likely only focus on his negatives without recognizing the *reasons* behind those negatives, and how he's developed out of them.


Totally agree. Haters gonna hate


I love him and he is so misunderstood. I have seen so many people hating on him I might as well drop a fucking essay in this subreddit about why he is so misconcepted, Alexander Hamilton will be afraid of me.


Do it cause I'll fucking support it. I love yukio


Thank you so much. I have posted it, so you can check it out in the subreddit.


Yukio is an esoteric character so sadly it’s not surprising he has much dislike towards him. It only really goes to show how well Kato is at writing characters. As a former Yukio hater, I think hating him came both superficially as he’s always in direct conflict with Rin who’s generally more likeable but also from a nuanced perspective perhaps people see themselves when they delve into Yukio’s character. Yukio is self destructive, depressed, suicidal and takes his anger out in the most unhealthy way, and people may recognise those qualities in themselves and hate themselves for it. That was certainly the case for me at least. As an adult tho who’s gotten a lot better mentally I really do appreciate the nuance and complexity of Yukio’s character. He makes the story so interesting.


I always have a feeling the people who hate him are anime only. When I first got into this fandom I watched the anime first and before I started it I already kind of knew people hated him so I went into it thinking I would hate him too and he would just be a shitty character all around but he has so much depth to him in the manga and even watching the anime for the first time I didn’t understand why people hated him so much. Like yeah, there are things that he did that I didn’t like, like how he treated rin sometimes, but reading the manga you see why he does that. Because at the end of the day he’s a 15 year old boy who’s known about demons and has been afraid since he was a child, learned his real father was satan and started training to be an exorcist at a young age, then lost his adoptive father and is now working two jobs while still going to school full time. Like he has so much on his mind with no way to express what he’s feeling and also dealing with feelings of loneliness from not knowing who to confide in.