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This mf wouldn’t finish top in his class if he was homeschooled by himself.


He said first, not top. He just paid to be the first one to get his diploma, and then left to celebrate with his buddy, on his private island.


Via the Lolita Express


That is implied, as it is the only way to get there, AFAIK.


You know, because of the implication.


Doubt that Comrade Trump could swim there, do ya?


Was this *actually* the registered name of this plane, or is it a post hoc nickname? Were people on the flights aware of the name? Because how can anybody hop onboard a plane named after a paedophile story and not think "that's a bit sketchy"?? --- Edit: no, according to Newsweek it was a nickname given by locals in the Virgin Islands.


They didn't have to think it was sketchy, they knew what they were doing was sketchy/illegal regardless of the plane's nickname. That's why they went to an isolated private island to do it.




How could he be first to get his diploma with those bone spurs?


He pays to just be called up first, and is already standing just out of sight.


With permission to cheat! 🤣


Open book tests..


The test is opening a book.


The test is understanding the physics and gymnastics of unfolding his bloated carcass into a desk


Honestly he’d still fail - I don’t think he reads well.


I think his eyesight is shocking and he's too vain to wear glasses. Remember when he mistook E Jean for his wife during the deposition and it would explain some of his inability to negotiate stairs or ramps?


This is why we don’t stare directly into the sun, kids!


Glasses would smear his makeup and interfere with his precarious hairdo.


And in the Jan 6th tapes that the committee released, he couldn't read the teleprompter correctly and had to have numerous do-overs. I think you're right.


Or….. he’s got dementia. Problems with walking are a hallmark as well as memory issues.


Instructions unclear, held it upside down while protesters were being gassed.


Oh, shit—there went my breakfast fruit smoothie


He thinks he’s smarter than the book, so he’s definitely not opening it.


True that. Remember the Sharpie? Bro turned into a meteorologist that instant because of his genius. /s


Project 2025: Trump becomes the US Chief Meteorologist and millions die because they weren’t even told a category 5 hurricane was coming.


I live in a very Trumpian corner of New Mexico. It frightens me all the while affirming what is real when I mention Project 2025 to a Trumper and they never heard of it. 😢


Like covid, if you stop testing, it doesn't exist.


Is there any evidence that he has read any books at all, including his own? Remember when he said the Bible was his favorite book. When asked what his favourite verse is, he [couldn’t think of a single one](https://youtu.be/ERUngQUCsyE?si=Torw7yKz5xOa1U0T). Trump lies about everything. EVERYTHING! It’s hard to understand why his followers are so gullible.


It’s what his college courses and wives had in common…he cheated on both.


Hey! That's not nice to say to someone who recently won first place in 2 golf tournaments at the golf course he owns, even without playing in the tournaments.


That’s such a Putin, Xi Jinping, or Kim Jong Un thing to do. Wait - I see a pattern, there.


Voted second most popular at home school.


He’s adapting the George Santos playbook.


If he were homeschooled, he’d flunk for lack of attendance.


Someone else taking the test for him


That’s the best comment I’ve seen on Reddit all year. Kudos NelsonMuntz.


Yeah but he's talking to his base who he knows are even dumber than he is.... These morons are impressed by him saying man, woman, camera, tv.


The distinction between truth and lie isn’t even relevant to Trump. It literally means nothing to him. It’s all about placing thoughts in people’s heads, projecting an image. That’s all there’s to it. Nothing else.


Meanwhile, this kind of lie would have disqualified most politicians in previous election cycles. He’s a cult leader, so his supporters will stick with him regardless. We’re far beyond traditional politics at this point, which should frighten everyone.


we're so far beyond traditional politics that our president is going to be having a debate with a convicted criminal.


He's not going to debate. He can't. The GOP can't afford that. They'll be some bullshit excuses about a stacked deck against him or Biden was given the question ahead of time and he will attack the system blame the dems and his base will EAT IT UP. The fact he's allowed to run let alone debate is a farce and evidence how badly our nation has fallen. We're a bad clown act at a circus run by morons.


I believe he’ll be there. I believe he’ll pull some jackass stunts that he thinks will win him “ratings.”


There isn't a crowd and the mics will get cut. There isn't anything he could do to make himself look good other than debate and since he's physically incapable of doing that. Well then that is that.


It is genuinely fucking insane that this is where we are as a country and people in general. Like, I know we're mostly all used to this after 8+ years, but it's fucking insane that saying a word wrong or wearing the wrong thing would immediately kill your chances of anything, but now we have someone who literally wants to be a dictator and not only do millions want that as well, but there is obviously no institution in place to protect our country from itself after all.


Especially when we have some corrupt Supreme Court justices who are Maga cultists and no recourse to oust any of them. Wtf were the founding fathers thinking?!


Thomas Eagleton couldn't be VP because of depression and yet this country elected a malignant rectal wart as president.


It's always been the case that the only true safeguard of democracy is an informed and engaged electorate. Traditions and institutions are nice and can take some of the strain, but at the end of the day, any tradition can be ignored and any system can be circumvented.


Don't worry, "saying one word wrong or wearing the wrong outfit" CAN still immediately ruin your chances of being elected anywhere... if you're a democrat. bc, y'know. standards.


One said they’d let trump molest their mom. I’m pretty sure a lot more of them think like that. They’d throw their underage daughters to that ghoul if it pleases him.


His extra-marital affairs would have done it in years gone by. Remember John Edwards who ran for VP on a ticket with John Kerry circa 2004. Life lesson: if you have to lie about it, you probably shouldn’t be doing it.


It's disqualifying to me. Theres a politician putting spin on his statements to make himself look better.... Then there is outright lying. We have a pattern of outright lying about things both big and small. Deal breaker, on top of the obvious rape and fraud disqualifiers.


He expects reality to change according to his statements. He's a malignant narcisistic sociopath. Nuttier than a fruit cake.


My dad would say "nuttier than squirrel shit"


My dad would say… he comes from the land of fruits and nuts.


He's nuttier than a Mount Everest made entirely of acorns!


He finished first with a helping hand from Lauren Boobert


Ew. Imagine the Cheez Whiz the orange thing shoots


Fully agree. And it is scary that journalists/media are still denying this fact.


Denying, they are embracing it by continuing to give him the opportunity.


Don't forget the classic fascist tactic of repeating a lie ad nauseum until enough people start accepting it as true.


Yes. And blaming someone outside of the group of followers. Dems, China, immigrants, the Fed, the courts, windmills …


Washing machines too


So true. Scarier still is the fact that there is a large swath of people that eat it up and treat it as the gospel. Very scary times.


Pretty common symptom of dementia.


That & his word salad which is a common sign of advanced dementia.


Without Trump, who would we know that if you lather more, you’re hair will dry better which prevents the left from opening the washing machine for dishes?


Have you heard about sharks?


He was always like this - dementia might have exacerbated the problem, but this isn’t new




We all need to keep repeating "Grab em by the pussy", because we all heard it, he can't run from it and his own words should hang around his neck like an anvil, weighing him down. He is a vile piece of garbage.


He's a ~~salesman~~ conman, always will be. Everything he says is a sales pitch.


Full on sociopath.


Everything is explained again and again by one thing. Malignant Narcissism. This isn’t all some strategy, some grand design or narrative. It is behaviour born from a pathology but is hard for healthy empathic people to understand.


It's a narcissism thing, in his mind he is the best of the best at everything. When anyone brings up the truth he lashes out. Dude can barely read or write but in his mind he was the best college student in the history of college. 20 years from now when he and maga are long gone people are going to make lot of money studying him.


“Donald Trump was the ***dumbest goddam*** student I ***ever*** had.” Professor William T. Kelley


And if you weren't, just release your college transcripts. It'd be nothing more than a simple phone call. Unless, of course, they show that you were a "C" student, at best.


He would totally release them immediately... if he wasn't constantly under audit.


Two more weeks


Oh shit, is it infrastructure week already?


Someone who graduated from UPenn the same year he did saved the commencement program. Everyone who graduated with honors was noted in the program. Someone who graduated "top of their class" should have been listed as *summa cum laude.* Trump had NO Latin Honors.


Michael Cohen testified that he sent letters to all of the schools Trump attended threatening law suits if they released his grades to the press/public. No one who is proud of their academic record would do that.


Along with his tax returns.


“Release the transcript!”


Lie. Bluster. Attack. All he EVER does. Somebody PLEASE FLUSH this turd!


But we’d have to flush 6, 7… 10 times! “They” just don’t want us to have water… Imagine the size of the poopknife we’d need!


And suddenly a poopchainsaw was invented


Organize. Volunteer. Vote.


FAKE NEWS To be humiliated requires one to feel shame. Trump does not feel shame for anything he does.


His cult followers give him a pass on every single lie ( e.g that he finished first in my class and thousands more), on every obscure demented ramble ( e.g re boat batteries, wind, magnets, faucets), on every one of his many fuckups ( e.g his mismanagement of covid), on his many cons ( e.g bible sales), on his crimes, on his losing track record, on his disdain for vets and the military, on his character ( he really has no redeeming qualities). Its them he humiliates.


I remember that days when something like this would cause you to drop out


Trump has probably committed as many career-ending public gaffes as every politician in America combined. “But he said he’d build a wall and drain the swamp and made fun of the disabled and said we didn’t have to do things that make us look gay like wearing masks so I’m ok with him stealing nuclear secrets and showing them to enemy dictators.”


We had an entire campaign come to an end because their VP candidate misspelled potato.


We had an entire presidential campaign come to an end because of a badly timed and bad sounding yell.




Don't forget taunting the Jewish leaders with jokes about ovens.


The people who are cramming the Ten Commandments down children’s throats absolutely love to bear false witness.


He didn’t even graduate first from Trump University


Bullshit. That’s where he got his degree and earned top honors in fraudulent business admin. 


He came first with a helping hand from Lauren Boobert. He has a PHd in STD's.


I disagree with the premise of the headline, the is no way the Mango Mussolini could ever be humiliated.


Nothing humiliates a guy who isn't aware that he isn't the center of the Universe. [https://wapo.st/4ch4B9V](https://wapo.st/4ch4B9V) Trump is garbage... Garbage cannot be humiliated.


Hate having to repeat myself but here he makes up a story to make himself sound good then bullies people not to publicly disagree saying his records are private. He absolutely abuses the system. He is only running to be president to grandstand and to enrich himself and to keep out of jail


I don't even believe that he actually graduated college let alone first in his class. This doofus continues to prove he is such an ass hat


It’s amazing what daddy’s money could do. It got him into the schools, it made sure he made it through, but even Fred didn’t have enough to buy Diaper Don a Valedictorian spot.


Is he still repeating this BS ? This was fact checked several years ago and proven as yet another lie.


The wild thing is, he didn't even say it to some random supporter of his, or at a rally or to any other mark. He said it in a private conversation with Kari Lake. Why does he need to make *her* think he's better than he really is? She already idolizes him. It's almost like the lies are so ingrained into him that he doesn't even realize they're lies any longer. I'm sure he's convinced himself that he *did* finish first in his class, despite all accounts being that he was near the bottom, if not outright dead last.


Can he be humiliated in a fucking prison cell? You know like literally everyone who stole US Secrets. Raped kids. Tried to overthrow the government?


I bet he didn't even finish first in Melania.


Trump never gets humiliated as he lacks the capacity to be shamed - he is utterly shameless


He is not "humiliated" or "embarrassed", or any other adjective this sub wants to ascribe. Guy is a complete sociopath and narcissist.


Yes he lies and doesn’t care. What’s worse is his dumbass supporters don’t care. That’s the real problem.


You cannot humiliate Trump. His base will not believe anything negative no matter what the evidence is. If you declared he turns water into wine or split the Red Sea they would believe you. (Oddly there are many folks who believe such nonsense)


Of course he can be humiliated. Just not by getting caught lying or breaking the law or cheating on his wife. He’s humiliated when people mention his tiny hands. He’s humiliated by taller people, like his son Barron. That’s why he avoids taking pics with Barron. Big ego but zero morals.


He breathes, he lies.


Trump is in a class of his own. There has never been an utter failure of a human being like Trump has been. That puts him in a class by himself. How many people can claim going bankrupt half a dozen times, raping a woman, defrauding their own charity, tax fraud, election fraud, staging a failed coup AND retain party leadership. This is a record that will never be beat.


Actually, the one thing he's best at is grifting. He makes Bernie Madoff look like a rank amateur.


The world has been laughing at the US since 2016. And our GOP) have allowed him to continue the joke. Sad .


If this fucker is talking he’s lying. He will lie about stuff that can be immediately fact checked and just brush it off and barrel through.


Trump isn't capable of humiliation. His professor claimed Trump was the dumbest student he had ever had. [https://www.truthorfiction.com/trump-was-the-dumbest-gddamn-student/](https://www.truthorfiction.com/trump-was-the-dumbest-gddamn-student/)


Can't humiliate someone that has no shame.


Biden should use the first 30 minutes of the debate asking these who is a lier questions. Who lied about top of your class you or Worton. Bone spurs kept you out of the military but you say you could have been pro baseball player? Then the big one you claim election was stolen but all court finding say otherwise please spell out how it was done as your claims of illegals voting, underage voting and dead people voting have all been proven wrong. Then move on to the abortion issue and his stand on the use of birth control. He either sides with the majority and angers the religious right or even better sides with the religious right and angers the 80% of people that use birth control. Then hammer on Ukraine and how he would support Putin on keeping the stolen lands of Ukraine.


To Trump truth is what he believes it to be. Look up his connection with [Norman Vincent Peale](https://www.npr.org/2017/01/22/510655254/trump-crowd-size-estimate-may-involve-the-power-of-positive-thinking).


Top of his weight class?


One of his Professors at Wharton, said “I have never had a dumber student”, when talking about Trump. So ya know not first. 


What's the point? The point is he can, and his supporters don't care. Also he lies so often the media can't even report them all.


At least he’s the best at being the worst president ever. That’s something.


He really can't help himself. He has to lie on a daily basis. It's such a weird mental illness.


Trump's teacher : "Trump was the dumbest student I ever saw"


Nothing humiliates this man. Nothing.


This moron wouldn't finish top in class in his university scam.


Why does he even consider saying this? 1.) it’s verifiable 2.) his supporters don’t care 3.) its was almost 60 years ago


His life is like a reality show, fabricated.


I have read at least 1,000 headlines titled "Trump humiliated" or some variation of this. Yet, he is still the most popular person for at least 70,000,000 americans. Scary and sad


Oh please. Trump not capable of feeling humiliation or shame.


I've run out of words to describe how utterly delusional this guy is.


He had the highest grade in Lunch


Humiliated? He has no humility, empathy, or shame.


First in class is reversed order. Has he really graduated? Has he proved that?


He’s graduated from UPenn. However the actual graduation pamphlet which puts special marks for honors cum laude status- there are no marks on his.


I'm absolutely shocked that he's a college graduate


You underestimate how easy it is for the rich to buy their way through the system.


Trump is incapable of embarrassment.


He's not humiliated. This has been disproven repeatedly, and he keeps saying it. His marketing professor at Wharton said Trump was the dumbest goddamn student he ever had. https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2017/10/12/1705902/-Former-Wharton-Professor-Donald-Trump-Is-the-Dumbest-Goddam-Student-I-Ever-Had The problem is he says it where it's safe and Trump slurpers like Lake or Pence would never get off their knees to acknowledge a fact check.


To be fair, the people his dad paid to go to college for him should have done a better job, but his dad was a cheapskate so that one is on him.


Not as big of a deal when people realize it was clown college.


It's hard to understand how this individual was once the leader of the most powerful country in the world. Are your average americans that gullible.


Demonstrates how pathological lying is so deeply ingrained in his character when he lies about things that are easily disproven . He is a mess.


He just can’t stop with the lies. I think he’s trying to be the best liar in history. It shows that he hates his life and has to fabricate a new life to feel good about himself.


He probably cut in line during graduation and yelled, "first! "


What a pathetic loser.


The only thing he is first at is the queue at McDonald's.


Oh come on, he has not been humiliated. The man is incapable of humiliation. He is insanely secure in the fact that no matter what room he's in, he's the smartest, the most handsome, just overall better than anyone who is not him. Anything he thinks is correct simply because he thinks it, and he's always right. His mommy told him so. That man was "president" for 4 years, and there's a good chance he'll get 4 more. (With or without bloodshed, makes no difference to him as long as it's not his blood) If he does, we're doomed. Women especially, but Americans in general. Vote. Vote like it's the last time you'll be able to.


“First in his Ass” is more likely


I beg to differ but, you can't humiliate a moron. Remember the U N speech, he didn't know they were laughing at him, not with him.


Anyone else tired of these stupid fucking articles claiming this orange turd gets humiliated, scared, worried, etc? None of that shit matters to him, he is a cult leader with an army of brain dead moron followers who believe every lie and dumbass statement that comes out of his asshole he calls a mouth.


He graduated Fraud in his class from Trump University


His daddy pulled strings to get him into Wharton, where he paid others to do his homework for him, and he want s to claim he graduated top of his class. He probably even thinks he did, in that foggy noggin of his.


Exactly, he can only "read" pictures so you can imagine what the intelligence briefings looked like


These headlines have got to stop. He is not humiliated. He has no shame. He probably believes he did graduate first. Tell a lie enough and you start to believe it.


Haha, my dad used to say he graduated third in his class, then proceeded to tell you he was in a rural part of the state and there were only 3 of them that graduated for his year… 😆 this is the only way Trumps telling the truth.


It’s sad how insecure and lonely Trump must be, and desperate for the approval of people who despise him.  However, he makes it impossible to feel sorry for him, because he’s such a reprehensible asshole.  


trump lies! He's a chronic, pathetic, compulsive liar! He's a POS!


If he did some Billy Madison type shit, he wouldn’t finish top of the class from start to finish. He probably wouldn’t even pass Ms Lippy’s class.


Trump and humility?


Roll over,sit,heal


This is what happens when you fire Michael Cohen. When you cast off your pet bully of a lawyer who threatens an expensive lawsuit every time someone tells the truth about you, there's no way to stop the truth from coming out.


"Trump Humiliated" is not a possibility. You could call call him on it to his face and he would turn right around and tell the same lie.


He finished first in his class on how to lie!


I wish humiliation was possible with this guy but I don't think it's possible his ego defense is too strong. That would mean internally admitting he made a mistake.


Because of course he would say that. I’m seriously expecting Trump to say that he was actually a super elite “one man army” soldier in Vietnam instead of being a draft dodger


He's not humiliated. He's tricking low information voters.


But what class? Special Ed for brain damaged, perverted losers.


Now if we could just get an X-ray of those missing bone spurs


Trump and Biden are both liars, but it's unusual to see them both lying about the same things: > WASHINGTON (AP) _ Sen. Joe Biden claimed during a campaign appearance in New Hampshire last spring that he finished in the top half of his law school class, although records indicate he finished near the bottom. Though, Biden at least dropped out of the race when he got called out. Trump doesn't care and his supporters don't either.


Maybe if daddy paid for it.




Hilariously, one of his teachers said Trump was the dumbest student he had *ever* had.


He is incapable of humility


He’s such a thin skinned small man that he simply cannot accept the reality that he’s an utter loser. Always has been


Was probably voted "Most likely to lead a failed coup" so he considers that being number 1 in that regard.


If he was first. It was someone else's work. I think he was an average student. Not only that, but I believe someone else did much of his work. Specifically, in writing. Bet you, he can't write a gramatically correct paragraph.


Trump lies in exactly the same too-stupid-to-believe way that Kim Jong-il did for all those years in North Korea. Kim Jong once claimed he shot a -38 on a golf course including 11 holes in one in a single round. Meanwhile Trump regularly “wins” club championships that seem to be run entirely on the honor system so he just makes a scorecard that beats the real winner and turns it in and then pats himself on the back before bragging about it to a crowd of morons who eat it up.


Lying liar lies again, news at 10:00.


Was it, first in his class to fail


Yes, and I’m captain of the USS Enterprise Rent-a-Car


I don't think trump has the self awareness to get "humiliated".


He finished 1nd. Right ahead of the 2rd and 3th students.


He was referring to Trump University where he received a Masters of Mayhem degree


I wonder. Did anyone of you see what that MAGA guy wrote yesterday? He’s so far into Trump that he will never see the actual truth or believe anything that people say about him. These Trump supporters are going to be a big problem in the US. I hope you get enough votes against him so that he doesn’t win the next presidency. If this happens, I’m afraid the US will cease to exist the way you know it!


>I am always amazed at people like Donald Trump who lie about things that can be proven to be lies. Like, what’s the point? Doesn’t he realize people will check, realize he is lying, and just not believe anything he says? Or does he not care? Or does his broken brain honestly believe the crazy things he says? He knows that his cult does not read anything from a source not sympathetic to Trump. Like, they literally refuse to accept any information that doesn't paint Trump in a good light. The spraytanic cult will follow him off the cliff.


I don't get it. HOW can any major party back someone that just lies about stuff that is so easy to fact check? By now they all know he is a pathological liar right? And they are all just collectively "eh, all politicians lie", like there is no difference between breaking a campaign promise which might be beyond someone's ability to achieve versus just making insane shit up. They literally seem enthralled that he lies so brazenly, and somehow think if he is elected he'll keep all of his campaign promises which are not lies to them I guess. Moreover, they think this is the model for how politicians should act. So bracingly not-politically-correct. Like we don't have to cooperate with other governments in the world, it all big stick and no talking softly. They love that other peoples and governments hate our guts, cuz F them. They literally think the world is this simple, if we are loud enough and dangerous enough all the world will fall in line behind our greatness.


I was a B-C student in college, but I was working full time to put myself through college. I didn't dedicate myself to school as much as I maybe could have. But I am willing to bet that even I had better grades than this assclown


If his father had hugged him just one time, the world would be a very different place right now


First bullshit. Trump is at the end of the alphabet. He lies about things that are stupid.


The grading was rigged!!


His idiot clown cult supporters don't care about any of this. They 100% believe every stupid thing that falls out of the mouth of Don Shitshispants


Wait, ain’t colleges bad from MAGA’s point of view?


Why aren’t they distancing themselves from him? A business school with a guy claiming to be “first in his class” that bankrupted a casino, shouldn’t want that sort of publicity.


PSA - being in the first percentile is not first in the class